LOST: Destiny Found

BSG's ending was better.

Lol battlestar galactica. People actually watched that?
I was thinking a lot about the finale at work today. At first I was angry that it was purgatory but I said to my self that I trust the writers and they have never failed me if I just think because the answers are all in the show already.

  1. The island was at one point an island. It's underwater now making me think when the plug was pulled, it did sink the island.
  2. Scientology is another religion represented. Souls being saved with a plane and a volcano.
  3. The amount of time on island vs the time off is considerable. When they all came back to the island MANY years probably passed by. Some people died of old age such as Widmore. Kates mom died of cancer. Claires mom never got out of the coma. Jacks mom died as a lonely widow.
  4. I fully expected Jack to be in that coffin but that wouldn't make sense as he was already buried with a sea burial along with most of the gang.
  5. Hurley doing the numbers so the French team can pick it up and outrigger boat thing IS weird. I have no clue how they can figure that stuff out.


I really can't watch it again because I cry. :( Yet Christian says that everybody in the church died. Some of them before you and some long after. He mentions "the most important time in your life was on that island. That's why you are here." So by saying that people such as Ben and Michael need to wait a little longer to redeem themselves. I also like all religions were represented in the church. The whole last 15min though is one of the best written scripts I can think of with every word picked perfectly. Jack just has to give up and realize he is dead the same way Bruce Willis did in the great film (I thought) "The Sixth Sense":

A lot of people made fun of the film saying they knew it from the start (I didn't) and made fun of that Osmond kid. Film was really good and at times scary. Probably the only Shamalaniegjdfg film I like to boot. LOST just steps it up another level though.


It's not as good as the final battle between Neo and Agent Smith but looked like it in some ways:
Hool I cant tell if you're talking about the alternate time line being purgatory or the entire thing being purgatory. If its the latter you might need to rewatch that christian scene.

Also someone on another site made an interesting theory that these two lights are one in the same:


that would be a pretty good reason to protect the light. If it goes out NO HAPPY ENDINGS FOR ANYONE :(
Why did Jack and the MiB become vulnerable(killable) after pulling out the stone in the light cave?

How come Jacob got magical powers to heal (When Locke fell out of the building etc) and make people not age, but Jack didnt get the same powers when he became the protector? He could of healed Kate and even himself when he was stabbed.

How could Jacob leave the island to visit the candidates if no one else could leave? Also, why couldnt Jack leave when he became the protector?

Why does electromagnetic energy relate to time-space fabric?

Who built all that stuff in the light cave?

Wtf was the horse that Kate saw?

What was that big bird?

How did the U.S. Army find the Island?

These go on and on and on, all you have to do is look at the bottom of every lostpedia.org article in the "unanswered questions" section.

But most importantly, why didnt Hurley lose weight?
i hate u people

Why did Jack and the MiB become vulnerable(killable) after pulling out the stone in the light cave?

The light seems to be the source of the islands power, and as a result the light going out probably means any powers Jack or MiB had, also go out.

How come Jacob got magical powers to heal (When Locke fell out of the building etc) and make people not age, but Jack didnt get the same powers when he became the protector? He could of healed Kate and even himself when he was stabbed.

Jack just got the job, Jacob had quite a bit of time to figure out the cool tricks that come with being Protector of the Island. Also he wouldn't have been able to heal himself when he was stabbed as him and MiB were powerless.

How could Jacob leave the island to visit the candidates if no one else could leave? Also, why couldnt Jack leave when he became the protector?

Jacob made the rules of this game. Jack had no reason for leaving he decided it was "save the island" time.

Why does electromagnetic energy relate to time-space fabric?

It doesn't thats just TV show science they use to explain things to the audience.

Who built all that stuff in the light cave?

The first people to discover the island? Who knows? Its not that important.

Wtf was the horse that Kate saw?

People see visions on the island all the time. She saw a horse from her past.

What was that big bird?

a hurley bird :D

How did the U.S. Army find the Island?

Its been shown that you don't neccesarily have to be brought there by jacob to find the island. They probably just happened to be in the right place at the right time and bam island.

But most importantly, why didnt Hurley lose weight?

That would have made for some really weird flash backs.

But that would mean the light in the ending needs to be protected too.

Except if its one in the same then Jack left Hurley to protect it and eventually Hurley chose someone else to protect it, do you just see my posts and hit the reply button as quick as you can or what
Why did Jack and the MiB become vulnerable(killable) after pulling out the stone in the light cave?
The special properties of the island went out along with the light. Maybe the gates of heaven closed temporarily as well.
How come Jacob got magical powers to heal (When Locke fell out of the building etc) and make people not age, but Jack didnt get the same powers when he became the protector? He could of healed Kate and even himself when he was stabbed.
He couldn't heal himself as he was too badly wounded like Jacob and I don't think he quite knew how to heal people like Jacob. Needs more protector of the island rookie training
How could Jacob leave the island to visit the candidates if no one else could leave? Also, why couldnt Jack leave when he became the protector?
I'm not sure how Jacob could leave but as for Jack, would you honestly leave an island with your friends on it with a smoke monster about? Plus it wanted to escape to ruin the world.
Why does electromagnetic energy relate to time-space fabric?
Large Hadron Collider.
Who built all that stuff in the light cave?
I am assuming people far before Jacobs fake mom was there. Maybe the original inhabitants. Some people obviously failed and couldn't keep their hands off the light as evidenced by the skeletons.
Wtf was the horse that Kate saw?
The smoke monster OR it could have been a horse that patchy had that got loose.
What was that big bird?
A really big bird that is the last of it's kind. Somebody mentioned in a podcast that Hurley trained it to say "Hurley" in the DHARMA time zone and the producers liked that idea and accepted that explanation.
How did the U.S. Army find the Island?
Jacob had given them coordinates (probably) and by means of "The Lamp post" station off-island.
These go on and on and on, all you have to do is look at the bottom of every lostpedia.org article in the "unanswered questions" section.
But most importantly, why didn't Hurley lose weight?
Either like I said, they all died when the plane crashed so he never lost weight. Or the island made him stay the same like Alpert.
Oh wait a second, so does this mean that when Jack died, at that moment, the whole purgatory thing started? How would the island be underwater though? I'm still a little confused.
Like Christian said, where they were "time didn't matter" regardless of when any of them had died, they were all going to be there at the same time.

The island being underwater thing really was just the writers throwing us off and to have a cool opening scene in the premiere.
What im not even joking. This is coming from someone who has been defending the finale for the past like 5 pages. It was just to throw us off. Really. That was it. The island being underwater in their little "Purgatory" was just part of that world. Had no bearing on the real world.
What im not even joking. This is coming from someone who has been defending the finale for the past like 5 pages. It was just to throw us off. Really. That was it. The island being underwater in their little "Purgatory" was just part of that world. Had no bearing on the real world.

Shit I think your right....and the finale is even more sad now that I realize it. ;(
I thought it was alright, and I they did the best they could to wrap it up considering the situation they had put themselves in by season 6. However, one thing in particular has bothered me. People went to the alternative reality no matter when or how they died. So exactly what was the point of everything they did on the island? If all of them had died at the end of season 1, they all would've gone to purgatory anyway, and been just as happy. Sure, Sawyer, Kate etc. went off on the plane and probably lived 50 years or so together after that, but they all ended up in the same spot regardless. So the island and everything surrounding it suddenly feel pretty pointless.
Shut the **** up Adrik.

It was a giant cockslap in the face for anyone who ever watched an episode of lost. There was nothing genius about it. The writers of lost deserve nothing of the praise they have gotten. Oh look! They knew each other off the Island! **** you.

Also where was Echo in the sideflash? And if they got there at the same time no matter where they died, there is no reason for Walt not being there. So **** that too.
And **** the Island at the bottom of the ocean. And all the info given to us from Ben. Oh he lied again. Great.
And the light? The finale wasn't the only cop out this season. And MiB building a wheel there? **** you. This was supposed to be a mystery show. Not ****ing days of our lives "who will kate ****" edition.
**** you stop insulting us saying we are confused. I get it, they died whenever they died and went to heaven together.

Look at Fringe. It's what Lost should have been. Abrams knew this. It's mysterious, but it gives good explanations set in it's own universe. I never watched lost to have a realistic explanation about everything that happend, but they built the series on mysteries that people have spent 6 years trying to figure out. And so many things they either gave unsatisfactory explanations or just left us hanging.

What was the point of the ****ing island? It's light and keeping the evils of the world locked inside? Seriously, this is not okay.
What's the matter? Too deep for you?

No, it was just very lack luster for me, sure I know its lost, buuuutttt.... meh, the show cut my heart out for it with the jacob & MIB origin story.

Feel'd like Heroes to me, in terms of wrapping up a story, sure its was a hell of alot better than heroes wrap ups, but still, it had that kind of element to it, to me the writers went like "Hey guyz! we have to leave the story ambiguous"

But seemed pretty forced to me.
**** you stop insulting us saying we are confused. I get it, they died whenever they died and went to heaven together.

Look at Fringe. It's what Lost should have been. Abrams knew this. It's mysterious, but it gives good explanations set in it's own universe. I never watched lost to have a realistic explanation about everything that happend, but they built the series on mysteries that people have spent 6 years trying to figure out. And so many things they either gave unsatisfactory explanations or just left us hanging.

What was the point of the ****ing island? It's light and keeping the evils of the world locked inside? Seriously, this is not okay.

Cool. Sweet. We get it. Now stop shoving your woes down everybody's ****ing throats.
Fringe gets great later. Slow start but it gets alot better. Season 2 is particularly awesome.
Shut the **** up Adrik.

It was a giant cockslap in the face for anyone who ever watched an episode of lost. There was nothing genius about it. The writers of lost deserve nothing of the praise they have gotten. Oh look! They knew each other off the Island! **** you.

Also where was Echo in the sideflash? And if they got there at the same time no matter where they died, there is no reason for Walt not being there. So **** that too.
And **** the Island at the bottom of the ocean. And all the info given to us from Ben. Oh he lied again. Great.
And the light? The finale wasn't the only cop out this season. And MiB building a wheel there? **** you. This was supposed to be a mystery show. Not ****ing days of our lives "who will kate ****" edition.


By the way, Eko wasn't in the finale because the actor got greedy and wanted five times the amount of money they were going to give him for the finale so theres your answer :)

I never claimed it was genius. If I want something genius I'll watch The Wire or maybe even Breaking Bad. The way Lost ended fit thematically and if you don't like that well then I guess you wasted your time!

I just realized one of my favorite things about this season is that the reason for the entire show happening is because Jacob is kind of an idiot and was really bad at his job.
I thought it was alright, and I they did the best they could to wrap it up considering the situation they had put themselves in by season 6. However, one thing in particular has bothered me. People went to the alternative reality no matter when or how they died. So exactly what was the point of everything they did on the island? If all of them had died at the end of season 1, they all would've gone to purgatory anyway, and been just as happy. Sure, Sawyer, Kate etc. went off on the plane and probably lived 50 years or so together after that, but they all ended up in the same spot regardless. So the island and everything surrounding it suddenly feel pretty pointless.
Your missing the point of what Christian said. Everybody on the island needed somebody else including Ben and John. John needed people to just believe that he can do something for once and Ben needed to be a father to prove he has a soul. The problem with Ben is he has made some very bad decisions in the past and then good and started flip flopping over and over. So he is on a fence and so is Michael.

They showed the castaways lives as if the plane never had crashed and the producers stated that is what they wanted to give us. We learned that Sawyer kept on holding that revenge, Kate always trying to run away from what she did, Jacks issues with his father, etc. I had a dream too that the final scene would have Jack and Christian both meeting for the last time and Jack forgiving his father. I thought it would occur on the island but d'oh!

Point is the island gave them a clean slate and then let them do what they usually do whether it was bad or good decisions. You gotta remember that Jacob gave Ben a choice to murder him or not. I'm not really sure how "God" or your religion supreme being would rate Sawyer shooting Mr. Friendly or Charlie shooting Ethan though. Just keep in mind that God always forgives.

Also Christian and Matthew Abaddon are angels:
Hool you kind of have it but not quite. The reason these specific people were all at the church at the end was simply because as christian says, the most important time in these peoples lives was the time they spent together on the Island. That's why people like Michael or Walt do not show up, because while they spent time on the Island just like everyone else, the Island was not the most important part of their lives. This is especially true for Walt, who you can assume went to live a pretty normal life off the island.
**** you stop insulting us saying we are confused. I get it, they died whenever they died and went to heaven together.

Look at Fringe. It's what Lost should have been. Abrams knew this. It's mysterious, but it gives good explanations set in it's own universe. I never watched lost to have a realistic explanation about everything that happend, but they built the series on mysteries that people have spent 6 years trying to figure out. And so many things they either gave unsatisfactory explanations or just left us hanging.

What was the point of the ****ing island? It's light and keeping the evils of the world locked inside? Seriously, this is not okay.

why are you taking this so seriously?
I remember early in season Six "WHERE ARE OUR ANSWERS WAAAAHHH"

Michael: The whispers are ghosts


some things are better left a mystery.
I enjoyed it pretty well. Not sure if I fully understand/like what they did with the alt, and I must say I think that end conversation was absurdly drawn out and corny. I think there are very few aspects of the show that matter that were never explained, mostly it's just people wanting insanely elaborate detail of every explanation of every mystery. "Why does the smoke monster make the sounds he makes?" Because that's the nature of the black smoke. "Durrr, that's a copout answer." Just shut up, can you not see how that doesn't matter whatsoever? Anyway, despite the ups and downs, the series is phenomenal, no matter how you look at it.

What was the point of the ****ing island? It's light and keeping the evils of the world locked inside? Seriously, this is not okay.

Really? The most important and logical explanation is not okay? What the hell do you want? Do you want a scientific explanation? Do you want Faraday to look into the camera while holding up some equation in his notebook and say that the island is a result of dinosaur remains crystalizing into magical light? Here's a question: What is the point of life? Oh wow, did I just blow your mind? These themes and questions about humanity, life, ourselves, are what's important, not the writers guessing what ridiculous trivial details satisfy you.
No matter how much you bitch, moan, cry, complain, and whine there is nothing that is going to change anything.

The finale has come and gone.
Man the f*ck up.
Really? The most important and logical explanation is not okay? What the hell do you want? Do you want a scientific explanation? Do you want Faraday to look into the camera while holding up some equation in his notebook and say that the island is a result of dinosaur remains crystalizing into magical light? Here's a question: What is the point of life? Oh wow, did I just blow your mind? These themes and questions about humanity, life, ourselves, are what's important, not the writers guessing what ridiculous trivial details satisfy you.

The problem with these people is even if they get their ridiculous answers its just going to be more "BUT HOW? BUT WHO? BUT WHY?". Even if the Finale had one big info dump of answers they wouldn't have been satisfied.
I could write the synopsis for a better ending on a cocktail napkin!
@ Adrik

Well yeah, that's the problem.

"The Light, or the electromagnetic heart of the island, is the source of the island and world's power."

"But what is the source of the Light?"

It's like a small child that keeps saying 'Why?' to every question. Cute and thought provoking at first, annoying as **** and pointless later. You have to take things as given information. Sometimes you just have to accept that this is how it is. I mean, I would think most everyone has done that in real life (I certainly wouldn't be able to function in society if I couldn't), can't see why it's so hard for a TV show.