Magazine coverage of HL2

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PCAction had them, apparently.
They're quite.. confusing, really really weird shots.. not from the stolen build, the green ground texture on the seacoast (buggy bink) is completely out of place in one.. the other looks really really cartoony

Look around, another site we all love to hate has links flying around in their forums :)
Spiffae said:
redundant... what magazine are you talking about? have we seen these pictures yet?
came out this morning, some guy was spamming it, I happened to catch em and they are hosted, but Its not worth even looking, its horrible
and the magazine could have been german or dutch (however it wasnt in the UK or US)

edit: Shuzer leads the way
The PCAction scans have to be a hoax because they look worse than the quake3 engine and a thousand times worse than ANY screenshot released for Half-Life2. Does not even look like Half-Life2 :hmph:
SoSorry said:
The PCAction scans have to be a hoax because they look worse than the quake3 engine and a thousand times worse than ANY screenshot released for Half-Life2. Does not even look like Half-Life2 :frog:

yep, PVTRyan you probably thought I was refering to the other 3 recent shots (the new zombie thing in the graveyard, the combines with their new PDWs and the new Apache-like chopper) but its not those that Im talking about those are great looking.

the recent ones I was refering to came out this morn/leaked this morn
SoSorry said:
The PCAction scans have to be a hoax because they look worse than the quake3 engine and a thousand times worse than ANY screenshot released for Half-Life2. Does not even look like Half-Life2 :hmph:

They look like genuine game shots but without the lighting or any special effects. Maybe thats how it will look on the minimum specs?? :x
the lake looks like it has been drained.. so I guess it wasnt a natural thing. this also questiones the timespan of the game. This shot looks like its right after the lake is drained but other screens look like its a month after. everythig died.. new plants starting to grow here and there.
Shuzer said:
I hope those PCAction scans are a hoax..

EVIL said:
the lake looks like it has been drained.. so I guess it wasnt a natural thing. this also questiones the timespan of the game. This shot looks like its right after the lake is drained but other screens look like its a month after. everythig died.. new plants starting to grow here and there.
great observation, Im just hoping its some crappy contrast issue with the mag and these shouldnt even exist.

they are straight up bad.

and as I noted before, the jeep has no metal covering the front like the one in E3 did.

so its either

A: leaked material since the leak had the exact same buggy... but not the green ground

B: Official new shots, and the leak was indeed the latest/build after E3 and thats how the buggy will appear in the game, this also means that Valve were nowhere near finished back in september.

but the recent other shots (the zombie, combines with PDW and Apache-thing) look 100% cooler than these others, so I would say wait and see...

also did PCaction do a cover for HL2? (condition for going on the valve trip)
well you have to remember all these screenshots have been given to the magazines by valve, so theres no telling how old they are, secondly that first shot seems to me like one of those crazy publicity shots that are setup for the purpose of the screenshot alone, you can see they have crammed 3 guys 2 city dudes a scanner and an APC into a tiny space

The second shot of the seabed is either badly scanned or simply saved in a low color depth, the third shot i dont see anything wrong with.

If you look at the first batch of screenshots for Half-life 2, the strider chasing those guys for instance, those dudes look CS 1 like, but we know valve has improved beyond this, then theres those early orange dev shots they released.

All im saying is, you cant tell a game by a few publicity screens, esspeacialy when theres inconsistancy, all this stuff should be released officialy in high-res next week or so.
On a second look, it looks like the saturation on those scans is just completely screwed up.. I hope so
*Shuzer attempts to correct in photoshop
Some of those pictures looks great but some dosen't have the right light, IT'S TO BRIGHT!

I'm assuming that those are not from VALVe. The other ones looks great though.
These scans are odd...
The colors are really washed out, so this could be the scan and not the pictures.
However the one with the buggy does look pretty strange. Why would they change the ground texture they had (dirt one) it looked good to me.
Also the buggy looks trash with out a hood... I liked it the way it was :(
But the one with just one combine guy looks pretty cool.
Whats going on here guys?
Mr. Redundant said:
yep, PVTRyan you probably thought I was refering to the other 3 recent shots (the new zombie thing in the graveyard, the combines with their new PDWs and the new Apache-like chopper) but its not those that Im talking about those are great looking.

the recent ones I was refering to came out this morn/leaked this morn

No, I know which ones you are refering to, I've seen them (first one in this thread to mention them)
And in my opinion, they do not look worse than Barricade. And yes, they look a bit cartoony, but try turning down the saturation in photoshop, it's because of the scanner.
The green ground does look odd, but don't algae and moss grow on wet soil?
I'v seen a sea bed (at low tide) a similair colour to that, also if you look at the sand it still has ripples from the water on it, they couldn't be from the wind because that green stuff would stop it haveing an effect on it.
PvtRyan said:
The green ground does look odd, but don't algae and moss grow on wet soil?

They do grow but they don't look so pathetic, it seems they are from some cartoon
Still don't see what's so bad about them. Aside from the overbright colors, the textures are great, the shadowing is cool (the combine look almost like they were taken right out of a painting) and the world looks full of stuff. Take a closer look.
These don't really look/feel the same as the video I saw from E3 last year. And I just re watched that video like an hour or so ago... You don't think they have dropped a lot of the pretty detail in favor of performance do you? It seemed to be running fine at E3..Unless it was all pre rendered video. And did anyone else notice that when you first see the Gman in that video standing by himself he looks very very detailed but when it shows him in the camera room he doesn't look as good?
I just adjusted the saturation on the two screwed up scans, looks alot better.. I think the guy who scanned them was just a retard :)

My bad, PvtRyan said the same thing.. but I concur, it looks bounds better once you drop the saturation down
PC Action the same as PC Zone? I just picked up the latest PC Zone with the HL2 preview from the train station on the way home.
Apos said:
Still don't see what's so bad about them. Aside from the overbright colors, the textures are great, the shadowing is cool (the combine look almost like they were taken right out of a painting) and the world looks full of stuff. Take a closer look.

Are you blind. The first screenshot actually looks worse than Half-Life1 :P, There is almost no lighting on the front character. The PCGames scans look much much better. These screens must be from the 1998 build :monkee:
zx7rp3 said:
PC Action the same as PC Zone? I just picked up the latest PC Zone with the HL2 preview from the train station on the way home.

I hope your not telling fibbs, check your PM's :D
i agree theyre not the best weve seen, but i dont think this is the right kind of way to judge real progress at this time. ive never even heard of this magazine. maybe valve was saving their impressive stuff for PCzone and PC gamer. also, as ive said in the past, wait for e3 and post e3 coverage.
kaf11 said:
i agree theyre not the best weve seen, but i dont think this is the right kind of way to judge real progress at this time. ive never even heard of this magazine. maybe valve was saving their impressive stuff for PCzone and PC gamer. also, as ive said in the past, wait for e3 and post e3 coverage.
agreed, E3 is really close.... and my inner fanboy/hype-o-machine is starting to kick in :/
I'm not blind. The front character is facing away from the light, so of course there are no major lighting artifacts on him. The one second to back is well lit. The only real problem with the screens is that there is no AA on them. I don't know what build they might be from, but people are being pretty silly in saying they look like crap. Magazine screenshots tend to look washed out and goofy unless they are really dark or well scanned. PLus, we don't know which version of DX these shots are from.
Innervision961 said:
These don't really look/feel the same as the video I saw from E3 last year. And I just re watched that video like an hour or so ago... You don't think they have dropped a lot of the pretty detail in favor of performance do you? It seemed to be running fine at E3..Unless it was all pre rendered video. And did anyone else notice that when you first see the Gman in that video standing by himself he looks very very detailed but when it shows him in the camera room he doesn't look as good?

It's the same G-Man model... trust me. You're reading a bit much into things.
Apos said:
I'm not blind. The front character is facing away from the light, so of course there are no major lighting artifacts on him. The one second to back is well lit. The only real problem with the screens is that there is no AA on them. I don't know what build they might be from, but people are being pretty silly in saying they look like crap. Magazine screenshots tend to look washed out and goofy unless they are really dark or well scanned. PLus, we don't know which version of DX these shots are from.
yeah, the only thing thats bothering me is the fact that the Buggy has no hood....

it should have a hood...
however Valve said that the buggy (as well as some other things) were going through optimizations, and that the buggy was one of them (after E3)

but if the Jeep was changed After E3 then logically the Leaked material should have had the E3 buggy (with hood) intact... but it didnt, it had the removed hood.

and the leak was stolen before E3... (according to the compile date of the leaK)

and now we have pics of the buggy with the hood removed, Im pretty sure PCAction is looking at the leaked material.
Mr. Redundant said:
yeah, the only thing thats bothering me is the fact that the Buggy has no hood....

it should have a hood...
however Valve said that the buggy (as well as some other things) were going through optimizations, and that the buggy was one of them (after E3)

but if the Jeep was changed After E3 then logically the Leaked material should have had the E3 buggy (with hood) intact... but it didnt, it had the removed hood.

and the leak was stolen before E3... (according to the compile date of the leaK)

and now we have pics of the buggy with the hood removed, Im pretty sure PCAction is looking at the leaked material.

to get some misunderstood stuff out of the way before some kids start to use it "proof" that HL² suxx

the alpha had the complete buggy.. the thing is that in these screenshots. they have removed even more stuff from the buggy. and a wierd thing is that the tau gun only rest's on the right bar.. it doesnt have any support so it would fall off.. just look at it.. there are some things missing that would be needed to make the buggy function. its wierd.. I dont fully understand it but I guess its a shot from a VERY early build with an unfinished buggy
EVIL said:
to get some misunderstood stuff out of the way before some kids start to use it "proof" that HL² suxx

the alpha had the complete buggy.. the thing is that in these screenshots. they have removed even more stuff from the buggy. and a wierd thing is that the tau gun only rest's on the right bar.. it doesnt have any support so it would fall off.. just look at it.. there are some things missing that would be needed to make the buggy function. its wierd.. I dont fully understand it but I guess its a shot from a VERY early build with an unfinished buggy

I played the leak, not proud but I did, and that buggy in that screenshot is exactly the same as the one in the leak.

I dont quite see what you are trying to clarify either.
mrchimp said:
I'm a God as well then ;)

You're the alpha and the omega _O_

And zx7rp3 you're cool too of course :D

Damn, nice scans, finally readable ones. I like the 'lifelike AI' :)

Gordon looks pretty young, do you think that's official cover art?
somehow I am expecting photoshopped images with OMG hl2suzzorz and badly made art of combine pissing and shit. But time will tell if he really has em :)

I hope he does tho
EVIL said:
somehow I am expecting photoshopped images with OMG hl2suzzorz and badly made art of combine pissing and shit. But time will tell if he really has em :)

I hope he does tho
thats not what Im looking at :P

although that would have been funny yet cruel beyond words
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