Miscellaneous the Second

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yeah but seriously, I was going to say - they have non-habit forming sleeping pills. Man I'm hooked on those things.
I just played the new beta release of Mount & Blade for over 12 hours straight without a break. :eek:
No :( I haven't had any alcohol or drugs. D: D:

Hm, maybe you're just sick. One time I got really sick and all feverish and I was shaking pretty bad.

Or, are you excited about something? Like, are you going to see Wall-E? Or maybe you watched the diablo 3 gameplay movie.
Maybe you need to put an extra sweater on or something to prevent yourself getting shaky again. That's if it's like shivering, otherwise I don't know.
not shivering, it's violently shaking from my waist up. I have no idea why it happens, and it not from the cold D:
Hmm. I get that sometimes, I think we all do, but I don't know what causes it. I usually just wait for it to stop. I think that really is all you can do.
So a party is being held at my house by my parents in honor of my graduating college. There's going to be 60+ of my relatives here in our too-small house and yard in less than an hour from now.

May god have mercy on me.
The question is: will you survive?? Will we still see you on these forums after the party???
Let's hope you do survive it, Krynn!!! :E
It remains to be seen. I may well be inviting my own death. The first guests should be showing up in a few minutes.
In an unrelated note, I'm glad your old avatar is back.

Good luck, my friend.
What's new in it?

I don't know what's new in it compared to when you last played, but compared to when I last played... a bunch. It actually feels like there's a game now rather than just mostly mechanics.
You ****ing guys.

Anyway, I was thinking of a sweet idea for a mod - You play as a military android, fighting your way through the test chambers of Portal. Combat heavy, maybe some portal use, etc. Yes?
Oh god... that partay destroyed me. I'm covered in sweat, bloody, aching, my voice is scratchy, and my feet hurt.

Fun stuff. Plus I got 500 bucks in gifts \o/
Just saw Wall-E, and it was pretty much the best thing ever. I know I say that a lot.


This post requires a ****gold****nt**** to *******, nigg***tch*.
Awesome day! Had a meeting, a birthday party, two masses, and lazer piggy.

Plus, my friend got back from a month touring England and Scotland, and another friend is returning next week from his month in Poland for the seminarian reunion.
My ears hurt. Godamn headphones.

Edit: ****ing women misunderstanding men :|
Man, Saturos' thread last night made me have dreams that were full of rage. Grrr.
Me and my friend had to do a project in IT once where we had to create a fake website for a band , and we could make up our own band and we had us two plus Neo from the matrix , Austin Powers , Sauron and Papa smurf. Twas epic.
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