Magazine coverage of HL2

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Dagobert is that lad-mag language a reference to PC Zone or PC Gamer? I'd definitely agree with it if you were on about PCZ...
I think Spiffae goes to school/job/something during teh East Coast day. He can't hurry that.
el Chi said:
Dagobert is that lad-mag language a reference to PC Zone or PC Gamer? I'd definitely agree with it if you were on about PCZ...

Yeah, was talking about PCZ... one of the reasons I really don't like the mag. PC Gamer at least talks about Kobolds among other things ;)
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I also find the writers on PCG a bit more personable (that is to say , they seem funny, and nice people and like they have a laugh with each other in the office) Can't get enough o' them Kobolds.
'ello folks. Tried a whole number of shops... no one has the new issue. Maybe we have to rely on subscribers here... anyone here subscribe to PC Gamer US?

Eh well, who knows.

EDIT: I'm trying to think back to last year... just around this time, we got magazines, but i believe they were all magazines that had been sent to subscribers. remember the first scans online that PC Gamer got so upset about? the kids name was on the sticker on the cover... he was a subscriber. it was another week before the newsstand edition hit the web, with the 15 page exclusive insert.

Also, regarding magazine coverage being the same as what we'll see at E3, i disagree. look at magazine coverage from last year. it went over a few demos, a few levels, and then a bunch of other stuff that did not appear at E3, and all the magazine screenshots were not of the same material as E3.

Especially since the mags are released slightly before E3, and Valve knows that, they wouldn't spoil the E3 presentation early. They've got something up their sleeves.

phew, long edit :)
Yeah I'm a subscriber to PCGamer US. Mail doesn't come for another 5 hours though ;( .
ek0st0ns said:
Yeah I'm a subscriber to PCGamer US. Mail doesn't come for another 5 hours though ;( .
i hope you have a scaner :)
chalk me up as another PCG (US) subscriber. No mail this morning and now at work.
i'm a subscriber too.... no scanner, tho... i do have a digital camera... i could take picz0rs!

EDIT: No PC Gamer 2day
I have a scanner. Believe when I say that if there is something to scan, it will make it's way... somehow on to the 'net ... somewhere. ;)

On that note, perhaps people who have some bandwidth they'd like to share might mention it in case anyone would like to PM them.
A dutch and Belgium PC magazine named so cleverly Pcgameplay also promises that they will have a another in depth look at hl2 and they sent a reporter to Seattle as well. I imagine valve must of sent some invitations, to spark up some interest. I scan in any interesting screen shots if you people have the need.
29th couldn't be any better. I will just ask my parents to dish in an extra five quid to get me a birthday surprise.
Ahnteis said:
I have a scanner. Believe when I say that if there is something to scan, it will make it's way... somehow on to the 'net ... somewhere. ;)

On that note, perhaps people who have some bandwidth they'd like to share might mention it in case anyone would like to PM them.

I have some bandwidth, and I can DCC over IRC all day.

LAYP said:
A dutch and Belgium PC magazine named so cleverly Pcgameplay also promises that they will have a another in depth look at hl2 and they sent a reporter to Seattle as well. I imagine valve must of sent some invitations, to spark up some interest. I scan in any interesting screen shots if you people have the need.
Believe me, we HAVE THE NEED! :P
btw, je moet wel Nederlands zijn dan :)
btw, you've gotta be Dutch :)
Lobster, I'm pretty sure it was the US PC Gamer Scans that hit the web first. Unless you want to count the PC Zone cover that hit earlier that day.
i said one of the first, there was a wave of magazines then the embargo lifted and every one and his wife had a preview, mostly rehashed from the first few :O

And it all started with that blasted crowbar at the back of EDGE magazine !
it doesn't look like anyone will be getting scans today... we can stay hopeful though.

where did this date of the 16th come from anyway?
I'm a subscriber, but it seems like I usually get PCG after it's released in stores...but I'll let everyone know if I get it sooner.
Originally Posted by Varsity
I thought Keroin left. I really need to buy the mag more often.

He left to write comedy scripts for television here in the UK.. Apparentley...!
Spiffae said:
enough waiting... i'm off to see kill bill v2.
Me too. It should be awesome. Hopefully when I get back from the movie there will be a surprise from me in the mail :) .
Atleast something to talk about. the release date cant be far away. new previes, the box scan plus the ESRB sticker (RP) Rated for pending on the hl2 profile page. Wich means that hl2 is submitted for the ESRB and awaiting the rating. wich tells me the game is finished but not yet gold.

I think the release date is close.. closer then we thought.

lets wait and see ..
Xrenity said:
Believe me, we HAVE THE NEED! :P
btw, je moet wel Nederlands zijn dan :)
btw, you've gotta be Dutch :)

Damn, you'd think..? ;)
If PC Gameplay claims a hands on preview, then they really did play it. I can't remember PC Gameplay ever hyping something up which later turned out to be (partially) false. They also don't brag with a huge 'WORLD EXCLUSIVE!' in their magazine. So if they say it, then it is true that there's a hands on preview.
So most likely, the claim of PC Zone of the 29th is true too then.
Went to Barnes & Noble today. The PCGamer they had was still the 10th anniversary one from May, and in the back was the blurb about how next month's issue will reveal what they saw at their trip to Valve. Didn't say anything about it being a Part 1 and Part 2 (with Part 1 mostly just being old info), but it could be that for all we know. That would blow. Anyways, no new PCGamer US today on the East Coast as far as I can tell.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
That pic is ANCIENT actually it was the FIRST pic of HL2

Dude, that's exactly the point he's trying to make (the url he's pointing to is april 2003) that it may take a while before scans appear.
Ja ik woon ik in nederland

Just waiting for it to come out, when it does I will pm some of you the screenshots or release it on IRC if somebody tells me how to.
when was the date pc gameplay comes out here in the netherlands? .. III WANT IT! :)
I have a subscripiton for PCG US. So if you want, I will scan and send to anyone who wants. (for a price) :P
Can we stop the talking about distributing scans now please? It's what got the other thread closed, annoyingly.
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