Marty/thehunter has something to say

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Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I have allowed him to make one last post before his ban starts fully....
[Long Post]i've been unbanned to make my (most likely) final post. i am sorry for what i did, i know many of you used to be my friends, some of you were better friends than the ones i have in the real world... but thats all gone now. i know i shouldn't have done it, but i did and cannot change it now. why i did it? attention, stiring up an otherwise dying forum (although slowly reviving with the RC and all), wanted to know what you all thought of me... stupid reasons? yes, i know. i now realize this is kind of like the matrix... I had the 2 lives, Mr. Hess and thehunter1320... and i chose to to kill the better life, here... on the net where people understand/understood me. i thought i could pull it off, but i couldn't cause after a bit i realized that these people understand me TOO well and they could see right through it... thats just how well we know/knew about each other. I'd like to make a most sincere apology to crushenator5000, he was my absolute best friend and i did this to him, Shuzer informed me of his complete dismay. i didn't think he cared about me THAT much, but now that i know he does/did... i'm, well, crushed that i did this to him, all of you guys. another person i'd like to specifically apologize to the ComradeBadger, he trusted me, we were good friends! and i threw it all away, with all of you guys. few other people-
Chris_D: no reason to stay up til 3AM to see you off to woek anymore, lol... sorry, i'm an ass
Munro: guess i can't be a mod anymore ;)
nw909: i guess you'll have to entertain the forums by yourself, sorry
CrazyHarij: yes, i am a dumbass... sorry
Farrow: shame we didn't know each other better, guess we can't now
Simmo: guess hellblaze is over for me, sorry... i thought i could really do a good job with it
SidewinderX: one of the things friends SHOULDN'T share with each other ;), sorry we couldn't share more
CyberSh33p: cat still doesn't have any keys, n3wb! lol, sorry i can't quote you anymore in my sig.
Letters: I’ll miss you, even though we barely every talked… I really will… prolly cause of your sexy avatars! Lol, sorry about this
Feath: it SO does rhyme with teeth! lol, sorry buddy... i know i'm a "****" like you so graciously IMed me with
Everyone Else (IE- the community): i knew some of you more than others, and i affected most of you all the same with these last few hours of posting... i apologize for screwing up one of the best things i had in my life, this community... i think i've really grown up on these boards and have learned alot, i thank you all... and i hope that if/when i get unabnned and if/when i come back you can all forgive me for my asinine decision to do this.

i especially want Crushenator5000 to forgive me, i really do... i wish i could do something to make this all go away, but it happened.

I've said all i can to you guys
good-bye everyone, you were all awesome people... see you on the servers[/Long Post]
and Icarus... thanks for busting me, i appreciate it... if you hadn't it would have done more harm than good... thanks

~Marty "thehunter1320" Hess
thehunter1320: (hopefully)R.I.P.
Well it's good that you learnt a lesson out of this.

And hopefully when you do come back people will have forgiven this idiotic move.
yeah, and the lesson would be, if you are going to pull a prank, make sure and plan it out well, so it's more convincing!
:| I never seem to know why people get banned around here! So, why was he banned?
ailevation said:
:| I never seem to know why people get banned around here! So, why was he banned?

Because he toyed with everyone's emotions. It's like having a friend fake a critical injury, then seeing him buying a hot dog an hour later.
Argh, thehunter1320! :O

I fought your corner a bit too, despite being a worried that you were lying, I still fought your corner and didn't want you to be banned or not believed...

You surely didn't need to do something so silly to realise that people did like you...

All the best man...
:cheers: I will miss Hunter, except the fact that he toyed with my emotions. He said he was dying, I gave him a whole new computer, top of the line in hopes he could play HL2 on an uber setup. No I am lying but yeah.

We should have like a thread of all the banned peeps, something like a cemetery.
Too bad life doesn't have a rewind button eh?

I hope you mean it...

Hazar Dakiri said:
Too bad life doesn't have a rewind button eh?

I hope you mean it...


marty just needs to find emmitt brown so he can get in his delorean time machine and right what has been wronged!
I have no sympathy for you being banned. I used that up on the original post.
heh, I wonder what would happen now if anyone actually did die today and a family member came here to tell everyone.
The Mullinator said:
heh, I wonder what would happen now if anyone actually did die today and a family member came here to tell everyone.

I'm sure all sorts of hilarity and forum wide hijinks would ensue.
The Mullinator said:
heh, I wonder what would happen now if anyone actually did die today and a family member came here to tell everyone.
Certainly there would be distrust, but if they were a respected member I would still believe it, because I don't think anybody would try faking such a thing after what has happened.
Well if it were me, my brother would probably tell everyone(if he felt like it at all, because really it might not seem important) and he would know to use things like IRC and MSN as well, to make sure nobody thought it was a hoax.
If it were me, I don't think I know anybody who would come online and inform my E-friends. Kinda sad if you think about it too much.
The Mullinator said:
heh, I wonder what would happen now if anyone actually did die today and a family member came here to tell everyone.

I'd still be sympathetic if they were a regular forum browser. Well, everyone except thehunter1320.

As for you, thehunter1320, I hope you had a good laugh at my expense. Because I didn't.
And ive been gone too much to keep up with whats going on,
The Hunter faked his death? or what? (Sorry I havnt had but a few minutes on the forums any more)
Sorry to see him go But if I understand what he did that he needs the ban.
thenerdguy said:
And ive been gone too much to keep up with whats going on,
The Hunter faked his death? or what? (Sorry I havnt had but a few minutes on the forums any more)
Sorry to see him go But if I understand what he did that he needs the ban.

The thread is still on the first page of Off Topic.
Hey mate, sorry to see you go. Maybe you'll be back, eh? Hopefully you've learned your lesson. :)

..I guess you know what I meant now by that AIM conversation we had. :p

(/me wonders if being "banned" makes it so that you can't even view the forums...)
Erestheux said:
Hey mate, sorry to see you go. Maybe you'll be back, eh? Hopefully you've learned your lesson. :)

..I guess you know what I meant now by that AIM conversation we had. :p

(/me wonders if being "banned" makes it so that you can't even view the forums...)

He has read-only status.
No reason on earth why he posted that "joke" so I dont mind one bit he is banned personally, and comeing back and saying sorry is all good and well, but it hardly matters, he made a stupid childish joke and got banned for it.
it doesnt seem worth a ban to me.... and I dont even know him.

Yeah it was kind of immature but this is the internet, right?
Ah, didn't know what he did, but I looked it up, and was that worth banning? Maybe a week ban at most.

It didn't sound to credible at all with the "I'm not sure if he's dead now" comment. Seriously, did you guys really believe him?
Was it immature? Yes. Was it worth a disciplinary short period ban? Sure. But a permanent one? A bit harsh to take someone down like that who has been here a long time now over one mistake.

PS: 3000 posts, weee.
Sad to see you have to go hunter,
that joke was too harsh though man
PvtRyan said:
A bit harsh to take someone down like that who has been here a long time now over one mistake.
i agree, this is excessive. i thought it was funny. oh wait, no it wasent.
gh0st said:
i agree, this is excessive. i thought it was funny. oh wait, no it wasent.

So you agree with me or not? Me is confuzzled. :p

But I don't know what you guys were smoking that you believed that bull story to be honest, seriously. But I don't want it, that shit is too heavy.

Come on, give him a break, he was bored, made a mistake, it happens.
ShadowFox said:
If it were me, I don't think I know anybody who would come online and inform my E-friends. Kinda sad if you think about it too much.

Ditto :( i dont see how my friends would find out apart from the odd few.
PvtRyan said:
So you agree with me or not? Me is confuzzled. :p

But I don't know what you guys were smoking that you believed that bull story to be honest, seriously. But I don't want it, that shit is too heavy.

Come on, give him a break, he was bored, made a mistake, it happens.
i do agree with you, and this post 1000000%
well i enjoyed most of Hunter's posts but what he did was something the staff here had to react to.

oh well :|
Who here hasnt gotten bored
and done something stoopid...

Paying for your boredom is painful.

::is reminded of like fifty times its happened to me::
Hunter was a good man... maybe I'm just insensitive, but I pretty much knew it was a "joke" when I read it and didn't really take any offense...
This seems like such a silly thing to do, can't believe hunter would do something like this......

That said, I think a ban is a little harsh. So he didn't get hit by a car. Whatever.....not that big a deal really if you ask me. This may sound crass, but I wasn't losing sleep over hunter's "injuries." Etremely distasteful joke really.....nothing more.
Ah, the soap opera that has now become known as Hopefully there will be a preview of next week in my Soaps Digest subscription.
seinfeldrules said:
Ah, the soap opera that has now become known as Hopefully there will be a preview of next week in my Soaps Digest subscription.
isnt that for grandmas and soccer moms?
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