My Dad Is Just Plain Nuts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sgt. Duffy
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I'm 13 and, oh wait, I should not waste my time because half the forum-goers just stopped reading.

You people need to start taking us young people seriously. It's pretty damn annoying to be shut out because of your age at a forum for a game.

Anyway, thread starter (too lazy to check your name), I guarantee you can talk your dad out of his stupidity. Have you ever seen a rated R movie? If not, I pity you. If you have, compare R rated movies to M rated games. Explain to him that HL2 has about half the violence of Doom 3.

Christ, parents have to stop being fed propaganda about games leading to perverted 40 year old mass killers. Use some common sense people.
I dont think a 13 year old should play an M rated game's rated "M" for a reason. I've said before I'll say it again ..retailers need to become more strict when it comes to selling games that are meant for a certain age group. Parents also need to take responsibility for what they buy their kids. I personally believe that there many gamers under the age of 18 that can handle mature themes but that's not the point. Fear of censorship is my motivation.

As it stands we're keeping the morality watchdogs at bay with the ESRB but if we continue to have underaged children buying mature games sooner or later something's going to happen and by some freak circumstance games will be blamed. All hell will break loose and public opinion will turn against games which will lead to some form of censorship. Or worse yet developers will, out of some sort of public moral pressure will self-censor in order not to offend or cause controversy

In the end if we dont self-regulate the game industry some other group will ..and that will come in the form of censorship. Religious groups, parent associations, right wing nutjobs have been clamouring to censor video games for years, and all they need is another columbine type tragedy tied to video games to turn the tide of public opinion against the medium. It destroyed the comic book industry in the 50's, sort of hurt the music industry in the 90's and has threatened on many occasions to come after violent games.

Sorry to all of you below the age of 18 but you have to be sacrificed so that games can continue to push the envelope and continue to grow as an art form without fear of wackos yelling "games are killing our children" and censoring our entertainment ...sorry again but you'll thank me later :E
"M" stands for mature and I have plenty of pubic hairs so why should I be bitch slapped for playing a game like that?

I know that isn't the true meaning but I also know that to be mature you don't need to be an adult.
anti-elf said:
uhhh...are you nutts dont join the ****ing army your a ****ing retarded **** if you ****ing join the ****ing bitch ass army holly shit don't join the ****ing army you dipshit ass retarded ****!
Err, to clarify, I did not tell him to join the Army as an alternative to playing HL2. You kinda hafta read his post to get it.
WaterMelon34 said:
I know that isn't the true meaning but I also know that to be mature you don't need to be an adult.

Show me a teenager that can be mature, because I am just not seeing it.
CptStern said:
I dont think a 13 year old should play an M rated game's rated "M" for a reason. I've said before I'll say it again ..retailers need to become more strict when it comes to selling games that are meant for a certain age group. Parents also need to take responsibility for what they buy their kids. I personally believe that there many gamers under the age of 18 that can handle mature themes but that's not the point. Fear of censorship is my motivation.

As it stands we're keeping the morality watchdogs at bay with the ESRB but if we continue to have underaged children buying mature games sooner or later something's going to happen and by some freak circumstance games will be blamed. All hell will break loose and public opinion will turn against games which will lead to some form of censorship. Or worse yet developers will, out of some sort of public moral pressure will self-censor in order not to offend or cause controversy

In the end if we dont self-regulate the game industry some other group will ..and that will come in the form of censorship. Religious groups, parent associations, right wing nutjobs have been clamouring to censor video games for years, and all they need is another columbine type tragedy tied to video games to turn the tide of public opinion against the medium. It destroyed the comic book industry in the 50's, sort of hurt the music industry in the 90's and has threatened on many occasions to come after violent games.

Sorry to all of you below the age of 18 but you have to be sacrificed so that games can continue to push the envelope and continue to grow as an art form without fear of the wackos yelling "games are killing our children"'ll thank me later :E

summed up better than i could have on my best day. :)
now u 13 year olds will still be able to play the game a few years from now.. so its not like u will never see the game.. just need to be patient about it.
Every generation tries to find some excuse for why their kids are crap, why there's violence in society. Today the scapegoat is computer games. 20 years ago the scapegoat was rock music, 50 years ago the scapegoat was Elvis style hip movements, 500 years ago it was science (burn the heretics they corrupt society!), 1000 years ago ....i have no idea what it was....

I wonder what i'll be blaming when i'm a ranting old fool? I think i'll blame they those hip new flying lollerskates. They turn our children into muderous little primitives.
Dr. Freeman said:
summed up better than i could have on my best day. :)
now u 13 year olds will still be able to play the game a few years from now.. so its not like u will never see the game.. just need to be patient about it.

heh I rewrote it 4 times :)

I should probably take this to another forum ..I'll just get flamed here ...if their attention span allows them to notice this :E
People who think games make kids kill outta be raped and murderd out of stupity.

Goddamn morons!
Lol bullshit man. I'm not going to be a goody-two-shoes and wait for a game that will change the future of gaming because someone is counting on me to. I really don't give a crap what you think about games, all I know is that I want it. If I can't get it I download it. Are you people so intelligent as to be surprised if I don't kill anyone by the age of 30 because of games? I don't play games to get great ideas on how to kill someone and contribute to the deconstruction of our morality system. Hell, I probably have better morals than some of you.

If you're saying kids my age have no common sense or maturity then you should beat yourself up with a pole.
WaterMelon34 said:
"M" stands for mature and I have plenty of pubic hairs so why should I be bitch slapped for playing a game like that?

I know that isn't the true meaning but I also know that to be mature you don't need to be an adult.
Good post. The last sentence, I mean.
WaterMelon34 said:
I know that isn't the true meaning but I also know that to be mature you don't need to be an adult.

yeah but an exception isn't made for the few who are mature.
a law is a law.. just because one 13 year old can drive perfectly and follow all the driving laws doesn't mean that 13 year old should be driving.

some times u just gotta live with whatever is law of the land.. yeah its unfair but better safe than sorry.
m rated games let u release ur anger virtually instead of releasing ur anger on real people
The number pubic hairs on your nutsack has little relation to your level of maturity.
WaterMelon34 said:
Lol bullshit man. I'm not going to be a goody-two-shoes and wait for a game that will change the future of gaming because someone is counting on me to. I really don't give a crap what you think about games, all I know is that I want it. If I can't get it I download it. Are you people so intelligent as to be surprised if I don't kill anyone by the age of 30 because of games? I don't play games to get great ideas on how to kill someone and contribute to the deconstruction of our morality system. Hell, I probably have better morals than some of you.

If you're saying kids my age have no common sense or maturity then you should beat yourself up with a pole.

If that was meant for me:

I dont think you read a word of what I said
i like when some guy kills someone and they blame the games and tv shows when really the guy is insane
13 year olds shouldn't be playing games meant for adults. You can cry all you want about it, but that won't change the fact that you're still a kid. BTW, would I be pissed if I was 13 and I couldn't play HL2 because of my age? You bet I'd be. But I'm 21, so I don't give a shit. :P
mr.fusion, omg... can you please read my whole post next time? And, actually physicaly speaking it does mean you are maturing...

CptStern I don't believe I said that to please you.

EDIT: I don't really care. All they are wasting is money when it comes to me. I go to the store to buy my latest favorite game and if they ask me for ID I leave and ask my friends if they have it.
Get a friends parent to buy it for you, give them the money and get them to buy it for you. OR buy it through steam and when it asked if you are 17 years or older just say yes.
Aight I'm not gonna read through 7 pages, so I'm replying to the first post...

They rate games for a reason........ Just cause you think you are so cool and you want to grow up and you think you can handle it, truth is a lot of times you can't......... you probably are like "shit wtf why are they torturing me???!?!?!?" but the fact of the matter is, that when you see people getting killed with guns and it doesn't look too bad (ragdolls and blood are the worst it gets in CS:S) then you start to believe it's okay....

Don't believe me? Go to ****ing japan...... they have 8 year old GIRLS stabbing each other because they stole a chip from them at lunch.....

Now if you were a little older, you could possibly understand these things cause I know your attention span ain't long (you probably aren't even reading this far)

Oh and another thing, don't get pissed at your dad cause he's trying to protect you, be MATURE about it, sit down and talk to him about it..... or challenge him to a game of halo (rofl that's the way I end my debates.... my boomstick)

Oh and all of you stfu about hairs on your balls you sick bastards....
DiSTuRbEd said:
Show me a teenager that can be mature, because I am just not seeing it.

Talk to me in real life. I'm not like the others. I hate them as much as you do. My point is that older people must give us a chance to show you how intelligent we are. If it's obvious that the teen in front of you is your average hormone-raging idiot, ignore him. I do. But if you see that he isn't, treat him with respect.
A2597 said:
ok, heres some sources to back up your claims:

Independent Digital Software Association
Video Games and Youth Violence: Examining the Facts
-Official and highly documented study, VERY useful for showing the FACTS.

IDSA: Key Facts and Research about Video Gamers
Shows the facts, age groups, how many people really play these games, etc.

National Geographic
Video Games boost Visual Skills[/b]
-handy to show some positives of playing FPS

I also have my 10 page research paper on hand, hard copy, so I'd have to type it if you want that as well...

I love you, man. Thanks for this....somehow, I can convince him...and I can atleast try...

You guys arent considering the fact that I've played Doom 3. Over two times, if that makes a difference at all. Doom 3, I bet, is probably one of the goriest games out there, and the most gore in HL2 I've seen is guys getting decapitated, and thats the MOST. I mean, thats some violent stuff, but it happens over 100 times in Doom 3.
Doom 3 is more fake than HL2, in the sense that its futuristic and HL2 is more nowish type of deal.
there isn't anything about Half-life2 in that post. :|
i am 15, love FPS's, and real guns scare the hell out of me.
i dont think ill be doing any school shootings because of Counter-Strike.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Im 13, and have never played an M-rated game up until August 3rd. After I dunno how long of waiting, I finally got to play Doom 3 and it scared the shit outta me. And guess DAD bought it for me. He was convinced this was such an awesome game,( and he loved the original Doom, which is you know, pretty cool considering the fact he despises most videogames) that I just had to play it, because I too, loved the original Doom and he didnt want me to miss out of it (He never told me why he bought it for me..Im just guessing here)

Well, guess what?! I log into my email, and all of a sudden, he says a co-worker, a 50 year old woman (my dads 57, BTW), told him that she never let her 15 year old son glance at an M-rated game. She gave him a couple links, and he emailed them to me. They described ESRB ratings, and how violent games can alter kids lives. Make them mass serial killers. Deprive them of sleep (actually, thats really true...). Hell, even make them want to join the Army (which I've been wanting to do since...well..for my entire child-hood) So, he told me he's looking at this, and there are approximately 20,000 deaths every videogame.

Some how, this convinced him to not let me buy any more M-rated games. He'll still let me buy FPS's..that are rated Teen and have the SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF DEATHS. Im really not making a point here, so Im gonna stop, because the more I type, jeeze, just the angrier I get...atleast theres girls, Duff, atleast theres girls...

My dad bought me Duke Nukem 3D (18+) when I was nine years old. :O
I love guns, which scares my mom. Doesn't care about video games, though.
Some of the people frequenting this forum are real assholes.
I really think they're just taking out hostility on you because they're being f-cked over in life.

Just ignore them, Timmy (or whatever your name is).
yeah that sucks bout ur parents and everything.. im lucky to be 18 and growing up being able to play game like mortal kombat that didn't have ratings then.. my parents were to busy with work to give a shit about game violence. Even when ratings came out no one seemed to give a shit, i would go to the store all the time and buy m rated games when i was like 15 or 14 i dont remember when they started it. haha no one cared then.. some places dont check it. maybe u can find a store like that. best buy doesn't give a shit here
guys i played rated M games since i was like a kid... my dad picked up DUKE3D shareware one day im like sweet! so later we got DUKE3D atomic eddition.. i played the dooms i got doom3 i played HL1 since i was like 10!!! i liked smashing the bodys and watching the gibs fly etc HAHA!! ne ways

im 15 now i know reality from games... my mom even tryed to convince me that i was too young for HL when i saw it at walmart same with SWAT3 im like wooman PFFT

ne ways i am very violent from being exposted to so much at such an early age but im not so stupid as to shoot someone... even thow i get ******!!@@##*** off and punch my screen so hard i crack my knuckels :P

ne ways your dad is kinda over reacting but still respect him for what hes doing...