Most Over-rated games...

Notice how mainly the console games are overated?

With the exceptions of Doom3, Far Cry, Half-Life 2 and a few others that I've forgotten.
Those of you that have been talking about games that have yet to come out...are you saying that the game won't live up to the hype? Or are you saying the game is getting too much praise for what it is?
AmishSlayer said:
Those of you that have been talking about games that have yet to come out...are you saying that the game won't live up to the hype? Or are you saying the game is getting too much praise for what it is?
both are right.

- Far Cry is over rated. A little bit too repititive in certain areas, but its beautiful graphics make up for that though. ;)

- Halflife 2. :O People think HL2 is going to blow away Far Cry/Doom3/Stalker in terms of graphics. I can almost guarantee that it won't. I have no doubt HL2 will be a great game, but people need to realize that graphics aren't the strong point of HL2. Please don't point to the DX9 Source Vid, it was meant as a technology demo of the Source engine, not a representation of HL2 graphics.

Whats with people ripping Morrowind? Morrowind is such an awesome game.
yes but didn't the source vid use graphics from hl2, the combine building was in the background.
Dedalus said:
overrated games:

Splinter Cell series
FIFA Football games

criminally underrated games:
Operation Flashpoint
Hidden & Dangerous 2

I totally agree with you about Flashpoint, one of the greatest games ever. But i don't reckon Splinter Cell is overrated.

As for my thoughts

HL2 (Graphics ONLY)
Halo 2 (Looks like more of the same to me)
Far Cry

Doom 3
Operation Flashpoint
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
I'm not gonna repeat what a lot of people are saying but I wanted to add this in.

All console sports games.
lans said:
LMAO, you know you just made a fool of yourself by contradicting your own statement.

Anyway, I think the most overrated game has to be Far cry. Horrible voice acting, stupid yet bearable A.I., dumb story,pointless missions.

I don't see what's so good about it, except visuals.

is it REALLY that funny that he contradicted himself?
Battlefield: Vietnam
Entire Splinter Cell Series
Codename: Gordon
im not gonna comment on overrated, but i did play H&D2 and i simply loved the way the bullet impact on a german looked. hit him in the chest and his body jerks back, his head whip lashes foward and his helmet rolls off. the gameplay was fun and hard, best combination one could look for. sometimes it did feel overly complex, but thats h&D for you. then on other parts i questioned the ai. well anyway i didnt see much about it so i though i'd second someone elses post.
Letters said:
I'm not gonna repeat what a lot of people are saying but I wanted to add this in.

All console sports games.

THANK YOU, GOD!! Someone agrees!

i was going to put Madden in... but i only intended one game... and i never mentioned underrated games... but ok

and how the hell is doom 3 underrated?! (i haven't read the entire thread)

and also... STALKER is overrated... "it's grafix rival HL2 and D3!!" :laugh: :laugh: it looks like ****ing BF 1942!! :laugh:
overated= half-life

a lot of people like half life mods but not halflife itself..
Could you guys post your reasons for why you think the game is overrated as well as what you think is a better game? thanks.
thehunter1320 said:
THANK YOU, GOD!! Someone agrees!

i was going to put Madden in... but i only intended one game... and i never mentioned underrated games... but ok

and how the hell is doom 3 underrated?! (i haven't read the entire thread)

and also... STALKER is overrated... "it's grafix rival HL2 and D3!!" :laugh: :laugh: it looks like ****ing BF 1942!! :laugh:

I would agree with that too. I don't much like any of the console sport games. Some of them were fun for a little bit, but didn't hold my interest for long.
STALKER isn't overrated as such, it just looks better than HL2 and Doom 3, that's all. It's not even due out this year, so don't worry about it competing with HL2 yet :)
It doesn't look better than either of them. It has nice effects I agree such as the day to night effect. The monsters, animation etc look crap as a tack.
Neo_Kuja said:
STALKER isn't overrated as such, it just looks better than HL2 and Doom 3, that's all. It's not even due out this year, so don't worry about it competing with HL2 yet :)
Umm its due in September this year
-Farcry is the current king for overrated game
-Halo sucked and is only called good by X-Box owners who want to trick themselfs into thinking the x-box is better than the ps2 (actually it is better but not because of halo!)
-The Sims ... I just do not get it ... maybe it is me
-Morrowind is crap because of bad frame rates ... did they ever hear of a term called culling for gods sake ... do not even start me on the rant of how the game is based on random luck and ZERO skill
-Everquest /me shrugs ... I just dun get it

-Tribes 2 ... ok it had alot of bug issues as well but it was ahead of its time
-Quake 3, now this game gets a HELL OF ALOT OF FLACK for being just a demo. I find that funny seeing that SO many tournaments are held for it each year still ... Q3 has the most balanced weapons of any FPS and there is no luck involved in Q3, the more you practice the better you get. Also the strafe jump, the more you practice it the faster you run! The people who knock Quake 3 are the ones who have never took the time to REALLY look at at Quake 3 demos.

Go Warez a copy of Q3 it is only like 400mb (if you do not have it) then go download OSP then get Q3 1.32 PR and make your way over to and download some Q3 1v1 demos. Unzip the demos into quake3folder/OSP/demos and rename them from demo.dm_68 to demo.dm_67 (old OSP bug that never got fixed) and just watch the demos for a few minutes ... you may want to type r_gamma 2 (range 1-3) to make it easy to see things.
This game is pretty fun (especially driving friends off a cliff with the warthog in co-op :) ) but it really isn't as great and revolutionary as a lot of people say it is. Same goes for Halo 2. WOW. You can hold 2 guns...
But it's a great game though.

Metroid Prime

Far Cry
I liked this game for like, the few of hours of gameplay but then it got boring. Nothing that great about it except graphics.

Command and Conquer: Generals
I thought the C&C series was going uphill after playing Red Alert 2, but this game was a total piece of shit. They killed everything I liked about C&C. :(

Zelda: Wind Waker
I really tried to like this game, but it just isn't as great as Ocarina of Time. There's just something about it that kept me from being addicted to it...
Maybe it's all the bright colors and cell shading...I don't know. :(
Overrated is Halo.
Also the last levels of Far cry are very bad, the game is awesome but a bit overrated still.

Underrated among players, not critics is Metroid Prime.
According to me the best game ever, with an extreme talent among the designers.

Also, the best FPS is still Golden Eye, as metroid prime is more an adventure game then an fps.
He's right, Golden Eye is still the best (maybe Perfect Dark :) )

If anything GE is underrated. You'd also be suprised by how many people haven't played it. (We judge games by how well they compare to older games. If all you've experienced is Jedi Knight/SoF/MoH then it's no wonder that titles like CoD/FarCry/NOLF seem great. In comparison to GE all these games are painfully average //turns off fanboy mode :) )

The Getaway
Overhyped really. As a regional manager of GameStop, Sony came by and basically demanded we promote this game to the end of the earth. I got a neat little briefcase with a "Making of" video, a poster, a calendar, and a three level demo of the game. Needless to say, it was a pretty big flop. By far the worst camera in any game I've played.

GTA:Vice City
Don't get me wrong, GTA is a great series for gaming, but I didn't feel VC brought enough to the table to be as highly rated as it was. It was more of the same with motorcycles, boats, and helicopters. The new GTA:SA is looking like it may bring some new ideas however.

I never finished Half-Life. I didn't find the story as compelling as most people here seem to. People always comment on never taking you out of first person, and that it's a deeper more intuitive story delivery mechanism. I however, didn't think it made that big of difference. First person, third person I still feel like I'm the character, my point of view doesn't change that. I really felt some of the later levels in Half-Life were rushed and poorly designed. Like the cliff levels.

Black & White
The game started off brilliantly, some really great AI and interactions with your animal. But the game itself was lacking. After a while you lose interest, since there really were no interactions with your townspeople. The controls were a bit off kilter too.

Metal Gear Solid 2
Not as great as the first. One of my biggest beefs was having to play as Raven. This is Metal Gear! I want to be Snake damn you! Hehe. The story was a bit too "far out". I felt it was over the top.

Enter the Matrix
Another overhype. Again the publisher went to retailers throwing information and marketing tools down our throat. Combine their marketing with the power of the movie trilogy, and they sold way too many pre-orders of the game. In the end it was a pretty mediocre attempt at a good Matrix game. About the only real reason to play the game was for the "extra" movie scenes, but you weren't really missing much in the first place.
Steelwind said:

I never finished Half-Life. I didn't find the story as compelling as most people here seem to. People always comment on never taking you out of first person, and that it's a deeper more intuitive story delivery mechanism. I however, didn't think it made that big of difference. First person, third person I still feel like I'm the character, my point of view doesn't change that. I really felt some of the later levels in Half-Life were rushed and poorly designed. Like the cliff levels.

i completely agree with all of your points (exept B&W... i loved the controls and it kept me holding on till the end :D), but the main one i agree with is HL. i mean, loads of people say its great for those reasons... but its actually just a bunch of levels strung together in one nig long line. Dont get me wrong, HL is great, i just like it for different reasons than everyone fact, to me the story was completely and utterly DIRE. biut thats just me.
Warbie said:
He's right, Golden Eye is still the best (maybe Perfect Dark :) )

If anything GE is underrated. You'd also be suprised by how many people haven't played it. (We judge games by how well they compare to older games. If all you've experienced is Jedi Knight/SoF/MoH then it's no wonder that titles like CoD/FarCry/NOLF seem great. In comparison to GE all these games are painfully average //turns off fanboy mode :) )
I hope your saying GE was the best console fps ever, that I could understand. Don't get me wrong I had loads of fun with it but in no way does it even compare halflife or COD. I mean the AI was terrible even for a 1997 console game. When the opposition trys to shot you they miss 90% of the time, making the game extremely easy because you can take out a room of 20 guys without staphing once or even getting hit for that matter.
brink's said:
I hope your saying GE was the best console fps ever.

Exactly what I mean. Golden Eye can't even compare to any FPS games on PC.
brink's said:
I hope your saying GE was the best console fps ever, that I could understand. Don't get me wrong I had loads of fun with it but in no way does it even compare halflife or COD. I mean the AI was terrible even for a 1997 console game. When the opposition trys to shot you they miss 90% of the time, making the game extremely easy because you can take out a room of 20 guys without staphing once or even getting hit for that matter.

I assume you mean it was easy on low difficulty setings. On the hardest setting GE offered more challenge than any pc shooter I can think of. An yes :), I'm comparing it to pc shooters - including CoD (which I found to be very average indeed)
CB | Para said:
Exactly what I mean. Golden Eye can't even compare to any FPS games on PC.

Rubbish lol

Name some (that don't include Half Life or System Shock 2)
Even on high settings the Ai was retarded, I got through the entire game in like half and hour.

Better games
No one lives forever1,2
Unreal and unreal tournament ( which I think sucks but I got more fun out of it then GE)
Star Wars Jedi Knight 1,2
HL ( I know you said besides but its to good to leave out)

I'm not saying GE sucks, hell its better then non co-op halo but it doesn't stand up to these pc titles and others in anyway.
brink's said:
Even on high settings the Ai was retarded, I got through the entire game in like half and hour.

I don't believe that for one second :)

brink's said:
Better games
No one lives forever1,2
Unreal and unreal tournament ( which I think sucks but I got more fun out of it then GE)
Star Wars Jedi Knight 1,2
HL ( I know you said besides but its to good to leave out)

I disagree, the only game there that competes is HL imo. How can you compare GE to games like the JK series?? They were mediocre at best. As for NOLF 1 & 2, they've always felt like a poor GE to me :P
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are much better than the vast majority of PC titles. I played these games more than probably any other when they were released and still play them. I can't say that about any PC game, and I doubt many of you can either. Sure, there might be some FPS games with better combat, maybe even more fun. But they're short, and once you beat them there's really no use for them anymore. GE and PD keep you coming back for more, I'd even say that they get better the longer you play. They're classics and they're going to stay my favorite FPS games for the forseeable future.
Halo [definitely had the cheesiest way of building levels. "Hey guys lets run around another base that is exactly identical to the 12 we just fought through"]

Half-life [I bought the game for the mods. Finished about half of it and just didn't want to do the rest, but I did love the mods]

Counterstrike [I actually liked this game, but it was exactly like r6 except you didnt stare at your blood when you died. I felt like it was very unoriginal]

Farcry [I liked the game, but all of these 90% and above reviews leave me thinking "WTF?" Can't wait for the SDK to get out and see some mods]

The Sims [I thought the original sucked. The expansions helped a ton. Only fun when playing with friends, other than that, boring as hell.]

Wolfenstein3d [Game that first got me into computer gaming. (come to think of it, I think its the first FPS, not sure though) AND I LOVED THE GERMAN]

Natural Selection [I thought though the idea was unoriginal, I thought the gaming concepts (FPS/RTS) were very original. Fun mod with HEAVY reliance on teamwork.

Zelda: A Link to the past [The best Zelda game by far, however if I talk about it, most just say "WTF is that?"]
Neo_Kuja said:
STALKER isn't overrated as such, it just looks better than HL2 and Doom 3, that's all.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: stop it, you're killing me!! :laugh: :laugh:

it looks like battlefield 1942!
What makes GE so great?? Seriously you have to do more then just say that those games suck period and not give any background. Tell me why you think this incredibly average game that would have gone nowhere if it were released on the pc is soo great, cause I'm lost here.
Desert Combat, it is just bf1942 with a gulf war skin set.
brink's said:

ok... so the enviornments look like Battlefield 2
big deal... the character models and animations still look like battlefield 1942! and you cannot sway me with screenshots on the subject, i've been watching videos
I didn't think it needed much explaining brink's. Read some reviews, Golden Eye is one of the most respected video games ever made, and for good reasons.

Personally I loved the controls, the gfx (great at the time), excellent sound, huge learning curve, massive challenge, multitude of weapons gadgets and, of course, being James Bond.

Tell me why you think this incredibly average game that would have gone nowhere if it were released on the pc is soo great, cause I'm lost here.

Because it would have been crap on a pc. Just as Zelda OoT or Mario 64 would be crap on the pc.

//edit - I went off on one :)

Let's just say that many fps fans still love GE, even after all this time (which says alot) Games like CoD/FarCry i'll finish in a few nights play, and have absolutely no urge to play again (sure they're good fun, but easy - with no real long term challenge and little satisfaction in completion) GE/PD lasted me years, most pc shooters last a week or two. (only talking SP here, pcs are clearly best for MP :) )

You are in the vast minority in thinking GE is average.
look at pictures/videos of Chernobly Ukraine and then watch stalker vids/pics. There almost identical.
but hey thats just me