Most complicated use of Havok 2

Anyone seen the Honda advert? Thats some very cool stuff (I dont remember the name of it)

Note: SOME of the advert is computer generated (e.g fake) but its pretty clear what bits are fake and what are not

Note some more: This is not the video, its just a small flash, I think the video is viewable on the site, dunno
Actually, ph34r, the whole commercial is real, and was filmed in one take. They only used C.G. in one spot to splice the two halves of the contraption together, since the room they did it in wasn't long enough to hold the entire thing.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
oh dude an assemply building a car WOULD BE SWEET

and totally possible becuase of that welding/glue stuff!

yep it could certainly work.. Huuuuuuuge amount of work but doable, add some classical music to it and have everything all timed to perfection. Damn it could end up being commissioned by some car manufacturer for a commercial (it happens)

I'm sure whoever manages to pull it off would end up winning some award, probably get a job with valve too heh probably get a job where the hell they like after that I bet :)
Originally posted by Bedwetting Type
Actually, ph34r, the whole commercial is real, and was filmed in one take. They only used C.G. in one spot to splice the two halves of the contraption together, since the room they did it in wasn't long enough to hold the entire thing.

Hmm you sure bout that? some of the things move totally unreal (like one point the "odd shaped rolling log thing" rolls upwards (I know it would be able to due too weight changeing inside of it) but not that slowly and for that long

But I guess they magic of the ad would be pointless if it was computer made.. I dunno

edit: also near the start where the tyres roll up the ramp.. note the up, big thing to note... something that big would not be able to roll up for so long at that speed.. not to mentain hitting 2 other tires, it would hit the 1st one and just stop, unless the tires where fake and made to be ALOT lighter... yea, computer generated
man the honda thing downloading awful slow...
a car factory would be nice, but the polygonage necessary would melt your videocard :eek:
ph34rt3h, there's a thread about this very subject from very recently elsewhere on the forum (quick search for honda accord should find it for you), it answers and asks all your questions there about that commercial and if bits were or weren't CG
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
*waves hand* Meh.. to lazy for that, I will just agree with you lot from now on

lol, well ok then

... the earth is flat, agreed? :P
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
Hmm you sure bout that? some of the things move totally unreal (like one point the "odd shaped rolling log thing" rolls upwards (I know it would be able to due too weight changeing inside of it) but not that slowly and for that long

But I guess they magic of the ad would be pointless if it was computer made.. I dunno

edit: also near the start where the tyres roll up the ramp.. note the up, big thing to note... something that big would not be able to roll up for so long at that speed.. not to mentain hitting 2 other tires, it would hit the 1st one and just stop, unless the tires where fake and made to be ALOT lighter... yea, computer generated


The Tyres were weighted inside at the top. The slightest bump caused them to start rolling.

Nothing was CG. Totally real.
Originally posted by staddydaddy
Seriously though, When I was little I had this set of blocks with holes in them and marbles. you would build up a tower with the blocks and then put the marble in the top and watch it fall down. I think that would be fun to watch for me cause it would be like reminising, but not that exstensive usage of the engine. Another cool idea might be like a circus. Think of all the physical crap that goes on. Trappeese ppl ballancing, jumping from rope swings, juggling. I think that would be cool.

I totally remember that!!
I am thinking "Death Trap" map... a map for a single player (or co-op multi) where there are some nasty traps - std issue one like pitfalls and moving walls/ceiling and more complex ones like a gearbox where you must look for the broken teeth to get through ect...with the Source/Havok it should be intresting to make up some really fiendish traps to kill the unsuspecting player.

With that camera controls in the engine it would probably be possible to have one player in control of the traps, watching another player through monitors and activating switches to try lure the other player to his/her doom.
i like the mousetrap idea.

i also want one of those "wack the gopher" games.

am i'm also gonna love the baseball game.
A fully working reproduction of the Stargate from Stargate SG-1. How cool would that be?.

I want to see more birds.

shot a bird while its flying or while the bird on a tree then you see the bird drop realisticly on the ground very firmly.:cheese:
Why not model the entire map from first principles? Start with quantum field theory and let the fields create their own particles and interactions. All we'd have to do then is sit back and be amazed.
Why not someone model the entire interior of the Enterprise as a test on how complex it can be done, including all the different rooms and area's, lots thats never been seen. Each level of the ship being a different map, absolutely everything in there, even down to jeffries tubes and why not a working transporter, and even working shuttles that you can fly out the door into another map of the entire exterior of the ship and fly around it :D Well the entire enterprise built down to the fish in Picards aquarium and the musical intrument in Riker's Quaters would be up there with the most complicated and biggest uses of the Source engine.. Course don't put any fighting in it, just have it crewed with AI controlled characters wandering around the corridors like they do (usually some ugly guy trying to chat up a cute lass) hours of entertainment exploring every part of the ship before blowing up the warp core and uninstalling it forever ;)
I wanna see a map where the whole level is falling apart and you have to get to a place to be safe, say the floor had water with a broken electrical cable in it or something.
Ther are some good ideas in that ol' chunk of wordage.

Could we make the transporter with the fade-out effects? That'd be damn cool.

Heh, inspiration... Remember the way Gordon in HL/HL2 is so clumsy? Lets let the person playing screw with the Enterprises controls, all of which could have some function attatched to them, using VGUI2(Animated screens and so on).

One of the many unmarked buttons fires the torpedoes...:E
Originally posted by nw909
I wanna see a map where the whole level is falling apart and you have to get to a place to be safe, say the floor had water with a broken electrical cable in it or something.

That seems strangely familiar.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
One of the many unmarked buttons fires the torpedoes...

Which then you previously set the course for the enterprise knocking out power and the captain throws your ass into space.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Ther are some good ideas in that ol' chunk of wordage.

Could we make the transporter with the fade-out effects? That'd be damn cool.

Heh, inspiration... Remember the way Gordon in HL/HL2 is so clumsy? Lets let the person playing screw with the Enterprises controls, all of which could have some function attatched to them, using VGUI2(Animated screens and so on).

One of the many unmarked buttons fires the torpedoes...:E

oh you just wanna start a fight with the klingons again :P

I'd say its possible, tons of work but since I first started out in 3D work I've always always wanted to model the Enterprise completely within some computer. Until now it would have always been pre-rendered stuff, but in the source engine all those extra things that could be done, as you say pressing unmarked buttons and not knowing what they do lol.

Transporter Effect would certainly work. It could be done in HL1, have a sprite effect triggered to appear infront/around you if your stood on the transporter and then one elsewhere to match, then move location to there, the sprite effect masking the quick change then fades away and you can move again.

For watching something/someone being transported. I bet there is a way to fade some model in and out, add another sprite effect for the classic transporter appearance and bobs yer uncle

Hmm.. I wonder what kind of fun things could be done with the Holodeck? ;);)
Originally posted by Brian Damage
That seems strangely familiar.

There's a section in NOLF2 with a tornado (the tornado levels in that game are the best part of it I think) towards the end you go into one of the trailers from the trailer park and its taken up by the tornada, you have to fight some japanese girl while the trailer gradually breaks up around you. Very well done
The holodeck could be tricky... you'd have to temporarily expand the area. Or you could make the scenery within move past the player, instead of vice-versa.

Fading the model out could be done by making the model's texture/material transparent, slowly. Remember, the holos in HL and BS were transparent. There's probably even an engine script command to do it.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
The holodeck could be tricky... you'd have to temporarily expand the area. Or you could make the scenery within move past the player, instead of vice-versa.

Fading the model out could be done by making the model's texture/material transparent, slowly. Remember, the holos in HL and BS were transparent. There's probably even an engine script command to do it.

I imagine there will be something in the engine to make it easier, if you can apply shaders and such to models ala E3 vid with the predator type effect on a character then I must be possible to some degree.

one idea i had for the holodeck problem. The room is void of lights and shadow. So in theory wouldn't it be possible to make the brushes that make up that room fade away (similar to the transporter thing) and allow players to walk past the boundries or something. So you'd have the various worlds there, all in the same map with different skies and such or whatever.. You'd walk into the holodeck, run the program you want to see. The player would then be seamlessly transported to the same spot in a clone holodeck, the yellow grid walls fade away and your in a different area... If once you've entered the holodeck originally, it loads in a new map, you then don't have the rest of that level of the actual ship to worry about hiding. So you'd have this doorway that you could even open, in the middle of empty space.. and use a camera in a small self contained area elsewhere in the map showing the corridor beyond it.. if you walk forward it loads back that levels map and you continue to walk. So for all intents and purposes it would seem like the actual holodeck.. what do you think
Yeah, sounds like it could work...

About the predatoresque camoulfage, do you think that you could take the input from an invisible camera, attatched to a model's surface and rigged to always point away from the player, put it into that VGUI2 thingy (like on the monitors in that demo), and use it as a texture to wrap the model in? Then it'd be like the model was changing colour to fit in with the background, yet you'd still spot it after a while because the thing it's standing in front of would appear warped.

I think.
Real physics aren't even up to the level of Star Trek. What makes you think the computer simulated physics of the Havok engine are ready for it?
We're not talking actual quantum physics here, dude. Just stuff that looks cool. What do you think we're saying? We're just talking about pseudo-3D computer games running on an engine called Source...
The working car engine and clock ideas are awesome. They are not trivial tasks either. If anyone is serious about these two projects, let me know.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
We're not talking actual quantum physics here, dude. Just stuff that looks cool. What do you think we're saying? We're just talking about pseudo-3D computer games running on an engine called Source...

Sorry man, maybe I was confused by the name of the thread...

Most complicated use of Havok 2
Originally posted by DrEvil
The working car engine and clock ideas are awesome. They are not trivial tasks either. If anyone is serious about these two projects, let me know.

Yeah, in Source explosions conform to geometries. Therefore, in a closed piston assembly, the cam action might actually work.

EDIT: ironsam, 's Okay.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Yeah, sounds like it could work...

About the predatoresque camoulfage, do you think that you could take the input from an invisible camera, attatched to a model's surface and rigged to always point away from the player, put it into that VGUI2 thingy (like on the monitors in that demo), and use it as a texture to wrap the model in? Then it'd be like the model was changing colour to fit in with the background, yet you'd still spot it after a while because the thing it's standing in front of would appear warped.

I think.

In theory it "should" work. That would be a good question to email Gabe, I wonder if they've tried it.. Saying that though, the water shader gets a similar effect faking bending light around it. I can certainly see a few Predator games popping up.. debatable on if they'll actually be any good though :).... I would however play a Predator mod based on the two films, instead of playing as the predator you get to hunt it down as a normal human, build your own traps ala the first film towards the end. That could make for an interesting mod. Your team could all be different characters from the film. Have a smart AI controlled predator who'll act like one instead of a human player as the predator who'll act like a marine (which always happens :))
Good idea. A mod with only one monster. He'd have to hard to catch/see/kill. Perhaps you might have to protect other humans from it...
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Good idea. A mod with only one monster. He'd have to hard to catch/see/kill. Perhaps you might have to protect other humans from it...

It would be interesting, have more thought gone into it so you can't just run around shooting the place up and instead have to work out the Predators methods and what its going to do next (have it setup so its random each game or something, give it some replayability) possible to have plenty of locations eventually too, any city or place in the world really would work. And it would be kinda neat seeing those three red targetting dots and not being entirely sure where it is until its too late, pushing the public out of the way so their not killed or driving off down the street following it as it goes from rooftop to rooftop ala P2

Someone make it like that! now! lol
Yeah. For the three dots, you might have to lure it into a smokey/steamy area so that you can see where it's coming from...

I can just picture the player standing in the middle of the stree trying to get the crowd to get the heck out of there by firing his gun into the air.

Hey, what do you think of the idea of using Source's AI capabilities to do a "Monster Hunter" game? Y'know, where you run around investigating reports of paranormal activity, and have to hunt down werewolves, ghosts, alien, vampires, mutants, George Bush, etc. Like those shows on late night TV.

EDIT: G'night, all...
Originally posted by DrEvil
The working car engine and clock ideas are awesome. They are not trivial tasks either. If anyone is serious about these two projects, let me know.

If you could simulate the elasticity of a spring to drive a pendelum clock, that would be truly amazing.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Yeah. For the three dots, you might have to lure it into a smokey/steamy area so that you can see where it's coming from...

I can just picture the player standing in the middle of the stree trying to get the crowd to get the heck out of there by firing his gun into the air.

Hey, what do you think of the idea of using Source's AI capabilities to do a "Monster Hunter" game? Y'know, where you run around investigating reports of paranormal activity, and have to hunt down werewolves, ghosts, alien, vampires, mutants, George Bush, etc. Like those shows on late night TV.

EDIT: G'night, all...

shows on late night tv eh... you watch F tn for Emily Booth too huh? ;)

proper reply: Hey that would be a neat game. More thought on stratergy and planning than all out shooting. Have an entire city (made up one maybe) that you can drive or walk about in, catch a tram or the tube. Be able to call in police backup, protect the innocent. Have random cases turning up to solve. Play as a worn out detective who has a passing resemblance to Tom Sellek (only you don't get the cool car :)) maybe even some way of having time pass in the game, from day to night to day. Make use of all those urban myths in the world, trying to solve all these strange happenings, maybe have a twist where there is no actual ending (or maybe there is.. ooooh hehe) just lots and lots of new cases to solve, when you've somehow done them all you could download new ones from a site. Or people could make their own and submit them for inclusion. But if ANYONE dares suggest having the line "and I woulda got away with it if it wasn't for you pesky kids" I shall scream lol

Edit: I just realised the detective bit sounds similar to Under a Killing Moon... only this idea would be more fun with lots more to do and next to no limits. Think GTA crossed with Killing moon crossed with a buffy rip off but without the blonde hair and great legs or insanely cute lesbian witch friend ;)
anybody played Jenga, or Kurplunk?

how about a windtunnel where the dry ice is blown from a fan and then streamlines whatever is in the tunnel

or waves, would be good to have proper rip currents and waves / undertow working. This could be adapted to make wind, realistic wind that carries objects, blows projectiles off course etc

a catapult, distance things go is determined by how far back the catapult is held before releae, the weight of the object (which would also slow down the catapult arm slightly) and how much it is streamlined

table football :)

jack in the box


a pressure hose, water breaks on things and peels off things like paint and dirt whilst knocking over light things

a guitar with working strings, plays correct chords and threts and the machine heads work so can tune or detune each string

fully working drum kit