Lost my respect of my own manhood


Nov 1, 2004
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So today was the day...the day all men fear. I lost respect for my manhood. It might sound silly but we all know that we have a certain respect to live up to being a male...its just some areas where we have to show that we are best in and compete in. I have noticed lately that im slowly loosing my manhood. Today it was as if the devil himself yelled in my ear "YOU ARE NOT A MAN YOU LIL ****". Let me explain the situation:

I am tall, not super tall, but tall, taller then most ppl in my school. This gives me a kind of respect for myself that im not looken down upon. That im the one who looks down on people. However, im skinny and weak. I have been this way my entire life. I have worked out in PE classes and such but never on my freetime because...well, im a gamer, i play games all day!

Ive been noticing changes around me, people are swelling up with muscles and are growing larger and larger. Its like im walking around with supermens. I have also gotten alot of comments from ppl, such as "ur so skinny" or "put some meat on ur bones" or "damn even my sister is stronger then you". Im like "wtf?"...its like, one day everyone is normal and all is ok, the next day everyone is Hercules and your supposed to have big strong arms and muscles and play in the football team!!! WTF? No one ever....ever thought me about training fysicaly! It has never even come in my mind to workout!

The worst thing that happend today was to see a little chick, 1 year younger then me, quite small and very cute...had much bigger bicepts then me. I dont mean fat, i mean real MUSCLES. She pulled her sleves up and strengthen her bicepts....right then and there, the time stopped, everything was in ultra slow motion. I had just realize i have lost my man hood. I saw my soul leaving my body saying "F U im not staying in ur weak body" and walk away. At that very moment i feelt like all my bones had collapsed. I was stunned for the next few hours, i couldnt talk or do anything. I had just lost my damn selfrespect of my manhood...i feelt like a girl.

Now, im not a girl (lol) i have a mind of a man, i do what everyother man does. YES i do 1 sport, one sport only! Snowboarding, the only area im good in. However, snowboarding requires strong leg muscles which i have however you never show your leg muscles because they are covered with PANTS so no one knows about my durability and stamina.

Well...i dont know who ells has been in this position...but i feel very...depressed...questions popping in my head such as "why doesnt my biceps ****ing grow?" or "why didnt someone give me some weights to lift?"

I asked some guys about their work out and they told me they do situps and such every morning. Since when do you ****ing do that? In the morning i drag myself over the floor to reach the door and if i do i need to crawl over the street to reach the bus stop...im to tierd.

Also, whats up with the healthy food everyone all of the sudden are eating? One day everyone eats pizza and hamburgers and its awesome, the next day that kind of food is disguting and for kids...no no, now you must eat salad and healthy food. Shit im the only noob that eats a pizza in the lunch room when everyone ells eat their damn "healthy food".

Anyway, you are probably one of those im describing, prolly laughing at me right now saying im such a weak lil noob. But im tal and i do snowboarding so STFU...plus i pwn at games. But everyone seems to judge you by your body...im sick of it...depressed of it.

And no, im not Emo. I got friends but they are not real friends, no friends that you hang out with on my freetime or share intressts with. Can anyone give me tips plz, how do i gain my manhood back again? I really dont know how long i can last with this...being judged cause my body is made of skin and bone really sux...

sux to be me
Firstly, cock slap the girl with big biceps.

Secondly, I don't know how old you are, but puberty may be the answer to your muscle woes.

Thirdly, eat protein and pump iron like they are both going out of fashion. Within 10 minutes, yes, 10 minutes, you will be stacked.

Good day.
Im 16 going to 17. And yes i have a quite large penis, but once again, thats covered with clothes so i cant "show of" with it if you know what i mean.

Murray_H, whats protein and iron? Seriously i have no idea what people talk about when they say that.

Thx for help :)
i have a big penis so i dont have to prove anything to anyone or myself.

also dont worry about the morning thing... im the same way. some people just arent morning people, and others are.
Im 16 going to 17. And yes i have a quite large penis, but once again, thats covered with clothes so i cant "show of" with it if you know what i mean.

Murray_H, whats protein and iron? Seriously i have no idea what people talk about when they say that.

Thx for help :)

Protein - basically needed for growth + repair of tissue (e.g. muscle tissue!). But if you need to know what protein is, read a science text book.

Pumping iron - lifting weights, and is also a film.
At pasta-
This website pretty much tells you everything. And it's just one of many.

PS- not specifically the triceps bit though. Look at the bit on the left.
If you're looking to get girls, you ass is far more important than your biceps.
Protein is a nutrient. When muscles develop, its the primary requirement. The best source of protein is meat, usually its suggested that lean meats are eaten (For the lower fat content) but if your a lanky guy I wouldn't worry about it. Basically, you want to be eating loads of meat, chicken, pork chops, steak etc. Burgers and things are ok, but generally, the more processed the food, the lower the nutritional values.

Now, eating alone is not going to make you muscly, you have to do some physical work. This is the crap part, there is no shortcuts. If you want muscle to develop, you need to make your muscles work. So, nip down to your local sports shop and pick up a set of dumb bells. Nothing fancy, just a simple set. Then, hit google for 'free weights excercise guide'. Combine that with some sit ups for abdominal strength and you should be good to go.

Edit - Oh yeah, and the hell with working out in the morning. You'll be half asleep and will twat yourself in the nuts with a weight. To risky, work out in the evening :D
with a little effort, you could be huge....

research first...join some body building forums...ask questions....

then when you know what you are doing, go to the gym. develop a strict routine along with a strict diet. Lay off the 24 cokes a day and start drinking water. Eat good foods, no more chips and jax, although how good are jax, they rule.

Keep a log of what you can lift at the gym and how many reps you can do, and slowly you will start to see that list improve. after a good month of this, you will notice a huge improvement. Keep in mind that it is much easier to lose muscle then to gain it, so for you to keep the muscle, you are going to need to work hard.

Thats what I have been doing for almost 3 years and im built like a brick sh1thouse. :)
Who needs muscles when you've got guns?
Ravioli dude seriously, just get off your lazy arse and do some excercises if you're that bothered. Don't sit on your computer feeling sorry for yourself.
its not that hard to start exercising.. or well, starting is slightly hard, but once you begin you wont be able to stop.

either that or buy indie clothes and hang around with indie chicks
Don't expect to become a Schwarzenegger by just working out. If you don't have the build for it, your muscles will develop, but you'll never be 'big'. After a year of exercise, I could lift two or three times more weight than when I started, but didn't actually become any 'bigger', just more toned.
Actually, the longer your arms are, the smaller your muscles will appear, since they are stretched out over a longer length.

Don't worry about it, just as long as you're fit and not on your deathbed.

Try to do some weightlifting (but don't overdo it). That changed me from being really thin to having quite a lot of muscle. But now I'm fat.
So today was the day...the day all men fear. I lost respect for my manhood. It might sound silly but we all know that we have a certain respect to live up to being a male...its just some areas where we have to show that we are best in and compete in. I have noticed lately that im slowly loosing my manhood. Today it was as if the devil himself yelled in my ear "YOU ARE NOT A MAN YOU LIL ****". Let me explain the situation:

I am tall, not super tall, but tall, taller then most ppl in my school. This gives me a kind of respect for myself that im not looken down upon. That im the one who looks down on people. However, im skinny and weak. I have been this way my entire life. I have worked out in PE classes and such but never on my freetime because...well, im a gamer, i play games all day!

Ive been noticing changes around me, people are swelling up with muscles and are growing larger and larger. Its like im walking around with supermens. I have also gotten alot of comments from ppl, such as "ur so skinny" or "put some meat on ur bones" or "damn even my sister is stronger then you". Im like "wtf?"...its like, one day everyone is normal and all is ok, the next day everyone is Hercules and your supposed to have big strong arms and muscles and play in the football team!!! WTF? No one ever....ever thought me about training fysicaly! It has never even come in my mind to workout!

The worst thing that happend today was to see a little chick, 1 year younger then me, quite small and very cute...had much bigger bicepts then me. I dont mean fat, i mean real MUSCLES. She pulled her sleves up and strengthen her bicepts....right then and there, the time stopped, everything was in ultra slow motion. I had just realize i have lost my man hood. I saw my soul leaving my body saying "F U im not staying in ur weak body" and walk away. At that very moment i feelt like all my bones had collapsed. I was stunned for the next few hours, i couldnt talk or do anything. I had just lost my damn selfrespect of my manhood...i feelt like a girl.

Now, im not a girl (lol) i have a mind of a man, i do what everyother man does. YES i do 1 sport, one sport only! Snowboarding, the only area im good in. However, snowboarding requires strong leg muscles which i have however you never show your leg muscles because they are covered with PANTS so no one knows about my durability and stamina.

Well...i dont know who ells has been in this position...but i feel very...depressed...questions popping in my head such as "why doesnt my biceps ****ing grow?" or "why didnt someone give me some weights to lift?"

I asked some guys about their work out and they told me they do situps and such every morning. Since when do you ****ing do that? In the morning i drag myself over the floor to reach the door and if i do i need to crawl over the street to reach the bus stop...im to tierd.

Also, whats up with the healthy food everyone all of the sudden are eating? One day everyone eats pizza and hamburgers and its awesome, the next day that kind of food is disguting and for kids...no no, now you must eat salad and healthy food. Shit im the only noob that eats a pizza in the lunch room when everyone ells eat their damn "healthy food".

Anyway, you are probably one of those im describing, prolly laughing at me right now saying im such a weak lil noob. But im tal and i do snowboarding so STFU...plus i pwn at games. But everyone seems to judge you by your body...im sick of it...depressed of it.

And no, im not Emo. I got friends but they are not real friends, no friends that you hang out with on my freetime or share intressts with. Can anyone give me tips plz, how do i gain my manhood back again? I really dont know how long i can last with this...being judged cause my body is made of skin and bone really sux...

sux to be me

Arnold schwarzenegger had a very slim ectomorphic build when he was a teen, look what he turned himself into.

The one thing you need for muscle is testosterone, weight training is irrelevant if you havn't got the right levels of hormones.
My testosterone is through the roof, it means i have lots of muscle without even working out.
You can increase your testosterone in many ways, effectively.
-Don't drink
-Take zinc and magnesium before bed.
-Work out
-Have high testosterone mental stimulation, fights, women, cars e.t.c
-Eat lots of protein
-Eat lots of raw vegetables, particularly cabbage, brocolli, sprouts e.t.c (cruciferous)
-Get plenty of sleep
-Have a healthy lifestyle and diet generally, avoid fumes, chemicals, bad foods (anything that isn't natural basically)

Women like a tall man, they don't like a tall skinny man but if you can add muscle and become "normal" build you've got the advantage.........at least you're not short like me, i'm 5' 11.5", thankfully i have muscles to make up for my lack of height.

If you want any tips e.t.c of how to get muscle e.t.c i know a fair bit, just pm me.
Well, I wouldn't advice him to increase his testosterone too much unnaturally, otherwise his body will counter it with estrogen, and he'll grow man-boobs.
Doesn't testosterone induce baldness? :D

Skinny or bald? Hmm...
Well, I wouldn't advice him to increase his testosterone too much unnaturally, otherwise his body will counter it with estrogen, and he'll grow man-boobs.

That's why he's increasing it naturally....

High levels of estrogen usually occur when artificial testosterone (steroids) are in the blood stream, testosterone aromatizes into estrogen, unless antiestrogenics are present.

A natural diet i have come up with contains many anti estrogenic substances, for example indole-3-carbinol in cruciferous vegetables is a power antiestrogenic.
I'll post the diet actually, if you go on this your test levels will shoot up and estrogen levels will be kept down.
Breakfast- 100g ORGANIC oats, 10 egg whites, 4 yolks. (adam multivit, fish oil, siberian ginseng)

Lunch - Mackerel fillets, 200g ORGANIC raw brocolli, nuts. (walnuts, almonds and hazlenuts only really......peanuts, brazils e.t.c are gay)

Lunch 2 - Tin tuna, 200g ORGANIC watercress, 200g ORGANIC spinach, olive oil, 50g oats.

Pre workout - 200mg GSE, 2g Horny goat weed, 500mg green tea, 1,200mg korean ginseng, 120mg ginkgo biloba.

Post workout - 100g fine oats, 30g whey, 20g leucine, 200g ORGANIC blackberries and blueberries

Evening meal - 200g Lean ORGANIC beef, 200g raw cabbage (more bitter, the better), radishes, one clove of raw garlic, large sweet potato. (as much organic stuff as possible i stress)

Hour before bed - 200% rda zinc, 100% rda magnesium, 1000% rda vit C, 1-2g acetyl L carnitine, 10g glutamine.

Just before bed - milk protein shake.

(9-10 hours sleep a night)

Doesn't testosterone induce baldness? :D

Skinny or bald? Hmm...
Well, it's mainly dependant upon genetic factors, it's actually dihydrotestosterone that causes the baldness (hair follicles have receptors for this hormone, in the typical male pattern baldness) ........my hair has gone back a bit forming the M shape but i wouldn't say i was balding fully, my hair is actually coming back slightly since i've been experimenting with HGH stimulation, zinc is also meant to help prevent balding.
Holy shit, you eat that?

Anyway, as a person my arms are a great annoyance to me. I'm quite tall and thin, and though most of me is toned, my arms are very very thin. I do plenty of exercise (not weights) and eat reasonably healthy food. In other words, I have no idea what the problem is :p
That said, Im fitter than most people I know, so its an even trade off :p
Don't expect to become a Schwarzenegger by just working out. If you don't have the build for it, your muscles will develop, but you'll never be 'big'. After a year of exercise, I could lift two or three times more weight than when I started, but didn't actually become any 'bigger', just more toned.

You simply need to increase your diet. My problem is, that dieters would kill to have my appetite b/c I eat next to nothing/have little motivation to do so. As for the organic stuff, sure that's great if you have the financial resources, but most people don't. Unless it has suddenly become cheaper.
You simply need to increase your diet. My problem is, that dieters would kill to have my appetite b/c I eat next to nothing/have little motivation to do so. As for the organic stuff, sure that's great if you have the financial resources, but most people don't. Unless it has suddenly become cheaper.

Yeah, you're right. But I'm not prepared to give up good tasting food for a diet from hell.
Make sure to put lead in your diet for premature dementia.
I've never been bothered by that sort of thing. I'm slim, of average height and the same age as yourself. I know that I could beat the shit out of any dolt**** that challenges me though. Making a routine out of exercise isn't a need for myself.

/me pms Absinthe if penis' taste good baked in butter and garlic sauce

I'm fine. I'm not fat, I'm not skinny, I've got enough muscles, I rape cats in the afternoon (together with the Zombie Master, great fun).

My life is going well.
Come back when your balls drop you pussy.

Start doing pushups, situps, flutter kicks. Start running, more pushups, lift something heavy a bunch of times every day. More situps, some pull ups if you can find a good place to do them. Round it all of with some more pushups.

ffs, there's any number of things you could be doing to get stronger.

Stop whining about your "problems" here, nobody cares.
There's nothing you can't solve with push-ups.

Well, except maybe AIDS. Only FULL BLOWN AIDS though.
I heard Short Recoil purposely gave himself AIDS, just so he could develop immunity to it.
You're pretty pathetic if you think the sole requirement of being a man is having large muscles.
bah, don't worry about it. it's better being skinny then fat. trust me, I've been both.