Lost: Season 5

Oh snap, so my theory on the young Widmore was right! :farmer: Great season! *Could Faradays mom be Widmores wife who is also Pennys mom? That would make Faraday and Penny brother and sister.
Oh snap, so my theory on the young Widmore was right! :farmer: Great season! *Could Faradays mom be Widmores wife who is also Pennys mom? That would make Faraday and Penny brother and sister.

They pretty much just confirmed that

Ms. Hawking the time cop is Faradays mom.
so anybody think the bomb's location is right next to the swan? that would explain the extreme amount of electromagnetism.

widmore tells Desmond that faradays mother is a women who lives in LA and is very private, so = Hawking.
It doesn't, but its still implied with the whole concrete thing that the bomb was some how apart of the swan. Im thinking its going to end up being tied to the "incident" somehow.
Enjoying the hell out of this season. Also, spoiler tags? Come on, dude, going into a Lost thread you should know that 95% of the posts are going to be pure speculation. Why would you come in here if you're afraid of being spoiled?
I don't mind spoilers but some people like to read actual spoilers online then pass it off as speculation so when it pops up they can be like "Oh yeah I totally called it"

Happened to me on the first episode, before it even ****ing started someone I knew was like "So I guess the island is like a record skipping you know?". Yeah, what a ****ing guess.
Enjoying the hell out of this season. Also, spoiler tags? Come on, dude, going into a Lost thread you should know that 95% of the posts are going to be pure speculation. Why would you come in here if you're afraid of being spoiled?
^^This. I'm just putting up my theories that I made or other people. Now the whole Jughead title was a spoiler but not really. If you googled the name you would come up with a variety of things including a Mark 17 Nuclear Bomb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jughead So your probably thinking that along with the Manhattan Project, Pacific War, they may have tested a nuke like Bikini Atoll.

Also Adrik_Senturo what he said was right I think and what I was thinking as well. Nuclear weapons I forget how but they are magnetic. They are extremely magnetic in fact. So what if the USA created a experimental nuke and wanted to test it on the island? They had to bury it under concrete which is the Swan station. Now when we first see it Sayid even says that the last time he saw something with this much concrete it was Chernobyl. Another is that when Desmond turns the fail safe key, that prevents the nuke from going off. Plus they had blast doors in the place suggesting a fallout shelter. I bet the Swan station was originally the launch test room suggesting all the computers, living area, and weapons to protect them from the hostiles.

Ok another thing is that I still believe that Ms. Hawking is Kates grandma. The show is trying to make you think it's Faraday like it's fooling you that Ben is bad.

Also those people in the USA Army jackets? Those people are not the Army. Miles picked up on a massive grave they walked over. Jones is not Widmores name as well. The armed forces don't have their name on their lapel like a Kmart employee. They have it like Pvt. Widmore. It can't be Charles Jones Widmore neither because why would you put your middle name on your lapel? What they did was take their uniforms after killing them. They are the natives and they will protect their island. A good note is why Richard Alpert is not wearing his proper uniform neither like a squad leader would. So that would lead you to say that Widmore is a hostile as well. :cool: Plus he lied to Alpert such as snapping his buddies neck, saying that Locke was their leader, etc.

I just noticed this website on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/thelostfiles Quite a few LOST viral videos I have never seen before.
Hey I may well have guessed right about faradays mother! I wonder if im right about her meeting desmond then going back and deliberately setting up the events in 'Flashes before your eyes', maybe thats a stretch, but it would certainly feel right.

I dont think the bomb is that connected to the hatch, I mean at the start of this season we saw them building the Orchid, so its safe to assume Dharma built all the hatches in the 70's, also from what Richard said the Army had only been there a short time, if they had time to build a nuclear testing bunker, you would think they would have been able to build a better camp, or less rickety looking bomb tower!

It does connect up nicely to previous events though, Ana Lucia noticing the US Army knife that one of the others had for instance, thats pretty cool.
Good episode, I'm surprised at the Widmore reveal.

Oh snap, so my theory on the young Widmore was right! :farmer: Great season! *Could Faradays mom be Widmores wife who is also Pennys mom? That would make Faraday and Penny brother and sister.

No, no I don't think so. That would be incredibly silly. I can see Ellie being Pen's mom though.
About the promo for next week.

So they show this shot with the guys walking through the jungle and a pillar of light appearing in the distance, I assume this is the night that Kate and Locke are descending into the hatch for the first time, and the pillar of light is the moment Desmond grabs Kate?
She is not Danielle. This is the 1950's, not the 80's, which is when Danielle and her party crashed.
I don't think the Swan has anything to do with the bomb, just the electromagnetism of the Island.

At first I thought the bomb might be what's in the stone column in season 3's ruins, but it's too small and not concrete. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Image:3x19_locke_column.jpg

Unrelatedly(?), In the first episode, Chang reads a sonar printout with the same shape that the others branded Juliet with.

Also, the pop-ups in the enhanced version of 5x2 reveal Mrs. Hawking to be named Eloise Hawking. The blonde with the Others was called Ellie at some point, iirc. There was also Daniel's comment that she looked familiar or something like that. Common theory is that she's Mrs. Hawking, but I'm not convinced yet.
Also, the pop-ups in the enhanced version of 5x2 reveal Mrs. Hawking to be named Eloise Hawking. The blonde with the Others was called Ellie at some point, iirc. There was also Daniel's comment that she looked familiar or something like that. Common theory is that she's Mrs. Hawking, but I'm not convinced yet.

thats what i believe.
Cabin Fever episode explained.
The season premiere did. Horace gave Locke a memory like Faraday gave a memory to Desmond. That's why it seemed like a tape going in reverse each time he cut down that tree. Also his nose was bleeding like Charlotte :)



  • The Buddhist god upside down
  • Polar bear
  • The famous "Namaste" line.

Great episode. Love the fact that the reveals are coming in, thick and fast now. Anyone think that perhaps the 108 minutes might have to do with resetting the bombs timer or something?

Also Jack who? Show seems to have gone over fully to Locke, Des, Faraday & Ben
That's the way it should be.


LOL. Quality I must admit the gun on camera thing was quite bizarre.

Man, that episode was so good, I had to rewatch it straight away.

That widmore makes the claim about him knowing the island so well makes me think that they (the original 50s others) are probably much like Richard all a lot older than they appear to be. Perhaps the crew/survivors of the Black Rock?

Also although it's a keen mind that spots the same actress in 2 roles, I have to say I suspect it's probably just a case of having a limited pool of local actors to draw from. I can't envisage there are many actors left in Hawaii who haven't been in Lost now tbh.
Great episode. Love the fact that the reveals are coming in, thick and fast now. Anyone think that perhaps the 108 minutes might have to do with resetting the bombs timer or something?

Also Jack who? Show seems to have gone over fully to Locke, Des, Faraday & Ben

That would be kind of lame. I was hoping the hatch and the incident is a lot more mystical than just resetting the bomb's timer.
Also Jack who? Show seems to have gone over fully to Locke, Des, Faraday & Ben

And I'm glad, most everybody else on the island was a waste of human space and could roll over and die for all I cared.

wahhh my daddy doesn't love me
wahhh my tummy hurts, now wahhh somebody took my baby
wahhh i want my diamond
wahhh my mommy doesn't love me

And I'm glad, most everybody else on the island was a waste of human space and could roll over and die for all I cared.

wahhh my daddy doesn't love me
wahhh my tummy hurts, now wahhh somebody took my baby
wahhh i want my diamond
wahhh my mommy doesn't love me


So far I love the Season 5, LOST is definitely getting better and better.
Last episode was made of pure awesome, it was like The Constant 2. Daniel Faraday owns the show.
Awesome stuff. The bomb in the Swan theory makes a lot of sense.

One thing: Widmore was an Other, IE an enemy of Dharma (once they arrived a couple of years later). But in the present time Widmore cooperated with the Hanso Foundation (and Mr. Paik's company). The Hanso Foundation founded Dharma. So has Widmore switched sides over the years?

The question is, what pissed of Widmore so much that he wanted to fight his former friends? Maybe he and Ben were fighting for leadership and Ben won?
Awesome stuff. The bomb in the Swan theory makes a lot of sense.

One thing: Widmore was an Other, IE an enemy of Dharma (once they arrived a couple of years later). But in the present time Widmore cooperated with the Hanso Foundation (and Mr. Paik's company). The Hanso Foundation founded Dharma. So has Widmore switched sides over the years?

The question is, what pissed of Widmore so much that he wanted to fight his former friends? Maybe he and Ben were fighting for leadership and Ben won?

It's 1954 -- still a decade from dharma's arrival. Likely Widmore founded it, either because he was banished or he wanted to take things in a new direction.
The bomb inside the Swan doesn't make much sense, even DHARMA people said it was caused by geological anomaly. And when The Swan exploded, it wasn't nuclear blast.
This is what's in there.

Thats a great piece of concept art, reminds me of somthing out of STALKER.
Enjoying the hell out of this season. Also, spoiler tags? Come on, dude, going into a Lost thread you should know that 95% of the posts are going to be pure speculation. Why would you come in here if you're afraid of being spoiled?

Because what if I want to discuss/speculate or read others thoughts about episodes already gone by? I'm happy scrolling along and then suddely something from the latest episode is laid out in front of me. What if someone had quoted me with speculation on a theory I thought up a few pages back?

You'd feel the same if you came into the thread for above reasons and found a spoiler right at the start of someones post.

Anyway, that was an awesome episode.
Because what if I want to discuss/speculate or read others thoughts about episodes already gone by? I'm happy scrolling along and then suddely something from the latest episode is laid out in front of me. What if someone had quoted me with speculation on a theory I thought up a few pages back?

You'd feel the same if you came into the thread for above reasons and found a spoiler right at the start of someones post.

Anyway, that was an awesome episode.

I learned to avoid Lost threads like the plague and opted instead to watch all three seasons completely as well as the first half of season four in 2-3 days when I actually got interested in the show. That way I wouldn't have anything spoiled for myself.