LOST: Destiny Found

Right the island just is what it is. We don't need to know eventhough the entire basis of the show was the island. All we need to know is it allowed dead people to walk, that if the light went out everyone would die, etc, etc, etc. But we don't need to know why.

And anyone that has a problem with this story line never being explained is retarded.

Thanks for your brilliant explaination, all us chubby/geeky idiots need to just shut up.
I dont know how to reply to such a retarded post.

edit: nvm yes i do.

The show wasnt about the island it was about the characters.

I'm not sure I'd exactly consider her a "reliable source".

I actually love that about that scene if only because someone must have told her the same thing, and who knows who told the person before that what the light was. Makes you wonder how many protectors had the job before she did.

Also im gonna do a big post answering every question anyone might have ever, and if you disagree you are probably wrong.
Right, the show wasn't about the island at all. You sir are a genius, we are all mental retards.
It was about people on the island so yea I am right, but I wouldn't call myself a genius because it doesn't really take any brains to figure out the show was about the characters especially when the writers have said its about the characters and oh wait haha im actually writing a reply to that.
Also im gonna do a big post answering every question anyone might have ever, and if you disagree you are probably wrong.


I suggest that you post that at imdb forum instead. They will embrace your "logic" there.
You're both being idiots.

My feelings on it are that the questions we don't have answers to, about the island's mythical powers (Want to talk about not getting answers, how about the fact that it HAS A GODDAMNED WILL OF ITS OWN THAT'S NEVER ADDRESSED), are there because we'll never know everything. We never can know everything. There are a lot of things in life that we'll never understand, and sure there's something to be said for a search for greater meaning, and there's an endearing appeal in that there are things larger than us, but it's up to us to decide what that means, and how it will affect our lives. The people we spend our lives with and the connections that we develop are what really make our lives worth living, no matter how bleak things can be.
You're both being idiots.

My feelings on it are that the questions we don't have answers to, about the island's mythical powers (Want to talk about not getting answers, how about the fact that it HAS A GODDAMNED WILL OF ITS OWN THAT'S NEVER ADDRESSED), are there because we'll never know everything. We never can know everything. There are a lot of things in life that we'll never understand, and sure there's something to be said for a search for greater meaning, and there's an endearing appeal in that there are things larger than us, but it's up to us to decide what that means, and how it will affect our lives. The people we spend our lives with and the connections that we develop are what really make our lives worth living, no matter how bleak things can be.

but WHHHYYYYY!????!!!??!!

haha you see what I did there
You're both being idiots.

My feelings on it are that the questions we don't have answers to, about the island's mythical powers (Want to talk about not getting answers, how about the fact that it HAS A GODDAMNED WILL OF ITS OWN THAT'S NEVER ADDRESSED), are there because we'll never know everything. We never can know everything. There are a lot of things in life that we'll never understand, and sure there's something to be said for a search for greater meaning, and there's an endearing appeal in that there are things larger than us, but it's up to us to decide what that means, and how it will affect our lives. The people we spend our lives with and the connections that we develop are what really make our lives worth living, no matter how bleak things can be.

That's fine. But in the end the biggest mystery that they had 6 years to work on was never explained outside of "Some crazy lady says this will happen, so don't let it happen".

Nobody is saying they should have addressed every little detail that was left open over a 6 year period. But what the island is isn't some minor detail, it's the entire ****ing point of the show.
Nobody is saying they should have addressed every little detail that was left open over a 6 year period. But what the island is isn't some minor detail, it's the entire ****ing point of the show.

But I don't think it matters. It was even touched on early in the show, with things like pushing the button to save the world, and not knowing what could happen. Maybe all that would have happened is the island would have sank, and who cares. Maybe it really is the light of the world. But it's open completely to interpretation, because that's how the show was intended to be. In 6 seasons we saw Jack Shephard go from being a man of science to a man of faith, and it's up to the viewers to decide, as they take that journey with him, what they believe in.
But what the island is isn't some minor detail, it's the entire ****ing point of the show.

Except it wasn't.

Im not saying the island was some minor detail that should be completely ignored, of course the island is a pretty big ****ing deal, but what you fail to understand here is that this show was about the characters on said island and how they reacted and dealt with all the supernatural shit that comes with said Island.

I also honestly believe that no matter what explanation that may have given you for the island you wouldn't have been satisfied either way so :p

In 6 seasons we saw Jack Shephard go from being a man of science to a man of faith, and it's up to the viewers to decide, as they take that journey with him, what they believe in.

Yorick stop being so ****ing fast jesus christ, but yes this exactly. We weren't following the Islands Journey.
You're both being idiots.

My feelings on it are that the questions we don't have answers to, about the island's mythical powers (Want to talk about not getting answers, how about the fact that it HAS A GODDAMNED WILL OF ITS OWN THAT'S NEVER ADDRESSED), are there because we'll never know everything. We never can know everything. There are a lot of things in life that we'll never understand, and sure there's something to be said for a search for greater meaning, and there's an endearing appeal in that there are things larger than us, but it's up to us to decide what that means, and how it will affect our lives. The people we spend our lives with and the connections that we develop are what really make our lives worth living, no matter how bleak things can be.

deep...you should be a writer for an ABC sitcom.
Unrelated to the current conversation, but I really loved the scenes during the credits of the Oceanic Wreckage. Just like the countless ruins on the island, the wreckage of Flight 815 was now part of the Islands History, left there for whoever comes across it in the future.
But I don't think it matters. It was even touched on early in the show, with things like pushing the button to save the world, and not knowing what could happen. Maybe all that would have happened is the island would have sank, and who cares. Maybe it really is the light of the world. But it's open completely to interpretation, because that's how the show was intended to be. In 6 seasons we saw Jack Shephard go from being a man of science to a man of faith, and it's up to the viewers to decide, as they take that journey with him, what they believe in.

But again, that's a cop out to say 6 years later the island didn't matter, it was all about the people when the people were motivated by trying to figure out what the island was.

Most of the people that watched the show watched it for the mystery around the island. Most of the marketing I've seen for LOST was based around the island. And now to come out and say all that didn't matter and the only thing that did is the transformation of the characters is total bullcrap in my opinion.
But again, that's a cop out to say 6 years later the island didn't matter, it was all about the people when the people were motivated by trying to figure out what the island was.

Jack spent 3 seasons not caring what the island was and just wanted to get the **** off so maybe you were watching another show???

The only person who had any legitimate interest in the island what it was for the first 3 seasons was John Locke, and even when the island VANISHED before everyone's eyes in season 4 they still wouldn't listen to Locke when he asked them to come back. They literally did not care. Thats some motivation!
Unrelated to the current conversation, but I really loved the scenes during the credits of the Oceanic Wreckage. Just like the countless ruins on the island, the wreckage of Flight 815 was now part of the Islands History, left there for whoever comes across it in the future.

Except you didn't really know what that wreckage meant because it had absolutely nothing to do with anything. It was another thing they just threw in at the end so people like you could come in here and say that the point is for you to make up your own mind about what that wreckage was, and if you don't want to do that you are retarded. Amirite?
Jack spent 3 seasons not caring what the island was and just wanted to get the **** off so maybe you were watching another show???

The only person who had any legitimate interest in the island what it was for the first 3 seasons was John Locke, and even when the island VANISHED before everyone's eyes in season 4 they still wouldn't listen to Locke when he asked them to come back. They literally did not care. Thats some motivation!

What does that have to do with anything? The fact that Jack didn't understand the island for 3 seasons means the island is irrelevant? Eventhough he did try to understand it the last few seasons?
But again, that's a cop out to say 6 years later the island didn't matter, it was all about the people when the people were motivated by trying to figure out what the island was.

Who says the Island didn't matter? Hugo and Ben spent the rest of their lives there, protecting it and running it in a better way. Jack was willing to die for it.

Most of the people that watched the show watched it for the mystery around the island. Most of the marketing I've seen for LOST was based around the island. And now to come out and say all that didn't matter and the only thing that did is the transformation of the characters is total bullcrap in my opinion.

Maybe you should have actually watched the show instead of just the advertisements.
Except you didn't really know what that wreckage meant because it had absolutely nothing to do with anything. It was another thing they just threw in at the end so people like you could come in here and say that the point is for you to make up your own mind about what that wreckage was, and if you don't want to do that you are retarded. Amirite?

You're kidding right? You thought that it had nothing to do with anything. What show were you watching?
Who says the Island didn't matter? Hugo and Ben spent the rest of their lives there, protecting it and running it in a better way. Jack was willing to die for it.
But you don't know why Jack had to die. You don't know what it is Hugo and Ben were protecting.

Maybe you should have actually watched the show instead of just the advertisements.

You're kidding right? You thought that it had nothing to do with anything. What show were you watching?

So you tell me mr. rocket scientist. What did the wreckage mean?

The answer is whatever the hell you want it to mean. Which is exactly my point.
But you don't know why Jack had to die. You don't know what it is Hugo and Ben were protecting.


Jack died because he chose to.

Hugo and Ben are protecting the light. Like all the other protectors. You're trying really hard here and its really bad.

So you tell me mr. rocket scientist. What did the wreckage mean?

Except you didn't read my post. I never talked about the what the wreckage meant, I talked about what it WAS. I'll say again, like the countless ruins on the island (the statue, the temple, the wells) the wreckage is now relics of people who used to inhabit the island. It's now a part of the Islands History. You are trying way too hard.
Jack died because he chose to.

Hugo and Ben are protecting the light. Like all the other protectors. You're trying really hard here and its really bad.

Jesus ****ing christ. yes, they were protecting the light. Why were they protecting the light? because some lady told some guy who later told them to? That doesn't sound ****ing retarded to you? We know nothing about the light, just that it exists. And the light seems to be the entire point of the island. So for you to say why the light exists doesn't matter is saying the island doesn't matter. Which is pretty absurd considering the entire show was based around the island.

How do you know they had to protect it? Maybe they should have just let it sink? That's a pretty damn big what if to leave out there 6 years later, no?
You must have not watched the show at all. Jacob did not have a choice in whether or not he was going to protect the island. His mother pretty much forced it upon him. That is why Jack's character arc is so ****ing important, because he didn't know what the light is either but what mattered was that he BELIEVED it was important to protect it. That's why Jacob was so intent on someone CHOOSING to protect the island instead of him just picking a replacement. Seriously, what show were you watching?

The why wasn't important. It was simply Jack becoming a Man of Faith. If you can't grasp this simple ****ing concept then I just dont know anymore.
You must have not watched the show at all. Jacob did not have a choice in whether or not he was going to protect the island. His mother pretty much forced it upon him. That is why Jack's character arc is so ****ing important, because he didn't know what the light is either but what mattered was that he BELIEVED it was important to protect it. That's why Jacob was so intent on someone CHOOSING to protect the island instead of him just picking a replacement. Seriously, what show were you watching?
No, you are right, I didn't watch the show at all. :rolleyes: Anyone ever tell you that you are a total dick? was that always the case?

The point again is we have no clue wether Jack was right. We don't know what would have happened if the light went out. So for all we know what Jacob and his "mother" (she was not his mother) were doing was a total waste of time. Again, that's a pretty big what if to leave out there when you had 6 ****ing years to explain it.

The why wasn't important. It was simply Jack becoming a Man of Faith. If you can't grasp this simple ****ing concept then I just dont know anymore.

I understand that, it's the easiest thing in the world to understand (congratulations). But for you to pretend that this is the one thing 6 years of this show was about is totally absurd. The other large part of the story was the island itself. And that story turned out to be a total waste of time as it was never explained.
Well when he pulled out the cork the island literally started collapsing it looked like all hell was breaking loose and well I think jack was right but I dont know maybe you were watching the super secret finale where they pulled the cork out and the island started farting rainbows and cupcakes. But your post just shows once again that you missed the entire ****ing point. We dont know what the light is, the important part was that Jack BELIEVED it was important. This was Jack's story. It began with him and ended with him. You're just mad you didn't get answers to something that doesn't matter. Seriously one of the most important themes on this show has always been FAITH, and you're sitting here going "WELL THEY DIDNT KNOW WHY THEY HAD TO PROTECT IT THATS STUPID"
The island itself started collapsing. So what? We were led to believe that if the island got destroyed the entire world would be destroyed. But it was never explained why.
Once again you are complaining about characters believing in something in a show where the single most important character goes from a man of science to a man of faith. This is what you're doing. The why is not important. When you realize this, you will realize that you are wrong and maybe you too will become a man of faith and then maybe you will be able to move on~~
The mysteries are important and keep you entertained, but this show has and always was about the people on it. Everyone associated with the show said it was about the people. The mysteries are important so you can see how the people react and adapt to them. How they grow and face different situations. The show would not have worked without the people or the mysteries, they worked together in a perfect way.\

Sorry... but uhh... they made the "people" of Jacob and Man In Black as uninteresting as humanly possible. They totally ruined the mystique of Jacob and the Man In Black in my opinion. They took two incredibly interesting potential character development plot lines and shit all over them in my opinion.

You must have not watched the show at all. Jacob did not have a choice in whether or not he was going to protect the island. His mother pretty much forced it upon him. That is why Jack's character arc is so ****ing important, because he didn't know what the light is either but what mattered was that he BELIEVED it was important to protect it. That's why Jacob was so intent on someone CHOOSING to protect the island instead of him just picking a replacement. Seriously, what show were you watching?

The why wasn't important. It was simply Jack becoming a Man of Faith. If you can't grasp this simple ****ing concept then I just dont know anymore.

Sure he had a choice... he was just a stupid kid and made the stupid choice in my opinion.

The whole "Light" thing... all it turned out to be is another button. Push the button. When your time is over, you get somebody else to push the button. Why? To save the world... why does it save the world? You don't know... you just push the button.

That's all the light is... pushing the button. Nobody knows more about it than the last person.
I kind of like what they did with Jacob, just that he was just another dude lined up for the job as protector, he really didn't know anything about the island itself. I would have liked a bit more characterization on MiB though, because yeah we got his motive of just wanting to leave the island, but when he became smokey it seemed to be a bit more sinister and I felt they kind of missed an oppurtunity there.

Sure he had a choice... he was just a stupid kid and made the stupid choice in my opinion.

The whole "Light" thing... all it turned out to be is another button. Push the button. When your time is over, you get somebody else to push the button. Why? To save the world... why does it save the world? You don't know... you just push the button.

That's all the light is... pushing the button. Nobody knows more about it than the last person.

As far as having a choice I dunno. Jacobs Fakemom kind of brought him to the light and said "This is happening right now, you gotta do it because im your mother and I said so." I mean he COULDVE said no but he wasn't going too.

But as far as the Light being just another button. Well yeah thats exactly right. Its all about faith.
The why is not important.

Maybe to you, but for anyone who had interest in this show outside the realm of religious/magical circumstances the why was the most important aspect of the show, one which was never answered. I don't recall spending too much time debating theories about Jack's faith. I remember discussing what the island was, where it was, why it was being protected....these were the reasons lost was interesting to me.

Jack's evolution of a character into this man of faith is a very quaint and wholesome aspect of the show but it's not what I found interesting.
I kind of like what they did with Jacob, just that he was just another dude lined up for the job as protector, he really didn't know anything about the island itself. I would have liked a bit more characterization on MiB though, because yeah we got his motive of just wanting to leave the island, but when he became smokey it seemed to be a bit more sinister and I felt they kind of missed an oppurtunity there.

He was just pushing the button.

The whole Man In Black thing... we got the impression it was some sort of ancient evil... but it wasn't. If it was some sort of Cerberus creature like the Hatch writings made us believe, wanting to abandon his watchdog duties without care of hell spilling out into the world, it would have been infinitely more interesting than some dumb kid who became an adult who turned into smoke who wanted to leave the island because he's never seen anything beyond it.
Then take that up with the rest of season 6 and not the finale because I really don't see any other way they could have ended it without the finale becoming a retarded information dump that people would still complain about.

The whole Man In Black thing... we got the impression it was some sort of ancient evil... but it wasn't. If it was some sort of Cerberus creature like the Hatch writings made us believe, wanting to abandon his watchdog duties without care of hell spilling out into the world, it would have been infinitely more interesting than some dumb kid who became an adult who turned into smoke who wanted to leave the island because he's never seen anything beyond it.

Like I said before, I think before he became the smoke monster, leaving the island wouldnt have been that big of a deal, but I think once he became the smoke monster, he actually embodied part of the evil that the island was purposely keeping corked up. Whether he realized this or not is another story, but now it was actually important that he didn't get out ever. I mean its shown through out season 5 and 6 that he has the ability to corrupt people pretty quickly and get him on their side.
Then take that up with the rest of season 6 and not the finale because I really don't see any other way they could have ended it without the finale becoming a retarded information dump that people would still complain about.

I do... I blame every episode starting from the finale of season 5, since that episode lead me to question the interestingness of Jacob's character... and I had hoped they would make him more interesting than that... but they actually made him worse.
That wasn't directed at you but thats fine. I can completely understand if people were disappointed with the episodes leading up to the finale, but I think its completely unfair to call the finale a cop out.
No ****ing way is it anywhere near BSG's terrible ending.

NO. ****ING. WAY.

You have just lost any and all respect I might have had for you, hotnumbers.
That wasn't directed at you but thats fine. I can completely understand if people were disappointed with the episodes leading up to the finale, but I think its completely unfair to call the finale a cop out.

Fine, my apologies, I didn't know this is the argument we were having.

You are totally right, the entire season was a cop out, not just the ending. I think people like me were hanging on to hope that somehow it would all be explained in the finale.