most criminal/ghetto/Gang Wars place in USA Compton VS Hampton


Nov 1, 2004
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For long i have been wondering which city is worse

Compton or Hampton

I myself, think that Compton is the worst of them, but i cant be sure. For you who dont know much about Compton, its a 10 Square mile city in CA which is heavy in poverty, violence, gangs, drugs, Gangsta Rap. Its also called the "WAR ZONE". World famous rappers such as Ice Cube, Dr.Dre, Easy E comes from Compton, Snoop Dogg comes from the outskirts of Compton.

Compton was devided into two Gangs, the Bloods (wearing red clothes) and the Crips who weared Blue Clothes. These gangs were at war with each other. At some times, the whole city would be a war zone were houses were raided and looted, people getting shot on the street between the gang fights. At one time, these gangs were united, for about 2 weeks of time before the killing started again.

Compton put itself on the map thanks to the Rap music, or also called "gangster rap". The rappers made music explaining how the streets in compton are.

If you listen to some of N.W.A (Ni**as with Attetude), Dr.Dre, Ice Cube, Dj Quick, Snoop Dogg, Death Row music you will clearly hear what these guys are talking about...
Then there was the West coast VS east coast, but im not going into that.
Right now im listening to a Dr.Dre "A ni**a witta gun" were he Raps "I never take a step on da compton block without da AK ready to pop"

Then we have Hampton, to be honest, i know very little about it...i dont even know were it is located which is the reason why im not to sure if Compton really is the worse place. I have 2 friends from each of these cities

Friend 1, im not going to mention his name- From Compton

"Trust me when i say this, you never want to go to Compton"
"I will NEVER go back there"

I ask him "Is it really true that people are getting killed on the streets"

answer "Yepp, thats right, i would go out as little as i could"

Then i have friend number 2, from Hampton

"If you walk on the streets, all you see is people with XXL pants...and if you look them in the eyes, they will start a fight with you"

"At one time, when i was 12 years old, i saw an 8 year old girl die because of gun shots between two gang fights"

i ask "What were your reactions?"

answer "panic, just running as fast as i can out of there so i dont get shot"

These two friends go to my school in Europe (a Dods USA Air Force school). There is an Amercan Air Force base here were soldiers from America get deported to to serve America or go to Iraq...why do you think these guys are here? Because their parents were tierd of living in these areas, they were poor, no job...the only choice was to join the Air Force...

There is many people here who come from Ghettos, and just a guy from calm Sweden were i havent seen a gun, fight or anything violence...
Dont take it wrong though, Sweden also has gangs and drugs problems, mostly in Malmo, but in my city (Bromma) it was pretty calm, though i lived in one of (or the only) ghettos in Sweden called Rynkeby were ONLY...i repeat...ONLY...immigrants live, people were getting shot in the subwaystations etc, gang fights outsite my appartment, shoting outside the schools. But i was like 2 years old and we moved to Bromma because...once parents had enough (im not an Immigrant to sweden btw, we just lived there for a reason i dont know...

So, if anyone has more info about his, or anyone from these areas, can you please tell me your views about these areas?
We have Chavs.


-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
The answer is Crawley, England.

-Angry Lawyer
F*ck off, you pansy!
Where I'm from - not where I'm at uni - was recently described as worse than Bosnia. It has a notorious "Murder Mile" and was host to the longest siege in British history. Is it wrong that I (almost) like those things about it?
For all its failings it truly is a wonderful place, though and I'm proud to have lived and grown up there. And it's on the up-and-up. Things'll get better, and all the preparations for the 2012 games will help that. Huzzah!

I love London.
Well, we're not. Sorry for high-jacking your thread :p
Towns like these are the reason why heavy artillery was invented -_-
Schaarbeek :(
It's a border community of Brussels, and it's completely ****ed up. There's gang wars all the time. But the thing is, there are no gangs. There's just random groups of people killing each other. :|
Black gangs are in remission. Surenos (Latino Southsiders) are taking over, I'd even say Nortenos (fag latino northerners/farmers) are more powerful than the black gangs but they still don't have shit.

The dividing line is Bakersfield for the past few years.. but Surenos have pushed control economically all the way to the Bay Area and San Francisco. All of Arizona is Sureno controlled. Parts of the Deep South (Georgia, etc) are in competition with local black gangs.
Uh, it doesn't matter if English people hijack the thread. Are you guys REALLY that jealous of our country that you have to claim that you have worse neighborhoods than America? Bring on your 'chavs'... hah. All he has to do is show you his unbrushed teeth and breathe his disgusting breath on you and you'll shit yourself in fright.
Glo-Boy said:
Uh, it doesn't matter if English people hijack the thread. Are you guys REALLY that jealous of our country that you have to claim that you have worse neighborhoods than America? Bring on your 'chavs'... hah. All he has to do is show you his unbrushed teeth and breathe his disgusting breath on you and you'll shit yourself in fright.

You've never heard of irony, I guess. And people aren't really jealous of your country, kid.

-Angry Lawyer
Glo-Boy said:
Uh, it doesn't matter if English people hijack the thread. Are you guys REALLY that jealous of our country that you have to claim that you have worse neighborhoods than America? Bring on your 'chavs'... hah. All he has to do is show you his unbrushed teeth and breathe his disgusting breath on you and you'll shit yourself in fright.
...and here come the patriots!

Shove your stereotypes up your arse, twunt. Every country has its fair share of human cess pools.
If you really want to have a vague understanding of how things are being run in the US Southwest Originally Cali but now from Cali, AZ, NM, Texas, Nev, and Oregon, I suggest you watch the movie "American Me"

it's not fully accurate as some things have changed for today, but it'll show you how some things got going. The Mexican Mafia are tied to the Surenos and the Nuestra Familia to the Nortenos, but those two operate within the prison system. Surenos and Norputos are outside and not necessarily always criminal.
man im sorry but compton really aint sh1t. i live in CA, now, but before i moved here i heard so much about compton, but compton is like a middle class neighborhood.

if you want to see the ghetto, go to the mid-west or east coast.
this is where im from ( before i moved to ca).

east st louis

my hometown is like 50x worse than compton and south central.
oh yea another thing, USA isnt really ghetto compared to most other countries.

you wanna see the hood than go to mexico, vietnam, or any other 3rd world country.
bizzy420 said:
man im sorry but compton really aint sh1t. i live in CA, now, but before i moved here i heard so much about compton, but compton is like a middle class neighborhood.

if you want to see the ghetto, go to the mid-west or east coast.
this is where im from ( before i moved to ca).

east st louis

my hometown is like 50x worse than compton and south central.
Wow can you say anti-American? The site tries to make America seem like a giant racist ghetto.


Urban black underclass

Symbols of white oppression

Love, sex and

Homeless people

Rural black

The despair, hunger and apathy resulting from oppression

Crime and subcultures of the underclass

White racism, poverty - and the filthy rich
Ravioli said:
"If you walk on the streets, all you see is people with XXL pants...and if you look them in the eyes, they will start a fight with you"

i HATE people like this. I cannot stand cultures where you don't look someone in the eye. It bugs me so bad when people look around or look down when they talk to me.
well, I've been to places in New York, New Jersey, and the nations capitol, Washington D.C..

I'd have to say that from the areas I've been to, there was some places in Washington D.C. that are the typical ghetto thing with drug dealers gracing either side of the street.

I know becuase we used to drive 30 minutes to DC to buy weed. You could go anytime of night and just wave down one of the guys or girls on the street, pull over, and tell him what you want.

Its like a drive through restaurant of drugs. If you wanted something harder, you just ask, and he will tell you to pull up to the next window (drive up to the next guy) lol

But my car broke down up there once, and we found ourselves (a bunch of suburban teens) walking the ghetto streets trying to figure out how the **** we would get home at 3 in the morning. The drunks, homeless, and drug dealers were all present and actually pretty friendly and helpful.

I was a little intimidated becuase we were lost roaming the streets in the middle of the night.

I think ever major city has more crime becuase there are more people, higher cost of living equating in more homeless people and more ghettos ( the city has the most jobs, so housing is expensive since many people need to live near work )

The only way to compare crime in different cities is to look at the numbers.

murder, violence, crime. Compare the amounts while taking into account the number of people living there, and you will get a good idea of the most dangerous places in America.

But I'd feel much safer walking down any street in America then walking down the streets in the Middle east.. like say Iraq
Angry Lawyer said:
You've never heard of irony, I guess. And people aren't really jealous of your country, kid.

-Angry Lawyer

I can see that you are, 'kid'. We decided England was too fag-like and left. So then England came after all 45 of us and we beat them back. Then we proceeded to be most powerful and productive country on Earth. Sure, we have a huge amount of lazy slobs and absolute imbeciles that live in our country (and a fair share of those who run it, unfortunately) but that doesn't change that we have undecidedly the best education, the best products, the best everything really. America is badass.

P.S. I've been to england and I have met some really great people. America is still better though.
Pulse said:
...and here come the patriots!

Shove your stereotypes up your arse, twunt. Every country has its fair share of human cess pools.

And America has some of the worst on Earth next to the slums of China and anywhere in the Middle East. England is the pretty much most pansy country on the planet, up there with Canada and Sweden.

What the f-ck is a twunt, by the way? Twat mixed with c-nt? Clever.
Glo-Boy said:
And America has some of the worst on Earth next to the slums of China and anywhere in the Middle East. England is the pretty much most pansy country on the planet, up there with Canada and Sweden.
I don't think that's necessarily true...

...also, to be fair, we elected Blair. Although admittedly he wasn't an actual baboon.
Angry Lawyer said:
You fail, your country elected Bush.

Nuff said.

-Angry Lawyer

And your country elected Tony Blair. You fail.
I'm sorry, but Blair beats Bush hands down. At least he has the cogniscense to string a sentence together, and doesn't have to have minders stand by him, so he doesn't press the button marked "End World".

-Angry Lawyer
Pulse said:
...and here come the patriots!

Shove your stereotypes up your arse, twunt. Every country has its fair share of human cess pools.
Can't dissagree with that. In conversations about crime ridden areas, the words of one famous Starship Trooper comes to mind: "Nukem Rico!"
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm sorry, but Blair beats Bush hands down. At least he has the cogniscense to string a sentence together, and doesn't have to have minders stand by him, so he doesn't press the button marked "End World".

-Angry Lawyer
Tony Blair isn't great, but theres good people in the labour party who stop him from being a dick. This doesn't apply to the republican party.
Glo-Boy said:
England is the pretty much most pansy country on the planet, up there with Canada and Sweden.

hahaha you have to be bloody kidding me?! Pansy’s!? Our bloody culture revolves around fighting, trouble and power. America has well more ''Pansy’s'' than England and to be honest we are not the country that carries around firearms for 'protection'. I’ve been to America mate, your bullshit comments sickens me! But with an IQ of whale shit I'm not surprised.
Oh noes, nationalism!

Right, **** this, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Whose currency has more value, bitch? You only won the war of independence because we got bored! etc!
...and much of your criminal underworld is shifting it's currency to Euros. Tchah.