Miscellaneous the Second

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Get too do a program for school today, then finish for 4 weeks yay! get to go out for two days and
"train" to be a leader, or a group co-coordinator, along with a few other people, then go to a primary school and help kids there who have trouble making friends and such, by making activities and also talking to them :D

Should be great fun! :)

Get too do a program for school today, then finish for 4 weeks yay! get too go out for two days and
"train" too be a leader, or a group co-coordinator, along with a few other people, then go too a primary school and help kids there who have trouble making friends and such, by making activities and also talking too them :D

Should be great fun! :)

uh. you used "too" incorrectly 5 times in one paragraph. grats, that must be a record. all of those should be "to". now learn you!
I love the heat, still waiting to top 100 degrees.

Ridiculously sick of exams.
I don't like the heat here: it means that moths will fly in through any open window. This is even more annoying because my window is bust and won't close and i have to have a small light on at night (yeah, i said it, I DON'T LIKE THE DARK!) so moths are constantly getting into my room and it really pisses me off. I f***ing HATE moths!!! :flame:
Hey, Willie knows how to treat a woman.

I treated Pamela very well last night. :naughty:

What was sulk's sister giving you dollars for?
To take her to dinner. Dumbass. (<3)

I don't like the heat here: it means that moths will fly in through any open window. This is even more annoying because my window is bust and won't close and i have to have a small light on at night (yeah, i said it, I DON'T LIKE THE DARK!) so moths are constantly getting into my room and it really pisses me off. I f***ing HATE moths!!! :flame:
**** you sweetheart I love moths! :(
I don't like the heat here: it means that moths will fly in through any open window. This is even more annoying because my window is bust and won't close and i have to have a small light on at night (yeah, i said it, I DON'T LIKE THE DARK!) so moths are constantly getting into my room and it really pisses me off. I f***ing HATE moths!!! :flame:

watch out for mothman
What was sulk's sister giving you dollars for?

The fact that I graduated from High School.... I think.

I just remember thinking it was real, and I was going to post a thread about how nice Sulk's sister was.

Good thing I didn't do that in the middle of the night when I was all out of it.

Title: Aye guys, Sulk's Sister really nice!

Topic: I was at a party and she was kind of high, she gaveyt me 58 dollar check. This is reaaly awesome. His sister is really nice!

Everyone else: ....... what?
For some reason the only reason I ever post in this thread is if I'm going to bed. Which is what I'm about to do
Just got back from an outing with a female, and I believe I love her.

I shall make her more then a friend as soon as I figure out how :/
Just got back from an outing with a female, and I believe I love her.

I shall make her more then a friend as soon as I figure out how :/

Awesome dude.
Team Fortress 2 + Old mic = even more win

I thought it was impossible
I just played the Ninja Gaiden 2 demo, it was pretty sweet. Very smooth and theatrical fights.

I also played Quake Wars, which was pretty much absolute shit
I just played the Ninja Gaiden 2 demo, it was pretty sweet. Very smooth and theatrical fights.

I also played Quake Wars, which was pretty much absolute shit
Concenring Ninja Gaiden 2:


I love this game. Agreed that Quake Wars is shit. WHERE'S THE RAGDOLL PHYSAKS?
This ifnal boss is pissing me the mother **** off. Seriously everytime I get in close when he hits the cliff edge he pulls off this **** off white boy grab attack. God dammit I hate video games.
This ifnal boss is pissing me the mother **** off. Seriously everytime I get in close when he hits the cliff edge he pulls off this **** off white boy grab attack. God dammit I hate video games.

Mac made a video game?
Of course they did, it's pretty awesome.
I don't know what Willie is complaining about, the iFnal boss is really easy.



Kicked the Ifnal bosses white demon ass with these Wolvering foot/hand claw ripoff weapon. EAT SHIT AND DIE WHITEY. Game was develioped by Apple, it was released for the iNapkin. Skinny and white, just like all of Apple's products, unlike Steve Jobs.
Just woke up and played a song a friend gave to me called Please Shave Your Beaver sung to the tune of Don't Fear The Reaper.

Lol's were had.
That's awesome.

"No! I must defeat the Colossi!"
"No Wander," said the voice, "You are the Colossi"
Then Wander was a baby.
Everytime I remeber that willie lives in mississippi I think of him in a little wooden shack with a cot and no glass on the windows in the middle of a swamp and a pirate flag over the door. And he has a single electric bulb which he lets moths fly around and he lets them land on his body and crawl around.
I always imagine him in a mansion on an island... ...don't know why, i think it's vice city getting to me :|
Lol good sir! I am avast, i have an exam in an hour so i'll be back soon! GOOOOOOOOODBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!

eeeedit: smiley fest

How flattering. :P

Totally, I wished I lived there. I'd play banjo on the porch and smoke fifty kinds of bog-weed and fish for prawns and shit in the bayou.

EDIT: I can't remember what level I am, so I guess I'm level five today.
...Is dick babies giving birth to the kittens that will lead the world's sea lion population to extinction, giving way to the Polar Bear Dynasty that will rule over us for eons. I, for one, welcome our cuddly polar bear overlords.
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