Lost: Season 5

The "spoilers" were of an episode gone by, at least for US viewers. Perhaps spoiler tags should be used until the episode has been aired for everyone (when is that?). Or maybe people who live where the broadcast is later should be aware that some people have already seen the latest episode and avoid places where the show is discussed?
Eh, I like reading speculation. It's pretty far known that Lost threads are always going to include debate, and for whatever reasons people debating episodes they've already seen might not of seen the latest episode. Just fair to put things in tags just to be safe, really.

EDIT: To the above, spoiler tags should indeed be used until the episode has aired for everybody, but also for just in general as not everyone watches Lost at the same exact time. If not a tag then at least something to tell people what episode it relates to instead of just blurting it out for all to see. It wasn't even much of a spoiler, I'm just saying, is all.
Because what if I want to discuss/speculate or read others thoughts about episodes already gone by? I'm happy scrolling along and then suddely something from the latest episode is laid out in front of me. What if someone had quoted me with speculation on a theory I thought up a few pages back?

You'd feel the same if you came into the thread for above reasons and found a spoiler right at the start of someones post.

Anyway, that was an awesome episode.
What we are trying to say is basically don't come in during and after Wednesday 9EST. We saw it unlike some UK person sipping his tea and eating crumpets, whining that we saw/talking about it. :stare:
Well, you got me there! Tea and crumpets! Who said American humour paled in comparison to British humour, huh?

Just spoiler tag your goddamn posts, please. It happens everywhere else and no matter what you say about not coming into a thread, people are going to do it anyway. It's common sense to spoiler potential spoilers. Everyone else is good enough to do so regardless of when the episode has aired. It's just a safety net.
This is what's in there.


not canon though.
Well, you got me there! Tea and crumpets! Who said American humour paled in comparison to British humour, huh?

Just spoiler tag your goddamn posts, please. It happens everywhere else and no matter what you say about not coming into a thread, people are going to do it anyway. It's common sense to spoiler potential spoilers. Everyone else is good enough to do so regardless of when the episode has aired. It's just a safety net.
So how can we talk about the show then? This isn't like watching a movie and spoiling the ending. This is a tv series. Your suggesting that every post from now on talking about this show must be spoiler tagged. The only thing that should are real spoilers like set reports, etc.
Coming into this thread not wanting to see spoilers is like a nun going to a rapist convention.

I'm bad at analogies

Put spoilers into the thread title.
So how can we talk about the show then? This isn't like watching a movie and spoiling the ending. This is a tv series. Your suggesting that every post from now on talking about this show must be spoiler tagged. The only thing that should are real spoilers like set reports, etc.

Are you kidding me? How do you think people are going to talk about the show? No wait, people already ARE talking about it just fine in spoilers. Do you know what a spoiler tag even is? It in no way hinders the debate and if you look back on the last page or so, you'll see a whole boat load of people using spoiler tags just fine. Do you think it is... difficult to read things that are spoiler tagged? You just click the button and the conversation continues as normal, only people don't see glaringly obvious spoilers right in front of their eyes.

I said it before - people are going to come into threads like this regardless of whether they have seen the last episode or not. What if someone has some news to post? (you know kust how pendantic some folk here are at getting something posted before others...) A trailer, a blog theory site or something? What if they want to carry on a debate from before but but the forum automatically descends the page and they can't help but catch two or three words, much like I did with your post. Your spoiler wasn't much, but I'm just saying.

Back on topic...

I think you'll find that pretty much everyone here regardless of location is watching the show about a day after the US broadcast rather than waiting for SKY or whomever to broadcast it on Sunday.

Yes people should tag up, but an alternative approach might be you not visiting the thread until after you've caught up. I mean it's fairly logical that if there are convos going on after the latest episodes broadcast in the states, people aren't going to be talking about the episode a week back. There's zero chance of spoilers for you that way, where as there's an infinite chance if you do pop in. I mean who can you trust but yourself at the end of the day?
Well they're stupid. What is their purpose in coming in here? I say put spoiler in the title and screw em.

Edit: In regards to Antipop

I think you'll find that pretty much everyone here regardless of location is watching the show about a day after the US broadcast rather than waiting for SKY or whomever to broadcast it on Sunday.

Yes people should tag up, but an alternative approach might be you not visiting the thread until after you've caught up. I mean it's fairly logical that if there are convos going on after the latest episodes broadcast in the states, people aren't going to be talking about the episode a week back. There's zero chance of spoilers for you that way, where as there's an infinite chance if you do pop in. I mean who can you trust but yourself at the end of the day?

I know, I'm just saying for the good of all things, it just helps. It helps because at the end of the day, there really isn't anything more to putting a spoiler tag on something as it takes no time at all and doesn't upset anyone. I've only visited this thread once and that was today and something minor was spoiled. I don't visit usually. But zero chance of people talking about last weeks episide? This is Lost, man. People are still talking about the first season onwards.

Christ, the amount of times I've been attacked for not spoilering something, I would of thought the same would apply now.
Spoiler tags for films for sure ..but TV shows are another matter entirely. I mean you go in the BSG thread and the entire thread seems to be just made up of this:-




It gets kind of ridiculous after the third of fourth post...

If it's been aired and it's a day later I'd say it's fair game for open discussion. Also maybe at the dedicated lost fan forums they might be heavily into discussing Charlies escapades in season 1 and their greater meaning, but I'd say here, we are a little more focussed on the here and now in terms of the episodes unless the reveals tie back into the past some. Spoilers are an inevitability tbf.
Whatever, spoiler tags don't bother me because yeah, it looks weird but so what, I click it and there's what I want to read. If it means someone doesn't get something spoiled for them on accident then I'm all for it.

I'm going to continue putting all of my Lost discussions in spoilers, anyway, just like quite a few people have been doing before this debate even arose.
Antipop, we are not trying to be jerks here. We saw the newest episode and it's unfair to type out spoiler tags for every thought, theory about the episode that we just saw. I read somewhere that in Russia they are just starting to watch Season 4. :x Not that I'm suggesting they may download or watch ABCs full episode player early before it airs for them. I think I even got CyberPitz on MSN and was all like "hey bro! Did you check out last nights episode?" and he replied with "I didn't see it yet". Now I didn't spoil anything but rather just said "it was a great episode". You shouldn't come into this thread after Wednesdays at 9PM EST! It's as simple as that. You know that we just saw the newest episode, see people posting from the "Films, TV and DVD section", so why are you in this thread?

The start of this thread was mainly set reports. I mean can you see it from our point of view bro? We have to put extra time into our posts just for you because you have to wait the next day to see the newest episode. A spoiler is like saying Hurley has a heart attack. A spoiler is saying from a recent set report that we meet Jacob. A spoiler is saying what we saw in a clip of next weeks episode. All of those I made up for examples but a spoiler isn't something that was just officially aired and is now on ABC episode player. http://abc.go.com/player/index?pn=index
No, I did not know you had just seen the newest episode. Excuse me for quickly double checking my timezones as I lazily browse across the forum on a dull Wednesday night, but I clicked on the thread and came right smack across your minor spoiler. I'll admit it was my fault, but had I come face to face with a spoiler tag I'd be able to click away without ever knowing what happened. It happens. It always happens, and it's going to continue happening to people wherever you go. I'm not even that fussed about that particular scene anymore, it's just the kind of thing which could be really shitty for someone if they do what I did - or came into this thread for any other reason - and the forum jumped them right to the newest post which had the first three words as 'OMG HURLEY DEAD', or some such.

Extra time... give me a break. :LOL: It takes me five seconds to do so and in the end, could stop a few people from being spoiled, whether it was their fault or not. I came into the thread at the wrong time accidently. Should I really have something that I enjoy spoiled for me for a little error, esp. when it really doesn't take much to tag something? Hell, even a moderator had to ask for spoiler tags in a 24 thread. Which makes me wonder, what about them? Don't they have to check through threads, maybe even before they've seen an episode, because it's their forum task? I could be wrong on that one, though, so that's just thought really.

I'm tired of this now. Anyway...
I don't know why I continue to watch this show. It just descends further and further into blatant absurdity and stupidity, yet I feel the need to watch it just to see what happens.

I mean, we went from the somewhat believable (people surviving a plane crash with just scrapes and bruises) To the slightly odd (monsters in the jungle pulling up trees) To the even more odd (polar bears in the jungle and people living in hatches) to the downright silly (people predicting the future, magic invisible men) to the simply absurd and stupid (giant ships wheels causing people to go forward and back in time).

Yet somehow I still watch it.
^Realism shouldn't always be the seen as an ideal...

It's 1954 -- still a decade from dharma's arrival. Likely Widmore founded it, either because he was banished or he wanted to take things in a new direction.
Do we know exactly when Dharma and the Hanso Foundation arrived on the island? The hatches seem to be build in the 70s, but Dharma could've arrived way earlier. Maybe they said something about that in the Lost Experience, I never payed much attention to that.
^Realism shouldn't always be the seen as an ideal...

Do we know exactly when Dharma and the Hanso Foundation arrived on the island? The hatches seem to be build in the 70s, but Dharma could've arrived way earlier. Maybe they said something about that in the Lost Experience, I never payed much attention to that.

between 1970 and 1975.
^Realism shouldn't always be the seen as an ideal...

Do we know exactly when Dharma and the Hanso Foundation arrived on the island? The hatches seem to be build in the 70s, but Dharma could've arrived way earlier. Maybe they said something about that in the Lost Experience, I never payed much attention to that.
Yeah I saw a lot of that in a previous link I put here. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lost_Experience Spoiler for the spoiler impaired:
Like Alvor Hanso is some old guy being held prisoner. Essentially Mittelos Bioscience got a Orangutan named Jupe to be at least 105 yrs old. The guy that was talking about testing a virus on people can live forever like Alpert also Hanso. That ad campaign had a lot of stuff I think that we will see at the end of this season and the final season. Oh yeah there is some crazy stuff like the Valenzetti Equation is still being worked on by Valenzetti, a bunch of autistic people, and mathematicians 24/7. They work to change the numbers. DHARMA is a secret organization too.
For all I know is that Richard Alpert is an Army experiment from Mittelos Bioscience to live forever. I don't that may be true but it's a good guess.
I now have the feeling that the nuclear bomb is responsible for the random jumps in time
I doubt that.

Okay, what I meant was that it is not the sole reason, but Daniel Faraday did research into sending conciousness through time through the use of radiation. Maybe the bomb and the unique properties of the island created a a wierd concoction of energy, and this energy was released when the island moved
Okay, what I meant was that it is not the sole reason, but Daniel Faraday did research into sending conciousness through time through the use of radiation. Maybe the bomb and the unique properties of the island created a a wierd concoction of energy, and this energy was released when the island moved

that's better....and as i wrote this there was a deer in my yard. brb *gets gun*
nah i already did that with a polar bear that mysteriously appeared outside my hut I have on this weird island i'm stuck on where.......OH SHIT!!!!
Wow, that was a great episode. I'm a little bummed that Kate died, but I guess we'll still see more of her since she's with Jacob now.
Do you just come in here to get mad if there are spoilers?
Well c'mon, there are spoiler tags for a reason. Not everyone see's this show at the same time. And wasn't there just an argument about spoiler tags a few pages ago?
Yeah. Oh, why do you come in here by the way?
Is this thread just to give away spoilers? No, this is where you can talk about the show along with speculations. Like I said before, spoiler tags aren't here for nothing. I come here to talk about Lost, to talk about theories.
What theories?! You haven't even watched the most recent episode, how can you speculate?
Theories about past episodes. Is this thread titled "Most recent Lost episode"? No, it's about this season. And of course I haven't seen the most recent episode, because it's not on yet.
Haha, what? Dude, it's a Lost thread, virtually every post will have a spoiler and you can't expect people to tag every post. What if I hadn't seen any episodes this season and I skipped to the end of this thread? Would it be reasonable for me to complain about being spoiled?

And I don't know what you're trying to say, but 'most recent episode' by definition would have to already be aired.
I don't expect people to tag every post, only the ones that give away important things. Well there's a difference than watching the show and not being spoiled vs. watching the show from the beginning and being spoiled. Of course you wouldn't care 'cause you don't watch it, I watch this show and love. I don't want it to be ruined. Yeah, and it has been aired. But not everywhere. There's still the people who haven't gotten the chance to watch it. I just believe that during the day the show is on, show some courtesy and not ruin a part of the show for someone until the next day.

What if you're pumped for a show, and some guy just ruined a part for you when you're about to watch it? Wouldn't you want the excitement of finding it out on your own from the show?
I don't know if you think we're spoiling tonight's episode, but it just came on, and there is not a single post regarding it's content.

And if I had missed an episode of this show and didn't want it to be spoiled I would probably start with not reading this thread.
"I'm a little bummed that Kate died, but I guess we'll still see more of her since she's with Jacob now. "

That's not about tonights episode then?

You got a point there, but why did he have to post something important about tonight's episode that everyone has not yet been able to see? Is it really that hard to use a spoiler tag?
i hate how tonights episode sucked until the last 15 mintues. next weeks looks good though.