Magazine coverage of HL2

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el Chi said:
What PCZone was their typical trick of jumping up on this unsteady high-horse - PCG always seem far less arrogant and as such, easier to take seriously. They certainly did screw up in a massively cheeky way with this "Exclusive" but they are generally a better publication. Not that PCZ doesn't have its virtues.

Ive seen PC gamer make stuff up to sell copies.


They said Rome Total War would have a Multiplayer campaign.

turns out the Devs never mentioned a bloody thing about a MP campaign.

and they got BF:V's review wrong as hell.

they even marked down the game for lack of SP, when there in actual fact is a Single player mode, In the menu the button that says "Single player" kinda gives that away :dozey:
Dougy said:
they even marked down the game for lack of SP, when there in actual fact is a Single player mode, In the menu the button that says "Single player" kinda gives that away :dozey:

I wouldnt really call playing the mp levels with bots that are as intelligent as my right toe, a memorable SP experience.
Well Dougy at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter - I've seen PCZ lie before too. It's just something that happens I guess. Shall we agree to disagree? Please?
Dougy said:
Ive seen PC gamer make stuff up to sell copies.


They said Rome Total War would have a Multiplayer campaign.

turns out the Devs never mentioned a bloody thing about a MP campaign.

and they got BF:V's review wrong as hell.

they even marked down the game for lack of SP, when there in actual fact is a Single player mode, In the menu the button that says "Single player" kinda gives that away :dozey:

BF:V is arse, they rated it too highly, and and they marked it down because they were just the bots on the multiplayer maps, and the bots have less intelligence than a half-stunned Marik :)
Okay, enough debating which magazine is better now.
What do you think are the chances of a new video or two on the PCZone cover disc?

I loved it when they put about 7 of them in DVD format once, watching HL2 on a big TV somehow made it seem even better.
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me where I could order or get that issue of PCZone??

I am a yank from Minnesota (GO WOLVIES), and called around ALOT of places here with no luck, any ideas??

Thank you in advance for your replies!!
CHillDice said:
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me where I could order or get that issue of PCZone??

I am a yank from Minnesota (GO WOLVIES), and called around ALOT of places here with no luck, any ideas??

Thank you in advance for your replies!!

ChillDice, i would just hang out on these forums... there will be scans available within hours of the magazine coming out.
Spiffae said:
ChillDice, i would just hang out on these forums... there will be scans available within hours of the magazine coming out.
I thought we weren't allowed to post scans...
CHillDice said:
I was just wondering if anyone can tell me where I could order or get that issue of PCZone??

I am a yank from Minnesota (GO WOLVIES), and called around ALOT of places here with no luck, any ideas??

Thank you in advance for your replies!!

The UK.

or just check the forums and some1 will scan it in and then post a link.

ill probably get some1's scan and host it on
There will be scans on the net before it hits the shelves. Subscribers get it a few days early.
im pretty sure scans cant be posted :'(

ah well... they'll be somewhere no doubt ;) lol
The scans will be on IRC. I'm sure there will be 30 thousand posts asking how to get scans from IRC when those magazines come out, but somehow, information will get out.
So, (i have been away for the weekend) what is the situation with all the magazines and their info...

PCG UK says what?
PCG USA is where?
PCZ is out yet?

Just a little round up would be great
PC ZONE is in the UK only right? Well i read the latest PC GAMER (USA) and it's the 10th anniversary or whatever and on the back it says "new article next month over HL2 and we were the first to play it!" something like that but i hear PC ZONE says they are the only ones who played starting to guess pc zone is only UK and pc gamer is the same but just in the USA?
Rupertvdb said:
So, (i have been away for the weekend) what is the situation with all the magazines and their info...

PCG UK says what?
PCG USA is where?
PCZ is out yet?

Just a little round up would be great

PCG UK - did not follow through on their "Inside Valve" promise, instead rehashing what we know up till now, promising the report about their playtest next issue (early mid may). We suspect a Valve NDA prevented them from releasing info early.

PCG USA - is not on newsstands yet, but there's a chance it will arrive to subscribers and possibly to stores during this week. No guarantees that it will contain the new info, but it is a strong possibility. Normally it's out the 16th, so maybe we're seeing an NDA here too.

PCZ - not out until the 29th of april. we may see it a bit earlier, but not until the week of the 26th. it looks like PCG has bailed out a bit, but i like their magazine so i don't mind them ****ing me over. PCZ may be the one to deliver the goodies?

Rupertvdb said: it looks like PCG has bailed out a bit, but i like their magazine so i don't mind them ****ing me over. PCZ may be the one to deliver the goodies?


It's more than likely an NDA prevented them from saying anything when they wanted to.
In light of the comments made today, it must mean that this 'exclusive' that we are waiting for isn't going to be as spectacular as they might have us think. If PC Zone had any info regarding release dates then they wouldn't have posted news about Gabe's comment made today. The site features an article entitled "Half Life For 2005?"

Surely if they did know something exclusive then posting an article like this is a bad idea; by keeping the info to themselves and not making a big thing of Gabe's comment they could make it look like they knew all along, and indeed the forthcoming issue will be spectacular. Hell if they didn't say anything, people would pretty much assume that there's gonna be release date info.

Just seems silly to me that PC Zone would mention this Gabe comment today if they had the exclusive info. If they knew the release date why would they have posted this article?

I wouldn't hold your breath for this exclusive. I'm expecting screenshots, maybe even multiplayer info. But I am pretty much certain that PC Zone is most likely as much in the dark as we are.

And I'm not saying "OH NOS ITS GOING TO BE DELAYED", I just find it strange they would write this up considering their 'exclusive'.
Because the quote isn't about the release date, it's about Valve's priority of quality over them.
I know the quote isn't about the release date, but if they put up an article titled 'Half Life for 2005' then they must think it is. PCZ and PHL have both made the same assumption.
Or, more likely, they were looking for attention-grabbing headlines.
Yup, well it seems a bit wasted on their website. Anyone expecting release dates from the mag when it does come out might be put off buying it now, looks like E3 is gonna be the first we hear of the date, if any that is.
digsy said:
In light of the comments made today, it must mean that this 'exclusive' that we are waiting for isn't going to be as spectacular as they might have us think. If PC Zone had any info regarding release dates then they wouldn't have posted news about Gabe's comment made today. The site features an article entitled "Half Life For 2005?"

Surely if they did know something exclusive then posting an article like this is a bad idea; by keeping the info to themselves and not making a big thing of Gabe's comment they could make it look like they knew all along, and indeed the forthcoming issue will be spectacular. Hell if they didn't say anything, people would pretty much assume that there's gonna be release date info.

Just seems silly to me that PC Zone would mention this Gabe comment today if they had the exclusive info. If they knew the release date why would they have posted this article?

I wouldn't hold your breath for this exclusive. I'm expecting screenshots, maybe even multiplayer info. But I am pretty much certain that PC Zone is most likely as much in the dark as we are.

And I'm not saying "OH NOS ITS GOING TO BE DELAYED", I just find it strange they would write this up considering their 'exclusive'.

1. PCZ is notorious for hyping up reviews in the next issue and then coming out in said issue stating "it was delayed, it was out of our control".
I think they even said they had an exclusive review of HL2 back in september even.. But I may be wrong.

2. The above may not be true in this case, because there has been no indication to the public that HL2 is so close to release, which is different from sep 30th, the date everyone and their mother knew about.

3. Sometime the magazines websites aren't directly affiliated with the mag itself. As in, the website news team just posted the others websites news so as to not lag behind, even though the mag team may have playtested it already.

4. If they HAD playtested it, considering the mag is out 29th this month, I would assume one website at least would have too, and posted their review/preview. Was it a PCZ exclusive or?

5. As always, only time will tell.
Good points coax. Regardless, PC Zone hasn't really done itself any favours.
Indeed. :/

We may be lucky, valve might've sent out some info to the magazines, they said they would release some new material before E3.
I hope so :D
Acctully that site handles alot of magazines, the actual teams working on them are seperate from it, and theres more than one magazine claiming to have taken part in this hands on preview, the only argument was the NDA set for the infomation by vivendi, meant PC Zone was the first after the date, luck of the draw thats all.
digsy said:
In light of the comments made today, it must mean that this 'exclusive' that we are waiting for isn't going to be as spectacular as they might have us think. If PC Zone had any info regarding release dates then they wouldn't have posted news about Gabe's comment made today. The site features an article entitled "Half Life For 2005?"

Surely if they did know something exclusive then posting an article like this is a bad idea; by keeping the info to themselves and not making a big thing of Gabe's comment they could make it look like they knew all along, and indeed the forthcoming issue will be spectacular. Hell if they didn't say anything, people would pretty much assume that there's gonna be release date info.

Just seems silly to me that PC Zone would mention this Gabe comment today if they had the exclusive info. If they knew the release date why would they have posted this article?

I wouldn't hold your breath for this exclusive. I'm expecting screenshots, maybe even multiplayer info. But I am pretty much certain that PC Zone is most likely as much in the dark as we are.

And I'm not saying "OH NOS ITS GOING TO BE DELAYED", I just find it strange they would write this up considering their 'exclusive'.

I wouldn't consider the exclusive spectacular if they knew of a release date for the game and printed it in the article. Release dates don't mean diddly squat, remember what happened last time the game was definitely supposed to be out? I'll believe the game is close to release/released when I hear news of it going gold/news of it being available for purchase.

I'm looking forward to the article purely for any new information and media they may have. I consider that spectacular enough.

What would be the point in lying about knowing the release date? PCZ themselves know that virtually every game gets delayed at least once in it's development lifecycle, obviously there maybe exceptions. The site is only running news that is on various sites on the 'net.
I cant remember pc zone making any statement that they know a releasedate mr digsy

And nothing is exclusive.. its just a trick to sell the damn mag. There is just another NDA and pc zone is the first one to post thier review.
Can we stay on the real topic of wondering when US PCGamer is going to come out this week? :)
Apos said:
Can we stay on the real topic of wondering when US PCGamer is going to come out this week? :)

Agreed. I'll be checking later today, hopefully I'll be able to find it
10 more days. I heard UK got a rehashed version of last years edition.
*runs to the magazine store*... nope...

*10 min later*
*runs to the magazine store*... nope...

*10 min later*
*runs to the magazine store*... nada...

*10 min later*
*runs to the magazine store*... ziltch...

*10 min later*
*runs to the magazine store*...nein...

arg.... well it doesn't look like today is the day :(

10 more days. I heard UK got a rehashed version of last years edition.
where did you 'hear' that..?
dura said:
10 more days. I heard UK got a rehashed version of last years edition.

please be specific with Rumours and post some links to it.

In any case we will know in 9 days.
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