My parents think I'm on drugs

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Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Don't you just hate parents, I cant laugh because they think I'm on drugs, what a bunch of morrons, a friend comes home, I laugh, and now they asure I'm on drugs and that my friend is a selling me drugs. I can't believe they are so thick. I'll be the last person to get high believe me. :|

The wors is that they are grounding me, ****en morrons, I planned a wicked beach party for saturday, fuelled with girls and alcohol. I'm mad. Any sugestions ?
Well, that sux.

As for suggestions... all I can think of is give them a urine sample? (a la American Beauty)
Tell them if they don't trust you, then you might aswell take drugs anyway, since they aren't respecting or even noticing your aparent wisdom and efforts to stay away from drugs.
My parents think i smoke pot ^_^
(I do.. but they still have no right to think that.)

You might as well start using drugs since they already think you're doin em. It'll pass the time while you're grounded at least.
Adrien C said:
Don't you just hate parents, I cant laugh because they think I'm on drugs, what a bunch of morrons, a friend comes home, I laugh, and now they asure I'm on drugs and that my friend is a selling me drugs. I can't believe they are so thick. I'll be the last person to get high believe me. :|

The wors is that they are grounding me, ****en morrons, I planned a wicked beach party for saturday, fuelled with girls and alcohol. I'm mad. Any sugestions ?
Morons, eh?
I can see why your parents have grounded you, you are only 16 and you plan to drink?
Prince of China said:
Morons, eh?
I can see why your parents have grounded you, you are only 16 and you plan to drink?
Drinking at 16 isn't that unusual in a lotta places..
Just here in stoopid america :sleep:
I was drinking with mates long before 16, I turned out OK ... ish :)

Drugs are bad though, mmmmkay.
Ikerous said:
My parents think i smoke pot ^_^
(I do.. but they still have no right to think that.)

You might as well start using drugs since they already think you're doin em. It'll pass the time while you're grounded at least.

Oh that helps a lot . :sleep:

I told them to test me, they won't bunch of morrons.
Specially when the one who used drugs and get drunk every weekend is my brother, wouldn't you know it, they never tell him anything.
To be fair, alcohol is considered to be a drug, it alters and affects the coordination system and therefore, it is considered to be a drug.
Prince of China said:
Morons, eh?
I can see why your parents have grounded you, you are only 16 and you plan to drink?

That's low, correcting people's grammar on a gaming forum.

What's wrong drinking at 16 ? I have only gotten drunk once, I bet your one of those who won't have sex untill married. Be young , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.

And, there have been studys that people who drink alcohol lives longer than people who don't.
Prince of China said:
To be fair, alcohol is considered to be a drug, it alters and affects the coordination system and therefore, it is considered to be a drug.
Yea, thats why i stick with pot. Its not a drug.

And are you really the prince of china...?

Be youung , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.
Amen. said:
A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
Ikerous said:
Yea, thats why i stick with pot. Its not a drug.

And are you really the prince of china...?

Adrien C said:
That's low, correcting people's grammar on a gaming forum.

What's wrong drinking at 16 ? I have only gotten drunk once, I bet your one of those who won't have sex untill married. Be young , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.

And, there have been studys that people who drink alcohol lives longer than people who don't.
Low? The last time I checked, this forum was dedicated to Half-Life 2 and that came out last year.
If you look closely, this is the General Off-Topic Chat, I can correct anybody's grammar; however, what I was really doing was suggesting why your parents think you are on drugs.
Adrien C said:
Who are you then ?
I don't know.
Yeah sux well my parents think im doing drugs all the time, they smell me and shit, they say my eyes are red but the only thing theyr red off is the ****ing 19' LCD monitor.

They thought i was taking drugs but i only tried some pot and thats about as far as I went and even told them sincerely(it doesnt do any ****ing effect on me anyways all it does is make my eyes fell like they gonna explode so i cant get hooked up on it)

Now mother dearest decided to take me out every lunch just to be safe i dont do any shit AND THEY STILL SMELL ME AND STUFF, WTF I SPEND ALL DAY ON THE COMPUTER AND BESIDE YOU WHERE DO I GO TO GET DRUGS!

All i want is to relax on a weekend go to any parties that are going down, get some chicks (which I have been doing before), drink a little, smoke a cigar.

IMO its worse for my health spenting the whole day in front of a computer screen than it is going out and socialising.
Yeah sux well my parents think im doing drugs all the time, they smell me and shit, they say my eyes are red but the only thing theyr red off is the ****ing 19' LCD monitor.
You have a a 19 foot monitor!? Holy crap...

Adrien C said:
Who are you then ?
Someone who thinks because something is considered a drug, its evil
19" whatever floats your boat

got the point across might as well be 19 feet it makes my eyes bloodshot
Yeah sux well my parents think im doing drugs all the time, they smell me and shit, they say my eyes are red but the only thing theyr red off is the ****ing 19' LCD monitor.

They thought i was taking drugs but i only tried some pot and thats about as far as I went and even told them sincerely(it doesnt do any ****ing effect on me anyways all it does is make my eyes fell like they gonna explode so i cant get hooked up on it)

Now mother dearest decided to take me out every lunch just to be safe i dont do any shit AND THEY STILL SMELL ME AND STUFF, WTF I SPEND ALL DAY ON THE COMPUTER AND BESIDE YOU WHERE DO I GO TO GET DRUGS!

All i want is to relax on a weekend go to any parties that are going down, get some chicks (which I have been doing before), drink a little, smoke a cigar.

IMO its worse for my health spenting the whole day in front of a computer screen than it is going out and socialising.

Indid, I feel the same, they just won't leave us along, like if they didn't drink or did drugs while young. ;(
drugs can harm you and im not against it but being accused of something you dont do anymore.

I used to smoke and when the smoke and perfume mixed my mom thought thats how pot smells like so whenever i came from school she said "u smoked drugs again" which made my whole day with her from then on a nightmare.

same with now only now she thinks if my eyes are red then I smoked pot, sometimes i have to go to band early in the morning at say 7:30 and have to wake up at 6:40 when i went to sleep the previous day at about 12:30 and of course my eyes are a bit red im ****ing tired for gods sake.
AzzMan said:
I say sneak out for the party. It'll be worth it.... :cheers:

Wont really go too well if they find out, theyd be like " you went out to get drugs from your friends because your addicted to them and theres nothing we can do to stop you now"

If its anything im addicted to is sex and having a good time in general, staying at home with the rents on the computer all day isnt my definition of a good time.
how about another idea.

Instead of bitching about them behind their backs, how about you spend the weekend, at home, with them. Play scrabble, whatever. Just be around them, and TALK to them, no "eh, yea," etc doesn't count as conversation. Neither does you bitching about not going to the party. And for petes sake, make eye contact when your talking to someone, especially your parents.

sunday evening, ask them why they think your on drugs. Let them search your room, whatever it takes to make THEM comfortable.

From their view, most kids do drugs. You arn't talking to them, your behavior seem odd (Laughing when your friend comes over?) and you complain about them behind their backs (Yes, word gets back to them).

You complain about them not knowing you well enough to know you wouldn't do drugs?
So, you have to *Gasp* spend time with them for them to know you!
i have tried talking to them and offered to give a free urine sample anytime and i'm sure Adrien has tried too, everytime I try to talk to them we just talk about philosophies and stuff its nothing that can help, were just saying how things are and how things should be, but then they too lazy to accept it or do anything.
Adrien C said:
That's low, correcting people's grammar on a gaming forum.

What's wrong drinking at 16 ? I have only gotten drunk once, I bet your one of those who won't have sex untill married. Be young , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.

And, there have been studys that people who drink alcohol lives longer than people who don't.

I hate ****ers like you. Immoral bastard.

And that statistic is crap. Because while alcohol MAY help you (it cleans out your liver, I think) it does NOT ****ing help at 16.
Tantalus said:
I hate ****ers like you. Immoral bastard.

And that statistic is crap. Because while alcohol MAY help you (it cleans out your liver, I think) it does NOT ****ing help at 16.
Stfu, dumbass.
Prince of China said:
A better way to live longer: excercise.
::Shivers:: It eint worth it.
Are there any other ways.. that dont involve.. doing stuff...
Prince of China said:
I fail to see how he is a dumbass.
That sucks
Ikerous said:
::Shivers:: It eint worth it.
Are there any other ways.. that dont involve.. doing stuff...
Well, as Adrien C suggested, you can drink alcohol, but I doubt it'll work. You'll also have to move and get up and obtain some alcohol.
Mine is a 17' ^_^.
No drugs for this 12 year old.
I love how all of the supporters of alcohol have bad grammar, spelling, and etiquette, and the ones fighting AGAINST underage drinking have nice grammar and spelling.
Teh_Poet said:
I love how all of the supporters of alcohol have bad grammar, spelling, and etiquette, and the ones fighting AGAINST underage drinking have nice grammar and spelling.
Are you implying I have poor grammar or spelling? :-/
Teh_Poet said:
Well, for you it's mostly etiquette.
Lol, because I called the guy a dumbass?
Did you read what he wrote...
"I hate ****ers like you. Immoral bastard."
He hates him and thinks he's an immoral bastard..
Cuz hes had alcohol before..
I think I have the right to be pissed off at such an ignorant statement.
Ikerous said:
Lol, because I called the guy a dumbass?
Did you read what he wrote...
"I hate ****ers like you. Immoral bastard."
He hates him and thinks he's an immoral bastard..
Cuz hes had alcohol before..
I think I have the right to be pissed off at such an ignorant statement.

He called him the immoral bastard because of this:

I bet your one of those who won't have sex untill married. Be young , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.

It was not an ignorant statement. In fact, it was by definition true.
Teh_Poet said:
He called him the immoral bastard because of this:

I bet your one of those who won't have sex untill married. Be young , have fun. Enjoy it while you can.

It was not an ignorant statement. In fact, it was by definition true.

Ikerous got 4 warning points and tantalus was banned because of that incident, so I'd drop it if I were you.
Oh well, he's banned, i'm warned, doesn't really matter XD
But, theres an obvious sense of hypocrasy in his statement...
Whats more immoral, condoning sex before marriage, or what he said?
According to common sense, and of course Jesus' teachings, it would be what he said.
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