Miscellaneous the Second

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Hhhaaaavee You Eeeveeeeeer Seeeeeen Teh Raiyne......

In other news, this is being brought to our protest site on saturday.

Water, bungee cords, tape, poster making equipment, chalk, bubbles and a ton of win

Edit: ohshi- V for Vendetta is on HBO

Edit 2: OHSHI- Third Age: Total War


Just got back from my exam...aced it! :D Who is good? Alex is good! Who is good? Alex is good!


edit: Third Age looks swwwweeeeet
I'm trying to think of something interesting that has to do with me that I can say but I can't do it... hm...
Well, graduation is saturday, I'm going to school for the rest of the week because my friend would be lonely otherwise. I also unearthed a memory I think I was trying to repress, when I made out with a chick in a wheelchair :x
I stopped like three times and asked if that was enough, and she was like "mas" and I was like "shit". *shiverquiver*
Steve: I thought you said you didnt like to eat cause uh...

*Dr. Weird pulls out brain*

Steve: ...It makes you crazy.

Dr. Wierd: THIS, MAKES ME CRAZY! *collapse*


I still have the hots for that girl with MS( or whatever). was thinking... i've never called her. also that if i don't call her soon, I might as well forget her. But what do I say?

hey, um yeah, I liked you enough to search your confidential private files and memorize your phone number - a length that I had not gone too in previous semi/stalking measures of other broads.

I've checked out season 3 of south park. I've seen all these so far. 1 more episode on the first disc (1/3) dunno if I've seen it. Hopefully there are some I've never seen on these other two discs.
Okay now, who ordered the Pregnant woman fries? Willeh?

Here ya go mate, fresh out of the oven!


Que? You ready for your serve?


You know, I was thinking in my head, what's taking koola so long with those fries? As in, a non-forum setting. Like, dude, the mcDonalds' is only two blocks down. c'mon.

Did you know those wheelchairs can go up to twenty something miles an hour? How's that for fast food.
Did you know those wheelchairs can go up to twenty something miles an hour? How's that for fast food.

Considering that the fastest person can run only at his peak around 25 miles per hour, I would LOVE to see wheelchairs racing around at 20mph. :D

That would be ****ing hilarious.
Okay, so two gay lovers are showing their affection in the bedroom. Suddenly, a muffled lispy voice is heard from the vicinity of the reciever's anus; "ooh, it's so cozy in here..." Both men are stunned, and the guy under the bed with the camcorder comments, "well, that's really ****ing awkward."

Later, the story gets out and a news crew from channel seven show up to interview the internet phenomenon, the talking penis. The on the scene news reporter introduces him, "here we are, live in the home of the talking penis, to give us the real inside scoop". He hands the microphone over, and hte penis begins- "hey cutie... I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that the best place for a man's penis is inside the ass of another man. And, me being a penis, I should know."

The camera man looks away from the eyepiece. "Well, of course he'd say that," he says, "it's a gay penis." THe news crew look at each other, and leave. The penis mourns the loss of the mic boom.

Later that day, channel seven runs this story- "talking penis reveals the truth" A calloused penis with a tanned neck appears on screen, wearing a trucker's hat. "Now yall should know damn well the on'y place fer a penis is inside a woman's hoo-hah, if ye know what I mean, YEE-HAW *belch* And all them gay penises, them homoseksyoualls, thems abominations, and they'll all burn in hell, you see if they don't."

The story was used by religions around the world to reinforce their arguments against homosexuality and against gay marriage. "God speaks through the mouth of a penis" is seen across the deep south. Gay penises migrate to the California Bay Area to find shelter in the more accepting cities. Gay penises are becoming more and more persecuted until one day an interview with the talking vagina airs on channel four. "well, I like penises, but another vagina once in a while isn't so bad" she stated. Tensions become somewhat lessened. Gay penises ride on the success and acceptability of the bisexual talking vagina. Things are back to normal... for now.
I'm drunk again. Life pretty much sucks.

Thanks for talking to me a little bit ago, Stig. I love you bro. :(
Don't let your penises talk to each other.

EDIT: blargh my breath smells bad. It's 11:30.
Oh god, this is ****ing brilliant.

On top of getting drug tested, i'm going to start having to be tested for alcohol and nicotine usage too.

This is getting ****ing ridiculous. I swear to god, this is pissing me off, HARDCORE.

OH, and I found out my mom is spying on my HL2.net account, so mom...

If you're reading this...

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