Magazine coverage of HL2

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Jambob said:
NDA... what does it stand for?

Non Disclosure Agreement. Basically it means that the mags have agreed to not tell anyone the info until a set date. If they do, then Valve can legally sue them or what not.

There was one last year, before Half-Life 2 was announced.
basicley you sighn a Non Disclosure thingy, That means you tell any one about it and it gets leaked you get sued m8

or worse Valve send the heavys round and you find your self laying on the floor with 8mm masonary drill bits through you knee caps ;)
Come on guys, don't take it off topic like that, the mods don't like it :(
Anyway, anyone else getting excited about HL2 again? I really can't wait for this new media
CoreyGH said:
WAR... what is it good for?

Movies/games/books/songs based on said war.

and in responce to the $$$ discussion.

$40,000,000 is an unprecadented amount of money to spend on a game, wich is why im so sceptical.
I figure that is including wages of valve employees, and steam development. development of the Source engine would cost a lot. And the hiring of the psychologist for facial features.
. . .and electric bills, heating bills, fire insurance, FBI hack investigation.

Who knows how much a company spends in 5-6 years? Cause over htat period of time its been HL2 mostly.

But 40 mill does seem like a lot. Even in US$
It cost VALVe for the FBI to investigate? i thought the fbi just chose this case becouse of it having sort of a 'high profile'
asdf said:
It cost VALVe for the FBI to investigate? i thought the fbi just chose this case becouse of it having sort of a 'high profile'

The FBI are looking for the "hacker" becuase they want to give him a job ;)
Six Three said:
The FBI are looking for the "hacker" becuase they want to give him a job ;)
oh, well in that case, im t3h h4x0r ;)
Orange said:
I figure that is including wages of valve employees, and steam development. development of the Source engine would cost a lot. And the hiring of the psychologist for facial features.
. . .and electric bills, heating bills, fire insurance, FBI hack investigation.

Who knows how much a company spends in 5-6 years? Cause over htat period of time its been HL2 mostly.

But 40 mill does seem like a lot. Even in US$

good point man... all that stuff really does add up. doesn't seem so far fetched when you take those factors into consideration
40mil is only 8mil a year over five years. Valve has, what, 30 major people? Salary alone that could add up to 3mil a year with benefits and a very conservative average. Factor in rent, which is sure to be at least a million a year, utilities, hardware, leasing Havok, travel costs... yeah it seems pretty reasonable.
Am I the ONLY one who remembers an actual interview where Gabe gave the details of how much they've shelled out while producing HL2? I can't find the article, it was at some weird site.. I believe while was down.
Shuzer said:
Am I the ONLY one who remembers an actual interview where Gabe gave the details of how much they've shelled out while producing HL2? I can't find the article, it was at some weird site.. I believe while was down.

yes yes, yes you are ... you should find the site/article :D
Well, I've found proof that there is another NDA in force.

These are all quote from the PC Zone forum at They are quotes by "Dave_PCZ", a member of the PC Zone Staff:

"Everything will be revealed in the next issue of PC Zone. Sorry to keep you in suspense but we're legally bound not to talk about anything new until April 29th, as is everyone else in the world. BTW, if you see any covers out before that date, you're not going to read or see anything new. They'll be, what we call in the industry, spoilers, using old info and materials to draw attention away from a rival magazine."

"We wouldn't have done the same thing, although I know you've only got my word for that.

Main reason is that it's seriously misleading readers just to try and get one over on us. The date for the HL2 stuff was set by Vivendi, and it was 50/50 whether we got it or Gamer. Dates of mags meant we got it first so they decided to run a spoiler cover instead. It's not the first time it's happened either...
We're not that happy about it, but luckily readers seem to be seeing through it. Aty least when we hit, we'll have exactly what we promised."
Nice Feath....

Well, I guess the 29th it is for sure then. Should be a fun day. Except that I have exams about 6 days after. Which effectively means I won't be on the forums to talk as much :(.

How depressing. :(
"Q - The ads we see in magazines often depict a human with a mechanical Valve inserted in the neck or eye. What does it all mean and how did it come about?

It means that we found a free-lance photographer who had a bunch of cheap pictures of people with Valve's in their heads, and thought "hey, that would be a cool name."

Feath said:
Well, I've found proof that there is another NDA in force.

These are all quote from the PC Zone forum at They are quotes by "Dave_PCZ", a member of the PC Zone Staff:

"Everything will be revealed in the next issue of PC Zone. Sorry to keep you in suspense but we're legally bound not to talk about anything new until April 29th, as is everyone else in the world. BTW, if you see any covers out before that date, you're not going to read or see anything new. They'll be, what we call in the industry, spoilers, using old info and materials to draw attention away from a rival magazine."

"We wouldn't have done the same thing, although I know you've only got my word for that.

Main reason is that it's seriously misleading readers just to try and get one over on us. The date for the HL2 stuff was set by Vivendi, and it was 50/50 whether we got it or Gamer. Dates of mags meant we got it first so they decided to run a spoiler cover instead. It's not the first time it's happened either...
We're not that happy about it, but luckily readers seem to be seeing through it. Aty least when we hit, we'll have exactly what we promised."

This quote justifies everything ive said about PC Gamer.

utter Gimps.

PC Zone all the way as usual.
$40,000,000 is an unprecadented amount of money to spend on a game, wich is why im so sceptical.

ive just sussed out why the money thing has you so sceptical m8
your scottish..

as the old saying goes (qoute billy connely a famouse scotch comic)
A scotch man walking down the street drops 2p, As he bends down to pick the money up it hits him on the back of the head.;)

no offence intended here all scotch people.:)

the fact of the matter is 40 mil is quite justified for the amount of dev time that has taken, And the amount of staff working on different projects as people have stated.
if your still not convinced Email gabe and get his responce.
April 30 is when the dutch pcgameplay should be out, so excitement rises. OOOOoooHG!
Cant see that happening LAYP seen as its going to be at E3 in may....!
Well, guess I'll be buying Zone then... would have rather Gamer had got it though :/
Feath said:
The Article would contain new info if you didn't have the net. A lot of the info came from the Valve Info thread as well as various online interviews.

Feath is right here, all of what the article says is old news to all of us HL2 aficionados but to Johnny Highstreet most of the article will be informative. The wild claims of 'exclusives' are SOP for both Zone and Gamer, they've been doing this shit for years. Enjoyable as they are to read I've given up buying either these days (aside from a scoot through at the newsagents), gaming news is quicker to come by on the net and a Fileplanet subscriber account is cheaper than either magazine.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Feath is right here, all of what the article says is old news to all of us HL2 aficionados but to Johnny Highstreet most of the article will be informative. The wild claims of 'exclusives' are SOP for both Zone and Gamer, they've been doing this shit for years. Enjoyable as they are to read I've given up buying either these days (aside from a scoot through at the newsagents), gaming news is quicker to come by on the net and a Fileplanet subscriber account is cheaper than either magazine.

yeah but zone's will actually be stuff we don't know, because I know one of the guys there and they've been to valve.
frances_farmer said:
yeah but zone's will actually be stuff we don't know, because I know one of the guys there and they've been to valve.

I'll give it a scoot at the newsagents then ;)
GOoch said:
$40,000,000 is an unprecadented amount of money to spend on a game, wich is why im so sceptical.

Not if it's been in development for 5 years it's not.
im telling you now,

40 Million on a game.......

Dougy said:
$40,000,000 is an unprecadented amount of money to spend on a game, wich is why im so sceptical.

The computer/console games industry generates more money than hollywood these days (that's why you get so many lame 'tie-in' games), so if you put the expenditure in context $40 million doesn't sound that improbable over a 5 year period. Also that expenditure incorporates the actual development of the Source engine. Valve will expect/hope to licence that engine out to several other developers to recoup their costs on that.
Dougy said:
im telling you now,

40 Million on a game.......


Probably it's not just the game.
But it also incorporates Steam, which is the backbone of HL2, Source, the engine behind the game. And maybe they counted smaller projects like CS2 too into the sum.
But it's a company of 80 people, that have worked on this for 6 years, who licensed some expensive stuff like Havok, Miles and some Microsoft API's.
hey john carmmack said at the GDC, he expects games to hit the 100 million mark within a year or two.
Dougy said:
This quote justifies everything ive said about PC Gamer.
utter Gimps.
PC Zone all the way as usual.
What PCZone was their typical trick of jumping up on this unsteady high-horse - PCG always seem far less arrogant and as such, easier to take seriously. They certainly did screw up in a massively cheeky way with this "Exclusive" but they are generally a better publication. Not that PCZ doesn't have its virtues.
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