Most disturbing thing you've ever seen?


Dec 18, 2005
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I was just on the infamous and saw a picture of a man eating a baby... :|
I'm pretty sure that violates some sort of law...
A baby eating a man. Now that one will stay with you.
TriddyD said:
I was just on the infamous and saw a picture of a man eating a baby... :|
Dear ****ing god. Do not link to anything in this thread people, I'll descend upon you with the wrath of a thousand supernovae.
Thread will no doubt get closed.

Most disturbing thing i have seen is the future :O
Photos are pretty bad but I got used to them during my crime scene investigation and criminalistics courses. What really got to me was when we visited the medical examiners office and went into the coolers to see the bodies. While we were there they had to go get a man who had just killed himself. Let me tell you, a self inflicted high powered rifle shot is no laughing matter.
A corpse that had half of his face peeled away with an ice pick in his eye, and by peeled, I mean just the skin, all the stuff under it was sitting out there

It would either be that or 3 girls puking on a girls arse while another guy licked it off
Greatgat said:
"Come on, eat the baby," said the Devil. "Oh, just eat it. Come on, just eat the baby. No, it'll be fine. No, really, no one's gonna care. Come on, just eat the bab- FOOL! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Man, I am so gullible.
I'm surprised no-one saw the link yet.
Boogymanx said:
I'm surprised no-one saw the link yet.

I was tricked into it. I didn't know what I was getting into. DON'T JUDGE ME. :p
The most disturbing thing I've ever seen: overflowing septic tank bursting and turning a full acre of land into one big ocean of shit and sewage.
In the Ring and other films where someones finger nail gets torn out. That always freaks the crap out of me.
that I'VE seen, would have to be when the car in front of me hit a dog running across the road at about 45mph. That image will stay with me...he didn't fully hit the dog, he clipped it, the dogs front half of the car hit the cars right front....
As part of my first aid training with the airforce, one of the powerpoint slides had a picture of an American GI from Vietnam who blew his face off by putting a detonator in his mouth. Everything from just below his eyes all the way down to his lower jaw was missing and he was looking at the camera...yucky. Of course, being around other super hard guys, i had to look menacingly at the picture.
hmmm one thing that stayed with me awhile was a clip on itv's ''tarrant on tv'' or watever that shows called, it was basically and advertisement for security alarms or sumit but was the most shocking, upsetting ad i've ever seen, well actually make that heard since the ad was just speech and subtitles..

it was a 911 call by a mother of a young baby who was upsairs in her house as a burglar(she thought) was downstairs, it was really shocking, she was really frantic on the phone but was whisppering so the guy wouldnt hear hear but then she started getting more agitated and was saying ''HES COMING UP THE STAIRS,I CAN HEAR HIM, HES COMING!!!!''


*screams* *baby starts wailing*

*phone slammed down*

then the 911 operator is heard saying ''mam, are you still there? omg''

the woman was then raped infront of her child...

that ad left me speechless for awhile ;(
A dead dog on the side of the highway, and a blood streak across the highway (It was atleast twice the size as the ones you see on Doom)
Fliko said:
A dead dog on the side of the highway, and a blood streak across the highway (It was atleast twice the size as the ones you see on Doom)
Lol, i've seen both a dog and a cat actually getting run over.
The dog was just hit and flipped off the front of a transit, dead straight away probably.

The cat i saw get run over actually went under the tire of a car, it was flipping about having it's death throws...managed to get to the side of the road before dying.

I also saw a young girl get hit.........well the car was going at about 5mph and she fell into the side of it, she didn't even get a bruise but for some reason my mum found it upsetting.
I saw a man getting his head crushed by a container in slow motion.
Most of what's on Banned in America is downright disturbing.
short recoil said:
Lol, i've seen both a dog and a cat actually getting run over.
The dog was just hit and flipped off the front of a transit, dead straight away probably.

The cat i saw get run over actually went under the tire of a car, it was flipping about having it's death throws...managed to get to the side of the road before dying.

I also saw a young girl get hit.........well the car was going at about 5mph and she fell into the side of it, she didn't even get a bruise but for some reason my mum found it upsetting.

I find the "LOL" at the beginning of that post slightly disturbing... :|
Greatgat said:
I find the "LOL" at the beginning of that post slightly disturbing... :|
Sorry, the doom remark made me laugh anyway it was only a Lol not a LOL.
My mom hit a squirrel one time. Made a satisfying scrrrcchhhh noise.
OvA said:
My mom hit a squirrel one time. Made a satisfying scrrrcchhhh noise.

Yeah, one time were driving in our pick up truck and we ran over this squirrel, and my dad was like "Woops, lets say a prayer for it guys."
joule said:
Most of what's on Banned in America is downright disturbing.
QFT. Watching people get shot in the lungs and see them writhing in pain for five minutes just isn't funny :|
But the worst, I should say, is seeing a guy's head that has been squished by a truck. The truck backs up and you see parts of the head sticking to the tire, making this awful sticky noise.

warning extremely sick D:
My friend saw worse : A Japanese guy completely tied down with a tube down his mouth. Then, a girl starts shitting down the pipe. This yellowish-brown diarreah (sp?) flows down, all into the guy's mouth. He's trying to blow it away from reaching his mouth, but he has to swallow it or he'll suffocate.
Beerdude26 said:
warning extremely sick D:
My friend saw worse : A Japanese guy completely tied down with a tube down his mouth. Then, a girl starts shitting down the pipe. This yellowish-brown diarreah (sp?) flows down, all into the guy's mouth. He's trying to blow it away from reaching his mouth, but he has to swallow it or he'll suffocate.

oh man, sounds like a party
OvA said:
oh man, sounds like a party

A sexy party. Oh wait, no. It doesn't.

Worst thing I've seen is some German thing where this guy is ****ing a chicken (yes, of the small poultry variety). Obviously, this chicken cannot handle getting nailed by a ****ING HUMAN BEING, and dies. Once the dude, well, gets his (somehow), he pulls the chicken off and some girl comes over and licks the blood and semen off his wingle wangle.

I threw up in my own mouth a bit. :x
I haven't seen anything too terribly disturbing. The one thing that haunted me the most, was verified on these forums that the person was actually still alive, and suffered wounds different than what I thought.

I try to avoid seeing stuff so disturbing like some of the people here described. That stuff will haunt me forever, and i'm haunted enough already by grotesque things that haven't ever happened... in my mind.
Greatgat said:
A sexy party. Oh wait, no. It doesn't.

Worst thing I've seen is some German thing where this guy is ****ing a chicken (yes, of the small poultry variety). Obviously, this chicken cannot handle getting nailed by a ****ING HUMAN BEING, and dies. Once the dude, well, gets his (somehow), he pulls the chicken off and some girl comes over and licks the blood and semen off his wingle wangle.

I threw up in my own mouth a bit. :x

and you continued watching why?
OvA said:
and you continued watching why?
Sig answered your own question :O
I can't think of anything disturbing right now, aside from the large collection of soft dangly bits between my legs. but catch me later, I might have remembered something.
I hatehatehate humans.
I know this sounds ****ed up, but scenes of death don't really disturb me so much. That's not a good thing.

In recent time, the most disturbing thing I'd have to say is four guys in a hotel room shoved a funnel up one guys ass, and poured as much of a pint as possible into it. Then he farted as much of it as possible back into the cup. Guy 2 drinks it. Guy 2 throws up in the cup after drinking from it. Guy 2 drinks the puke/beer mixture from the cup. He says it's no so bad, and is actually still cold. Guys 3 and 4 begin vomiting from watching Guys 1 and 2.
OvA said:
and you continued watching why?

Actually, it was one of those things were I came in the room at the end of the video and stood in horrified shock. I went somewhere else after that.
Greatgat said:
Actually, it was one of those things were I came in the room at the end of the video and stood in horrified shock. I went somewhere else after that.
link to vid
Razor said:
As part of my first aid training with the airforce, one of the powerpoint slides had a picture of an American GI from Vietnam who blew his face off by putting a detonator in his mouth. Everything from just below his eyes all the way down to his lower jaw was missing and he was looking at the camera...yucky. Of course, being around other super hard guys, i had to look menacingly at the picture.

I read about that.

Guy supposedly survived.

That's why they say to clip blasting caps over your helmet, and not with your teeth.
I haven't really seen anything much disgusting as I try and avoid it as much as possible (vivid imagination like Jack). But I'd have to say the most disturbing thing I've almost seen (covered my eyes) was this bit of a film where a guy got curb-stomped. I despise stuff like that.