Must... Resist... World of Warcraft...

You can PvP on normal servers too (not sure about roleplay servers...though you'd think it would be logical to have roleplay rules + full PvP rules), just you are limited on attacking. Only people that are flagged for PvP (something you set yourself) are eligible to being attacked by another 'flagged' least thats how i think it works.
Alig, what is this whole battlefeild thing about? Have you been in one of its battles?

Yeh ive decided when I get here in UK I am going to get a 60 day game card instead of the monthly membership, I know I will get bored and want to move onto something else after that. My questions are-
Can I not put my credit card number in at the start
Can I wait until after the trial to put in the code on the game card
Kristafon- it is most likely that you WILL have to put in your credit card AS SOON as you start the game- even if you only want to use the one-week trial. The reason is because Blizzard want it to be as easy as possible for you to continue playing after the one week trial, to hook as many people as possible.
blizzard said:
World of Warcraft Holiday Celebration! - Ordinn on 12/21/04

'Twas the feast of Great-Winter
And all through the land
All the races were running
With snowballs in hand.

The cooks were all frantic
And for those "in the know"
Swoops and owls were crashing
Like new-fallen snow.

Cookies and eggnog
Were consumed by all
As the snowballs flew freely
And drunks smashed into walls.

May your feast of Great-Winter
Be one merry and bright
And from all here at Blizzard
We wish you a fun night!

The Feast of Winter Veil is upon us, and Greatfather Winter is busy spreading holiday cheer in major cites across the land! Here are a few holiday treats players can now experience in-game:

* The Jinglepocket Goblins have set up their seasonal fare shops in major cities. Adventurers can purchase many holiday favorites - including Greatfather's Winter ale, candy canes, gingerbread cookie recipes, and mistletoe.
* All the cheer-spreading is making Greatfather Winter hungry, and he is looking for adventurers to get him his daily fix of milk and cookies.
* Smokeywood Pastures needs a few brave adventurers to investigate the disappearance of a shipment of holiday goods traveling though Alterac.
* Unconfirmed reports say that consuming eggnog during a snowball fight can have some chilling results.

We'd like to thank our players for celebrating in Azeroth with us, and we wish you all safe and happy holidays!

Image 1!
Image 2
Image 3!
Image 4!

I love blizzard. They really do take so much time and effort just to please their fans. I really, really can't wait for it to be released over here :D
the way it worked on swg was i never had to enter my credit card number and i could wait till my member ship payment ran out to type in the code on my game card. im sure it works the same way

EDIT: lol just checked and they started an extreme stunts compotition! cant wait till christmas!
One of the small but for me important things ive seen I have liked it the text used on screen to "label" things, other games keeps using really ugly unsuitable font but wow uses a font that fits in perfectly with the game.
B.Calhoun said:
Alig, what is this whole battlefeild thing about? Have you been in one of its battles?

I don't know if you mean battlegrounds (just mis-worded it) or if you mean a big PvP fight.

Anyway to answer both...i ain't been to either :p battlegrounds will be coming in the next few months ( new info on battlegrounds from today) and sounds like it could introduce a 'hardcore PvP system' to the game (which is why i think WoW is flawed - i played a hardcore FPS PvP centered MMORPG for 2 years - nothing beats PvP...and not CS style PvP. That just sucks :p). I like to adventure, ALOT...i will always go to the very corners of a game i like just so i've "been there, done that, got the t-shirt!", but i also like to know i can randomly gank people (of my own level..i hate nib dishonourable) and be rewarded in some way or another.

As for big PvP fights...they look fun, thats all i can say pretty much. I think i'll enjoy raiding with loads of people every night when i get high level anyway. At first it will be just liking killing that dude over there, just for the sake of killing him...but as you become familiar with peoples names and start to get grudges against them...just for the hell of getting a grudge on someone :p its a great relief when you win because you know that person will be whining to his mates or shouting and balling on a Vent server or something.. ;)

Edit/ Oh yeah, Kristafon - You will be able to create an account with a gamecard, instead of a credit card...either way, you HAVE to use a gamecard or credit card to make an account...EVEN if you never intend to pay past the first month. Its just a seemless thing and probably protection for Blizzard.

You can create an account with a credit card and instantly cancel the account a minute later. It just means your card won't get billed but your account will be active until it runs out...1 month if its retail, after that your account will automactically become unusable.
PvP is for idiots :p

I'm on Argent Dawn, The RP server hehe, but it's been invaded by imbeciles.
Ah yes, i meant Battlegrounds, my bad :p

I've read up on it and it seems like it will be pretty fun.
Ok, so can I-
Sign on with a credit card
Cancel using a credit card
Use a game card after thrity days

My parents arent very happy abotu something be billed automatcially to the credit card every month.
Delicious Bass said:
i see there are servers then there are pvp servers. does this mean you can only pvp on pvp servers? or can you pvp on normal servers too?

I PvP all the time on my PvE (normal) server. In order for me to activate my PvP (which flags my to be attack), I must attack an NPC or type /pvp. In order to attack another player, they must be flagged for PvP as well. You can automatically flag yourself for PvP by healing a person engaged in PvP or attacking somebody who has their PvP enabled.

This way you can choose if you wish to enable PvP. So if you are in the middle of questing and you come across the horde, you don't have to worry about being ganked mid quest. Or if you feel like having some fun, enable PvP. Its really nice.

I'm a level 34 paladin and I've been in tons of raids. I've even done some PvPing by myself in the middle of nowhere. Its really fun.
cant wait for raids and such, so are there player cities and such? how do guilds work?
Delicious Bass said:
cant wait for raids and such, so are there player cities and such? how do guilds work?

no there aren't player cities... but this is a good thing. games that allow player cities have huge, open BLAND enviroments that allow room for players to do what they like... but WOW has wonderfully sculpted enviroments with not one part of it that looks boring. Trust me, whn you are looking at one of the bewildering enviroments yourself, you will be wondering how SOE became so shit.
ah, good point. so isntead of raiding a player city you are raiding actually cities like the undead capital or something?
Kristafon said:
Ok, so can I-
Sign on with a credit card
Cancel using a credit card
Use a game card after thrity days

My parents arent very happy abotu something be billed automatcially to the credit card every month.
thats what i did
entered credit card for confirmation and then used the pre paid card and im good til like march
after then, you get charged
so just dont forget to cancel
Im planning on buying this when it comes out, but i have a hard time choosing race..i think i want to be a troll or a tauren. Cuz the look really cool and i like them..
This game just gets harder to resist, i have 4 friends from real life playing and its great :) its better when you know the person the game becomes very fun. I got 1 Paladin @ level 26 and a rogue 5 right now.
I would like to get back to my night elf, but im not dieing for the game, I'll get it once it comes out in the UK, not sure when that is though.
Ritz said:
I would like to get back to my night elf, but im not dieing for the game, I'll get it once it comes out in the UK, not sure when that is though.

anyone got their preorder kits by any chance?

predictably i still haven't got mine, and most likely won't get it till new year :(
I emailed them a few days ago, got a reply on 22nd saying "We are expecting stock of the Beta kits in the next few days, so we will
send them out to customers ASAP.". :frown:.

I can't wait to get this order from gameplay...they may very well be the only CE stocker with the pre-order deal but i ain't ever ordering from them again. It was the 16 - 18th they was expecting them first its changed again...its only a ****ing pre-order pack, a simple cd-key and music CD. Good god man.

Almost 1 month is taking the piss.
yay I got it for Christmas today!

Such a great game...anyone else get it?

Here are my two ss's I have taken so far:


Hell yeah, i got it for christmas too. And ive been playing like non-stop. Its so much fun.

I decided to go with an undead warlock, im on the Thunderlord server.
I am under the impression that i have the first month of online play free with my copy of WoW.

I only want to play for this one month, but when i'm told to create an account it tells me to enter in my credit-card number.

However i dont want it to bill me automatically. What do i do if i just want to play for this free month?

Do i still fill out my credit-card number (option B in the Billing process)?
Yeah sparta, then when it comes time for your first month to be over you cancel it.
I just cancelled it after i created my account. I still have my free month active on my account but now i dont have to pay for any subscriptions.
Do they only take VISA? I dont have a VISA card, i hope with it being more localised and Eurpean etc they'll take Switch.. anyone know?
I just went with the game card. It was good because I just asked for WoW and a Game Card for Christmas.

I couldn't ask for a two month supscription really..Well, I COULD, but this is much better.
Oldagerocker - I think by the time EU WoW comes out PayPal will be up and running and they take just about every card including the bog standard Solo cards.
Why play WoW when EQ2 looks so much sexier?


And that is only on medium
I don't understand why WoW is getting such high scores for graphics because it is being "artistic". When Warcraft 3 had those graphics everyone said they sucked, and that was because they did.
Yea the graphics aren't that great, but since the visuals in the game are un-realistic it doesn't affect the game that much at all.

I'm amazed how well the game runs as well, even with everything on high in 1280.
When playing the game though it kinda has that neat reflextiveness from the sun on the ground, and like the water still looks nice. By EQ2 does have better graphics.

WoW is just plain fun.
WoW is just too cartoonish for me, I like a feel of realism with my games, not happy little dwarves hugging bears and dancing around a pink tree.
i think the graphics match the art of WoW, so I have no problem with them. I am loving it so far, except for this is the 4th time resintalling in 24 hours. :flame:
Dalamari said:
WoW is just too cartoonish for me, I like a feel of realism with my games, not happy little dwarves hugging bears and dancing around a pink tree.
Isn't that what Everquest 2 is? There's not even PvP so there's not much else to do but... hug bears... oh, and I guess there's 'quests'... but doesn't World of Warcraft have more of those? Yeah... it does...

And Everqeust 2 doesn't look real... every character screenshot I've seen, the character looks like a complete dumbass and the landscape looks all cardboardish.
Dalamari said:
WoW is just too cartoonish for me, I like a feel of realism with my games, not happy little dwarves hugging bears and dancing around a pink tree.

I thought so too, I prefer my games to be realisitic ..but WoW is in another class all by itself: it's that good. I'm really loving WoW and I think it deserves Goty