
The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, instead of adding in the main Lost thread, post everything here for season 2, not in spoiler tags, there is a thing in the thread title.

I think its a coincidence that the Desmond guy is on the island, he raced around the world, and probably got hit by a storm or something, and ended up there.
No, he certainly didn't end up in that underground bunker by accident... i think he was working for some company that's working on the plague/virus that's on the island, since clearly seems to have plenty of supplies and he said that he was working towards being a doctor, maybe he ended up getting into bio-engineering
Hmm... Never thought about that, We wont know until next week.

I think there's more than coincidence at work when it comes to Desmond.

However, I absolutely reject the idea of him being some mastermind behind the island that stalked everybody on the plane and ensured they'd get there. My ideas:

1.) He's in affiliation with the "the others", but I very much doubt he has the big picture of the island in his mind. He knows some important information, but cannot explain all of the island.

2.) Like the french woman, he's another mishappen victim. He probably discovered the area below the hatch and set up life there, sealing it off to cut off danger from the island. For all we know, he suspects Jack, Locke, and Kate to be a few of "the others". That he recognizes Jack may lead him to suspect some kind of hidden agenda going on, and he may believe Jack is in fact the one who got him on the island in the first place.
He looks like he's been there a while with all his computers working and whatnot. I guess from him meeting Jack and Jack being on the island could have been a time of 3+ years or more.

Also, I wonder what was with the numbers. I think the island might be some timewarp back in time.
Absinthe said:
I think there's more than coincidence at work when it comes to Desmond.

However, I absolutely reject the idea of him being some mastermind behind the island that stalked everybody on the plane and ensured they'd get there. My ideas:

1.) He's in affiliation with the "the others", but I very much doubt he has the big picture of the island in his mind. He knows some important information, but cannot explain all of the island.

2.) Like the french woman, he's another mishappen victim. He probably discovered the area below the hatch and set up life there, sealing it off to cut off danger from the island. For all we know, he suspects Jack, Locke, and Kate to be a few of "the others". That he recognizes Jack may lead him to suspect some kind of hidden agenda going on, and he may believe Jack is in fact the one who got him on the island in the first place.
1 - He is most certainly not any kind of mastermind, else he would have know they were going to be coming down the hatch, but it certainly seemed to be a surprise for him
2 - I don't even think he knows about "the others" or the french woman, I think he is an entirely different entity on the island, though I think he is quite possibly associated with that black cloud
3 - I don;t think he's on that island accidentally at all, else he never would've found that underground bunker, I mean, the french woman had been there for 16 years and she never knew about it, he couldn;t have been there for that many years at all, besides, that hatch has obviously been covered for some time
4 - Besides, even if he discovered the hatch how the hell would he have gotten it open?
Well, I never said he got there accidentally. There certainly is an agenda going on.

As for the hatch, who is to say it was always closed?
Lost sounds interesting, but I keep on forgetting to watch, I'll get it on DVD
I'm actually more interested in knowing what's behind the barricade in Desmond's bunker.
Gunner said:
I'm actually more interested in knowing what's behind the barricade in Desmond's bunker.
and what about the cable? does it lead to his bunker, or somewhere else? also, where's the antenna that Rousseau was talking about? /me wants to know
Yeah, Desmond's something more than a coincidence. He's most certainly down there for a reason, especially since the place seems specifically set up for a long stay and he's getting fresh supplies of food.
Rousseau said the antenna was near the blackrock, that pirate ship but when Jack and his merry band of adventurers went there they didn't even bother looking for it :( I think Desmond knows what the "security system" is all about, it's probably why he built that barricade, but I have to know for sure.
Icarusintel said:
No, he certainly didn't end up in that underground bunker by accident... i think he was working for some company that's working on the plague/virus that's on the island, since clearly seems to have plenty of supplies and he said that he was working towards being a doctor, maybe he ended up getting into bio-engineering

Interesting. The medicine/steroid/whatever it was that he shot himself in the arm with in the very beginning might lend itself to this theory.

He did have plenty of supplies and like someone else on here said, he had fresh fruit although it's possible he's growing the fruit underground with growing lights or above ground on the island.

He would need a pretty lengthy ladder in order to access the island through the hatch. I'm inclined to believe that there is another entrance somewhere. I wonder how big the bunker is. I'd love to see the floorplan of that place.

I still believe the most telling clue will be if Desmond remembers Jack or not.
He's got electricity for God's sake!

That takes fresh supplies of either gasoline if he's running a generator or special equipment like solar panels.

Either way he's definitely not just another castaway like the plane crash victims and Rousseau.
Maybe he has his own turbines, after all there were magnets in the hatch

In case your don't know how turbines work, a magnet spins around in a coil of wires
Is it just me, or does Desmond have the goofiest looking face?
CyberPitz said:
Is it just me, or does Desmond have the goofiest looking face?

Nope, this guys does:

Sinnnnng your own kind of music, sing your own special songggg.

That song's damn catchy. I think I'm going to watch this episode again tonight, I've only seen it once. I need to get back in the mood since the next ep will be out soon.
Did you guys catch the name of the man who Sarah hit in the car crash?

His last name was Rutherford, same as Shannon's. Could it have been her father?

I loved the opening segment. I got goosebumps when I realised it wasn't a flashback. It was perhaps the perfect way to open Season 2, going up through the hatch like that. :D

I also loved the parallels that were drawn from Jack attempting to repair Sarah's injuries:

1. This mirrored his attempt to save Boone (only with Boone, he wasn't miraculously cured).
2. Locke and his recovery from his own injuries.

Can't wait for the next episode.
StardogChampion said:
Also, I wonder what was with the numbers. I think the island might be some timewarp back in time.

Good point, since all the equipment there looked all .. 80's in the hatch.

Plus he sed (when it went back in time when jack met him) "c ya in another life brother", so it all could be something to do with time, but I might be reading into that too much.

Plus, When the key got attracted to some sort of magnet, the reason compasses dont work correctly on the island?

Desmond card be good since he wears like a overall as if he working there, well he is.

I also wonder why he didnt want him to press enter at the ubor leet computer so much, so he must have some sort of control over the island.

Just some points I wanted to make, sorry if they have already been said! man, Lost rules :bounce:
Can't wait for tonight!

I've heard that this episode is going to focus on Jin, Sawyer, and Michael. So I doubt we're going to get a resolution on the previous episode. But the creators said that we'll finally be getting some answers by the third episode. :D
3vil said:
I also wonder why he didnt want him to press enter at the ubor leet computer so much, so he must have some sort of control over the island.
Walt actually said something along the lines of "Don't push the button," when Shannon saw him in the jungle. He said it backwards

Also, in case anyone didn't notice, what ever he shot himself up with was labelled with Hurley's numbers

And yeah I noticed that the man who died in the car accident's name was Rutherford, definitely Shannon's father
we didn;t really learn anything tonight... though next week looks awesome

and it really does make more sense that they were after Walt anyway, instead of the newborn baby... since Walt is "special"
Didn't learn anything yes, but that doesn't mean that last nights episode wasn't awesome because from a drama perspective it was top knotch.

I like the way it fleshed out the whole Desmond bit from last week (showing you his food store, etc), but it pissed me off somewhat that they cut away from it ten minutes before the end... wonder what happens if the command isn't executed every 180 minutes? and why didn't he recognise jack? suppose theres people on the net counting up how many days he's been on the island by counting up all the sets of five slashes, so that might have something to do with it.

Looks like Desmond has been fed some sort of bullshit story by someone because it appears he thinks the world has ended and that everyone on the surface dies from disease...

And poor Michael! I bet it completley sucks ass being a good man/father with good intentions, but ultimatley not being able to support your child as well as it's mother, which in the end leads everyone to side with them instead.
By the way, did anyone notice the 'dharma' emblem on the sharks tale?

Also was this addition (see pic) really nessecary?


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Yeah I noticed the shark had the same logo from the bunker, in one shot we see Locke looking at the logo on a fuse box. Now, that doesn't make any sense. Would mean the shark is genetically engineered? Good episode but they rehashed a lot from the previous one, and I saw the commercial for ep3, I don't know if you guys have but we learn a lot from the commercial.
Agh! No! I'm an idiot and somehow forgot that both Lost and Invasion were on yesterday.
*Direwolf goes and weeps
craig said:
By the way, did anyone notice the 'dharma' emblem on the sharks tale?

Also was this addition (see pic) really nessecary?

They probably just wanted to keep it realistic and from that particular window you probably used to be able to see the towers, but yeah, a bit unnecessary, meh

And I saw the logo on the shark too. I thought I was just trying too hard to notice stuff till I heard other people saw it
man, i didn;t notice the logo on the shark, but i'm really interested in thie "one" Desmond was waiting for... something tells me it may be Walt
The "Others" it showed at the end, chasing after Jin looked a bit primitive, like cavemen/women, they had normal people clothes (A bit tatterd) but they had like a wooden club with spikes in it, can't wait till next episode!!!!!
God, I really love the song played in the hatch. Adds this real surreal element to the whole thing.

And I'm interested in seeing what's up with the Others. We need some tribal smackdown!
Absinthe said:
God, I really love the song played in the hatch. Adds this real surreal element to the whole thing.

And I'm interested in seeing what's up with the Others. We need some tribal smackdown!

mmm I want that song. And yeah..the Others..I was like *GASP* Then the previews fot the next episode showed that chick from the airport with the drinks and the back of the plane and stuff...yeah...she's fuggin hot.
Absinthe said:
Meh, I don't care for her much.
I'm in a rut. She looks like my ex. That's probably why I find her so attractive. Then again..I prefer Kate ;)

Anyway OT: The logo on the shark was the first thing I saw. So obviously..they were sent out by whoever engineered/trained them. The Others may be cave men..but they apparently are more intelligent then we think *giant monster security system anybody?*
Kate's probably the most attractive of the lost ladies imo. Shannon is somewhat of an oddity. When I look at her body I'm attracted to her, but I can't help but think her legs are way too long.. she's like 6ft tall and 4ft of that is legs.
Those aren't the Others, they're the survivors from the back of the plane. Ana-Lucia was with them and we know for sure she was on the plane. Although that doesn't explain why she will be in prison with the three of them in episode 3.
Actually in the shot they show Ana-Lucia in for next weeks promo she would appear to be in a pit in the ground (as a fellow prisoner maybe?)
The_Monkey said:
Those aren't the Others, they're the survivors from the back of the plane. Ana-Lucia was with them and we know for sure she was on the plane. Although that doesn't explain why she will be in prison with the three of them in episode 3.

Those people, aside from Ana-Lucia, were not from the back of the plane. First of all they wouldn't have imprisoned Ana-Lucia. They'd have clothes and they wouldn't have disintegrated into primitive savages after 44 days. If these people did turn to savages after 44 days then chances are a survivor or two from the front of the plane would have done the same and that's clearly not the case.

I think it's much more likely that these people are descendants from the slave ship, the Black Rock. That's speculation obviosly, but to simply say, "no they aren't the others" is very much premature. Maybe they are, maybe they're not, but they definitely don't appear to be survivors from the tail section.