LOST: Destiny Found

I still hold my doubts on that.
Never seen Egyptian architecture like that temple before.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise you were the resident ****ing expert on Egyptian architecture.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realise you were the resident ****ing expert on Egyptian architecture.


I can understand why people want answers about a lot of the show's mythology, some but people's expectations are just stupid. Obviously a large group of ancient people (probably the Egyptians) built the temple and statue quite some time ago. Do you really have to have a flashback showing that? Do we need some one to come on screen and explain the exact function and name the staff of every single Dharma station for you?
The last episode will be a two hour long Dharma presentation explaining the history of the island. There'll be diagrams, graphs, cartoons and sped-up black and white film of people working.
I can understand why people want answers about a lot of the show's mythology, some but people's expectations are just stupid. Obviously a large group of ancient people (probably the Egyptians) built the temple and statue quite some time ago. Do you really have to have a flashback showing that? Do we need some one to come on screen and explain the exact function and name the staff of every single Dharma station for you?

The episode is not a flashback to show that. It's a flashback episode about Jacob and MIB as children, and how MIB becomes the Smoke Monster. It just happens to be the appropriate time to explain the temple and statue. It isn't like they're going out of the way for it.
Oh no, I'm very excited for that episode. I was just reflecting on how stupid the people are that need to have every aspect of the show completely explained to them.

I am glad that Lindelof and Cuse have not at all faltered in their stance regarding answers.

I do not want everything answered either. The nature of the Island, for example is something that has never, ever concerned me.

I watch for the characters; for Jack, Locke, Ben, Sayid etc. I care only for them.
could someone throw me a bone here, was there an episode that aired Tuesday?? cuz its not on abc.com

it would have been the 27th if I'm not mistaken, so did they take a week or so off??
could someone throw me a bone here, was there an episode that aired Tuesday?? cuz its not on abc.com

it would have been the 27th if I'm not mistaken, so did they take a week or so off??

There was no episode this week. Next episode is on May 4.
....ok I think Twwix has it right. still it'll be nice to wrap up the season soon.
I've never seen lost.

From what I've heard. Survivors get lost in an island, discovers secret base, builds a space ship, fly to a city, gets lost on an island again, shoots each other, discovers another secret base. gets lost in secret base, gets base in secret lock.

I would watch it but it seems like a redundant version of prison break. I mean prison broke.

Edit: I don't believe it. I made up about 99% of that crap, and pretty much all of them popped up on a quick google search. Either the show really sucks or I am a future prospect for shitty ideas.
I've never seen lost.

From what I've heard. Survivors get lost in an island, discovers secret base, builds a space ship, fly to a city, gets lost on an island again, shoots each other, discovers another secret base. gets lost in secret base, gets base in secret lock.

You just made my day. :LOL:
"secret lock" should probably be spelled "secret Locke", but other than that it's surprisingly accurate.
That spaceship story arc was awesome.
Thats the one where the unearth the reminds of the galactica?
I've never seen lost.

From what I've heard. Survivors get lost in an island, discovers secret base, builds a space ship, fly to a city, gets lost on an island again, shoots each other, discovers another secret base. gets lost in secret base, gets base in secret lock.

I would watch it but it seems like a redundant version of prison break. I mean prison broke.

Edit: I don't believe it. I made up about 99% of that crap, and pretty much all of them popped up on a quick google search. Either the show really sucks or I am a future prospect for shitty ideas.

u dum
Except the galactica was hurled into the sun...

So we think, it could have sling-shotted around the sun and landed on the island. and thus making most of the mass of the island. :eek:
While I was talking to Samon today about the Smoke Monster and his transformation from man into pillar of smoke, I had an interesting thought, that the Smoke Monster is Adam, of the Adam and Eve Skeletons. My reasons behind this are that:

1.) The Smoke Monster spoke of his body being taken from him.
2.) He also spoke to Sawyer about having had a loved one before.
3.) Lindelof and Cuse have said that the bodies are from someone we've seen from the beginning, and it would prove they weren't making things up as they went.
4.) The Smoke Monster actually lead the Oceanic survivors to the cave.
I'm pretty sure there are two smoke monsters. One = fake locke, the other one = the little kid that smokey is keep seeing.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong.


P. good theory, Yorick.
I'm actually inclined to think that the child Jacob is actually a projection from the Island itself.
No more promos?



If only they could have done this from the beginning. Or at least starting from season 2. Then again, I didn't start watching until like... the start of season 5.
Wow. After a couple of episodes of not-a-lot happening, well... everything just happened.

Somehow Sayid was talking so fast at the end, and I was so distracted by the fact that
the bomb was about to 'splode
that I didn't catch what he told Jack about
so if someone could post that (in spoilers of course), that'd be awesome...

[edit] Thanks Sheepo.

Also, this is pretty much the most obvious, lowest-level, least-mind-blowing speculation ever, but I'm willing to guess that at the end:
the alternate reality becomes the only real one, just because they'll probably want to save all their characters.
I think he told him where Desmond was, but I didn't catch all of it either really

So theories on Locke's unconscious rambling?
what an amazing episode, easily the best of the series. and did anybody hear the finale's being extended by :30?