my teacher told me a conspiracy theory about 9/11

No, you idiot. 20,000 is there estimated number. The Contingent lost was 2,000. But you knew that .... did'nt you? Did'nt you?!
they also estimated there would be little or no insurgencey and that we only needed lightly / no armoured Humvees so there 'estimations' mean abosolutly nothing to me. "missions acomplished" not quite
Also bush fireing half of the country because god for bid i dunno an energy company wants to .. produce energy.. not a better bottom line.. he disbanded the army.. around 300k strong soldiers who were loyal to there people i think most of this fighting is done by those who are now jobless and poor and screwed by america freeing them.. (from there jobs) When we say freedom we mean Captialism make a note of that. GunBoat Democracy never works. We should never have gone there.. we have now sold the country to wealthy rich class of the American elite.. (mostly if not all Texans pfft) Isnt it nice we basicly sold the country to the American corperate elite! Whats next tory reform to protect big companys from getting sued for ****ing up? oops bush is already pushing that to.
they also estimated there would be little or no insurgencey and that we only needed lightly / no armoured Humvees so there 'estimations' mean abosolutly nothing to me. "missions acomplished" not quite

Umm, everyone and there dog knew we needed armored vehicles for direct fire support.

Also, thats not how the operations went -- we've been using Tanks much more then we have our static artillery.

Also, the Mission Accomplished thing served two purposes; the first was to announce that the Baathist Regime had fallen. Secondly, the Iraqi Army under control of Saddam, had also disbanded.

I however, knew the Insurgency was going to happen. But hell, what do I know, right?
K e r b e r o s said:
Umm, everyone and there dog knew we needed armored vehicles for direct fire support.

Also, thats not how the operations went -- we've been using Tanks much more then we have our static artillery.

Also, the Mission Accomplished thing served two purposes; the first was to announce that the Baathist Regime had fallen. Secondly, the Iraqi Army under control of Saddam, had also disbanded.

I however, knew the Insurgency was going to happen. But hell, what do I know, right?

Your a fool if you think disbanding the army was a good idea. Just to be horribly blunt. that army was an Iraqi army not the Republican guard. Most of those soliders are the ones were trying to get back for your 1337 police force, shock you? disbanding the army was a moronic move that has put us in this horrible position or at the least made it 100x worse

-Just as a factoid bush is the first president to ever wear a military uniform.. George Washington sought it bad to do so.. He wanted it to be seen as Civilian power, yet another thing Bush screwed up-, but hey atleast i know were he stands..right?
Your a fool if you think disbanding the army was a good idea.

Not that I dont mind your beligerant attitude, but I cant see how disbanding the army was'nt good.

The Insurgency is basically the old Iraqi Army -- its just using a different method of defense; the same method that was going to be used in the first Gulf War, if we occupied Iraq then.

Just to be horribly blunt. that army was an Iraqi army not the Republican guard.

This holds significance, why?

Most of those soliders are the ones were trying to get back for your 1337 police force

My l337 Police ... ? Oh dear. Not mine, Iraqs. :D

disbanding the army was a moronic move that has put us in this horrible position or at the least made it 100x worse

It also really help if you had a backing to this statement. What made it 100x worse? Dont cite anything you've previously stated, because it does'nt explain anything to this new point that was made.

-Just as a factoid bush is the first president to ever wear a military uniform.. George Washington sought it bad to do so.. He wanted it to be seen as Civilian power, yet another thing Bush screwed up-, but hey atleast i know were he stands..right?

Is that a compliment to Bush ... or George Washington ...?
Any opinion on those Links im surpirsed you have not tried to destroy them with words yet.
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.
Eg. said:
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.

Ignorant to what?

I'd say people who cover their ears and stick to a ground no matter what would appear to be more ignorant, or those who still believe President Bush will find WoMD in Iraq.

Hm, I wonder what side of the spectrum they're on.
Eg. said:
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.

Not exactly the kindest way to say it Eg. but you hit the nail on the head.
Actually, American liberals would be considered moderates in some European countries... so I doubt they would die in every nation other than the USA. Frankly, I think if you put some stereotypical conservatives and some stereotypical liberals into a random country the conservatives would probably get shot first.
SirWence said:
Any opinion on those Links im surpirsed you have not tried to destroy them with words yet.

Just because you posted some links doesnt mean you win a debate :rolleyes: . I think when you can formulate your own opinion and learn to put it across in an intelligent manner, people will debate you, until then....
Eg. said:
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.
You're consistently a complete idiot, moronic and display little-to-no grasp of what you're actually talking about.

seinfeldrules said:
Just because you posted some links doesnt mean you win a debate
Pffft. No-one ever wins a debate on the internet. It just doesn't work that way. As well you know :)
Our currently in power (and for the last 8 or so years) governement is a liberal one, and 'liberal' here (in australia) is probably the most right wing, conservative government we've had for a loooong time.
Pffft. No-one ever wins a debate on the internet. It just doesn't work that way. As well you know
True, just spreading the love man. A lack of responses doesnt mean a win, that attitude pisses me off :/ .
seinfeldrules said:
True, just spreading the love man. A lack of responses doesnt mean a win, that attitude pisses me off :/ .
Very true. It can also be a bit dis-heartening when you don't get a response because it can be interesting seeing what other people's views are. Even if we do just ignore them ;)
lol i dident post them to win* a debate, i posted them to show that its not just those evil libs, that say those people who go around saying "GREAT MOVE, DISBAND THAT EVIL IRAQI ARMY" are fools. And Infact, think it made things worse not better ( And i dont ever see Iraq being able to defend itself again..go iraqi police force)

"It was absolutely the wrong decision," said Col. Paul Hughes of the Army, who served as an aide to Jay Garner, a retired three-star general and the first civilian administrator of Iraq. "We changed from being a liberator to an occupier with that single decision,'' he said. "By abolishing the army, we destroyed in the Iraqi mind the last symbol of sovereignty they could recognize and as a result created a significant part of the resistance." Oh and Garner was taken out by Bush and co for basicly saying your wrong on this issue.. Then Tom Bremer came in and was a yes man.

And sein if you truly believe this yourself "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation- General Douglas MacArthur " Then most of the people in this country should not have the blessings of freedom.


and somthing else

'Beware of the
military industrial complex.' - Dwight Eisenhower speech
Eg. said:
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.

Thing is, I live in a western world - where liberal views are accepted, and are a step up from the "do whatever the f**k I want to gain money and power" righties in power now.

Living in the West I have this unique oppurtunity to see how things can be improved in the world without being forced to think about what any religion tells me, what any nasty dictator tells me, or what my family tells me. I'm free; prefer the west to stop pi**ing off other countries, prefer the west to stop bloody invading countries, prefer the west to stop raping other countries of wealth and resources, prefer the west to stop trying to spread our own ideals into countries that may not want it, prefer the west to stop filling our media outlets with garbage, prefer the west to stop lying to its people about reasons for going to war etc etc.
But I'm an ignorant fool, it seems.
Eg. said:
liberals are ignorant fools that would die if placed in any other nation.

ignorant of what? seeing your view on the world?

my country is led by liberals and a socialist fraction, they aint dead yet lol. Its perfect imo
Pericolos0 said:
ignorant of what? seeing your view on the world?
Very well put - that's why I don't get people who are so anti liberal.... hmmm... I guess I just don't see their view on the world as clearly as I thought....
i have heard this theory many times and one was from my mates dad who used to work in sum high up place where all the conspiracey n shit is but he didnt have any information but had heard two people talking about it and saying that
If all of this was about oil, why didn't we take on Venezuela, Mexico or Cuba?

All of these countries are much closer and would produce quicker results than fighting it out in Iraq.

There was a conspiracy on 9/11. It was hatched by Bin Laden and his group of jihadi fawkwipes. Our govt and the absolute shambles that INS is in led to the terrorists exploiting the weaknesses of our free society, and using them against us.

apply Occams razor to this and you will see the speculation, while entertaining is folly.
Nothing is ever done for one reason.

Location is one, a puppet gov't is another. Private sect. no bid contracts makeing the elite richer.. Oil is just an added plus.

Sorry my friend to simply believe a Cover story is foolish, but obviously you are simply that, a fool, who will fallow a gov't to your death. Try looking out side the box, hell the BBC just did programming on this go check it out. Stop being a blind nationalist, it makes me sick.

-A true patriot protects his country from its government- TP

Oh and that new INTEL bill, did nothing but give more power and money.. Most of congress confessed to not even reading the bill. But it did pave the way for a National ID card.. does that count for intel?

Oh and did you hear the patriot act was used against a guy who pointed a laser pointer at a plane with his daughter in the back yard? I thought it was used against terrorists :/.

This gov't our gov't does not fear the people much anymore and that is a very bad thing. :angry:
SirWence said:
he disbanded the army.. around 300k strong soldiers who were loyal to there people

I know you like to call people fool, now it's my turn to call you one.

Loyal to their people? Would this be when they were murdering them? Putting down uprisings? Gassing their own people?

The Iraqi army was not a volunteer army. They were pressed (forced) into service. The Shia, made up the overwhelming percentage of this army and were forced to fight for and do the bidding of the minority Sunni. The majority of the officers were Sunni and the lower ranks were shia. The republican guard units were virtually all sunni's, officers and enlisted.

The only thing that prevented full blown civil war was the disbanding of the army. How could you propose to the people of Iraq that they be defended by the same army that brutally oppressed them for the last 30 years :rolling: only in the mind of an absolute retard would that make sense.
I simply agree with the first people in charge of Iraq. And as for the gassing of the kurds do some research on it and prove to me that it was just saddam and his maddness or maybe the iranians had a role to. Don't be so simple minded. just to tell you they found Iranian Shells in the location of the gassing and a DOD memo said it was "iranian gas". prove me wrong then ill agree with the gassing.

an Army is a sign of soverignty and we took that away what sign of of being sov. do they have? and no an American flag in the area doesn't show it.

oh and congrads we put a puppet 'police force' that will oppress those who hate this gov't.. you have not sloved anything, just simply caused more blood shead. War = good because bush says so. :rolling: and where are those WMDS =( bush said there are not any. so much for your war. (but bush is still glad we went, and you dare call me a fool or a retard?)
SirWence said:
and you dare call me a fool or a retard?)

when you post comments like

SirWence said:
he disbanded the army.. around 300k strong soldiers who were loyal to there people

yeah either a fool, or someone suffering from a severe mental defect.

yes an Army is a sign of sovereignty, but an Army that brutalized its people in the name of a tyrant is not something a pouplace is likely to embrace. The disbanding of the army was done, had to be done to prevent civil war. You must consider the ethnic proprtions of Iraq to understand why the army and its image had to be disbanded. Sadam was part of that army, he used that army to murder hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to hold onto power.

I know those of you that think Iraq was a peaceful, pleasant and safe place to live prior to the war have a hard time understanding why the decision to dsband the army that held their boot on the throat of their countrymen for 30 years was done.
Did i say peaceful? look i know your a neo con but try to be a little less see through. To be honest i would take stability in the middle east over the fake freedom were putting up. And IF saddam had wmds which he did not. they would have a nice red white and blue stamp on them U S A since we were his backers oops shouldent say that cause thats not american :x . Sorry man I want stability Saddam gave it. Our puppet gov't wont . infact I dare say we will be at war with another country soon. Gun Boat Democracy never worked. never has never will.

Were not going to win this war, and i dare say we are not ment to. We needed a new USSR the 'terrorists' are our new USSR. so we get a HUGE military budget a horribly un private soecity a 'national security state' if you will ( the patriot acts 1 and 2 and that new intel bill are good examples) and to top it off our nation is going broke. Sigh neo cons and there Project for a new american century. i hope they all burn in hell. and go blind nationalism!
SirWence said:
To be honest i would take stability in the middle east over the fake freedom were putting up. .

SirWence said:
Sorry man I want stability Saddam gave it. .

Kind of callous, but hey as long as things are stable........

nevermind the brutality that goes on. nevermind the support/training/funding for terrorism. nevermind Sadams regimes blatant disregard for international law. (why would he have anything but contempt for it he bought the votes against action on the UN security council)

SirWence said:
And IF saddam had wmds which he did not. they would have a nice red white and blue stamp on them U S A since we were his backers oops shouldent say that cause thats not american :x ..

more like France as they violated the security council resolutions and sanctions since their inception by providing them with banned tech and weapons. but hey its so much more the new hotness to blame the USA.
Scoobnfl said:
more like France as they violated the security council resolutions and sanctions since their inception by providing them with banned tech and weapons. but hey its so much more the new hotness to blame the USA.

Sorry i just have to laugh at that. Because America has broken an equal if not more amount. Look up the Iran and Iraq war and look who gave him his Chemical and Bio weapons wasn't france my friend sorry it was us. ( and yes france did do wrong almost everyone invovled did 'wrong' but in nothing to compare to ourselves.)

And i thought it was the in thing to blame france for everything? because America can do no wrong. If you are so pro freedom why dont you make sure your own nation is free first then start invaiding people to make them free.

And why does everyone say we are spreading democracy :rolling: how can a repub. do that
And why does everyone say we are spreading democracy how can a repub. do that

There are a lot of leaders that are elected democratically with majority rule. Senators, mayors, reps, sheriffs, constables, pretty much everyone but the president. To say that we don't know about democracy is incorrect.
Bodacious said:
There are a lot of leaders that are elected democratically with majority rule. Senators, mayors, reps, sheriffs, constables, pretty much everyone but the president. To say that we don't know about democracy is incorrect.

To say we are one is incorrect. as many in this country say we are a democracy
To the original poster:

Why wouldn't they invade Canada then? We have a huge supply of oil.

Not to mention, WTF.

Perhaps you haven'tseen the detail missing out of pictures, but THERE'S TWO F*CKING BIG TOWERS MISSING FROM THEM.

Please, show a little bit of respect.
I show respect by trying to find the truth of who really killed them and why. I honor them by trying to find the truth not just go blindly and deafly silent.
firemachine69 said:
To the original poster:

Why wouldn't they invade Canada then? We have a huge supply of oil.

Not to mention, WTF.

Perhaps you haven'tseen the detail missing out of pictures, but THERE'S TWO F*CKING BIG TOWERS MISSING FROM THEM.

Please, show a little bit of respect.

Yeah, the conspiracy is a bit daft eh? And yeah, rather disrespectful.

As for Canada, well, US is good buddies with Canada and trade nicely with them. Also, try justifying war with Canada (see South Park: The movie). Iraq has the third (I think) largest oil reserves on the planet, many of which areas are yet to be drilled at. Politically speaking, its much easier to get hold of a lands oil if theres a total nutter in power who everyone in their right minds wants to see gone.

I think oil had something to do with the war, but wasn't the only thing at all. I doubt very much it was about WMDs at all, and certainly not about fighting terrorists.
Scoobnfl said:
nevermind the support/training/funding for terrorism .

Dident Train, Dident fund , He hated israel not this world wide blowing twin towers up stuff you speak of. so I am sorry, your wrong that account. And if you mean by funding giving 25k to the family of the dead suicide bomber..

Stalinsts do not tend to train and support possible enemies.

So now its my turn again.. your a fool.

And as donald rumsfeld says "Theres an old in the saying in the pentagon, ready fire aim." :thumbs:

So I guess since all the other arguments for Iraq are bullshit at its best, the only thing you have left is to say we liberated them from an evil despot huh.
SirWence said:
infact most people of kuwait dident care that he was there because kutwait was never free to begin with.

while I agree with you about the first gulf war (reason being to get the Emir's oil fields back) the people of Kuwait certainly didn't like the Iraqi's being there. There were horrible attrocities committed against them during Iraqs occupation of Kuwait. To say or suggest otherwise shows blatant ignorance on your part.

SirWence said:
Sorry i just have to laugh at that. Because America has broken an equal if not more amount. Look up the Iran and Iraq war and look who gave him his Chemical and Bio weapons wasn't france my friend sorry it was us.

what sanctions has the US broken? Countries like Germany, France, Russia, and China are the reason that the sanctions didn't work in ousting Sadam. Those countries did not want Sadam to leave power because he owed them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

the same reason they whine about us going in and taking him out. Hypocrisy? hmmmmmmmmm.......

also do you have any "reputable" links about our supplying Sadam with WMD? I've got one saying the Dutch were involved