Miscellaneous the Second

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I'm volunteering at the school again today, and because they have several large pieces of equipment that are moved around floors, as well as some disable students, they have an elevator. Beside the elevator is a stop sign that says: STOP RADWAN GO BACK TO CLASS. Apparently he loves to ride the elevator/wander.

Mere moments ago someone comes on in the announcements system and says: "RADWAN IS IN THE ELEVATOR. I REPEAT, RADWAN IS IN THE ELEVATOR. WAIT, NOW HE'S GOTTEN OFF AAAANNDD... RADWAN IS IN ROOM 17, CAN SOMEONE GO PICK HIM UP? "

The entire school just burst out laughing :laugh:

LMAO epic!
I stayed up for 23 hours and fell asleep at about 4 in the afternoon. Almost 7:30 now, what a nap.
My life is falling into a very awesome routine this summer.

7:00 - Wake up/lie in bed
7:30 - Breakfast and change
8:00 - Run
8:30 - Shower/nap
10:00 - Work out
10:30 - Shower/TF2
11:30 - Lunch
12:00 - Swim/videogames/hangout with friends
5:00 - Go home/TF2
7:00 - Dinner
8:00 - Sleep
My life is falling into a very awesome routine this summer.

7:00 - Wake up/lie in bed
7:30 - Breakfast and change
8:00 - Run
8:30 - Shower/nap
10:00 - Work out
10:30 - Shower/TF2
11:30 - Lunch
12:00 - Swim/videogames/hangout with friends
5:00 - Go home/TF2
7:00 - Dinner
8:00 - Sleep

You.. sleep... at... 8?
I go to sleep very early when I can, most people don't though.
I have a question. How do creationists explain extinction? I mean, if god created every organism on earth perfectly as it is... why would he allow them to go extinct at such alarming rates? Is it man's will? God's will? And what about the recent extinctions that happen in pristine protected environments like happened with the golden toad?

No one said God loves animals.

Also, Raz, we need to play GTA4.
I hate it and you didn't make it.

Someone create me an avatar.

I have a question. How do creationists explain extinction? I mean, if god created every organism on earth perfectly as it is... why would he allow them to go extinct at such alarming rates? Is it man's will? God's will? And what about the recent extinctions that happen in pristine protected environments like happened with the golden toad?


What the hell is wrong now.
Atheist finding extinction too evil and horrible and all unhippy unrad uncool.
No one said God loves animals.

Also, Raz, we need to play GTA4.

I caaan't. I have to study. Plus it may be easy for you to get back into a game you haven't touched in a while, but it's nearly impossible for me. It's difficult to bring myself to do it.

Anyways, on the subject of biology. I went to conservapedia for a laugh, and I found this snippet out of the eukaryote article.

Eukaryotes and Evolution

The Theory of Evolution does not have a good explanation for where eukaryotes come from. Some evolutionists tell a just-so tale that Eukaryotes arose by ingesting other microorganisms but rather than digesting the microorganisms they turned the organisms into the mitochrondria. The explanation that Eukaryotes were created by God is much simpler.

Well duh.
Every answer is 'Because God said so.'
So, I just downloaded a high quality porno called "Pirates XXX" to watch with my girl.

First time we're doing this, I mean I think it's damn weird cause porn and girlfriends should stay seperate, no?
But she just out of the blue asks to check out some porn, probably to spice things up considering we haven't had sex in over a month now.
So, I tried to find something that's entertaining and not just constant f*cking, Pirates seems alright... apparently it's one of the most expensive pornos ever made.

Anyone here ever do this?
Agggh, my jaw is still killing me.

Today my dad got offered a job doing weapons training in Dubai for three months.

I might be going with him!!!!
So, I just downloaded a high quality porno called "Pirates XXX" to watch with my girl.

First time we're doing this, I mean I think it's damn weird cause porn and girlfriends should stay seperate, no?
But she just out of the blue asks to check out some porn, probably to spice things up considering we haven't had sex in over a month now.
So, I tried to find something that's entertaining and not just constant f*cking, Pirates seems alright... apparently it's one of the most expensive pornos ever made.

Anyone here ever do this?

Is it in HD? High def porn is the greatest.

Let us know how it turns out :D
Well, today went a tad rocky.

Went in a little early, and waited around with all the other workers on the floor. After about 5 minutes of waiting I thought "**** this" and went up to the managers office, which happened to be filled with managers I didn't know, so I went back downstairs. Waited a minute or two to see if anybody I recognized would show, and then went back upstairs, at which point the assistant manager noticed I looked new, and showed me to the training booth computer thing.

So, I sat there infront of a fricking computer clicking away at random shit for 3 hours. Fuggin eyeballs felt like popping out of their ****ing sockets. Finished the training, went into the managers room, and noticed the district manager was in the middle of a conversation with 3 other managers, so I figured "Ok, I don't want to make a bad impression with the district manager, so i'll wait and let him finish talking before I ask for help".

About 30 minutes goes by of this asshole pretending like i'm not standing there waiting for him to be available, and just enjoying the sound of his own voice, at which point a store manager notices he's not helping me and pulls herself out of the conversation, and myself out of the room. As soon as we get outside of the room, she mutters under her breath, "oh my god, I can't take another minute of that assholes bullshit", and I chuckle. She calls up my training officer, who then takes me downstairs to the customer service booth, and instructs me to wait infront of the cigarette stand while he gets me a uniform.

while i'm waiting, I think "Ok, it's been pretty quiet lately, why don't I make small talk when this guy gets back, he seems nice enough to hold down a decent conversation".

Guy comes back, and I smile and go "Huh, i've noticed lately it's been hard for me to just stand infront of the customer service booth. I just quit smoking, and it's like all those packs are staring me right in the eye, ye know?"

He kinda gives me this "i'm gonna ****ing fire you" look, squints, and goes "oh... You're under 18, you're not supposed to be smoking..."

I kinda look at him and go "uh... I know... That's why I quit." I think to myself "oh god, uptight asshole alert"

He looks at me and goes "good, because you shouldn't be smoking, especially not on company property if you're under 18... it's against the law"

****, I understand that the guy doesn't want any of his employees to be breaking the law on company property, but jesus christ, I swear. Some people are so god damned caught up in the rules... I can point out at least 8 employees that are underage, yet I constantly see smoking right infront of the entrances on their lunch break.

Awkward silence while he asks me to fill out some papers. The rest of the day consisted of him showing me where everything is in the back of the store, almost falling right on his ass when he tries to show me the proper way to mop up a spill, and then sending me on my way.

This will be interesting...
Imagine me. Imagine my desk. Imagine my monitor. Imagine these on either side of my monitor. Imagine me smiling. Thank you.

I luff you guysss.
I hate summer for the sole fact that everyone else is too busy for anything anymore.

Yay for growing up? Hah.
Airsofting in the woods in 100+ degrees weather in full camo is horrid.
CoD4 at 89% and seems to have no intention of going farther.
So, I just downloaded a high quality porno called "Pirates XXX" to watch with my girl.

First time we're doing this, I mean I think it's damn weird cause porn and girlfriends should stay seperate, no?
But she just out of the blue asks to check out some porn, probably to spice things up considering we haven't had sex in over a month now.
So, I tried to find something that's entertaining and not just constant f*cking, Pirates seems alright... apparently it's one of the most expensive pornos ever made.

Anyone here ever do this?

AH, Mah friend gave me a copy of that.

ARGGGG plunder the booty

it's almost like a movie

answer yes.
some girls like to watch them w/me

some girls like to make them with me

some girls think i'm --- realize I'm a pervert

Porn is kinda lame though. I like real people that I can get to know
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