new california bill.. this is insane

Raziaar said:
Why can't we wait until 10 years of age before we start thrusting sex on the young people?

I swear to god, everything is about sex these days. Sex is great, but why do kids gotta learn about all that shit before the age of 10? Let them spend some time being kids for christs sake.

where is this happening? where are kids under the age of 10 being taught about sexuality? And if they are it's because their parents want them to know, you have to sign parental consent before your kid can take a sexuality class
CptStern said:
where is this happening? where are kids under the age of 10 being taught about sexuality? And if they are it's because their parents want them to know, you have to sign parental consent before your kid can take a sexuality class
I have no idea but this kid that used to live next door was in 1st grade & girls would write him letters saying he should have sex with them.
great, so now we can read a book that tells us that gay people landed on the moon, won world war II, and invented the microprocessor.
hungryduck said:
great, so now we can read a book that tells us that gay people landed on the moon, won world war II, and invented the microprocessor.

jeez it's people like you who shouldnt be entitled to an opinion shouldnt even be allowed to speak much less give us your opinion on something you have absolutely no clue about. Did you even get passed the title of this thread before posting? because everything you just said has NOTHING to so with the bill in question ..god how ****ing ignorant can you get?
Kids will make fun of anything that is different, be it another child who is gay, fat, black...anything... its just how children are.
Pedophelia isn't a choice either
I bet there were some great podphiles in history
We should have pedophelia history.
i'm sure there is but it's an individual history isnt a movement with social/political ramifications on society. You cant compare civil rights history to victemising children ......surprised you didnt say bestiality or polygamy

again, the only reason to oppose this homophobia
CptStern said:
i'm sure there is but it's an individual history isnt a movement with social/political ramifications on society.
Not yet.
We need future history books!
I really don't see this as being a problem unless it is forced into the learning curriculum. The history books in school include a lot of stuff people don't go over, so I have no problem with this being in the books so the teachers may choose whether or not they want to teach it to their class if it fits the curriculum. I would have a problem with teachers being forced to teach this.
Ikerous said:
Not yet.
We need future history books!

alright your joke is starting to get stale ..I really dont appreciate you comparing people who ****ing rape children with homosexuals
We don't want to make homosexuality normal. It's ISN'T normal. It's a disorder and should be treated as one. Yeah, so unless it is in some medical course I don't wanna hear about it.
prove it or stfu's people like you that are not normal and need to be "cured" of your disorder
CptStern said:
alright your joke is starting to get stale ..I really dont appreciate you comparing people who ****ing rape children with homosexuals
You ignorant ignorant man. Being a pedophile simply means being attracted to them, not screwing them. That would be unethical.
Ikerous said:
You ignorant ignorant man. Being a pedophile simply means being attracted to them, not screwing them. That would be unethical.

no it doesnt, it can mean both the act and the fantasy


1. The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children

you distinctly said:

ikerous said:
We should have pedophelia history

either way it isnt a valid comparison, homosexuals dont express themselves by forcing others to engage in sexual acts
CptStern said:
no it doesnt, it can mean both the act and the fantasy
Its the act or the fantasy.. as in it isn't necessarily wrong. It's just those that act that are wrong.
And i'm willing to bet that thats a VERY small percentage of pedophiles.

And i wasn't making a serious comparison :/
This is off topic ffs
CptStern said:
prove it or stfu's people like you that are not normal and need to be "cured" of your disorder

Hmm, so if homosexuality was normal then what would be the point of reproductive organs? Right... So how would we continue our diseased generations? Nice thing is though is that eventually you people whether between transexuals, homosexuals and in general sick people are going to get to a point where you won't live to 20 years even with your "medicine." That's my point.
Ikerous said:
Its the act or the fantasy.. as in it isn't necessarily wrong. It's just those that act that are wrong.
And i'm willing to bet that thats a VERY small percentage of pedophiles.

And i wasn't making a serious comparison :/
This is off topic ffs
Yes, since when however was it ever acceptable to compare Gay people to Peadophiles?

We don't want to make homosexuality normal. It's ISN'T normal. It's a disorder and should be treated as one. Yeah, so unless it is in some medical course I don't wanna hear about it.
Gtfo, as Stern said : Prove it.
even though you say it wasnt a serious comparison I fail to see what other motive you had in bringing it into the discussion ..when people scream bloody murder that homosexuality is wrong, or a disease or a disorder in this very thread then comparisons to pedophilia whether joking or not can only be interpreted as serious
Solaris said:
Yes, since when however was it ever acceptable to compare Gay people to Peadophiles?
The majority of pedophiles that don't act are perfectly harmless
They also didn't choose to be like they are
Much like gays and blacks.

Thats the only comparison i made
Seems fair and accurate to me
CptStern said:
even though you say it wasnt a serious comparison I fail to see what other motive you had in bringing it into the discussion
Bored? Off topic is way too serious lately? Bored?
Mom: so Timmy what did you learn today??

Little Timmy: I learned what a Transgender is mommy

Mom: Is't that sweet time for bed is siad.

Little Timmy: NO MOMMY!! i want to be a transgender NOW!!!!

Mom: Now Timmy wait till your 8 years old and i might let you.

That would suck as a parent.
I heard there starting in kindergarden too .
ericms said:
Hmm, so if homosexuality was normal then what would be the point of reproductive organs?

so what would be the point of people who are sterile? should we just march them into gas chamber and turn on the bloody spiggots because they have no "point"?

ericms said:
Right... So how would we continue our diseased generations? Nice thing is though is that eventually you people whether between transexuals, homosexuals and in general sick people are going to get to a point where you won't live to 20 years even with your "medicine." That's my point.

your point is that because there's so many homosexuals/transexuals that sooner or later because of all the disease they spread will have a lifespan of 20 years? ...that's beyond the realm of idiocy
Raziaar said:
By the time all these people are done, we won't know anything about history except for the stuff happening since 1900's on...
I thought that was all the history you lot had anyway?
No, that wasn't my point. I should've worded it better my bad. I meant between the homosexuals/transexuals and the diseases man's already made for himself that we won't be doing too well down the line.

Being sterile is another one of these problems except that unlike homosexuality no matter how much you force the subject onto someone and no matter how normal it is to them, they won't want to be like that. How could you not present it in anything but a terrible thing?
ericms said:
No, that wasn't my point. I should've worded it better my bad. I meant between the homosexuals/transexuals and the diseases man's already made for himself that we won't be doing too well down the line.

Being sterile is another one of these problems except that unlike homosexuality no matter how much you force the subject onto someone and no matter how normal it is to them, they won't want to be like that. How could you not present it in anything but a terrible thing?
You fail at ****ing everything.
ericms said:
No, that wasn't my point. I should've worded it better my bad. I meant between the homosexuals/transexuals and the diseases man's already made for himself that we won't be doing too well down the line.

that's not helping, and only says the exact same thing you said before: that diesease from gays will eventually lead to shorter lifespans for humans ...I'd really like to understand how you came to that conclusion

ericms said:
Being sterile is another one of these problems except that unlike homosexuality no matter how much you force the subject onto someone and no matter how normal it is to them, they won't want to be like that.

so you're saying that unlike sterility homosexuality can be forced on someone? can someone force you to be gay? I sure as hell couldnt

ericms said:
How could you not present it in anything but a terrible thing?

easy, the fact that conservatives arent sterile is a terrible thing ;)

btw welcome back solaris
el Chi said:
I thought that was all the history you lot had anyway?

We aren't just taught american history, which goes back well before 1900's. That is kind of off topic though.

Hmm, so if homosexuality was normal then what would be the point of reproductive organs?

If we couldn't reproduce I don't suppose any of the other organs would be of much use either. Just because they are gay doesn't mean they need to be treated as pointless less than humans. And it's silly to say homosexuality is normal. But lots of things people do aren't normal, and a lot of them are worse than homosexuality, so who cares.
homosexuality IS normal's present in the animal kingdom where choice isnt a factor
CptStern said:
homosexuality IS normal's present in the animal kingdom where choice isnt a factor

Some animals also eat their own babies.

<rubs his hands together>
Sainku said:
And it's silly to say homosexuality is normal. But lots of things people do aren't normal, and a lot of them are worse than homosexuality, so who cares.
Homosexuality is not a bad thing.
Someone point ericms in the direction of the logical fallacy thread...
I have had some homosexual tendencies in my life, and I tell you... they are not normal, at least not for me. Mine were enviroment induced.
this thread proves that governments need to introduce laws that protect gays ..homophobia and homosexual hate is still alive and thriving in the 21st cetury as this thread proves in spades

Raziaar said:
I have had some homosexual tendencies in my life, and I tell you... they are not normal, at least not for me. Mine were enviroment induced.

were you raped? if yes, why would that make you gay? are you attracted to men? if you answered "yes" you're gay. ..if you answered "no" you're hetero, if "maybe" you're experimenting and dont know yet
I meant that between not reproducing and dying at age 30-50 because of a disease.

Yes, if you force a subject onto someone, especially at a young age, then he will find it normal and maybe even "cool."

Sure it is found in other animals. The ones that are being fed our shit or who don't know any better to not eat the shit they find on the ground.
CptStern said:
were you raped? if yes, why would that make you gay? are you attracted to men? if you answered "yes" you're gay. ..if you answered "no" you're hetero, if "maybe" you're experimenting and dont know yet

I wasn't raped, not really no. But There was a kid my age I lived with back a long time ago, when I was like 5 or 6. And he fooled around with me and got me into it. I was YOUNG, and I don't know how he was even interested in that sex stuff.

But it's had an effect on me in life, even to this day.
I meant that between not reproducing and dying at age 30-50 because of a disease.
Having sex with women does not protect you from deseases you fool
CptStern said:
homosexuality IS normal's present in the animal kingdom where choice isnt a factor

Not all animals are normal either.

Homosexuality is not a bad thing.

Not saying it is. Just not normal. But tons of things aren't normal that people are fine with, or even admire.
ericms said:
I meant that between not reproducing and dying at age 30-50 because of a disease.

are you for real? are you saying that the human race is going to be extinct because a small segment of society arent reproducing? I'm willing to bet there are FAR more childless people than there are gays in this world ..are they contributing to our extinction? you know, your ideas are so full of holes that one leads to another ...the world is right now over 6 billion in terms of population yet 30 years ago it was almost half that ..yet homosexuality has become far more mainstream and accepted than it was 30 years ago the only logical conclusion is that Homosexuality is responsible for the population explosion this:

you break many of those rules

ericms said:
Yes, if you force a subject onto someone, especially at a young age, then he will find it normal and maybe even "cool."

so because you may think it's cool you'll switch your sexual preference for the rest of your life? you couldnt have a more rediculous line of reasoning if you tried

ericms said:
Sure it is found in other animals. The ones that are being fed our shit or who don't know any better to not eat the shit they find on the ground.

you are 3 posts away from being permenantly banned. Have you ever heard this saying

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain

read it, learn it, live it
Solaris said:
Having sex with women does not protect you from deseases you fool

Ughhhhh! Why the hell can't I get across what I'm trying to say. Ok new approach: What I'm defiantly NOT saying!

1. That sex whether between man or female spreads disease (it can but I'm not talking about this.)
2. Well actually that's all I wanted to get across.

So what I'm trying to say is in how bad of a state we're in, in terms of health. Just forget it though.

edit: Stern it will be a bigger problem if it becomes normal to kids at a younger age as the percetile of homosexuals will no doubt increase.

edit2: Stern why are you being such a meanie to me? I'm not a fool it's just that I believe nature had it right. I mean that isn't unheard of is it?