Lost: Season 5

Raziaar is such a geeky nerd, lol. :LOL: Nice find though.
that was a bad episode, but thats a pretty good scene. forgot about it.

I love every LOST episode including Expose. I would say that was the weakest episode though.

Jacks Tattoos...Worse EP of LOST ever. I don't particularly blame Bai Ling or Matthew Fox for it being bad, it was just poorly conceived, poorly written and poorly directed.
I just realized that Ben needed glasses when he was a kid and now he doesn't. He does when he is reading though because of age I think but when he was a kid, he always wore glasses.
Good call Hoolio. I must admit despite being a long terms glasses man I hadn't picked up on that. Wonder if they'll ever explain it?
It's certainly up there with Jacob, the true purpose of the Island and the Smoke Monster. Ben wore glasses as a child but now only wears them for reading as an adult. Well blow me down. What a puzzler.
It's certainly up there with Jacob, the true purpose of the Island and the Smoke Monster. Ben wore glasses as a child but now only wears them for reading as an adult. Well blow me down. What a puzzler.

No need for sarcasm dude. If you have glasses when you're young, the odds of your eyes self correcting down the line is near zero. There's never been any indication that prior to the purge Bens ever been off the Island (after all with a whole world out there, why stay on the Island), so the odds of him having eye surgery are fairly slim. It could well be that after the visit to the temple the island cures him of all of his afflictions.
If you have glasses when you're young, the odds of your eyes self correcting down the line is near zero.

I once wore glasses and my eyes seemed to have fixed themselves, but I think that was due to not being able to tell which lens is better.
The island heals those it favors. It had no use for him as a child, but as leaders of the Others, he gets the Locke treatment.
I think Ben's eyes are symbols for the innocence of youth and it's effect on man's pursuit of knowledge.

It's certainly up there with Jacob, the true purpose of the Island and the Smoke Monster. Ben wore glasses as a child but now only wears them for reading as an adult. Well blow me down. What a puzzler.

This wasn't necessary buddy. Keep the exaggerated sarcasm to yourself thanks.

In any case, really looking forward to next week's episode. Ben, Smoke Monster. :D
I just realized that Ben needed glasses when he was a kid and now he doesn't. He does when he is reading though because of age I think but when he was a kid, he always wore glasses.

during the purge he's an adult and still wears them
This wasn't necessary buddy. Keep the exaggerated sarcasm to yourself thanks.

It's all in good fun on these forums, I assure you.

Yep, I suck the fun out of everything by revealing that.
The island heals those it favors. It had no use for him as a child, but as leaders of the Others, he gets the Locke treatment.

I'd be inclined to go with this, over self correction, LASIK (was it even around then?) and magic contact lenses that don't ever need changing (even when your tied up). Plain truth of the matter is when you hit above 45 like Ben is your probably going to go long sighted anyway, as a natural phenomena.
Now I was alluding to that yes, Smokey clears all ailments like bad vision but I guess that isn't true: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSwNGC30IqI

Still it's pretty odd that he doesn't wear them. At the end of the purge though Alpert asks Ben if they want to get his dads body. Ben refuses though but maybe Alpert and the Others get the DHARMA people? We still don't know what happened to Ethans dad. He also keeps some memories as well like Annies doll.

*This scene is also kinda like Anna Lucia and the other "angels":

Check out the new Blu-Ray promo for season 1 and 2: http://www.amazon.com/gp/mpd/permalink/mJIY0MHEL4VSM

If you also buy both seasons, you save in total $62 with the special offer: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.ht...rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=472299531&pf_rd_i=B00139YA4O. This offer is only valid for the USA version as well.

In my opinion I would wait until near when the offer expires and check the Amazon Marketplace to see if people are selling it cheaper. Blu-Ray I must add lives up to the hype and does look great in HD. You also get many new features as well that are not available on DVD.

*Oh and Season 5 is available for pre-order as well in DVD and Blu-Ray: http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Complete...=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1239027114&sr=8-17 Hold off on that one, lol.
I know this was probably a super obvious allusion to you guys, but it seriously had just not crossed my mind up until today when I was sittin' around bored. Penelope is to Desmond as Penelope was to Odysseus! Do I win a prize?
so far this episode is quite awesome...it's a shame it ends in 20min :(
awesome episode except
you need to flush the toilet to summon the smoke monster? really?
. almost throught des was a goner too. that mustve been one hell of a grocery bag.
my girlfriend totally called
desmond beating the shit outta ben....oh and who thinks the people with the crate who knocked out Frank are Widmore's people? Raise your hand...
Well, I'm way too far behind on this now.
I'll probably just wait until it comes to DVD.
Charles Widmore galloping around the Island on a steed? Now that’s just ****ing awesome.
my girlfriend totally called
desmond beating the shit outta ben....oh and who thinks the people with the crate who knocked out Frank are Widmore's people? Raise your hand...

no, he'd know what was in the shadow of the statue i bet.[ this is somebody else, and im interested as to whom. do note however, the rifle illana had was used by jin in his DHARMA reveal. im thinking this is dharma reformed.

and ya samon, that was pretty ****ing awesome.
I say that they've contracted the sickness and are going insane.

They're just redshirts... the island doesn't need them.
I say that they've contracted the sickness and are going insane.

They're just redshirts... the island doesn't need them.

im not convinced. remember how walt said that he was having dreams that john was in danger on the island?
I say that they've contracted the sickness and are going insane.

They're just redshirts... the island doesn't need them.

I don't think so. Contracting the sickness would be purely arbitrary, not only as a storytelling device but in that it can apparently be caught 'anywhere', and it's a rather mundane source of conflict. I highly doubt Illana was telling the truth about why she was after Sayid, but certainly I think there is some truth in the dropping of the name 'Peter Avellino', a Widmore associate.

Widmore claimed a war was coming. I wonder if he already has his pieces in place.
Widmore claimed a war was coming. I wonder if he already has his pieces in place.

if hes as badass as hes been portrayed, he's had them in advance since he was exiled. i also think after last nights episode, widmore isnt the poor soul hes played himself out as to john.
no, he'd know what was in the shadow of the statue i bet.[ this is somebody else, and im interested as to whom. do note however, the rifle illana had was used by jin in his DHARMA reveal. im thinking this is dharma reformed.

and ya samon, that was pretty ****ing awesome.

you know that's a pretty common gun on the island and what wre you talking about when you say
he'd know what was in the shadow of the statue
? who would know? who's "he"? Widmore? Well she wasn't literally asking....it was a password. She was seeing if Frank was another member of their team i'll bet. i am wondering if Ben realizes who they are.