Lost: Season 5

Essentially they require the Oceanic 6 to act as their constant to stop them from physically moving through time.
its going to be interesting to see how ben get's hurley out of custordy. (see what I did there, i made a fat joke)
so was chang's baby born on the island? if so he may be more important than we think.
Just watched the second episode. Again, amazing stuff. As I was watching I realised just how good this season mighe be if simply because it's really thrown a curveball into treading newgrounds for the shows direction and progression. I've always believed, against popular belief, that Lost does deliver and it is moving towards a well thought out finish (try and find me an article that doesn't end in ''let's just hope this season has a few answers!''), but I think this is the line where the show really steps up it's game to bring everyone around to a completly different setting.

Can't wait for more!

EDIT: Also, Richard is awesome.
I wonder who are those armed guys that wanted to kill Sawyer and Juliet? The Hostlies? They looks like WW2 British military to me...

Maybe the Allies dicovered the Eyeland during the Pacific War?

Last time I checked they don't usually chop off hands for simply being on an Island
I wonder who are those armed guys that wanted to kill Sawyer and Juliet? The Hostlies? They looks like WW2 British military to me...

Maybe the Allies dicovered the Eyeland during the Pacific War?

Daniele's ship crew members?
I don't think it makes sense at all. They crash, and it's suddenly their Island? I don't think so.
I don't think it makes sense at all. They crash, and it's suddenly their Island? I don't think so.

what about "the sickness" that we know so little about?
couldn't that cause them to act so irrationally; cutting off stranger's hands and calling it their island?
I love this show.

Hurley is too damn funny, loved the interaction between him and his dad.
so was chang's baby born on the island? if so he may be more important than we think.

Well is Charlotte also born on the Island? Oh and is she going to die?

Oh BTW just saw the first two episodes last night, f*cking mind trip!
Indeed, the story just got even more interesting, and even more mind ****ing boggling lol. Loving it.
what about "the sickness" that we know so little about?
couldn't that cause them to act so irrationally; cutting off stranger's hands and calling it their island?

No, I don't think the sickness is that kind of sickness.
I don't think the sickness is any kind of sickness. Other then what Ben used on Dharma.
Also, Time travel, I understand the consept of going back in time not being able to change anything. What has happend has happend. Kind of like a straight line.
Sawyer couldn't meet Desmond becouse then Desmond whould have recognized sawyer in season 2. BUT seeing how Desmond is special, or maybe Daniel just wanted to get them out of the way, im not sure if they are completely unable to change things. What's your take on Lost timetravel?
Ben used nerve gas not sickness. Danielle Rousseau was probably insane and told them lot of insane stuff...
i think the sickness has something to do with this time travel shit that killed minkowski.
Anyone else pick up on the bit with the 'English' Soldiers and Juliet and a possible clue as to how Montan lost his arm? ;)
Anyone else pick up on the bit with the 'English' Soldiers and Juliet and a possible clue as to how Montan lost his arm? ;)

im thinking that jones is widmore. they kinda look alike and itd explain his relationship to the island.
I don't think Jones is Widmore. That'd be silly. If Widmore is from anywhere, it's the Black Rock.
Im pretty sure Danielle knew more then she said. It's impossible that she whouldn't have found the darmah houses in 16 years. Or at least the fence.
Yeah..but more than anything I'm looking forward to seeing montan losing his arm :dork:
Sawyer couldn't meet Desmond becouse then Desmond whould have recognized sawyer in season 2. BUT seeing how Desmond is special, or maybe Daniel just wanted to get them out of the way, im not sure if they are completely unable to change things. What's your take on Lost timetravel?

I reckon Sawyer could have met Desmond. Remember when he came out from the hatch he said to Dan "Is it you whos been banging on my door for the past 20 minutes?"

Sawyer and the group weren't there that long until Dan convinced them to go back to the beach.

I reckon they may be able to change things, Dan was able to make Desmond remember the meeting in the future.
Yeah but the way I figure is that Sawyer won't be able to "meet" Desmond. If he whould have seen him he whould have remembered it in season 2. So no matter how hard Sawyer tries he will always fail. Desmond waiting 20 min, gearing up and then opening the door.

I think Lock meeting with Ethan fits, he whouldn't really have a reason for telling Lock on the beach that, ooh, remember that time I shot you? Oh right you haven't gone back in time yet.
I think Locks legs failing in season 1 might have something to do with him taking a bullet. Maybe?
What about Locke killing those guys? How is that not changing the past? I can't see how it can work unless Faraday was lying.

Personally my reaction to the opener was lukewarm. Meh. I'll probably settle into it, didn't like the beginning of Season 4 much either.
The way I see it is, that is consistant with what have happend in the timeline.
Desmond didn't meet Sawyer back there. Otherwise he whould have said so. Lock killed those guys. He always did, if you get what im trying to say.

Or maybe Faraday just said so to avoid confusion. He just wanted them to go away. But I think that the not being able to change anything is a more intressting plot, it avoids the ridiculous parallell universes ala Heroes plot.
Well I have been browsing lostpedia and its forum and have come up with my ideas in threads:
  • Miles could be Hollowax son. The electromagnetism on the island gave him the ability of a 6th sense people say.
  • Jones is Widmore.
  • People say Jacob is Alvor Hanso.
Also the Black Rock was a ship with slaves in it. There are a couple of new previews that came out and I think the people on the island, get off it to convince the O6 to get back. They show them out in the sea in a canoe. I think this is a great theory though:

Just go on sl-lost.com and look at the news. I wouldn't touch the on set video on episode 9. Looks like it would spoil a lot. Btw
The producers said that somebody of the O6 were going to die before February. This is the last week before February and in the preview still of episode 9, they show Sun. I thought Widmore is going to kill her but it could be Ben or Sayid. One of the O6 will die on Wednesday! ;(
Well I have been browsing lostpedia and its forum and have come up with my ideas in threads:
  • Miles could be Hollowax son. The electromagnetism on the island gave him the ability of a 6th sense people say.
  • Jones is Widmore.
  • People say Jacob is Alvor Hanso.
Also the Black Rock was a ship with slaves in it. There are a couple of new previews that came out and I think the people on the island, get off it to convince the O6 to get back. They show them out in the sea in a canoe. I think this is a great theory though:

Just go on sl-lost.com and look at the news. I wouldn't touch the on set video on episode 9. Looks like it would spoil a lot. Btw
The producers said that somebody of the O6 were going to die before February. This is the last week before February and in the preview still of episode 9, they show Sun. I thought Widmore is going to kill her but it could be Ben or Sayid. One of the O6 will die on Wednesday! ;(

the black rock is gonna be in season 5 one way or another. i remember reading that the producers rented an old ship to do scenes with.

and here's the title for episode 12:

dead is dead
The way I see it is, that is consistant with what have happend in the timeline.
Desmond didn't meet Sawyer back there. Otherwise he whould have said so. Lock killed those guys. He always did, if you get what im trying to say.
That doesn't explain how Desmond didn't remember Faraday. I think it's like he said, he can change Desmond's future, so he "inserted" memories in him.
The most interesting thing I can't wait to see more of is...

... how Faraday was working for Dharma back in the day, back even before the sites were finished. Maybe at some point they go so far in a jump that Faraday has a chance to 'blend in', as it were, with the teams construction/maintenance workers whist they were working on the Orchid... or many other different possibilities. Wouldn't explain as to how he could stay long, mind, or maybe he doesn't...

Man, I love Lost.
I think Faraday did an experiment on himself and teleported to the opening. "Get a load of that guy! Time travel, pfft." "Yeah I know right..." :cheese:
This is a little off topic right now, but I just wanted to post a small theory about Christian and Jacob. I was talking to my mom about this and I think that Christian will ultimatley be the bad guy trying to take over Jacob's role. And I think this because when Locke first meets Jacob, Jacob says help to Locke. Possibly asking him to help him from Christian?
This is a little off topic right now, but I just wanted to post a small theory about Christian and Jacob. I was talking to my mom about this and I think that Christian will ultimatley be the bad guy trying to take over Jacob's role. And I think this because when Locke first meets Jacob, Jacob says help to Locke. Possibly asking him to help him from Christian?
Or from Ben. The general theory goes that Ben, the only person with The Others able to hear Jacob, has holding Jacob prisoner somehow, or taking advantage of his position. Jacob saw that Locke also has the rare power to see and hear him, and asked him to help him.
This is a little off topic right now, but I just wanted to post a small theory about Christian and Jacob. I was talking to my mom about this and I think that Christian will ultimatley be the bad guy trying to take over Jacob's role. And I think this because when Locke first meets Jacob, Jacob says help to Locke. Possibly asking him to help him from Christian?

i agree. also, does anybody think that locke not turning the wheel has any significance?
Or from Ben. The general theory goes that Ben, the only person with The Others able to hear Jacob, has holding Jacob prisoner somehow, or taking advantage of his position. Jacob saw that Locke also has the rare power to see and hear him, and asked him to help him.

But why would he need help from Ben? Ben doesn't seem to have any leverage on Jacob and it also seems that Ben is more afraid of Jacob than anything else

i agree. also, does anybody think that locke not turning the wheel has any significance?
'Cause Locke is meant to stay on the island

Which also takes me back to my first quote to Monkey. If he wants to be helped by Locke from Ben, why does Jacob easily send him off to turn the wheel and take him off the island? It easily shows that Jacob has the complete power over Ben
Those Army guys spoke Latin and Juliet can understand them. She said she could speak Latin too because they are "Others" like her! *Wait they are the Natives. :O
Those Army guys spoke Latin and Juliet can understand them. She said she could speak Latin too because they are "Others" like her! *Wait they are the Natives. :O

Holy crap! I can't wait till Wednesday now =D