Lost: Season 5

Whatever happened, happened.

Don't tell me what I can't do!

But yeah, what happened, happened.

All they are doing is reenacting what had already happened, which caused all the effects that cascaded into the future. Their actions are predetermined basically.

Which is a bit weird in the sense that they know somewhat because Daniel told them, "Whatever happened, happened.", and thus you would think they would have the chance to change the future. Though that's not really the case, since the first time it happened, they went through those same thought processes too.

You know, something that really, truly bothers me though, is The Swan.

The Swan to me... The Hatch, was the greatest part of the series. I enjoyed it the most. I rewatch some of those scenes, like where the system failure happens, and I get chills up and down my back. There's so much raw power to the concept of pushing the button and stuff, to 'save the world'... that I wish it would have been developed more. And I really truly hope there are more elements to it than just what happened.

I will be deeply upset if the series concludes and all that is true about the incident with the hatch, is that it's implosion resulted in the island becoming visible again. That will be incredibly stupid. There needs to be more to it! There was so much... supernatural stuff about The Swan, like the hieroglyphics and shit when the system failure happened which translates to "underworld". And of course Hurley and the numbers and stuff, which directly relates to the hatch.
And where the hell is Rose, Bernard & co. I din't think we will ever see them again.
They're probably with the Others! Muahahaha.

I can't see any other way of them having survived for three years.
Man so much was cut out of that second video :eek:
Yeah, I think it's most likely that they've joined with the Others, or are off in another time.
I simply refuse to believe that time can be changed. It makes no logical sense and breaks every rule Lost has given us. The day they change time is the day I stop watching.
Narratively of course the islands history isn't going to be changed by our characters being in the past just because they aren't going to simply throw away what they have spent four years revealing/teaching us. Time is either totally fixed or despite free will "course correcting" will always prevent large scale changes. Either way Ben lives.

Desmond in the show can change time, but narratively it is done so we never see something that is later changed by his actions - we see events as they are rather than what they originally were or were supposed to be, so rest assured nothing we have seen will be erased (the produces have confirmed this).

I rewatch some of those scenes, like where the system failure happens, and I get chills up and down my back.
Yeah same, loved the hatch stuff.

I will be deeply upset if the series concludes and all that is true about the incident with the hatch, is that it's implosion resulted in the island becoming visible again. That will be incredibly stupid. There needs to be more to it!
There is.

There was so much... supernatural stuff about The Swan, like the hieroglyphics and shit when the system failure happened which translates to "underworld".
Those hieroglyphs for The Swan link into the Ancient stuff we've been exposed to a lot more this season, given how big a role Dharma has played this season I'm expecting some big answers about their stuff this season. The finale is called
The Incident
after all.

And of course Hurley and the numbers and stuff, which directly relates to the hatch.
I take it you haven't seen this then? It was released a couple of years back so I don't consider it spoilery for anything coming up.

Well yes, Desmond is a special case, but the way he is affected in that time in the past and then immediately in the present with nothing inbetween makes it work fine.
I think that was quite stupid, don't you Swan? "So yeah" is not an ample warning for such a major spoiler, you ignominious tit.
Well yes, Desmond is a special case, but the way he is affected in that time in the past and then immediately in the present with nothing in between makes it work fine.

Desmond never violated any rules. He didn't change anything in the past or create an alternative result different from something that we have seen. It wasn't a special case. The timeline was not broken. The only thing that happened was that he forgot his meeting with Faraday for some strange reason. Maybe it has to do with the nature of time travel in the show, or maybe he just plain forgot.

There is no special law or force specifically that prevents people from changing things, it is just the nature of a determinant reality, that everything ends up in a certain way. Situations that would allow paradoxes will simply not arise, because that is the nature of the universe in this show.
I agree with everything you just said other than that Desmond could've possibly forgetten the meeting. I'm not saying he's a special case in that he can break the rules, just that through time travel he can be influenced only when he need be by events that occur through time travel into the past. Sorry if you misunderstood "special case".
The show really went downhill from the 4th season. There is no mystery anymore I think they should have just wrapped everything up in season 5 because the show just drags now ..

I just found out that the first half of tonight's episode has been leaked to BitTorrent. You can download the video on this link. Can't wait to watch the rest! http://www.sl-lost.com/2009/04/01/first-half-of-tonights-episode-leaked-to-bittorrent/
What? Really? D:

I... I... I CAN'T DO IT!



Wouldn't want to prevent anybody from catching tonight's Lost because of some stupid holiday!
this episode only had two highlights,

1.) "I...hadn't thought of that."

2.) and of course the temple.

but yea, next episode looks pretty sweet, bring on the smoke monster!
Is this a joke or something? I searched my usual torrent sites and found nothing, so **** you if this is some stupid April Fool's bullshit.

i liked the supermarket scene too.

I was thinking that woman looked weird... I mean shit, was that claire or something 'somehow'?

She looked unusual, and it's like they wanted us to think that. But I can't imagine them doing that... and I can't imagine them going back to focus on Aaron at all.


M. Night Shyamalan to direct series finale.



Ok EP. Bit of an exercise in tidying the books. Trailer for next weeks is promising, hopefully some Desmond in there as well ;)
No that was a joke Absinthe, LOL. Also M. Night Shamalamy isn't doing the finale, LOL. I like character development in LOST and generally like to find out about the characters history and what drives them. Like in Harry Potter, there is a character in there that develops far more than Harry Potter. Some kid was all scared and failed a lot. In the last book he was leading a rebellious revolution after Nazi's with wands. The ending made me jump out of my chair and the trailer was making me jump up and down in joy! :E

There was a LOST video podcast of the guy who does props and he revealed he is making a small box that fits in the ground. Smokey resides in a box underground like Pandora's box? In Season 3 the hostess and the kids were brain washed by the Smoker Monster. Ben lost his innocence and became a protector of the island, or a hostile by being turned by Smokey. Anyways WE ARE FINDING OUT ABOUT THE SMOKE MONSTER!!!

*Hey maybe the reason why Richard Alpert and the Hostiles never age is because they are all dead? Also the reason why Ben thinks he was born on the island was the Smoke Monster erased his memory. He may have forgotten about Annie too but I doubt it if he kept that doll.

**Yeah it makes sense. The Egyptians embalmed people to preserve them so Richard Alpert is preserved as well or something.
*Hey maybe the reason why Richard Alpert and the Hostiles never age is because they are all dead? Also the reason why Ben thinks he was born on the island was the Smoke Monster erased his memory. He may have forgotten about Annie too but I doubt it if he kept that doll.

I'm fairly certain only Richard doesn't age... as Ben seemed to make reference to this before. Because Ben most certainly ages.
I don't know if I'm remembering it wrong, but I don't think we have any reason to assume Ben forgot meeting Sayid in the past. At the time, he was pretending to be some one else, and it's not as if it's a particularly reasonable thing to go, "Even though we've never met and I seem to be about the same age as you, I remember you're the guy who shot me as a kid!" And it's not as if Ben's always up front about things anyway. Although, I'm probably just nitpicking.
its highly implied. why else would they seem so placid after being taken? the same thing obviously happened to ben so its a good idea.
There is a difference between presenting something as a good idea (which it is) and presenting it as fact.
No I never post facts it's just theories. It makes sense though right?
Yeah it's a good theory. Makes a lot of sense and strengthens the Smokey-Temple-Others connection which the writers seem to have been building up for a while. I think there is more to it than just brain washing though.

The list/kids/hostess mystery is one of the ones I'm more interested in, so I was just making sure I hadn't missed something.
I hate how they've messed with Hurley's character. They've turned him into a mental idiot who isn't likeable in any way.

He finally got to say something useful, but it was something we were all thinking after Ben got shot anyway.
I don't know if I'm remembering it wrong, but I don't think we have any reason to assume Ben forgot meeting Sayid in the past. At the time, he was pretending to be some one else, and it's not as if it's a particularly reasonable thing to go, "Even though we've never met and I seem to be about the same age as you, I remember you're the guy who shot me as a kid!" And it's not as if Ben's always up front about things anyway. Although, I'm probably just nitpicking.

Indeed. When Miles was stumped by Hurley's question I was just thinking "He ****ing did remember! He just didn't say anything!".

That was, of course, until Richard said Ben would lose his memory. Bah.
Okay, so I was doing a really geeky thing.

I was playing with the Lost numbers. You know... 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. I decided to have a little fun and make a 3x2 matrix with the numbers...

|4   8 |
|15  16|
|23  42|

And then a 2x3 matrix...

|4   8   15|
|16  23  42|

And then I multiplied the matrices together and got the matrix

|144    216     396 |
|316    488     897 |
|764    1150    2109|

Nothing special... didn't really know where I was going with this. So I just tried to check some of the numbers.

Most of them thus far didn't come up with anything interesting... but two of the numbers were quite interesting.

216 and 316.


In the film Pi, Max becomes obsessed with a 216-digit number in his quest to find the numeric equation behind existence, and is told by a group of Hasidic Jews that it represents the true name of God.

As six cubed, 216 is also symbolic of the Mark of the Beast in Christianity. This has been expressed in the Left Behind series. This is interesting as the quotient of 144,000/666 is 216.216216216... 216 is also the product of

6x6x6. These two numbers are used extensively throughout the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible, where the Mark of the Beast is identified.

The 216th verse of the Apocalypse: (Revelation 13:4) " And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast"

316 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/316_(number)

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
? John 3:16 (KJV)

In reply, Jesus declares, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again" (verses 5?6). John 3:16 summarizes Jesus's lesson to Nicodemus: that belief in Jesus is the only path to eternal life.

And let us not forget, there is a Lost episode titled 316. After Ajira Airways flight 316

Obviously this is coincidental, and doesn't really make much sense given the rest of the matrix values mean nothing that I could find, as of yet. But still, it was a little fun. And there was no reason why I did it, other than curious what the result would turn up. I am surprised that the number 316 managed to come up though, in stark contrast with the number 216 and it's meaning.
Nothing special... didn't really know where I was going with this.
You big tease.

I always liked how if you continually wrote out the numbers and then counted them the numbers name their position in the list (with the exception of 4), i.e. 8th is the 8th number along, 15 is the 15th, etc

4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
4 8 15 16 23 42
You big tease.

I honestly saw nowhere else I could go with it.

Though looking back at my post, it is a bit interesting that the first matrix element before 216 is 144... and in the 216 wikipedia article talking about the mark of the beast, it says:

This is interesting as the quotient of 144,000/666 is 216.216216216...

And how 144 is present in there... though it's 144,000.