Lost: Season 5

I'm confident that Melllvar is behind it all.
Except there is still no proof that anybody ever changed anything. The bomb never went off in an alternate time or anything. Daniel has always warned them about burying it, and it was always buried. The same could go for Desmond. Sure it is weird that he forgot about his meeting until after he got off the island, but the future/past was never changed, the story still exists in one continuous time frame where everything that ever happened or does happen will always happen in exactly that way.

Its possible Desmond may have suppressed the memory of meeting Daniel due to their unique spacetime relationship thingy... either way I cant help but feel if the timeline simply changes as we go along, then it cheapens events in the earlier seasons, having it all be one story thats told in broken order, makes the finished saga alot more interesting.
Nobody is interested in talking about this latest episode? :(
I guess Ben will survive and his hate for Sayid and Oceanic and DHARMA people will be explained.
Adult Ben is still in the current time but on a different string of time. I'm gonna nickname my theory the "String Theory". :LOL: Maybe DHARMA goes to war with the Hostiles because they thought Sayid was a spy, managed to escape, and killed one of their own? I can only assume initially DHARMA was winning by gaining land on Hostile territory and the HYDRA island by building the Swan, etc. Then what happens is that the Hostiles use Smokey and wipe them out. Radzinsky was probably stuck in the Swan station in fear of going out into what was once DHARMA territory. Thats why there was so many weapons inside that station. The DHARMA folk have all the weapons but the Hostiles too because of USA Army and their knowledge of the environment for ambushes. So really Sayid starts without knowing the purge from happening this time instead of Ben. The "String Theory" people!!!

A lot of people say Ben didn't die but he was shot in the heart so wtf people. Also the DHARMA torturer was J.F. Sebastian from Blade Runner! He was also like Jacob in many ways.


Or what could happen is that Sayid goes to the Hostiles and lives there but the DHARMA people make a deal with the Hostiles to resurrect young Ben like John Locke and then Ben still gasses DHARMA.

I wonder if all this will change Bens dad. He is probably thinking "I told him not to talk to that Hostile, etc" and gets so sad he commits suicide. Maybe he commits suicide instead of Radzinsky in the Swan station?

Also how does Sayid get over the sonic fence? DHARMA is looking for him now.
Whatever happened happened. Nothing will change.

Yeah, I'm assuming since the island has healing properties, Ben was somehow healed miraculously just like John.
Well in that case then I'm really confident now that the reason why Ben can see Jacob and knows about him is that he resurrected him in the first place. Only the dead can see Jacob? That's why John couldn't see Jacob at first because he never died before?
I thought ben couldn't see Jacob and that was why he was so mad john could?
Yeah, it was pretty obvious Ben couldn't be killed without the show breaking it's own rules of logic (and reality's).

I thought the first flashback was pretty lame. The whole theme of the episode is to question whether Sayid is a killer deep down and they open up with a super obvious cut of him confirming the more obvious answer. I feel it was just a waste of time for them going that route, should've had the fat kid be Sayid.
Ben won't die unless the Island wants him too. And we all know he won't as he appears in the future (there's only one timeline). The Island will heal him, just like it healed Locke when he was shot in the chest.
I love Bens one-liners,

Sayid: How did you find me?

Ben: I Looked.
Ben won't die unless the Island wants him too. And we all know he won't as he appears in the future (there's only one timeline). The Island will heal him, just like it healed Locke when he was shot in the chest.
Locke was shot in the abdomen and he survived because he didn't have a kidney.

But even if someone gets hurt really bad and get healed, I doubt even the island can heal someone who got shot in the brain via point-black range.
He didn't get shot in the brain, he got shot through the heart.
...and you're to blame.
You give love a bad name.
unless they create a different timeline which would explain why Dharmaville looks so abandoned BUT I'm leaning more towards Ben is rez'd by the island/the Hostiles. Maybe Richard finds Ben and is apauled at what he thinks Dharma has done and rez's Ben for free.
Why wouldn't the Barracks be abandoned? It was last attacked by Keamy and ravaged by the smoke monster.
Locke was shot in the abdomen and he survived because he didn't have a kidney.

But even if someone gets hurt really bad and get healed, I doubt even the island can heal someone who got shot in the brain via point-black range.
If it can resurrect Locke after being dead for over one week it can sure as hell save Ben from a chest wound.
I'm gonna shoot the island in the heart (nuclear bomb) and see if it heals itself.
Why wouldn't the Barracks be abandoned? It was last attacked by Keamy and ravaged by the smoke monster.

Not just abandoned after the Boat showed up, I meant the rumor that in the timeline Sun/Ben/Frank are in the barracks were either never occupied the the Hostiles/Others or much shorter. But I don't believe that, I think Sun/Frank/Ben are in the same timeline they were in when they left but the Others have relocated to the Temple for the time being....possibly making an apperance soon as they leave to investigate if things are okay again.
Yeah but the Baracks look deserted because there was tree's growing in odd places like in a swing set. The place look deserted for a long time. I found out my theory isn't original neither and ironically, it is called the string theory! :LOL:
mmmm well then either they're not at the same "Barracks" although the swinging "Processing" sign is supposed to confirm they are....

or it looks older then we think.
They're not the same. The other Barracks was in a crater, no where near the docks. This was right by the docks.
Not just abandoned after the Boat showed up, I meant the rumor that in the timeline Sun/Ben/Frank are in the barracks were either never occupied the the Hostiles/Others or much shorter. But I don't believe that, I think Sun/Frank/Ben are in the same timeline they were in when they left but the Others have relocated to the Temple for the time being....possibly making an apperance soon as they leave to investigate if things are okay again.

The Barracks is abandoned because it has been for three years. The 316 survivors are in the Island's present, and that's three years since the arrival of the Kahana. It was three years for the Oceanic 6, three for those left behind, and three for the Island. Three years is a long time to leave a place. There is only one Barracks. I don't know why people are so hung up over it.
Does Jack have a big grin on his face, while he's spraying with the firehose?

I LOLed.

The Barracks is abandoned because it has been for three years. The 316 survivors are in the Island's present, and that's three years since the arrival of the Kahana. It was three years for the Oceanic 6, three for those left behind, and three for the Island. Three years is a long time to leave a place. There is only one Barracks. I don't know why people are so hung up over it.

yeah i guess i'm decided there is only one barracks all the losties keep going to....it's just that someone said there was a tree somewhere there didn't used to be...but i'll just ignore them. It's agreed....same barracks....just been 3 years since anyones dusted :)
He's squinting and bracing against the heat Unfocused, but yeah, still LOL.
I'll choose believe little Ben is not dead simply because the alternative would be a total bitch to pull off. What, should we see suddenly Ben start to disappear right in front of Locks and the rest of 316's eyes?

One scenario would be the Island resurrecting Ben and :

1) This would tie up nicely with Ben's assertion that he was born on the Island. (Actually he was referring to his reincarnation)

2) Also it would explain how Ben become shortlisted for the Others leader position. Surely someone who is resurrected by the Island would be seen as special and chosen?

But I'm still convinced that there has been some subtle changes to the timeline. The destination will be the same, just the path will be different.

Where the Frak as Faraday when we need him????
Isn't he with the others?

You're incorrect
You mean Faraday is with the Others? When did this happen? For my knowledge he is MIA..... Sawyer said something of the sort.

Also I'll assume your spoiler refers to the changeable timeline theory? Its just that I refuse to believe the Others, had they occupied Dharmaville, will simply let old Dharma stuff be. (the photos, the signs). Wouldn't you throw out old knickknacks of the previous owner if you move into a new place? Specially when there is so much animosity between the two?

I'm just repeating myself here so I'll put this theory into the closet until more evidence crops up.
Surely someone who is resurrected by the Island would be seen as special and chosen?
Yeah but they treat John's back being fixed with such reverence, you'd think that would be old hat if their leader had come back from a mortal wound.
Good point. But as I remember Alpert and co wasn't crazy about Ben's leadership qualities. So when Locke appeared with his Island mojo, maybe they were like "finally, we can get rid of that jerk now!".
I'm just guessing about Faraday. I vaguely remember Sawyers comment, which I recall being pretty ambigiuos, and basing it off that.

I simply refuse to believe that time can be changed. It makes no logical sense and breaks every rule Lost has given us. The day they change time is the day I stop watching.