Most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

....why did I read through this thread?

When I hit a stray cat, ran out of my car, and picked it up. It didn't have any visual physical damage, but it was most certainly dead. Wasn't really the fact that I saw it, more that I had killed it. Ran right in front of the car...
Erestheux said:
....why did I read through this thread?

When I hit a stray cat, ran out of my car, and picked it up. It didn't have any visual physical damage, but it was most certainly dead. Wasn't really the fact that I saw it, more that I had killed it. Ran right in front of the car...
That's not disturbing that's annoying.
Maybe to you.

I thought it was someone's pet, which made it so much worse. Ended up being a stray, though...
Greatgat said:
A sexy party. Oh wait, no. It doesn't.

Worst thing I've seen is some German thing where this guy is ****ing a chicken (yes, of the small poultry variety). Obviously, this chicken cannot handle getting nailed by a ****ING HUMAN BEING, and dies. Once the dude, well, gets his (somehow), he pulls the chicken off and some girl comes over and licks the blood and semen off his wingle wangle.

I threw up in my own mouth a bit. :x

If we are talking about the same chicken sex video, then I've seen it, it was a bad 70's movie with hilarious music and when the guy stuck it in the chicken went like "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!" and the girl was all talking in German next to him

****ed up stuff
Dalamari said:
If we are talking about the same chicken sex video, then I've seen it, it was a bad 70's movie with hilarious music and when the guy stuck it in the chicken went like "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!" and the girl was all talking in German next to him

****ed up stuff
LOL That reminds me of the ET Blowjob video for some reason.

edit: chicken sex isn't funny it's just the way that he described it is all

edit2: I just realized I am eating ice cream reading this thread and it doesnt even bug me.
Dalamari said:
If we are talking about the same chicken sex video, then I've seen it, it was a bad 70's movie with hilarious music and when the guy stuck it in the chicken went like "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWK!" and the girl was all talking in German next to him

****ed up stuff

WTF. Do you guys search out beastiality or something?
short recoil said:
Humans are seriously ****ed up.

i hear ya..

an MSN "friend" i've got sends me these strange ogrish/rotten videos and pictures once in a while. all great stuff. the most disturbing video i've seen must be a terrorist vid from tibet (or somewhere around there) though. really nasty vid of terrorists slaughtering over 20 hostages with AK-47's, butcher knives and other fun toys.
seeing a cat get hit by some guy in a car and then the guy driving off and then watching the kitten writhe around to death in the street. It was very disturbing
i once saw a little girl die...

Near my house there's this neighborhood pool where this swim team i was in practiced. When i just got there I see a life guard jump itno the pool and pull out this little girl, couldn't have been older than 10. I don't know why but this girl had some sort of condition that necessitated her having a small plastic tube in her throat. She'd have to cover it with a cap while swimming. But because of the risk she really had no business being in a pool. Anyway the cover to the tube must've popped off and her lungs filled with water. I left after having watched the lifeguards try unsucessfully to give CPR. I remember water with blood in it coming out of her throat tube. I don't think i can ever forget something like that.
I've seen pics of people cut in half with their insides everywhere, and also a little girl (4 years old) that used to live down the street that had been murdered being covered up. Poor little thing.

In terms of 'OMG cover your eyes!' I saw an incredibly fat woman at the beach lying down with her legs spread wide apart not wearing anything over the bottom part of her body *shudders*.

Thats pretty much it, but my dad has seen some horrible stuff though.
my mom's ex boyfriend, burned our house down with my cat, two dogs, snake, and gerbils inside.

I just hope that one day in the future, i'll see him at a waffle house somewhere.
Funny to me but kind of eerie to think about, saw some pictures after my friend got back from Iraq from a position they were attacked at. Terrorist tried to shoot a homemade rocket-type device from a big tube at their Stryker. Anyway, when the guy tried to shoot it the back of the tube blew up on HIM and he ran away, leaving behind most of a severed hand and a thumb. Kind of a "LOL" but also "If that had fired he might not be here to show me these pictures right now."
The most disturbing thing I've ever seen is Darwinia. It's just so...horrifyingly stupid.
Ikerous said:
Wiki autofellatio. I've seen it.

The sun god Ra is said to have created the god Shu and goddess Tefnut by fellating himself and spitting out his own semen onto the ground.

xcellerate said:
my mom's ex boyfriend, burned our house down with my cat, two dogs, snake, and gerbils inside.

I just hope that one day in the future, i'll see him at a waffle house somewhere.
Take a friend with a video camera along just in case you see him, and send us the tape of you kicking his ass. :)

One of the most disturbing things I saw was when I walked into my room and my friend was looking at one of the execution videos from Iraq with a soldier having his head macheted off. I will never be able to eleminate the image of that poor soldiers head rolling off of the table from the depths of my mind.......

I'll never have a pleasant sex dream again.
i think the worst thing i have ever seen is a man ejaculate blood, and a good amount of blood. and then set his dick on fire. and then take a bed needles to it, and then.......
Eg. said:
i think the worst thing i have ever seen is a man ejaculate blood, and a good amount of blood. and then set his dick on fire. and then take a bed needles to it, and then.......
Thats nothing. Once I saw a man step on a worm.*shudders* The people we have in this world....
Jack_Karverboy said:
Most disturbing thing probably was a picture of a suicide jumper from Rotten :(
Ack.... I know what you are talking about...... The video was worse..... Don't ask how I came upon it, I just wish I hadn't.
I remember seeing a video of a guy tied up having his throat slit, rather slowly. Just made my stomach turn since it was the first time to see something so bad. I've probably seen a lot worse since then but I'm disensitised to it all now :(
nutcrackr said:
I remember seeing a video of a guy tied up having his throat slit, rather slowly. Just made my stomach turn since it was the first time to see something so bad. I've probably seen a lot worse since then but I'm disensitised to it all now :(

lol, I saw that one. That russian soldier got his throat cut open, and then they pulled his head back. :D
For some reason one that disturbed me in particular was the guy that supposedly cut off his own face while high on pcp, and fed it to his dogs. Ive seen a lot of nasty things, but that one did it for me for some reason :|
I once came across a website that has pictures of babies that had all sorts of birth defects. There was a baby that only had two fat legs for a body. Obviously they all had died before birth.
AzzMan said:
For some reason one that disturbed me in particular was the guy that supposedly cut off his own face while high on pcp, and fed it to his dogs. Ive seen a lot of nasty things, but that one did it for me for some reason :|
Saw it too. ****ing Chechens. >:O
short recoil said:
Thread will no doubt get closed.

Most disturbing thing i have seen is the future :O

"I don't want to go to that Planet of the Apes planet, eh.......wait a minute, Statue of Liberty, that was our planet! Ahhhhhhh, damn you! Damn you all to hell!" :O

Sereously, it is probably that man getting his skin ripped off around his mouth in Land of the Dead. Fake offcourse, but still disturbing.

Either that of that womans belly piercing getting ripped out, and blood spewing out ;(. Such a waste
Ikerous said:
Wiki autofellatio. I've seen it.

Wouldn't that make you gay, as giving yourself oral sex, to me, would be just as bad as giving another man oral sex.
The worst sex-related thing I've seen:

A guy craps, then takes the crap, and ejects it into his own spermatic duct, then mastrubate it out.