LOST: Destiny Found

for a second

i thought the jin and sun reunion was going to be cut short by them getting to the fence just before it was turned off, and one of them fried. that would of been so cliche, but hey dynamite last week, more deaths soon...
haha yeah I actually made a Bzzz sound out loud. Bzol'd, if you will.
i think he's lying...how did he appear to Jack in the hospital....HOW!?


Pretty good episode, I think. It's always surprising after episodes where so little occurrs and so few characters have importance to see such huge episodes as this. Loving the hell out of Jack.
Uh, no, not at all. Erhm...

How about that Locke eh? What will he do next?
That scene with Locke has always creeped me out. He reminds me of a clown. A scary clown.

Pretty good episode, I think. It's always surprising after episodes where so little occurrs and so few characters have importance to see such huge episodes as this. Loving the hell out of Jack.

i was serious

and what smoke detector is Samon referring to?
Okay, admittedly a couple of the earlier seasons are a little hazy for me, but are you referring to flashbacks of Jack in the hospital and the real world with his father? Because that's his actual father.
In Season 4(?) he had visions of his father, which was one of the things that made him return. It may have been from his anti-crazy pills, because if Faux-Locke is telling the truth, that couldn't have been him.

let's replay this.

Christian appeared in the Cabin with Claire when Locke visited them (enough name dropping there?) the cabin is surrounded by ash THEREFORE that couldn't have been the smoke monster. Christian appeared to Michael on the boat twice or just once...either way that was waay far away from the island....across water...which Flocke said he cannot cross. Then he appears in America to Jack while Jack is at the hospital late one night.

Still waiting for Samon to tell me what smoke detector he's talking about which may explain why smoke monster could have been on the freighter. But I just think Flocke is lying about posing as Christian for those reasons.
Not to mention Claire appeared to Kate. Unless it was really just a dream.
And Charlie appeared to Hurley (along with several others), which I think is the big tip-off here. The "ghosts" on the island like Michael can spontaneously appear far away from the island, so it's possible most of those occurences were just brief glimpses when the other characters were able to see ghosts like Hurley. I don't really like that theory, but it explains most of it.

What outright doesn't work is Claire appearing to Kate since she's plain still alive... although she WAS dead for a brief moment since she was revived at the temple... I'm starting to like this theory now!
It makes more sense than your wacky plans to catch that road runner.
I had thought that those flashes were actually because of the Island itself, trying to get them to come back. It has been alluded to in many instances that the Island has a will of its own. If you remember back when Michael was off-island, he tried to kill himself and was told he wouldn't be able to, no matter what method he tried, because the Island wasn't finished with him, and wouldn't let him. When Christian appeared to him on the Freighter (which WAS in the vicinity of the Island) he told Michael "You can go now".
I had thought that those flashes were actually because of the Island itself, trying to get them to come back. It has been alluded to in many instances that the Island has a will of its own. If you remember back when Michael was off-island, he tried to kill himself and was told he wouldn't be able to, no matter what method he tried, because the Island wasn't finished with him, and wouldn't let him. When Christian appeared to him on the Freighter (which WAS in the vicinity of the Island) he told Michael "You can go now".

very true....i wonder if Michael USED to be a canidate and that's why he couldn't kill himself. but i don't remember Jacob every visiting him so i guess not.

and about Claire visiting Kate...Claire was saying "Don't you dare bring him back!" which makes sense if it was the Island telling her that because maybe Aaron is special to the island...or it was just a dream.
very true....i wonder if Michael USED to be a canidate and that's why he couldn't kill himself. but i don't remember Jacob every visiting him so i guess not.

I'm not sure that Jacob visited / touched all of the candidates. For instance, Daniel Faraday was a candidate and we never saw him meet Jacob. Ben Linus was also a candidate, and it's unlikely that he ever met Jacob either. Alternatively, he did, and it just isn't made a big deal of like with our Oceanic survivors.
I would think he touched them all. Of course, only those who were still Candidates by the end of Season 5 were shown to have had a meeting with Jacob.
I suppose you're right, though they weren't all still candidates then - Kate (for one) already had her name scrawled out.
Perhaps. Lindelof hinted that the cave MIB introduced to us in "The Substitute" may be intentionally misleading; that Jacob was, perhaps, trying to trick MIB.

Her name is not crossed out on the Lighthouse wheel. I would argue that the Lighthouse - Jacob's Lighthouse - would probably be more accurate than some cave MIB has access to.
I believe that Cuse said that Kate's name is supposed to be crossed out, but I cannot recall exactly.
An exotic and nerdy source has told me that not only is 6x15 a Jacob and MIB centric episode, but it features no other major characters, which means it is almost definitely a 100% origin episode like Ab Aterno. But this could be very super old news for all I know. Or my source could be a braindead babybutt, who really knows?
An exotic and nerdy source has told me that not only is 6x15 a Jacob and MIB centric episode, but it features no other major characters, which means it is almost definitely a 100% origin episode like Ab Aterno. But this could be very super old news for all I know. Or my source could be a braindead babybutt, who really knows?

Stupid taviow thinks he can knock my post off the page.
I assume that's because they want the show to end May 23, that's 05/23 (Locke/Jack).

So either a break now, or before the finale.

Show returns next week, May 04.
Lock is a genie and the losties are all in purgatory. Trust me. I have a source.
"there's no way to end the show where the fans aren't going to say, 'What did they mean by this?' Which is why we're not going to explain it.""

That's as straight forward as they're going to get.
"there's no way to end the show where the fans aren't going to say, 'What did they mean by this?' Which is why we're not going to explain it.""

That's as straight forward as they're going to get.

If you want explanations on why an Island that seemingly has a will of its own can move through space and time then I think you might be watching the wrong show. It's always been a combination of mystery and science fiction, and I for one don't want answers to every little thing.

Apparently in Across the Sea we are supposed to learn who built the temple / statue (which is just obviously the goddamn Egyptians and needs no explanation) and we're also going to learn about the frozen donkey wheel, and how MIB became a smoke monster.

I'm also willing to bet that we find out why the alt exists and we're already seeing a connection between them. We've also been promised it'll be revealed who Adam and Eve are.

So, what is it exactly that you're worried they won't explain? The numbers? This has always been a show that people have talked about, and its legacy is going to be that it doesn't wrap up properly. It has flourished because it's a show that forces people to come up with their own theories and ideas about what's happening. It would be a slap in the face to the entire audience if they ruined that.
I've always been curious as to the origins of the temple and statue.

The temple doesn't seem Egyptian though, more Aztec or Mayan than anything... so that's curious.
Apparently in Across the Sea we are supposed to learn who built the temple / statue (which is just obviously the goddamn Egyptians and needs no explanation) and we're also going to learn about the frozen donkey wheel, and how MIB became a smoke monster.

I'm also willing to bet that we find out why the alt exists and we're already seeing a connection between them. We've also been promised it'll be revealed who Adam and Eve are.

Well if they explain all that, it would be enough for me. However, yes I would prefer it if they explained absolutely EVERYTHING. Mystery is fine to a point, after that it becomes annoying.
I've always been curious as to the origins of the temple and statue.

The temple doesn't seem Egyptian though, more Aztec or Mayan than anything... so that's curious.

The Statue is an Egyptian God, and when Ben went underneath the temple / temple wall in Season 5 there were clear hieroglyphics of the Smoke Monster with Anubis. It's Egyptian.