Carnt wait to see the next eipsode!

Anyone have a idea why its LOST and not Lost? kk so LOST looks better, but maybe theres more to it. L.O.S.T.
Fishlore said:
Those people, aside from Ana-Lucia, were not from the back of the plane. First of all they wouldn't have imprisoned Ana-Lucia. They'd have clothes and they wouldn't have disintegrated into primitive savages after 44 days. If these people did turn to savages after 44 days then chances are a survivor or two from the front of the plane would have done the same and that's clearly not the case.

I think it's much more likely that these people are descendants from the slave ship, the Black Rock. That's speculation obviosly, but to simply say, "no they aren't the others" is very much premature. Maybe they are, maybe they're not, but they definitely don't appear to be survivors from the tail section.
That a look at this pic:

She is clearly standing with the others, untied and eveything.
i think we have to start specifying who we're talking about when we say "the others"... the people we saw in the preview aren;t even close to the ones that took Walt away, but i think the ones in the preview are "the others"
the ones that took Walt are from the company, i think
I'll be watching ep2 tonight, and I've managed to steer clear of this thread since it first aired, so be prepared for some major quotage telling you all how wrong you are.
The_Monkey said:
Yes but here (Ep 3 Spoiler: http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7613/normalhq0019xx.jpg) you can she that Ana-Lucia has the same clothes as the one on the other pic.

You could very well be right, but I still don't think that those pics clearly show anything. I wouldn't be comfortable saying beyond doubt that the people who attack Jin, Sawyer and Michael on the beach are definitely from the back part of Flight 815.

Some people on other boards, and I don't mean you Monkey, are saying that they are for sure, no questions asked, from flight 815. Maybe it will turn out that way, but again, I don't believe that at this point.
The_Monkey said:
Yes but here (Ep 3 Spoiler: http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7613/normalhq0019xx.jpg) you can she that Ana-Lucia has the same clothes as the one on the other pic.
You seem to be right. That coloured guy from that picture is also one of the people at the end of ep2. You can tell from the bandage tied around his left arm.

They must be from the other half of the plane. At least we know she is.

Also, those asking why they would make her a prisoner is a bit useless, since remember what they did to Sawyer? Crazy stuff can happen when your stuck on an island with people you don't like. I wonder how it will turn out.

I'm not sure they'll know anything about "the others" that took Walt either.
BTW I want to take this moment not necessarily to discuss the show, but more to admire it.

The hatch was something so full of expectations that I was skeptical if they'd be able to pull it off without being a disappointment, but the writers actually did a very good job. I'm impressed.
just saw ep2, damn that was cool! noticed the logo on the shark's tail as it swam by, its actually a bit diffrent from the logo on the supply stuff

plus the "others" looked pretty dangerous

wait a minute, they arent the "others"? but actually the survivors from the tail section? woah didn't expected that!
StardogChampion said:
Also, those asking why they would make her a prisoner is a bit useless, since remember what they did to Sawyer? Crazy stuff can happen when your stuck on an island with people you don't like. I wonder how it will turn out.

I assume you're refering to when Jack and Sayid tortured Sawyer? They only did it because Shannon was choking to death from a simple curable ailment and he was being a complete dick about it (making out he had the athsma medication when infact he didn't have).

I like the theory that most of those 'savages' are descendents of the slaves from the Black Rock that possibly stumbled accross a few of the passengers for flight 815's tail section and made them prisoners. That would fit into the whole chain of events nicley.

To be honest I'm intrigued about what's going on in that little hatch and the fact that we've been given the same story for two weeks in a row is a bit annoying (apparently S2 Ep2 was supposed to be a Sawyer backflash, but was changed at the last minute). If they'd taken episodes 1 & 2 and intermingled them into a 90 minute premiere (ala Series 1) then the footage wouldn't have felt so recylcled.
I have to disagree on the mixing epi 1 and 2

sure it would have felt les repeated, but you wouldn't have seen what really happened with kate. yup, its true you could have mixed those scenes, but it would have felt even more repeated at that time, plus it just isnt how lost is edited, its not the style.
craig said:
I like the theory that most of those 'savages' are descendents of the slaves from the Black Rock that possibly stumbled accross a few of the passengers for flight 815's tail section and made them prisoners. That would fit into the whole chain of events nicley.
That's a really interesting theory

Also, go here and you can see that Ana-Lucia is definitely a prisoner
(select Lost)
StardogChampion said:
That coloured guy from that picture is also one of the people at the end of ep2.

Coloured guy?

I don't reallly mind but that seems like kinda an antiquated word.
Take a chill pill DarkStar... what would you rather he called him? 'The brown guy'?
craig said:
Take a chill pill DarkStar... what would you rather he called him? 'The brown guy'?


How about just using the standard "black" terminology that has been the standard for about 35-odd years now.

"Colored" has negative conotations left over from the segragation era, e.g.:


Call somebody "colored" in the United States today and you'll get your ass beat.

So maybe this is just a linguistic/cultural difference between our two countries.
Lost: "Hahahaha....you like your brain? Well take this and this and one of those."
Me: Ahhhhhhhh....*gurgle*
Guys, Try to stay on topic please.

Anyways, about tonights episode, looks like Desmond Remembers Jack, and they found the others, I wonder where desmond went, looks like everyone is the new people in that bunker thing, the "Electromagnetic" testing facility (I think its a testing facility).

Also, the girl from the movie SWAT was in this episode (Can't remember her name), but shes evil!
Michelle Rodriguez
Man she's a bad actor
"I'm so tough, watch me sneeeaaaaar"

Anyway, I don't think they are the others, but all of them are from the tail. I think maybe they went through a Lord of the Flies type thing and became savages
Then why the hatred toward the other survivors? Just because you're 'savage' doesn't mean you immedietly run up to anyone new and beat them with sticks and lock them up.
Direwolf said:
Then why the hatred toward the other survivors? Just because you're 'savage' doesn't mean you immedietly run up to anyone new and beat them with sticks and lock them up.
Why not? They're paranoid and terrified. I'll quote something a friend said on another message board, it sums it up pretty well:
"They could very well be the other people from the other end of the plane. Perhaps they've just reacted more violently to the situation. There are so many mentions of hope vs lack of hope... lacking effective 'leaders' like Jack, Sayid and even Locke, also lacking the hope of the people who built the raft, they could very well have descended into a ridiculously paranoid state."

Also, does anyone think that maybe the first guy to use the numbers (the guy who committed suicide, who lived in Australia in the middle of nowhere with his wife) could have been one of the people in the hatch who had to punch in the numbers at one time?
Also, the video may have cleared up the polar bear thing; it mentions studies in zoology, the polar bears could have been there from the studies. But, could they survive in such a climate? Probably not, but interesting
Oh, and Rousseau has been there for 16 years and hasn't seen the others, but the Lostaways and Ana Lucia stumble upon them in like 40 days? Unlikely
Then it fits in with the rest of the series. :D

And the 'total paranoia' situation still doesn't ring true with me. Theres at least something a little more complicated going on, even if thats part of it.
Argh, too many things to contemplate! And I ****ing want to punch Michelle Rodriguez!

Part of me really likes having all the mystery. The other part finds it to be a chore. :rolling:
I love it. Sure it's frustrating at the end of every episode, but a lot of the fun of the show is sharing these theories
crikey they're dragging this out...

my one comment about this episode is this:

Jin: "Everything's going to change."

Eh?!? So he's fluent in English too now??
craig said:
Jin: "Everything's going to change."

Eh?!? So he's fluent in English too now??

Yeah, that was... God... **** this, man.
craig said:
crikey they're dragging this out...

my one comment about this episode is this:

Jin: "Everything's going to change."

Eh?!? So he's fluent in English too now??
The weirdest thing about that is how he has an American accent.

Why not? They're paranoid and terrified. I'll quote something a friend said on another message board, it sums it up pretty well:
"They could very well be the other people from the other end of the plane. Perhaps they've just reacted more violently to the situation. There are so many mentions of hope vs lack of hope... lacking effective 'leaders' like Jack, Sayid and even Locke, also lacking the hope of the people who built the raft, they could very well have descended into a ridiculously paranoid state."
Or maybe they got attacked by "the others" once, and now just kick the crap out of any new people they meet.

Also, does anyone think that maybe the first guy to use the numbers (the guy who committed suicide, who lived in Australia in the middle of nowhere with his wife) could have been one of the people in the hatch who had to punch in the numbers at one time?
I don't know, but it pisses me off how Hurley just stands there and says nothing about the numbers.

I wonder what happens when the numbers don't get typed in. Maybe it holds up the entire "atmosphere" of the island. Maybe the plane flew right into it's atmosphere hence getting torn apart.
This second season is dragging its' feet, seriously. And who gives a **** about Lock's girlfriend...
The second season is way better, they only leave mystery at the end of every episode because they want you to keep watching it.
Dog-- said:
The second season is way better, they only leave mystery at the end of every episode because they want you to keep watching it.

Aye, but some viewers get understandably tired of such hooks.

Honestly, I'd like to walk away from a few episodes without scratching my head. I recognize the show's many fine qualities. I don't need to be baited with cheese in order to continue watching.
But the producers of the show don't care that your scratching your head, as long as you watch the other episodes they get the money, I guarantee that this "Mystery" thing at the end of every show keeps well over hundreds of thousands of viewers, you can't argue with that.
And it keeps it up, it's going to bite itself in the ass.

Twin Peaks suffered similarly in that people eventually got tired of having no resolution every episode. People don't appreciate being treated as idiots, and if watching Lost becomes more of an annoyance than a pleasure, then I most certainly will stop wasting my time with it.