MySpace Killed Someone

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Muffin Man said:
i personally hate politically correct people, i have said nothing to be politiclly correct

Maybe I'm just an asshole. Maybe I just can't fathom the amount of "good" someone has to have in them to care about this situation. What I see here is a kid who killed himself, that none of us here (I'm assuming) knew. I don't think suicide is the easy way out.. I don't think it's selfish.. And when it happens to someone I KNOW, I consider it to be tragic. But guess what, I didn't know this kid, neither did any of you.

So some kid 3,000 miles away bit the bullet in his bathroom after posting on MySpace. I'm not going to laugh (Although the fact that he posted it on MySpace does have slight humor to it) but honestly, I don't feel sad about the situation. And quite frankly, I don't believe any of you do either. I don't know what kind of a caring person you would have to be to care about some clown who shot himself over a girl 3000 miles away (For me.. even more for you UK'ers etc..). Somehow you just have to seem like you're the better people. You don't actually give a shit about this kid, but Badger didn't like people's (admittedly) immature responses to the thread, so you all hop on the band wagon and act like you care? I just don't believe it I'm sorry. I don't see the genuine care in people, and I don't believe it exists.
I believe i actually stated i couldnt actually mourn for him or be completely sad, didnt know him, MI is way far from CA. I'm just disgusted that people laugh at suicide and almost egg people on.
Muffin Man said:
I believe i actually stated i couldnt actually mourn for him or be completely sad, didnt know him, MI is way far from CA. I'm just disgusted that people laugh at suicide and almost egg people on.
i dont think that people are laughing in real life, just on the internet. i admit that some of the things that i have said in this thread was heartless but that still doest change my opinion about what he did, i still think that he is a selfish guy that had nothing good happening in his life so he took the cheap way out

same thing that dread said, just because a modder comes on and says that you are being assholes doesnt meant that you should change your opinion about the situation
Muffin Man said:
I believe i actually stated i couldnt actually mourn for him or be completely sad, didnt know him, MI is way far from CA. I'm just disgusted that people laugh at suicide and almost egg people on.

I didn't mean to sound like I was arguing what you said. I was just clarifying my point. I feel the same way.
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Erestheux said:
Jeez, you sure got me there! :thumbs:
um.. i hate to be the grammar-grammar nazi but he's right.

it isnt "to insignificant."
it isnt "two insignificant."
it IS "too insignificant."

quit trying to be smartass with spelling nobody gives a shit.

unless he edited and i take all this back and he's a retard.
oh noes, no drop tuining !!! and took u the wrong way DreadLord, my bad
Que-Ever said:
what riff be that?

bum bum bi bum bi bum boum boum, bum bum, bi, bum, bi bi bie bie, bum bum, bi, bum, bie bie bi be

a crying shame, muse
gh0st said:
quit trying to be smartass with spelling nobody gives a shit.

unless he edited and i take all this back and he's a retard.

If you're referring to me, I actually edited it before I saw his reply.
Yes yes it's very sad big deal. How many other people died today?
Kyo has a good point there, how many people died in Iraq, how many people have died from suicide bombers, from robbers just trying to get a few bucks from the local McDonalds?
how many people are there for you to have no sympathy for.. probly like 402572
i have no sympathy for the ones that take the easy way out, i split the rest of my sympathy with the rest of the people that were murdered...but not the ones that commited suicide
Muffin Man said:
how many people are there for you to have no sympathy for.. probly like 402572

You should shut up before you stop making less sense.
Beerdude26 said:
HAHA, guys go over to, there are absolutely hilarious fads of this emo kid coming out every second :laugh:
You're telling me! :O
In seriousness, I was a helluva lot more upset over these people than some teenage emo. They and their families(including the kid's) deserve respect and condolences. They have EARNED my respect. This emo kid is a major bag o' crap.

Edit: And I totally read the title as "Myspace killed theSomeone" :(
Absinthe said:
You should shut up before you stop making less sense.

so i should shut up before i start making more sense? you make no sense.

EDIT - for one more time, fench ninja, DID I EVER SAY THAT I DIDNT CARE MORE ABOUT SOLDIERS THEN THIS MYSPACE GUY?? did i? no, i am saying that you guys being assholes and celebrating the kids death is wrong. oh yeah and those ytmnd's are tastless pieces of shit (the ones posted on this thread i mean)

Now that made No Sense.

Looked at his Profile, Im not really familair with the Emo thing but its starting to piss me off. Please, act and dress normal.
Muffin Man said:
so i should shut up before i start making more sense? you make no sense.

EDIT - for one more time, fench ninja, DID I EVER SAY THAT I DIDNT CARE MORE ABOUT SOLDIERS THEN THIS MYSPACE GUY?? did i? no, i am saying that you guys being assholes and celebrating the kids death is wrong. oh yeah and those ytmnd's are tastless pieces of shit (the ones posted on this thread i mean)
My reply was not meant torward you.
And I am not celebrating anyone's death.
Watch who you are calling an asshole, buddy.
what would you say? if i walked away......won't you appreciate something bits of words

dream theater woot
French Ninja said:
My reply was not meant torward you.
And I am not celebrating anyone's death.
Watch who you are calling an asshole, buddy.

alright well im just gunna leave before i get anybody else pissed off at me, and i wasnt calling you specifically an asshole, theres a reason to respect a soldiers death more then the myspace kids. but im saying, the kid doesn't deserve to get laughed at and told he should have died. and if by saying that i am "justifying his death with my attention" as said in an earlier post, well nope, that would be the person who made the thread.

and whats with dressing and acting differently, I personally am a little odd myself.
Muffin Man said:
so i should shut up before i start making more sense? you make no sense.

It's midnight and I'm half-drunk. I'm allowed to not make perfect sense.
wheeeeeeeeeeeee woo wheee woo whee woo whee woo whee woooo


zoom zoom


we move in circles, something that is words, chung chung chung, in perfect something, colliding without fate, this story ends where it began


waooohh waooohh wooooooooo waaahoooohhhhhhhh waooooohhhhh hammer pull off diddlyum, wahnonanooohhh waeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ohhhhwwwww weaphhhhh woooooo wwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE wellidlywheeeeeeeee smackysmacky smacky whee lidi llelle leeee doo dum deee doo dume deeeeee doooooooooooooooooo deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee doo dum deeee doo dume ddee dddooooooooooooooooooooo dooo ododododoo e wow sweep/shred wooooooooowowie shred weeeeee waaaaaaiiiiiillllllllllllllllllll waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilkrang krang ooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka
chacarron.. chacarron, EEEHHHHH EH ehhhh eh... chacarron macarron
gh0st said:
um.. i hate to be the grammar-grammar nazi but he's right.

it isnt "to insignificant."
it isnt "two insignificant."
it IS "too insignificant."

quit trying to be smartass with spelling nobody gives a shit.

unless he edited and i take all this back and he's a retard.
He edited you ****ing moron. And ONCE AGAIN I only fixed his error, that had nothing to do with my point. His post hardly made any sense in the first place, to or too.
Uriel said:

Now that made No Sense.

Looked at his Profile, Im not really familair with the Emo thing but its starting to piss me off. Please, act and dress normal.

Please act and dress NORMAL? No offense but that is so stupid. Did you actually read what you typed?

And some of the people posting things like 'owned' and 'one less guy consuming oxygen' should really stop posting. I am friends with some 'emos' ( :hmph: ) and let me tell you, when you get to know them, they are good laugh and are perfectly normal. They dont sit around on theie own, hair over their eyes, being depressed all the time.

Someone just killed themself and you guys really need to grow up.
Puzzlemaker said:



You have to be really, really depressed to commit suicide. Its not easy.

Do you really think that someone who commits suicide is FUNNY?

Is something to laugh at?

**** you all. You guys.

Are all.


1.) Its funny, because he was a sad pathetic emo that killed himself over girl troubles
2.) Do you have to be THAT depressed? If this guy was THAT upset about a single relationship, maybe he was so pathetic he didnt deserve to live anyway? :x
Quite a few of you need to reanalyze your ****ing lives. You weren’t put on earth to create a mockery out of death. I would have never believed humanity (let alone this community) could have steeped this low with such inconsiderateness. Absolutely pathetic. +1 for lockage.
Our lives?
What about the moron that threw away his? Why does HE deserve your sympathy?
GG retard
He's a drama queen who can't put up with the great life he has. Do you see the 30 pound african kids killing themselves while they sleep with worms in their bellies? No. What a putz.
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