Marty/thehunter has something to say

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Im willing to bet most of the responses to martys inital post had about 1/10 of the emotion that they read to be. If anyone cried over that, please, do tell everyone. Oh yes, im sure everyone wished him better; i would have to. However, that doesnt mean that everone is crying over it and thinking about it all the time. In the harsh reality, we arent affected martys problems at all, and we frankly dont care too much. Believe me, I wouldnt want to see another human die as much as the next guy, but when its someone you dont really know (like someone over the internet), its hard to really get emotional over what seems to be such a distant event and person.

;( <--- dont let the smiley deceive you
Triggerhappy41 said:

Im willing to bet most of the responses to martys inital post had about 1/10 of the emotion that they read to be. If anyone cried over that, please, do tell everyone. Oh yes, im sure everyone wished him better; i would have to. However, that doesnt mean that everone is crying over it and thinking about it all the time. In the harsh reality, we arent affected martys problems at all, and we frankly dont care too much. Believe me, I wouldnt want to see another human die as much as the next guy, but when its someone you dont really know (like someone over the internet), its hard to really get emotional over what seems to be such a distant event and person.

;( <--- dont let the smiley deceive you

:cheers: Damn right Mr.Psychology 101.
Triggerhappy41 said:

Im willing to bet most of the responses to martys inital post had about 1/10 of the emotion that they read to be. If anyone cried over that, please, do tell everyone. Oh yes, im sure everyone wished him better; i would have to. However, that doesnt mean that everone is crying over it and thinking about it all the time. In the harsh reality, we arent affected martys problems at all, and we frankly dont care too much. Believe me, I wouldnt want to see another human die as much as the next guy, but when its someone you dont really know (like someone over the internet), its hard to really get emotional over what seems to be such a distant event and person.

;( <--- dont let the smiley deceive you

I agree, posts often appear way more dramatic after typed, you may wish him he best but I doubt it will stay on your mind much after you turn off your pc or start playing cs. I think people here take shit way too seriously. No offense to Marty but after my pc was off I think I might have forgotten about it.. I have other things to worry about like my dad having surgery. Dont get me wrong I wished the best for the kid but come on..
thehunter1320 said:
[Long Post]i've been unbanned to make my (most likely) final post. i am sorry for what i did, i know many of you used to be my friends, some of you were better friends than the ones i have in the real world... but thats all gone now. i know i shouldn't have done it, but i did and cannot change it now. why i did it? attention, stiring up an otherwise dying forum (although slowly reviving with the RC and all), wanted to know what you all thought of me... stupid reasons? yes, i know. i now realize this is kind of like the matrix... I had the 2 lives, Mr. Hess and thehunter1320... and i chose to to kill the better life, here... on the net where people understand/understood me. i thought i could pull it off, but i couldn't cause after a bit i realized that these people understand me TOO well and they could see right through it... thats just how well we know/knew about each other. I'd like to make a most sincere apology to crushenator5000, he was my absolute best friend and i did this to him, Shuzer informed me of his complete dismay. i didn't think he cared about me THAT much, but now that i know he does/did... i'm, well, crushed that i did this to him, all of you guys. another person i'd like to specifically apologize to the ComradeBadger, he trusted me, we were good friends! and i threw it all away, with all of you guys. few other people-
Chris_D: no reason to stay up til 3AM to see you off to woek anymore, lol... sorry, i'm an ass
Munro: guess i can't be a mod anymore ;)
nw909: i guess you'll have to entertain the forums by yourself, sorry
CrazyHarij: yes, i am a dumbass... sorry
Farrow: shame we didn't know each other better, guess we can't now
Simmo: guess hellblaze is over for me, sorry... i thought i could really do a good job with it
SidewinderX: one of the things friends SHOULDN'T share with each other ;), sorry we couldn't share more
CyberSh33p: cat still doesn't have any keys, n3wb! lol, sorry i can't quote you anymore in my sig.
Letters: I’ll miss you, even though we barely every talked… I really will… prolly cause of your sexy avatars! Lol, sorry about this
Feath: it SO does rhyme with teeth! lol, sorry buddy... i know i'm a "****" like you so graciously IMed me with
Everyone Else (IE- the community): i knew some of you more than others, and i affected most of you all the same with these last few hours of posting... i apologize for screwing up one of the best things i had in my life, this community... i think i've really grown up on these boards and have learned alot, i thank you all... and i hope that if/when i get unabnned and if/when i come back you can all forgive me for my asinine decision to do this.

i especially want Crushenator5000 to forgive me, i really do... i wish i could do something to make this all go away, but it happened.

I've said all i can to you guys
good-bye everyone, you were all awesome people... see you on the servers[/Long Post]
and Icarus... thanks for busting me, i appreciate it... if you hadn't it would have done more harm than good... thanks

~Marty "thehunter1320" Hess
thehunter1320: (hopefully)R.I.P.

I understand he

in this forum the people was more nice that my friends here where I live

I could do the same thing he do (but not so exagerated) cuz I just understand that
<RJMC> said:
I understand he

in this forum the people was more nice that my friends here where I live

I could do the same thing he do (but not so exagerated) cuz I just understand that

but in general I think net buddies are always more nice.. you dont have to put up with them trying to impress yo other niggas. it's like a eutopia for problem venting and a way to express what you love with other people with the same passion without being harassed picked on or dealing with immature fux
Triggerhappy41 said:

Im willing to bet most of the responses to martys inital post had about 1/10 of the emotion that they read to be. If anyone cried over that, please, do tell everyone. Oh yes, im sure everyone wished him better; i would have to. However, that doesnt mean that everone is crying over it and thinking about it all the time. In the harsh reality, we arent affected martys problems at all, and we frankly dont care too much. Believe me, I wouldnt want to see another human die as much as the next guy, but when its someone you dont really know (like someone over the internet), its hard to really get emotional over what seems to be such a distant event and person.

;( <--- dont let the smiley deceive you
seems as if Icarus has a common sense lapse ^^^^ (not when he banned hunter, when he warned tr0n)

Tr0n, I'm giving you a warning right now...I don't appreciate you mocking people, epecially with something this serious....


i'm sorry but that is rediculous.. something this "serious" a kid made a joke about dying, fessed up, and everyone is happy again.. shit happens. Kids act stupid, time goes on, tr0n was within perfect reason. Tr0n saying emmotion isint real on the internet was not only mostly true, it was his opinion and shouldent have really cut that deep.. "something this serious" :LOL:" people die every day mate all over the world.. my aunt just died.. my dad is going under the knife. theyre are real world problems like the u.s. deficit and 2 countries we are trying to police. unsecesfully. ( <----- serious) :| ( marty hess faking a fatal illness on an online forum half-life 2 gaming forum only to confess again in the end <----- not serious )
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
but in general I think net buddies are always more nice.. you dont have to put up with them trying to impress yo other niggas. it's like a eutopia for problem venting and a way to express what you love with other people with the same passion without being harassed picked on or dealing with immature fux

your right

bur still I feel bad for my situation whit my "real life "friends""
<RJMC> said:
your right

bur still I feel bad for my situation whit my "real life "friends""

me too, but I guess we all just need to work on our coping skills :p
:thumbs: The moral of the story kids... don't be fooled by these internet fakers.
Tr0n said:
Please tell me the point so it will clear things up.Hold on...but please don't hurt my feelings.
Tr0n said:
Shuzer said:
This is by far the most ignorant, asinine post I've ever read. You win!
What I get?

Those were the reasons I warned him, not because of his opinion
Icarus said:
Those were the reasons I warned him, not because of his opinion
Oh thats right...I'm the only person who mocks ppl on this message board.Yet I just got mocked by Shuzer for stating my opinion?GG Icarus!
Tr0n said:
Oh thats right...I'm the only person who mocks ppl on this message board.Yet I just got mocked by Shuzer for stating my opinion?GG Icarus!

some moderators discriminate, (regulars/asskissers > all) welcome to, i've accepted that's how shit is.. :) just kiss ass man and then you will hopefully stick around.. although i've already accepted my previous posts will probably earn me a temp ban I cant say I care.. my opinion getting through is way more important then kissing ass :cheers:
I honestly don't think he should be banned permanently. Maybe ban him until HL2 is out or something. I mean, it's his choice if he wants to come back and face the people he pulled this stupid prank on. If he wants to start over let him, the only permanent damage done is to our trust. So imo you should temp ban him, reset his post count to 0 and let things go. It seems like he lost some friends with this incident and I think he learned a lesson. He obviosly won't be accepted for a long time, and that's the way it should be. I just don't see the point of banning him forever. He can't do much more harm since nobody trusts him.
Tr0n said:
Oh thats right...I'm the only person who mocks ppl on this message board.Yet I just got mocked by Shuzer for stating my opinion?GG Icarus!

Quoted for emphasis. While I have nothing at all against Shuzer, it's pretty obvious that Shuzer threw a match in Tr0n's general direction and wasn't touched. Playing favourites Icarus?
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
seems as if Icarus has a common sense lapse ^^^^ (not when he banned hunter, when he warned tr0n)

i'm sorry but that is rediculous.. something this "serious" a kid made a joke about dying, fessed up, and everyone is happy again.. shit happens. Kids act stupid, time goes on, tr0n was within perfect reason. Tr0n saying emmotion isint real on the internet was not only mostly true, it was his opinion and shouldent have really cut that deep.. "something this serious" :LOL:" people die every day mate all over the world.. my aunt just died.. my dad is going under the knife. theyre are real world problems like the u.s. deficit and 2 countries we are trying to police. unsecesfully. ( <----- serious) :| ( marty hess faking a fatal illness on an online forum half-life 2 gaming forum only to confess again in the end <----- not serious )

again quote for emphases, ok im done with this thead :) cya guys in a few months. :)

Top Secret said:
Quoted for emphasis. While I have nothing at all against Shuzer, it's pretty obvious that Shuzer threw a match in Tr0n's general direction and wasn't touched. Playing favourites Icarus?

that appears to be one of his favorite activities lately :|
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
again quote for emphases, ok im done with this thead :) cya guys in a few months. :)

that appears to be one of his favorite activities lately :|

:O What you mean in a few months!?
My sixth sense tells me that this thread is going to be locked very soon so a mod can look down upon us all, unzip his pants and... Oh look.... rust... yes... rust... the rust feels so good....
:dozey: Why should a mod lock this thread!? It's in General off-topic chat, right?
ailevation said:
:dozey: Why should a mod lock this thread!? It's in General off-topic chat, right?

No it will be locked before it turns into a moderator flame fest, which makes sense.

OH yeah and im (probably) going to be temp banned that's why I said cya in a few months. :)
:naughty: Okay let's lock this bad boy and eat the key, split it 100,000 ways.

Ouch temp ban, that sucks, have fun... see you when Half Life 2 is out.
ailevation said:
:naughty: Okay let's lock this bad boy and eat the key, split it 100,000 ways.

why da hell not =locked= (puts key in blender) key shakes for all! wtf am I saying.. I need sleep
Thehunter1320 there are better ways to go out with a bang, then to fake your death.
Sojourn said:
Thehunter1320 there are better ways to go out with a bang, then to fake your death.

like fakeing your suicide... BADACHING..(kidding)
let the kid come back next month. go to your admin panel and make a new rank or whatever its called with the forum system you are using, make it say something like "untrustworthy" under his name where it usually says hydra or whatever
It was a stupid asshole mistake. He f*cked up bad. But really, who doesn't make a mistake every now and again? I found Hunter to be a valuable member of the community! This forum is worse off for losing a regular like him. There's obviously some underlying issue in his life that made him do what he did. A cry for attention perhaps. Don't kick the man when he's obviously down.

Un-ban the poor guy. He obviously appreciates the community here, and is sorry for the incident. Have a heart mods.
Icarus.. it's ok to admit your wrong about something every once and awhile dude
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
:LOL: :LOL: that's actually ****ing halarious, and in a way I agree, the net may make you feel emmotions but you never know who is bullshit and who is not unless you really know the person.. and that is hard to do as hunter proved to us all with this "out of character" post.. :| do I think hunter deserved a ban for it? hell no the internet is full of liars assholes and mygawts all he did was try to leave the forum in style.. but it's completely up to the moderators :dozey: if it were up to me I would just say quit ****ing around hunter :p if you want to leave just leave.. shit happens though really and it's hard for me to feel bad for anyone I read a post about. But since it was hunter I did get a bit sad until I quickly realized the chances of it being real were .000001 percent.. moms cant even navigate threre own kitchens.. much less the interweb also I dont really think Tr0n should be warned for having an opinion after all this is not nazi germany

That's exactly why you're not a moderator.

Besides if you let this kind of stuff go rampant, then you open the door to spammers. You'll have ten threads every five minutes about someone "dying" then another ten threads every other five minutes saying "I'm back!". It's spam.

And the "nazi" comment is out of place.
CB | Para said:
That's exactly why you're not a moderator.

Besides if you let this kind of stuff go rampant, then you open the door to spammers. You'll have ten threads every five minutes about someone "dying" then another ten threads every other five minutes saying "I'm back!". It's spam.

And the "nazi" comment is out of place.

I speak my mind, sorry, i'l try not to from now on. :| As will tr0n, Shuzer, Wraith, Secret, Aliev, sheep, timmy, trigger, star and many more. You see we dont care if you want to kiss ass :) we will always speak our minds.
Icarus said:

wtf, I did not get it, could someone tell me what is going on ?

WHy did he get bannd ?

he is an excellent member ;( ;(
Gorgon said:
wtf, I did not get it, could someone tell me what is going on ?

WHy did he get bannd ?

he is an excellent member ;( ;(

he pretended that he was hit by a car. He made it look like his mom used his account to inform us about his situation. He got caught and was banned for it.
Can someone link to it? I read the post about it and it was just Icarus and someone else talking about if they had homework or something.
kind-of pathetic you guys resort to that old' post. I admitted to my wrong-doings and things were cleared up- it was an idiot immature thing to do, what elese do you want from me? I have cleaned up my act. Do I have to bow down to your e-penises.. or can I just post here in peace with that.. stupid post I made left alone :dork:
Lol what a farse this has turned into. I understand why he's been banned but i think perma ban is a bit harsh, hes obviously just a kid or a very immature adult. He will loose friendship over this and more importantly, he will loose the trust of _everyone_ that saw him try to pull this one off and you can't rectify that by saying "im sorry it wont happen again"... Id say unban him after a couple week's. I doubt he'd come back as the same person.

And at the person saying you can't have feeling's over the internet, what a load of shit man. I can understand you generally would'nt have feelings about someone on a forum board (no - i dont love any of you :| ) but people on your MSN and such you can get quite close to. Theres a girl i know from a game on mine that ive known for about 1.5 years and where as i dont have _them_ sort of feelings for her it does'nt mean i dont care about her...were pretty close, the only thing she does'nt know about me is how big my dick is. :p (sorry!)
So... he faked his own death, jerked with people's feelings, and people expect him not to be banned for something like that?

What's the penalty for faking one's own death in the real world? Jail, isn't it?
I dont think he's being permanently banned. He's just banned until HL2 comes out.

So yeah

Permanently banned
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