Miscellaneous the Second

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God damn it.

Since my mail didn't arrive today, the earliest I'll get it is Monday. It was supposed to be here on the 18th, for ****s sake
I have to Say those Valve guys really got some awesome technology going for them...apparently the last update for TF2 was on December 31, 1969.... at least according to my steam update thing D-:

then again the update lists nothing so...yeah, I don't really know what's going on.

anybody know what the latest update did?

I saw the the same thing and was like, "What the fuuuu"
It is rather easy for me here as well. I'm 19 and legal age is 21, and I have so many connections to get drinks. It is rather simple. Plus, the one market we usually purchase beer from has 40s starting at a dollar and rising to $1.89.

I'm sorry sinkoman. If you weren't in Honolulu, you'd have beer by now from me.

Also, the other night I was rather drunk at this party, and this girly and I that I've been mad crushing on for a while started making out. Twas a fun party. I've been hanging out with her ever since.
It is rather easy for me here as well. I'm 19 and legal age is 21, and I have so many connections to get drinks. It is rather simple. Plus, the one market we usually purchase beer from has 40s starting at a dollar and rising to $1.89.

I'm sorry sinkoman. If you weren't in Honolulu, you'd have beer by now from me.

Also, the other night I was rather drunk at this party, and this girly and I that I've been mad crushing on for a while started making out. Twas a fun party. I've been hanging out with her ever since.

God dammit. It seems like around these parts, I can find everything BUT alcohol. Hell, we used to burn because it was easier to find buddha than it was to find somebody to buy us alcohol.

I know a guy with a fake ID, a guy that's 21 but currently wants me dead (no joke, man came at me with a hammer and said he was waiting for me with a gun...), and a friend of mine has a cousin that's 21, but unfortunately not only has a job, but is also a ho, meaning that when she's not at work, she's usually getting nailed, so it's hard to get her to help us out.

Stealing alcohol is no good too. Not only does hard liquor get boring after a while (i'd like to see you try and tax enough beer for 4 people...), but i'm technically not supposed to steal things anymore, so...

Funny story, we were up airsofting, and I demanded that my friend send his cousin a text message saying that I had a huge dick.

She replied asking for my age and pictures.

I love whores!
God dammit. It seems like around these parts, I can find everything BUT alcohol. Hell, we used to burn because it was easier to find buddha than it was to find somebody to buy us alcohol.

I know a guy with a fake ID, a guy that's 21 but currently wants me dead (no joke, man came at me with a hammer and said he was waiting for me with a gun...), and a friend of mine has a cousin that's 21, but unfortunately not only has a job, but is also a ho, meaning that when she's not at work, she's usually getting nailed, so it's hard to get her to help us out.

Stealing alcohol is no good too. Not only does hard liquor get boring after a while (i'd like to see you try and tax enough beer for 4 people...), but i'm technically not supposed to steal things anymore, so...

Funny story, we were up airsofting, and I demanded that my friend send his cousin a text message saying that I had a huge dick.

She replied asking for my age and pictures.

I love whores!

your stories always entertain me, tell us some more!!! :D
Went river rafting today, was damn fun and I'm all sunburned to hell.

and what is the deal with swimsuits? They always seem to have a seem down the middle, in your ass crack, shoveing your package to one side, or splitting it in two. Goddamn.
The sunburn is uncomfortable, but not necessarily unbearable. In fact, I would even let a pretty girl slap my back.
Man, craigslist has some awesome job postings.

We need:

A snappy wisecrackin sidekick, something like Chris Tucker from Fifth Element mixed with the Blues Brothers and a little dash of Roger Rabbit. You have transportation to the Bronx (125th st. Harlem on metro north, 138th street on the six train). You have a decent laptop you could bring or a desktop you'd be willing to set up in our office. You are willing to do bitch work for no money, cranking all day Saturday and Sunday, and will be grateful for the opportunity to hang with us in our crazy setup (3 designers and like 5 interns in a 1500 sq. ft. apt., getting silly with the design cracked out on monster energy drinks and screaming at each other while crying for it to stop).

We have:

Infinite coffee and Red Bulls. A dog and a cat. No space. An a** whoopin with your name on it. Free parking. HPV. "Daddy Issues." A sewing machine. A handful of rice. I have to stress again how crazy this is going to get and how much is going to be expected of you. I want someone who is going to go f***ing nuts.


Motion Graphics, Game Design, a little bit of web design, some video editing. Weekend job, Saturday and Sunday. Learn After Effects and C4D. Learn about The Industry. Make three valuable professional contacts (aka three losers who nobody cares about, we burned all our bridges and flushed our careers down the toilet straight out the gate, but yea we will write you recommendations etc.). Do boring work that we don't want to do. Don't need to dress or act professionally, don't need to show up on time, don't need to shower, DO need to stay long hours.

About Us:

We are three professional motion designers who are looking to start-up our own company, and are using the weekends as a test-bed to see if it would be possible to be self-supporting and quit our fulltime jobs. We also have a ton of side/personal projects that we'd like to see come to fruition but just don't have the time to do it all ourselves. You don't have to show up early in the morning or put on professional airs, we are art-school failures living on our parents' dimes as well. You will be expected to stay at least 8 hours a day.

We Pay: Jack sh*t

Please send:

A resume, a nice cover letter, a nasty cover letter, viruses, FBI traps, death threats, whatever you got. Keep in mind I will not open or look at any of these things. I need to see WORK. Send a reel, a website, scraps, whatever you got that shows you do not have the design skills of the dude from Sling Blade.
Krynn, that was rofl.

Went river rafting today, was damn fun and I'm all sunburned to hell.

and what is the deal with swimsuits? They always seem to have a seem down the middle, in your ass crack, shoveing your package to one side, or splitting it in two. Goddamn.
What level whitewater? I love rafting :D
I'm a f*ggot for Fruity Pebbles.
Me too.
Krynn. That's ridiculous.

I'm in.

Who is awake right now. I need a personal Jesus.

You are chatting with iLost:

iLost: is anybody awake out there
What level whitewater? I love rafting :D

Level two at the absolute most, it was hardly whitewater. It was mostly riding the current around and jumping into other people's rafts/squirting water at strangers. I'd love to do some actual whitewater rafting in the future, though.

on another note, I have this giant bump on my back (by giant, I mean half an inch around and rather pokey). I know not what it is. It is painful. It's not a sunburn blister, as I had it this morning before I got sunburned, however it seems to have developed some sunburn blisters on it. This morning I thought it was bug bites; wednesday on a hike I got chewed by mosquitos and had two that ended up right next to each other, which is what I thought it was at first. But why would it be so big? I made especial effort nto to scratch the, and they're actually all gone today. Plus, it's too far down to have been the bites, they were on my neck, this is more shoulder. I'm starting to think it's a zit, but I haven't had any bacne for a while. This would either support or shoot down my conclusion- either I'm over body acne, or I'm due for a new outbreak. It doesn't seem to have a head, but the more I think about it the more and more it's like one of those huge ass pimples you occasionally get that contain only oil, don't pop when squeezed, and only get bigger and give you pain. I've tried squeezing it, but a combination of sunburn pain and the awkwardness of the position makes these attempts into failures.

I just poked it again, and now I'm pretty damn sure it's just a huge zit on my back. If I leave it alone, it might get a head zoon and I'll have to suck it up and deal with A) the sunburn and B) the sudden shooting wet pain of extracting huge amounts of pus and oil from pores in my back. I will keep you all updated.
Of course I would get sick the day before my last exam. ****ing lousy immune system.
Thanks, I hate studying when I'm sick.

Goddamn lazy white cells, do something!
Perhaps it's the overabundance of mucus in my nose talking, but chalk sounds like a good idea.
Three more tests until freedom, of a sort.

Then onto holidays of partying and spending time with a certain person.
If my sleep schedule gets out of whack, I get headaches and have trouble falling asleep

Speaking of

I should have gone to sleep like 12 hours ago. I'm getting in my bed. It's awesome there.
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