Lost: Season 5

Montan's friend must be ****ing strong that he didn't let go of the hand and it instead got ripped off.

I LOLed hard in three parts at the characters expressions:

1) When Sawyer met Jin:
-I thought you were dead
-No... no. In water.
-Whadya say? Hahaha. (in a high-pitched voice; BIG GRIN)

2)When Locke was about to go in the well.
Sawyer -What are you hoping to find?
Locke -A way off the Island
S -Expecting a subway?
*Locke turns to Sawyer with a grin* - I LOLed at this, cause he never really laughed at Sawyer's jokes.
L -Goodbye James.

3)Again, well scene
S -Sure you don't want us to lower you down?
L -Where would be the fun in that? *Locke proceeds to crack up at his own joke, while scratching his beard on his arm*

I felt sorry for Sawyer when locke dissappeared and he was shouting "HELP ME DIG!", but it was kinda funny to.
I felt sorry for Sawyer when locke dissappeared and he was shouting "HELP ME DIG!", but it was kinda funny to.

no I felt real bad for Sawyer. He's started to go through a lot...saw Kate from the past so THAT'S not helping....just watched John die (so he thinks) being buried alive. Poor guy....good thing him and Kate tie the knot in the future....yes...i think Jack will move on.

somebody just asked me what happens when you are banished from the island but you return? They then asked if that's what happened to Jacob and I was stunned....i've never thought of that]

whaddya think?
Brilliant f***ing episode! Who else started biting their fingers off when the Monster came? Always earth-shattering sequences...:D
That old bag is Faraday's mother? Gee, i didn't see that coming. :rolleyes:

5 seasons and they still haven't explained the Smoke Monster, The Four Toed Statue, The Sickness, Jacob, Richard Alpert's agelessness, Alvar Hanso's whereabouts, The Numbers and a shitload of other plot elements.

Through mid season they scrap one story arc and move onto another, leaving many questions unanswered. At first, i was intrigued. Then, bewildered. Now, i am just plainly pissed off.
Yes, because with only a season and a half left before the series comes to close, they should obviously answer all of those right now.
Also, most of the mysteries that just got cited aren't actually 5 seasons old. Some of them are barely even one season old probably.
Are the Others moving through time as well? You know people who went to the Temple when the mercenaries came to kill everyone. And if they are wouldn't they all be dead now since they have been on the island so long.
Anyone else think Richard is like a cast down angel or god, hence the not aging thing.
He's G-Man you fool.


Some military/Dharma experiment. Or maybe some Island powers.
No angel/god stuff I hope.
He was on the Island long before DHARMA arrival, and he was also fighting US military...
Yeah Yeah... Perhaps some sort of imortal Island keeper then.
But I still think he could have been part of some military experiment though.
Yeah, Island watcher then. Samon has as usual settled things with as few words as possible :P
Samon is a Jack, quite literally speaking I think. A man of science.

I'm definitely a Locke. A man of faith.

Jack is a stupid spinal surgeon, not a man of science. True man of science is Daniel.
And Locke's faith is very different from faith of ordinary religious people.
I'm not sure what I felt about the last episode. It featured a bunch of cool and interesting new things, but I can't help but feel it felt very rushed and for some reason, felt like it was over way before it even started. I don't really know how to explain that one, but still...

Ben losing his temper in the van was excellent, though.
I'm not sure what I felt about the last episode. It featured a bunch of cool and interesting new things, but I can't help but feel it felt very rushed and for some reason, felt like it was over way before it even started. I don't really know how to explain that one, but still...

Ben losing his temper in the van was excellent, though.

I felt this too espeicially..

Charlotte dying, i thought the producers would have alot more planned for her, it seemed very rushed how she confessed to daniel her whole story. Who knows though, people dont really stay dead in lost :)
And Locke's faith is very different from faith of ordinary religious people.

It's like a blind, stupid faith....it doesn't matter what you tell him, he'll do it. Even if it means dying (literally). Ben could have told him to walk off that cliff and he probably would have done it.
It's like a blind, stupid faith....it doesn't matter what you tell him, he'll do it. Even if it means dying (literally). Ben could have told him to walk off that cliff and he probably would have done it.

Except it's not entirely blind faith. He has seen things that no religious person would have seen in the real world, unexplainable things. Apparitions and so much more.

He is too eager though to be a part of it all and thus throw himself around willingly like a puppet to the various powers of the Island. Richard and Jacob especially.
I haven't watched past seasons so I am a bit confused. Where did Locke's body come from? I thought he was on the island. When did he hang himself? What happened in the well?
The episode felt way too rushed, although I assume we will be getting flashbacks why the other people were on the plane soon.

Pretty big disappointment, as I expected way more from the "return to the island" episode. 4/10
The episode felt way too rushed, although I assume we will be getting flashbacks why the other people were on the plane soon.

Pretty bid disappointment, as I expected way more from the "return to the island" episode.

i thought the end felt a bit rushed, but that was it.
Heh, pretty cool. I hope it was a case of by passing over the island they got zapped out of the plane, and it wasn't a case of everyone else on board dying, though I wouldn't object to Zuleikha Robinson (the FBI tagging Sayid) being added to the cast (more of her next week apparently).
Good episode, esp. the end. Wow.

That guy who gave his condolences to Jack in the que could be a reoccuring character, too, as he was up in the first class area alongside the FBI woman. Interesting, though he might not be. I goddamn laughed when that scream sound was played as the plane buckled. It wasn't the Wilhelm (I don't think), but it was a just as popular one.

Pretty cool episode. A few times I thought to myself ''have I missed an episode?!'' because of some things that cannot be explained until a flashback; Hurley's escape or release from jail, Sayid and the FBI woman. I can dig that there is a respective reason for why they made it to the airport and such, it just felt very... normal. It didn't feel to me as if there was any prior happenings beforehand, they were just there as if they would be normally, like Jack was. I don't know, but I guess we'll find out so it's void.
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Sweet by the look of that trailer, John's talking to the FBI bird back at the Island ;)

Anyone else thinking 70s Losties = the cause of the 'incident'?
Sweet by the look of that trailer, John's talking to the FBI bird back at the Island ;)

Anyone else thinking 70s Losties = the cause of the 'incident'?

whatever they cause, i'm sure it'll be something big.