Minecraft = Love

Figured I'd post this here. My friend (mLink on the forums) sent me this.

Paypal has locked the guy's account, holding onto $600,000+ and claims they might keep it if they suspect something fraudulent went on, and that it will take 2+ weeks for him to get it back if they don't.

And.. Paypal. On the 25’th, they limited my account for unspecified reasons (a suspicious withdrawal or deposit! wow, thank you for that amazingly detailed information), and asked me for a bunch of vague documents. I did my best to give them what they asked for.

My account is still limited. I’ve called them three times, they keep telling me it’s being reviewed. Most recently they told me it’d take up to two more weeks for it to get resolved, and that if they decide something bad’s being going on, they’re going to keep the money.

There’s over 600000 euro in there. Money I was planning on investing in the new company.

Figured I'd post this here. My friend (mLink on the forums) sent me this.

Paypal has locked the guy's account, holding onto $600,000+ and claims they might keep it if they suspect something fraudulent went on, and that it will take 2+ weeks for him to get it back if they don't.


Euros mango... that's like a million dollars. I wish I could make a game and make a ****ing million dollars..........................
Trying to make a waterfall of lava for my mine and I ran out of glass. Goddamn sand takes so long to melt. Two new features that I'm aware of.
1. A compass that points to your spawn. Made by surrounding redstone with four bricks of iron.
2. You can use a bucket of lava as fuel in your furnace now. Lasts for ages but destroys the bucket.

Edit: thread I made on the minecraft forum:
So I'm still exploring my first proper alpha game and I've found two mob spawners, a spider one and a zombie one, which I have safely disabled with torches. They are quite near each other and easily accessible from by spawn and house (in fact, I have a mine shaft build directly over one of them, making it exposed to the sky). Not sure what to do with them. I have a lava waterfall near by but just drowning them all in lava seems boring.

Also of note I found my first redstone yesterday, and a lot of it at that (more than 64). So any ideas for contraptions I could make involving the spawners? Also of note is that I found a hole in the world at the bottom. If I start to throw things down it or say put a waterfall falling into the void can that have any negative repercussions (ie, can it crash my game?)

The best idea gets a hug!

You guys have any ideas?
Wow, did you guys read about how paypal has limited and blocked his paypal account?

And.. Paypal. On the 25’th, they limited my account for unspecified reasons (a suspicious withdrawal or deposit! wow, thank you for that amazingly detailed information), and asked me for a bunch of vague documents. I did my best to give them what they asked for.

My account is still limited. I’ve called them three times, they keep telling me it’s being reviewed. Most recently they told me it’d take up to two more weeks for it to get resolved, and that if they decide something bad’s being going on, they’re going to keep the money.

There’s over 600000 euro in there. Money I was planning on investing in the new company.

I’m sure it’ll get sorted out, but this is kind of frustrating.

[edit:] Just to clear things up: I withdraw everything from paypal every week. They limited my account just as sales started spiking, so this money has accumulated since they limited the account.
Yep, Krynn posted it just above you on this page :p

Pretty rediculous. There is a ton of money in his account, the longer they make him wait, the more he loses in terms of investing.
Well, he doesn't get all of the money, since a big chunk goes to taxes.

And sorry, I didn't see Krynn's post. I didn't read this page before posting.
D: Wow thats terrible, and to think I hated the income tax here...
But their government actually makes good use of that money.
This kids is why when you start taking large sums of cash you invest into a credit card facility of some sort that ISN'T PAYPAL.
But their government actually makes good use of that money.

Yeah if I was making the money he was making, I would be a bit saddened to see so much of it go... but I would also be comforted by the fact that I have all the great health facilities and other programs in place to improve my life, as well as the lives of other people.
This kids is why when you start taking large sums of cash you invest into a credit card facility of some sort that ISN'T PAYPAL.

lol, as if credit card companies are any better.
lol, as if credit card companies are any better.

I never said they are I said credit card facility that is someone who processes payments and is regulated by law. Paypal is not a bank in the vast majority of places.
He's from Sweden isn't he? The income tax is supposedly horrendous there, like 70 percent or something.

Please don't spread falsities.

Sweden has a gradual tax-rate of 28(or 29, can't remember) to 59% for Individuals.

Sure, it can be high, but that doesn't prevent Sweden from being the third best country in the world, according to NewsWeek's yearly report which looks at everything from education to healthcare to political climate etc.

Finland is #1 and Switzerland #2 by the way.

Anyway, my household is of medium-high income, but we still support the socialdemocratic opposition(The Moderate Liberals won the 2006 election, they've basically cut down on all sorts of welfare and sold out substantial parts of Swedish healthcare) who want to raise taxes, because we want the weak and enfeebled to be able to get good help regardless of financial status.

To give you an example of which people our Liberal government considered "expendable" to lower the taxes for others, Linda, a 31-year old woman who was in a car crash earlier this year suffering amongst others a very serious whiplash injury which has left her partly paralyzed, has to eat 14 pills a day, has received a brain injury which means she can pass out and lose consciousness at any time, our government enforced new rules for receiving extra welfare for those who are sick, so now she's told she has to work or she gets no money, there's been a myriad of noted cases like these since our liberal "**** the poor, long live the rich" party came to power.

Anyway, there's an election now and hopefully the red-green coalition will win it.

End Of Rant
Not wanting to de-rail too much but choice quote from the Australian election.

"I want party x to win because they know how to take care of my money."

Screw you lady. Said party would axe basically everything the dominant party had in place and only be a few billion ahead budget wise.
When people ask me what one can do in Minecraft, i tell them

I've been playing this game to the exclusion of anything else for the past week now. Best damn $13.07 I ever spent.
I didnt make anything in that pic btw, some other guy made it. But here is the basic principle:

Really intressted in this after checking out the last pages. Might get it when I'm not so ****ing broke.
Circle guide just incase someone is wanting to make cylindrical buildings.

So how does these Alpha and beta stuff work? You buy the alpha and get the beta stuff too? Or do you need to buy it again or what?
You buy it once and everything else is yours forever. And it's cheaper during alpha.
10 euros (13 USD) gets you Minecraft forever - alpha, beta, final, any expansions, etc. When it's in beta or later the price will go up to 20 euros.
I just hope he does continue to support Minecraft after it reaches a released gold version, rather than simply 'abandon' it completely for his new project with his new company.

I'm skeptical by nature of game developers so, I can't help but doubt it, nothing specific to him.
He did once say that his goal was to release the finished version, then focus on pushing out content for it.

It would be a shame if the game didn't expand, minecraft could be a base for so many different ideas.
I just hope he does continue to support Minecraft after it reaches a released gold version, rather than simply 'abandon' it completely for his new project with his new company.

I'm skeptical by nature of game developers so, I can't help but doubt it, nothing specific to him.

The nature of game developers is generally pretty genuine until money "comes-a-callin'" and that always changes the way things work.
Ok. I wouldn't make the IP address public though. Seems like a very easy game to grief. Just circulate it via PM.
HL2.net survival MP server = DO WANT

Latest from Notch about this friday's coming update:

There will be a Friday update, though, at the very least. I didn’t get to add a lot of single player stuff last Friday because I added the first version of the server-side inventory, so I’ll get some of that stuff added. Will it be better carts? The first version of alchemy? More random content in caves? A new monster? A flyable mount? Biomes? Animal husbandry? Fishing? Diving? Who knows!? OoooOOoo!
I liked EVERYTHING he mentioned there. Cant wait for the update!
Animal husbandry. Oh god, please let me play Harvest Moon in this game.
Took forever to make because those silo things are hollow. Our actual base is behind that which leads to a GODLY MASSIVE HUGE cave network. Biggest I've ever seen it just kept going and we'd keep opening up new sections.


I'm supposed to be setting a HL2.net server up soon. I have to talk to Sliver when i'm off work.

Provided you're able to keep it running almost all the time, and it isn't on a primary computer of yours where you're either playing it yourself, or other games... we may look into that.

The problem with running it on your primary computer, is that the server will be subjected to your CPU and hard drive spikes.

If you could get it running and it ran well, and could calculate how much energy your computer was using(and the cost of that energy), then I would be willing to donate for your electricity costs for that computer.
What is needed to run it, anyways? The full copy of the game, I assume? Or some other software? Also, I have two computers, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem if I want to play aswell.