my teacher told me a conspiracy theory about 9/11

I dident want him out. I want a stable or atleast semi stable mid-east it takes a despot to rule that region not a puppet US gov't. And in my opinion and im sure if you look up the memos the DOD will agree with me. Saddam dident gas the kurds. America has broken a few itself.. Such as illegal arms dealing to nationals such as i dont know maybe China? and we gave NK the ability to make there Nuclear weapons. AS WELL as armed saddam. Hypo. ?

(And israel broke more UN Res. Then Iraq, but then again Israel is untouchable right?)
everyone knows the neo-conservative US leaders want war, because they want enemy's, they plant the myth of good versus evil, to unify and drive the peoples purpose, giving meaning to their lives, keeping them satisfied, keeping them under control, any other country that gets the rough end.. well the response is usually 'lets look like we give a s***, we know we are living a lie, but we need to believe in the lie, to make everyone else believe in it'.

Communist russia was once the enemy, and then when they thought they had made it collapse by helping the Afghan rebels fight them (of course communist Russia actually collapse from the inside, the US or Afghans didnt defeat them as they both thought), by supplying 'weapons' and 'terrorist' training... they then where without that enemy all of a sudden , that idealist good versus evil.

Neo conservatives (rumsfeld, chaney) back in power, jumped at the chance to strengthen the peoples moral when they labelled a new enemy for the 9/11 attacks. unfortunately some follow so blindly for purpose in satisfaction of their nationality and 'democracey' they dont realise that most of it is an illusion, a myth, created by the government machine, living the lie that even they believe in.
people believe the big lie for a simple reason. Its so big how could it ever be a lie.

Welcome to the police state

"freedom plus"

And as for "reputable" just take a look at Rumsy and Saddam shaking hands that should be enough if you want more i will be happy to you can look at this also,
SirWence said:
I dident want him out. I want a stable or atleast semi stable mid-east it takes a despot to rule that region not a puppet US gov't. And in my opinion and im sure if you look up the memos the DOD will agree with me. Saddam dident gas the kurds. America has broken a few itself.. Such as illegal arms dealing to nationals such as i dont know maybe China? and we gave NK the ability to make there Nuclear weapons. AS WELL as armed saddam. Hypo. ?

(And israel broke more UN Res. Then Iraq, but then again Israel is untouchable right?)

Why does it tke a despot to rule that region? Are you suggesting that those in that region are too ignorant for any other form of govt.? Sounds kind of racist to me.

So which is it? We (the west) gave sadam the chemical weapons he used on his own people...... or We gave him the weapons he used on Iran....... or????????? what I do not understand your point of contention on the gassing of the Kurds.

NK bought the info, know how etc... to build their nukes from AQ Khan in pakistan. Weak assed leadership and yet more Carter bungling allowed NK the time to develop them. But please try and put the blame on Bush, this should be fun.....

And as for the resolutions that Israel has violated....... I think that the lands that Israel took in war are spoils of war. If the arabs did not want to lose the land that they lost they should not have attacked Israel.

Should we the USA give the USA back to the UK because we won it in war?

Also if the palestinians would have accepted the UN approved 2 state solution back in 48 they would have their own state and shared control of Jerusalem...... they let their hatred of the Jews and the influence of the Arab states blind them to their opportunity for peace andchose to attack Israel and have been on the losing side ever since. If the palestinians will lose the support for terrorism and terrorists and approach the Israelis with a true offer of peaceful coexistance the Israelis will eventually comply with most of their requests.

and I really love how ya'll use the pic of rummy with Sadam, like this was some hidden secret or something :D :D :D

sadam was fighting Iran and their aggression in the region, this was a good thing for us since Carter lacked the balls to confront them during his admin. (notice how reagan R was having to deal with another D carter mess in regards to Iran) Action, not inaction is the message to be learned from our supporting Iraq in the Iran Iraq war, and the action should have occurred during the Carter admin............ brings back good laughs of the DNC when that weak kneed georgia tard was up there talking about a stronger america :D :D :D good times
Well firstly it wasnt the UN'S place to create israel in the first place. or Rather a british plan with us backing. with Most of there requests met? sounds like the short end of the stick to me either. and by your awesome logic then Saddam should have been able to keep his spoils of war, such as kuwait. you just made me pitty you with such a stupid comment. the UN should not have done that in the first place.. Sorry the state of israel should pay when it breaks the rules to. They are like America .. Above the law. But we should hate any other country that breaks the rule right?

And as for a despot being required you have 3 people the sunni the shia and the kurds who do not happen to like each other to much. so you plan to hold 3 hatreds together with a puppet Gov't and with turkey wanting a peice of the kurds.. good ****ing luck. Our puppet gov'ts fail just look at the past.

And i think saddam gassed the iranians the iranians gassed saddam and the kurds happen to get caught in the middle .. living a strat. location is a bad idea in war they happend to get hit with cyanide gas ( Iranian gas given by the soviets ) they were not 'smart bombs' friendly fire can be a bitch i suppose.

But hey go neo con right? They got there new war, and we are losing our rights. Or are we just gaining limits on them to protect us from ourselves?
another 80 bil for iraq and afg go neo cons and the fall of america
alexius said:



hello im from england and i dont really no much about politics but i was told this shocking conspiracy theory by my teacher.

he said that 9/11 was conducted by someone in the U.S.A he said that they needed to got to irac to get oil because it was running out every wer else, but to invade irac they needed a reason so they made it look like they fluw the plain into the Twin towers. and they needed a big shocking event otherwise no one would go along with i was shocked at this theory .said it was all about getting power and money through oil. He also said they had to assasination of presedent kenady because he wanted to pull the army out of vietnam because to many ppl were getting killed to get the oil.

so that what i was told and i was quite shocked and it made me feel small ;(

Not sure about the vietnam Oil, but I thought the 9/11 theory sounds about right to the extent that a US organisation could of conducted the Strikes.