My Dad Is Just Plain Nuts

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Sgt. Duffy said:
Some how, this convinced him to not let me buy any more M-rated games. He'll still let me buy FPS's..that are rated Teen and have the SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF DEATHS. Im really not making a point here, so Im gonna stop, because the more I type, jeeze, just the angrier I get...atleast theres girls, Duff, atleast theres girls...

You should get your dad to watch Bowling for Columbine. I think it adequately explains why videogames and movies have nothing to do with mass murdering.

Consider Finland. Almost everyone has military (=weapons) training, hunting weapons are common and videogames are popular. And, to my knowledge, there's never been a school shooting. It's mostly drugs and alcohol that cause shootings here.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Im 13, and have never played an M-rated game up until August 3rd. After I dunno how long of waiting, I finally got to play Doom 3 and it scared the shit outta me. And guess DAD bought it for me. He was convinced this was such an awesome game,( and he loved the original Doom, which is you know, pretty cool considering the fact he despises most videogames) that I just had to play it, because I too, loved the original Doom and he didnt want me to miss out of it (He never told me why he bought it for me..Im just guessing here)

Well, guess what?! I log into my email, and all of a sudden, he says a co-worker, a 50 year old woman (my dads 57, BTW), told him that she never let her 15 year old son glance at an M-rated game. She gave him a couple links, and he emailed them to me. They described ESRB ratings, and how violent games can alter kids lives. Make them mass serial killers. Deprive them of sleep (actually, thats really true...). Hell, even make them want to join the Army (which I've been wanting to do since...well..for my entire child-hood) So, he told me he's looking at this, and there are approximately 20,000 deaths every videogame.

Some how, this convinced him to not let me buy any more M-rated games. He'll still let me buy FPS's..that are rated Teen and have the SAME EXACT AMOUNT OF DEATHS. Im really not making a point here, so Im gonna stop, because the more I type, jeeze, just the angrier I get...atleast theres girls, Duff, atleast theres girls...

I think someone needs a hug... Not from me though... aint hugging shit
Think about all of this though, the whole system is ****ed, because an australian polititian wanted to ban Progect Gotham Racing 2 because it "Showed reckless driving in the sydney area". A ****ing racing game people, and it wasnt even a street racing game like NFSU, it was a showroom racing game. If you are a downy and you cant funciton propperly and you have the immaturity of a 5 year old, then you shouldnt be playing games where you go round hacking at aliens and zombies. If you are mentaly fit, then you should be able to.

Case SHOULD be close, but there are some stupid **** heads that think that you shouldnt be able to play a game thats M because its violent because you might have bad dreams. You shouldnt be playing violent games, you are mentaly unfit.

DiSTuRbEd said:
Oh and we are so paranoid? Why did aust. ban gta and USA didn't???

They didn't ban GTA, just got rid of the hooker action

and when my parents thhough I was playing too many games I would reply "They increase my hand-eye coordination and reactions improve by the hour" Which is true

A perfect example of this is in HPE I had today

I had to play a game where I was a rat with cheese and I had to get up and down a field while people throw basketballs at me throught the sidelines.

All the nonserious gamers got smashed in the head. I did commando rolls and dodged all but 2 (One in the head and one in the groin ><')

So I guess my co-ordination nad reflections improve. Tell your father that...
In the censored version of GTA 3 in Aus. You could not poick up hookers for health
Danimal said:
In the censored version of GTA 3 in Aus. You could not poick up hookers for health
i'm damn sure u could in the version i bought in an EB bargain bin in Roselands, Sydney.
You schmucks giving this kid a hard time are complete morons. Honestly, if you were 13 and HL2 or any other game that you really wanted to play came out, you would be drooling over it too.

Not too mention, most of you arrogant pricks don't have half the communication skills this kid has. Go back to junior high english classes and learn this time.

We all know it's up to the parent if they want to buy their child a M rated game. It's like taking your kid to an R rated movie...parental discretion and all that jazz.

Basically what happened was this poor kids dad was handed some exaggerated crap about teen violence and games and freaked a bit...he has a legitimate complaint.

As for people talking about american pussies and whatever other garbage you are spewing. **** you. No country is perfect, not ours and especially not yours...wherever the **** you are.

timech187 said:
You schmucks giving this kid a hard time are complete morons. Honestly, if you were 13 and HL2 or any other game that you really wanted to play came out, you would be drooling over it too.

Not too mention, most of you arrogant pricks don't have half the communication skills this kid has. Go back to junior high english classes and learn this time.

We all know it's up to the parent if they want to buy their child a M rated game. It's like taking your kid to an R rated movie...parental discretion and all that jazz.

Basically what happened was this poor kids dad was handed some exaggerated crap about teen violence and games and freaked a bit...he has a legitimate complaint.

As for people talking about american pussies and whatever other garbage you are spewing. **** you. No country is perfect, not ours and especially not yours...wherever the **** you are.


jeez...can anyone spare a chillpill for this guy...
timech187 said:
You schmucks giving this kid a hard time are complete morons. Honestly, if you were 13 and HL2 or any other game that you really wanted to play came out, you would be drooling over it too.

Not too mention, most of you arrogant pricks don't have half the communication skills this kid has. Go back to junior high english classes and learn this time.

Don't cry now, you need to get out some more, you might give yourself an ulcer.
f|uke said:
Are you 13? Its not selfishness, mate. Its concern.

There is an age when most children should not be playing violent first person shooters. Personally I think somewhere between 11-13 is old enough for Half-Life 2 (depending on the kid), as long as there is proper parental supervision and ethical guidance!! Other games which reward you for being psychopatic/cruel (such as GTA), should probably be held off for a few more years, and again, be accompanied by the right amount of parental input.

I agree totally. You can't really decide if a child should play a video game based on his age. You have to know the guy, how mature he is and basically how he feels about stuff like that. If he's like me he'd have no problems playing HL2.

I "feel" the same inside now as I did when I was thirteen, and gory games are no problem for me, neither are gory movies.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Don't cry now, you need to get out some more, you might give yourself an ulcer.
Crying? Not sure what you are talking about jackass, just stating how stupid some of you sound. Also how this 13 year old is more mature than folks such as yourself.

wow i think some people need to calm down about this. I think he should talk to his dad and find out why he wont let him play M games any more and discuss it with his dad that there are no negitive conseqeences(sp) if the person playing is a responsible and mature person which it sounds like he is. Trust me being clam and talking it out is alot better.

(sorry if what i said has already been posted i dont want to read 9 pages)
i played doom 2 when i was close to 6 and i'm a relly calm person. point proved
Yeah, really, I cant find a logical reason to why my dad wont let me buy the game. Of course he wont let me buy GTA, and nor do I want to, just because it seems overhyped to me....but he seems to be convinced that M-rated games are nearly twice as violent as R-rated movies. TWICE AS VIOLENT! He's allowed me to see countless R-rated movies...Saving Private Ryan, Kill Bill 1&2...I mean, I dont even want to list them, because literally half of the movies I've seen were chock-full of gore, me being an action-fan..

To me, it doesnt seem like he wants to keep me away from M-rated games..well, cross out that comment, because personally, I have NO CLUE on whats going on inside his head. He's BOUGHT me Doom 3. I didnt sneak it in, or get a bum off the street to buy it for me..we both came in, and he BOUGHT ME IT. This is one of the goriest games of 2004! Hell, even 2003 and 2002! And he STILL continues to let me play Doom 3, even though I cant buy any other M-rated games?! Well, life's turned out as it has, so Im missing out on this game.
Your mom might've said something to him about it, my mom did that to my dad several time, but he always ignored her. You just never know :P
solidox said:
have you tried talking to him about it?

Agreed. Try talking to him about it, if he didn't care at all about you, he would just let you buy it, so he probably will listen. Explain that you believe yourself mature enough to define reality from fiction and the virtual from the physical. Add in touches but by all means, don't do the whole teenage-I'm-an-adult-I-should-be-able-to-do-what-I-want spill, because it is still your parents house, and your living in it.

So, in a nutshell, calm down, have a serious talk with dad, if he says no still, just keep working on it and don't get angry or have a teenage-independence attack. Hope this helps you out mate ;)

solidox said:
have you tried talking to him about it?

Yes, sir, I have! And he totally blew me. He's the kinda guys who likes to quote people, and he, when giving me his usual speech, like all parents do, told me "you shouldnt be playing these games all these cock-suckers are trying to give to little kids". Yeah, I know, dumb as that may have was in the email he gave me. Minus the cock-sucker part. The email said supposedly that 80% of gamers are kids my age (if it makes a whole lotta difference, Im turning 14 in 2 months. And I guess it doesnt.) and that a majority of the products out their depict violence, usually with guns. I really dont feel like typing sooner or later I'll give you guys the article my dad gave me, if I can scrounge it up.
for someone who doesn't like this thread at all, elephant, you sure do post alot....
ps that sucks, never had this problem with always got me whatever :D..well if it was cheap
Sgt. Duffy said:
Yes, sir, I have! And he totally blew me.

ewwww...... ;)

Well, most games these days do depict violence. So... really he's right. But with stuff like HL, I would just tell him that it's fantasy violence, not GTA violence, or Soldier Of Fortune violence. You're killing aliens, not police officers or other gang members. So really, it's only violent if you get the urge to put the smack down on some aliens... and I don't mean immigrants :D :thumbs:
*Didn't read the anything after first post*

Parents like that annoy the hell out of me. They say that violent video games cause deaths and murders, when infact I believe it's the other way around. NOT having these kinds of games would lead to more people being hurt because they allow a person to release all that built-up stress and anger. Also, if a person ISN'T allowed to play something, doesn't that just make them angry? And if all that anger from being denied something builds up, and they have nothing to release it with, that person may resort to physical violence upon another person.

But that's just my opinion; the opinion of a 15 year old who has never been denied of a game or a movie just because it was a little too violent or had too much nudity. Hey, I'll eventually see that anyway, so why not prepare myself?
Sgt. Duffy said:
Thats a great one..Im using all these links to email to my dad, because I hardly see him at home..hes at work, doing over-time, because he knows hes going to lose his job awfully soon.

Maybe thats why he won't buy you it. Because $60 is a lot to an unemployed person.
I consider myself lucky that I grew up with computer games in the era where there weren't really any problems with ratings, as most games were just about racing or collecting coins (plus the graphics could not be considered anywhere near "graphic" in terms of violence due to the computers at the time not being able to show much). About the worst I can remember is the game Barbarian where you could execute a move and chop your enemies head off... that was pretty violent back then.. even though the "enemy" was a very blocky rendition of a person.

It's too bad that so many kids these days aren't brought up with enough smarts to be able to differenciate between real life and computer games... otherwise they could play these so-called violent games and we wouldn't have to worry....

I blame the parents...
What about demos that you can download from the internet im sure you have played some.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Maybe thats why he won't buy you it. Because $60 is a lot to an unemployed person.

Lemme clarify that..he wont let ME BUY THE GAME..he doesnt buy games for me. I get an allowance, and it takes about a month for me to get $50. And plus, he gets $60,000 a year, so he can definently afford to give me allowance.
A lot of stupid people / little girls in here. I played Quake/duke nukem since i was 8/9. Hmm i don't see myself murdering people or torturing dogs or whatever complete BS the media comes up with. In my experience in my child hood, the parents who tried to keep there kids in cotton wool all there life turned out to be the weird **** up everyone abuses. One kid comes to mind, his mum wouldn't let him do a ****ing thing...turned into a drunk.

Tell your Dad to stop being so ****ing retard, you actually have to be STUPID (i mean that in alls its essence, completely thick) to not be able to tell the difference between reality, and a game you press keys to move in.. Seriously?

The people who go around killing innocent people are **** ups, simple as. Terrible parenting / mental illness is the cause, NOT sololy computer games.

How stupid and narrow minded people can be is just amazing, wow.
$niffy said:

Wow! What an intellegent post! **** this, **** that, **** him? Where'd you learn to speak? :rolleyes:
I can clearly see violent games had no effect on you.

How about, people are always looking for a scapegoat. Instead of bad parenting, it's violent movies, hyper-active kids, angry music, and violent video games. Pop 'em a few ridlens and see ya! But, it also does depend on the child, good upbringing or not and is ultimately decided by the parent what's best for the child.

If your Dad doesn't want you to play violent video games and watch violent movies he must think it'll taint your virgin eyes. Maybe he's just being a good parent? :monkee:
$niffy said:
Tell your Dad to stop being so ****ing retard, you actually have to be STUPID (i mean that in alls its essence, completely thick) to not be able to tell the difference between reality, and a game you press keys to move in.. Seriously?

Yeah then his dad will definantly buy it for him then... :rolleyes:
Sucks to be you, and your dad is an idiot. If you cant handle M rated games its either a prob with you, or your parents being crappy at raiseing kids. Sorry for the harsh reply, I am sorry you wont be able to play hl2, but you ARE 13, you should be allowed by law anyways.