Most Embarrassing / Strangest moments

johnnypoopoopant said:
i think what burner69 meant was someone jacked him off and he jizzed everywhere...but not shure

Banjo string = the small bit of skin between the bellend and foreskin. Looks like a banjo string ;)

EDIT: Lol, and getting whacked off an jizzing everywhere wud hardly count as embaressing.
Get an inexperienced girl to yank it back REEEAL hard several times. It bleeds you know, and weakens. It makes anal sex difficult.
Shoulda seen her face man! It was worth it (I'm lying) just for that. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" "It's.... urgh.... ARRRRRRRRRRGH... It's okay." "Did you like it then?" :x "Y...Ye...yes?"

Also tagged on funny story; Earlier this year in Ibiza met a nice girl, did her up the bum, banjo string bust again - didn't notice cuz it duzn't hurt so much third/fourth time and also cuz there was blood on me wij neway ;) ... and on me mouth... hehe

Moral: Go to Ibiza, it rocks. Dirty girls.
When i was a baby, my sister was bathing me, and i ran out naked...we were on a cruise, and it took my sister like 30 mins to catch me

So a 10 year old girl chasing a butt nekkid boy across 6 floors of cruiseliner with tons of people looking. AND THEY WOULDN'T STOP SCREEEEAMING!
burner69 said:
Shoulda seen her face man! It was worth it (I'm lying) just for that. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" "It's.... urgh.... ARRRRRRRRRRGH... It's okay." "Did you like it then?" :x "Y...Ye...yes?"

Also tagged on funny story; Earlier this year in Ibiza met a nice girl, did her up the bum, banjo string bust again - didn't notice cuz it duzn't hurt so much third/fourth time and also cuz there was blood on me wij neway ;) ... and on me mouth... hehe

Moral: Go to Ibiza, it rocks. Dirty girls.

Now you are one sick puppy.
halfLife2 said:
I heard this chick was stickin a test tube up her Pu**y in science class. The teacher came up to her so she closed her legs n shattered the test tube inside of her.
Now thats embarrassing moment!
I was about to post that!
Some girl at an all girls school was watching a documentary of reproduction and she got, you know, "happy".
So she found a spare test tube and got busy, everyone was watching the movie and she had the tube under her desk, her teacher walked in and she closed her legs to hide the test tube, the tube shattered and she had to be rushed to hospital.
Now thats embarrassing!
(just so you know, i know a few people in her class, this is no BS)
burner69 said:
Shoulda seen her face man! It was worth it (I'm lying) just for that. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" "It's.... urgh.... ARRRRRRRRRRGH... It's okay." "Did you like it then?" :x "Y...Ye...yes?"

Also tagged on funny story; Earlier this year in Ibiza met a nice girl, did her up the bum, banjo string bust again - didn't notice cuz it duzn't hurt so much third/fourth time and also cuz there was blood on me wij neway ;) ... and on me mouth... hehe

Moral: Go to Ibiza, it rocks. Dirty girls.

Ibiza is a gay place...many homosexuals there... :p
worst thing you can do (I) did is call your teacher mum. At that age that is :dozey: and then when the teacher says back at you "Yes Son" thats even worse.

And another 1 where in High school we was playing Cricket in PE but the the teacher said not to swing the bat be for we went up to the field, so what did i do swung the bat and nearly broke my mates nose but thats not the thing, the thing was the teacher pind me up against the wall and startted shouting at me and every 1 started lol at me because i looked like i was going to fly off like superman and then on they called me either superman or clark kent.

But my mate who i hit in the nose by accident was ok and hes still talking he didnt find it funny but im glad he didnt react like most people would have if you get me drift
Probably my worst one was back in Primary school (don't know what this for americans? elementary?) and I was desperate for a piss, so desperate that I couldn't even sit still - the teacher wouldn't even let me go, but to try and save the embarassment I just ran to the toilets anyway, and pushed at the door - it wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I tried - it wouldn't move - and I shamefully pissed myself by the toilet door. I looked up at the handle again to see it said "Pull". :(
It's not an embarassing moment, but I felt very very scared.

All began in school this thursday and this day we had an english final test. On the lunch time, my friends and I needed a classroom for practicing a spectacle. Being the leader of the gang ( :) ), I asked my English teacher (which is a pretty good teacher, but his brain is just little slow) to lend us the classroom. He accepted and went away to lunch. So we had the local and we began to practice until I saw the most wonderful thing. This thing was the final test sheets and the corrected copy. I hadn't copied in my whole life but this was too hard. Knowing that the corrected copy was in the same class than me made me feel excited. I took out my Litterature book (we can borrow it in the test) and started to copy the answers on the page 686 of the book. I was pretty confident. But my friend, during the whole time I was copying the answers, said things like "Mr [Insert English teacher's name] is coming!", but it was of course false at each time. Then suddenly I heard something in the direction of the door, but I though it was my friend because he was standing right in front of the door. Then he said "Mr [insert teacher's name] is coming". Being the 7th time he was saying that, I did not trust him. But the door opened and the teacher came suddenly in the classroom saying in the most surprised way: "What are you doing here!". I was holding the goddamn corrected copy of the test and on the other hand my pencil, writing the answers on my litterature book. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do. I just shouted randomly the song's name we were practicing at my friend. Then my other friend just answered the teacher that we were practicing a spectacle. And the teacher said: "Ah ok", took some paper work and came out of the room. He didn't even notice that I was holding the corrected answer, in the front of a hundred copies of the final test. My legs were slackness and my heart was smashing in my chest. Finally I never used theses answers to copy on the final test and I am sure I will get above 90%. Moral: never cheat on a test.
AntiAnto said:
Moral: never cheat on a test.

That's a good moral, because if you go through life cheating in school, yer gonna come out of it an idiot =)
Raziaar said:
That's a good moral, because if you go through life cheating in school, yer gonna come out of it an idiot =)

I never cheated, but I'm still an idiot.
h00dlum said:
Ibiza is a gay place...many homosexuals there... :p

That's Ibiza Town. Check out San Antonio if you want sum fun :D Happy Time!
Some of those stories are pretty raunchy... *science class*

I'd say my most embarassing moment was getting out of bed in the middle of the night butt naked (sp?) and walking into the kitchen to get a drink of water. I was so tired i didnt notice my aunt and some lady chatting on the couch ... I didnt realize they were there until I had walked myself back to my room ... Heh ... Oh well ...

Dont' you hate it when you're talking to someone and they have a flakey booger suspended in their nose but you just dont have the courage to tell them? I always tell my friends cause if you dont, that's just cold. Gotta watch out for your bros ;)
JiMmEh said:
Probably my worst one was back in Primary school (don't know what this for americans? elementary?) and I was desperate for a piss, so desperate that I couldn't even sit still - the teacher wouldn't even let me go, but to try and save the embarassment I just ran to the toilets anyway, and pushed at the door - it wouldn't budge, no matter how hard I tried - it wouldn't move - and I shamefully pissed myself by the toilet door. I looked up at the handle again to see it said "Pull". :(

Clasic !
Whats with people masturbating in school?

Because its fun to do in a school setting--you never know when people might join you. :D I've done this a couple of times...

Embarrasing moment?

How about being five years old, and having this crush on a seventeen year old hottie--but, being caught naked by her as you got out of bed...with some five year old wood.

Needless to say...I thought that was embarrasing. Now when I see her today, its like I want to tell her... <its not that small anymore>
K e r b e r o s said:
Because its fun to do in a school setting--you never know when people might join you. :D I've done this a couple of times...

Embarrasing moment?

How about being five years old, and having this crush on a seventeen year old hottie--but, being caught naked by her as you got out of bed...with some five year old wood.

Needless to say...I thought that was embarrasing. Now when I see her today, its like I want to tell her... <its not that small anymore>

lol!!! that's great hahaha
12 yrs old walking along the top of a seemingly safe capped off wall and finding a bit with the caps mising i proceeded to walked across it the first time safely but as i was walking back the other way it fell out to one side ;(

Each of my legs fell unluckily to each side of the wall and the subsequent pain was excruciiating as i was only wearing shorts :S

i had no skin on the inside of each of my legs and i had a "broken" penis :/
explaining that to the medical staff at the local A & E is not a fun thing :hmph:
Joims said:
12 yrs old walking along the top of a seemingly safe capped off wall and finding a bit with the caps mising i proceeded to walked across it the first time safely but as i was walking back the other way it fell out to one side ;(

Each of my legs fell unluckily to each side of the wall and the subsequent pain was excruciiating as i was only wearing shorts :S

i had no skin on the inside of each of my legs and i had a "broken" penis :/
explaining that to the medical staff at the local A & E is not a fun thing :hmph:

That's not embarassing.

That's just scary 0_0
how does penis become broken...arent there nothing but blood and tissue there and muscle??
johnnypoopoopant said:
how does penis become broken...arent there nothing but blood and tissue there and muscle??

I could think of several ways if I had to, but I'd really rather not think about it. *shivers*
johnnypoopoopant said:
how does penis become broken...arent there nothing but blood and tissue there and muscle??

trust me, they can be very badly 'broken'... i saw a picture last night.. ugh...
/me shudders
Yeah, I know a man who broke himself down there...It wasn't pretty.

You can get it from riding a bike a lot as well...but thats quite rare I believe, or at least its not extreme.
bliink said:
trust me, they can be very badly 'broken'... i saw a picture last night.. ugh...
/me shudders

So you went searching for pictures? lol. Damn, I hope my own curiosity doesn't get the best of me!!
One day I was driving with my girlfriend, being bored, when she suggested we pull over. I drive a pickup truck, with a shell over the bed. We went back there, and got a little bit "comfortable." We were both in our undies when an SUV pulled up and the driver walked up and knocked on the side of the truck. All he said was "get off of my property."

It was extremely embarrassing at the time, but on our way driving back, we couldn't stop laughing.

I could say more, but they all involve my girlfriend, and aren't of good taste.
embarrasing moments? once i got onto a magic carpet and was transported to the world of testicular harmony and i asked the lord mayor of ass for a second opinion of how beautiful my testicles maybe and he raised his hand and gave the thumb down symbol

a real situation would involve me running down the street, really fast, someone shouting my name, i turn back round to see WHILST still running and head on right into a lamp-post

i once had a do in a mirror maze and i got smart and thought i saw my exit....lined it up in my site and ran FULL pelt straight towar.....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! pelted me face, knocked to the ground with a bleeding nose

another one...when we were young, me and mates used to see how red you can get your face so i was doin it once on the way home from school and did it too hard, fell into a bush and had a mini-fit...i've never tried doing it again to this day

a typical one...i can be reading the paper and see a really nice chick and get stiff and me mum will be in the same room and it is the most UNCOMFORTABLE feeling having a stonker with your mother in the same room

not me this time but me and me mate were on a bus and we were on the top deck and we came to get off our stop and he fell all the way down the stairs and where as i should've been concerned, i just pissed my pants for about 5 minutes

i got proper pissed and started shoving me mate about, just assin around and he pushed me, i slipped in a puddle and went down full on head into pavement....honestly, me vision still isn't right to this day...get flashy lights all the time now

i downloaded some elton john once

i ALWAYS get wood when i'm on the bus to college in the morning...i don't even have to be in the mood or thinkin of owt and it just shoots up like a bastard...its usually always when i'm about to get off at my stop aswell so i have to do the sly hand in pocket nob rearrangment technique

prolly loads more.....i'll add when i can think

edit: another good one before i go...i was just talkin with some mates when me mate from behind me shouted my i turn and see a can flying towards my head.....hurt is what it did
Good god!!! You need to protect your head better.

I have never taken a blow to the head, its way too precious.
Raziaar said:
So you went searching for pictures? lol. Damn, I hope my own curiosity doesn't get the best of me!!

I wasnt really searching for them, but yes.. the curiosity certainly killed the cat... then repeatedly smashed its corpse against a wall... then shot it a bit..

yes, it was quite gross :p
DoctorGordon said:
Good god!!! You need to protect your head better.

I have never taken a blow to the head, its way too precious.

i know...i think i'll start goin around in a helmet. i've smacked me head proper hard, been punched in it by accident once but REEEEEEEEEALLY hard cos me mate was about to throw something at someone and i was stood behind him and he swung round proper hard and smacked me right in the nose area
bliink said:
I wasnt really searching for them, but yes.. the curiosity certainly killed the cat... then repeatedly smashed its corpse against a wall... then shot it a bit..

yes, it was quite gross :p

Hahaha, that's funny :D
bliink said:
I wasnt really searching for them, but yes.. the curiosity certainly killed the cat... then repeatedly smashed its corpse against a wall... then shot it a bit..

yes, it was quite gross :p
Heh, you're weak :D

I dont want to look for pictures of broken penises
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yeah, I know a man who broke himself down there...It wasn't pretty.

You can get it from riding a bike a lot as well...but thats quite rare I believe, or at least its not extreme.

Yup, that's why you see all those bike seats with holes in the middle of them now. Now that you mention it I should really get one.
Strangest moment I was in Florida and I went into the bathroom to take a leak. There was this guy in the stall that was dropping a load, and he sounded like a wet boot. All you heard was gruntin and groanin' and the sounds of a squishy boot slopping all over the place. Then it started to sound like a duck by this time he was groaning so loud.

very strange 0_o
Zeus said:
Strangest moment I was in Florida and I went into the bathroom to take a leak. There was this guy in the stall that was dropping a load, and he sounded like a wet boot. All you heard was gruntin and groanin' and the sounds of a squishy boot slopping all over the place. Then it started to sound like a duck by this time he was groaning so loud.

very strange 0_o
Thats got to be embarassing for him
:dozey: I farted in class, everyone looked at me and didn't even care! OMGZORZ!