Magazine coverage of HL2

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Edit: Nevermind....

*date modified: 23-Apr-2003 15:41*

:'( ...*sniff... the good old days...*
not one benelux magazine saying something about new scans or info :(
still no PC Gamer?

lol wow maybe they'll miss this months issue :p
I am actually naked. And if you want to know the latest about the release date you'll have to wait until April 29th I'm afraid. I would tell you now but I'd have to lock myself up in jail afterwards.

Thought I'd just quote what I thought was an interesting post(he says he's naked teeheehee) by one of the writers of PCZone. Actually I believe it's the editor, he goes by the name Dave_PCZ

My thought is that it's more hype by the zone guys about the upcoming issue. They'll probably say something to the effect of it'll be coming very soon or something similarly vague.
Well still no US PCGAMER. Since the NDA on the HL2 info expires on the 29th of April I guess it makes sense for them to delay the june issue for a couple weeks and bring it out on the 29th with all the good stuff. Makes sense to me :).
Magazine coverage.. Dunno if this has been posted already, i don't want to run through a 22 page thread.

Zapp$ter said:
My thought is that it's more hype by the zone guys about the upcoming issue. They'll probably say something to the effect of it'll be coming very soon or something similarly vague.

When i buy PC Zone on thursday (29th) id be completely fine with a 1 page preview with only 1 word on it.


that would be enough for me.
Why can't you people just stop speculating and wait for the maazines to come out. At least stop being so negative "Oh my godz I don't think there's any new information"...What the hell makes you think that? It has already come to our knowledge, that PCGamer and PCZone were invited to playtest HL2 in March. So this time "a preview" will actually mean preview.

They already said they're not allowed to release new info about HL2 before April 29.

PS: well, maybe you could say that the preview doesn't actually contain new info about the game itself...But hey, at least we get to know what it is like to really play the game. They're could be a couple of new screenshots?
Dudes.. Seriously... Stop whining about the magazine will have new media. OF COURSE
it will have new media. It's a **** commercial world out there. Did you guys even
THINK that a preview with the same media, same knowledge & same information would sell?! I think not.
flupke said:
Dudes.. Seriously... Stop whining about the magazine will have new media. OF COURSE
it will have new media. It's a **** commercial world out there. Did you guys even
THINK that a preview with the same media, same knowledge & same information would sell?! I think not.

Are you

A) Making fun of me?
B) Being sarcastic?
C) Actually thinking that way, 'cause that's cool man! Finally someone a little more optimistic.
lol is this argument gonna go on till thursday, im still waiting on that time jumping device.
Dougy said:
When i buy PC Zone on thursday (29th) id be completely fine with a 1 page preview with only 1 word on it.


that would be enough for me.

I really couldn't give a crap about info regarding the release date. Don't get me wrong I can't wait for the game to come out, it's just that over the years I've grown accustomed to dealing with any info regarding release dates in a certain way(i.e. ignore them and don't get excited until I hear news of the game going gold)

I'd be fine with maybe one or two new gameplay details and some new screenshots.
PCZone editor had this to say about PCGamers editors post about playing only levels already seen:-

I was a bit surprised to read that as well, although saying that we don't know what Gamer saw or what they've been given - all we know is that Martin played a fair chunk of the game and has loads of new info. It's very possible, given what Mark's saying, that Gamer weren't given access to the same stuff we were. We were dealt with separately and given separate presentations.

So looks like we may get brand new info after all:smoking: . My subsciber info says my mag was sent yesterday, so hopefully will have it soon.
oh man, perfect timing, this is great. Mags will have info by april 29th, soon after that the internet will be flooded with info coz of e3. It would be great if Valve just releases the game right after e3 as a suprise while our hopes are so low.

I feel Half-Life 2 coming soon and exploding into the scene, kinda like the T-rex in Jurassic park thumping the ground getting closer and closer while the water in the glass shakes.
man THIS THURSDAY coming cant wait.

Also they would NOT say they have gone to play test a game, come out shocked and then release a Preview article with the same screens as they showed in their MAGS for the first time bk when we all heard about it, And the same info.

what is the point of saying "preview" and talking about the same stuff!

So get ready for thursday! i can see a gr8 read for about £5 *alot of money for a mag some say but hey alot of demos and **** loads on it.*

one last thing.

Preview... i know it means telling you all about the game before release Yea, But does it mean that the game is done and it is telling you all about it while it is waiting for release date so to speak???
Previews are usually of unfinished games. Some come a long way, or fall short from their previews, when they are finished and reviewed.
Seppo said:
C) Actually thinking that way, 'cause that's cool man! Finally someone a little more optimistic.

I was agreeing with you, and yes that too.
Volcane said:
PCZone editor had this to say about PCGamers editors post about playing only levels already seen:-

So looks like we may get brand new info after all:smoking: . My subsciber info says my mag was sent yesterday, so hopefully will have it soon.

It has been confirmed that we will have new info and new media, but the info and screens (maybe movies) we get in mags, will probably be the same they will show on the e3. So i'm noit gonna buy any mag :stare:
ferd said:
It has been confirmed that we will have new info and new media, but the info and screens (maybe movies) we get in mags, will probably be the same they will show on the e3. So i'm noit gonna buy any mag :stare:

It's technically new media coming from the mags. Basically, updated build of what we saw last year, so the same E3 maps at different areas, etc.
Volcane said:
So looks like we may get brand new info after all:smoking: . My subsciber info says my mag was sent yesterday, so hopefully will have it soon.
How long does it usually take to arrive?
Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere.

Anyone in the UK who is not a subscriber to PC Zone but can't wait until tomorrow. Try popping into a Game store. The big one in the centre of Bristol already has the new PC Zone issue on the shelf. I haven't had time to read the article yet as I'm still at work. However, there are certainly a few new screen shots. Nothing Earth shattering, mostly Combine and City 17 shots.

Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it.
According to someone who has it...

It's full of rehashed information, nothing much new (if anything at all).
ManicS2 said:
According to someone who has it...

It's full of rehashed information, nothing much new (if anything at all).

Whcich magazine do you mean? PC Zone surely has new information
I think he is confused with this months PC Gamer, PC Zone will have the same preview as PC Games magazine did, only in english and probbally more screenshots.
Heh heh no I'm not confused. I'm from the UK PC Gamer forum, so I know everything there is to know about the HL2 previews. One of the guys at the forum has it - he said no new info.
ManicS2 said:
Heh heh no I'm not confused. I'm from the UK PC Gamer forum, so I know everything there is to know about the HL2 previews. One of the guys at the forum has it - he said no new info.

Link to the thread, please? I'd like to investigate. :-)
SMT said:
Link to the thread, please? I'd like to investigate. :-)
I'll just quote what he said...

A few of these screenshots are in the new PC Zone, that I picked up today, and to be honest there isn't really a great big deal about the supposed exclusive that was promised, It smacked of last yeats HL2 previews having a single image stretched to fill a page, in the obvious attempt to fill space with the apparrent lack of new information. Very little of the information that was revealed is totally new, to me it seem working of old news and giving it a new spin, but thats just my opinion,

Also the new screenshots look somewhat naff, they look way to cardboard cutout to me, but who knows only time will tell.

and link:
I heard the PC Zone preview was 10 pages in length. How could there be no new info amongst that? That would be nasty regurgitation. :x
Ooh, look at how quickly it changed from "no" new info to "very little" new info. :P
Usually with big previews the first 2 pages are just one large screenshot stretched across, so thats 2 pages down already.

I'll need to see when I buy Zone tomorrow I suppose, but everything about HL2 thats been promised hasn't lived up to it - should expect it by now. Just hope the game breaks that trend.
ManicS2 said:
Usually with big previews the first 2 pages are just one large screenshot stretched across, so thats 2 pages down already.

I'll need to see when I buy Zone tomorrow I suppose, but everything about HL2 thats been promised hasn't lived up to it - should expect it by now. Just hope the game breaks that trend.

The game living up to expectations is the only thing that counts.
You got to be kidding me.... Good god i hope so much those magazines 'll have new information & loads of screenshots!!
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