new california bill.. this is insane

Doctors can only maintain it for so long. It's only going to get worse I imagine. Even if it didn't I sure as hell wouldn't want to live like the way many of you are. I don't want to worry about contracting some gay (heh) rare disease when I'm 35.
ericms said:
Doctors can only maintain it for so long. It's only going to get worse I imagine. Even if it didn't I sure as hell wouldn't want to live like the way many of you are. I don't want to worry about contracting some gay (heh) rare disease when I'm 35.

Oh sorry I didn't mean gay literally but rather as in "omg this pizza is so gay" or something. Haha, this is kinda funny.

I'm not gonna edit my previous post 'cause I want to confuse the hell out of some of you (predicited response: you already had far exceeded that goal)
ericms said:
Oh sorry I didn't mean gay literally but rather as in "omg this pizza is so gay" or something. Haha, this is kinda funny.
Hilarious. You should do stand up.
ericms said:
Ok Mr. Stern I'm sorry that your child's wife (or husband?) won't be able to have his kids. I'm sorry that at age 47 he'll develop colon cancer and die at 48. I'm sorry that his wife will contract glaucoma and go blind just a few years later.
This is Conversational Terrorism. Specifically "Wishful Thinking"
I sure don't have a good reason for not believing in doctors though and that food would have anything to do with it. So I'm an idiot for believing in something that is foreign to you because apparently you share the same knowledge of a God and know that everything you say is right. I mean just because what I do actually works means nothing at all to you or anyone else.

Virustype2 being asexual has nothing to do with what I'm talking about? I never said asexual species didn't exist among nature.

Kirovman, if it isn't influenced but yet it also isn't a disease then what could it be? I mean you're not going to tell me that nature intended for a creature not to use it's reproductive organs right?
Virustype2 being asexual has nothing to do with what I'm talking about? I never said asexual species didn't exist among nature.
Way to dodge the point, another form of Conversational Terrorism

If you think that because of the food humans or animals eat, that it made them gay, then yes, you are an idiot.
CaptStern said:
..oh and that animal eating shit theory proves you are indeed an idiot. Shut up, your ideas are offensive and completely idiotic
I completely agree.

I hardly heard of you until this thread, and I have heard enough to know that I never want to hear anything more you have to say. You are poisoning my brain, and causing me to be an idiot just by reading it. Just like the food we eat, by reading your shit - effectively consuming shit, it is giving me a disease. That disease is called stupidity.

Take a breather.

At least glance over these links please before filling this thread with any more nonsense.

Read this:
Logical Fallacy

And then Read this:
Conversational Terrorism
Hmm logic fallacy as in why we continue to do the same things over and over again even though it shows no improvement and continues to degrade. Ah yes I am familiar with that. Seriously though I can play your game too.

ericms said:
Hmm logic fallacy as in why we continue to do the same things over and over again even though it shows no improvement and continues to degrade. Ah yes I am familiar with that. Seriously though I can play your game too.

It sounds to me as if you didn't even click the links, much less read or learn anything.

You made a point that the foods animals and humans eat can cause disease.

I agree, and this is a fact.

You made a point that being a homosexual is a disease.

This has been disproven more than once, by more than one of us. Just because you believe it does not make it true. You may believe in god but that does not make it true. It's a fallacy becuase you state it as fact, yet have not proven it. In fact - doctors have proven otherwise. Why should we take your word over the work of a thousand years of medicine when you offer not facts to prove it?

Your point that the food humans and animals eat can cause disease and thus cause someone to be a homosexual cannot be connected becuase being a homosexual is not a disease.

LOL. ............................ what to say here. Nothing.
Well alot of people believe in what I do and like I said I find homosexuality to be a disease personally. So you don't agree with this but this is all I want you to answer. Why would someone be homophobic if it wasn't for influence or an abnormal problem as both Stern and Kirovman pointed out that it didn't have to be? I mean homosexuality can have a big affect if it grows large enough but more of my case is why would God/Nature do this and why is it treated as normal (even though in reality how could it be as it indirectly 'causes a creature to not reproduce or heavily influences that he won't)? Take your time with this question.
there is no conclusive evidence as to what causes homosexuality. I think the popular opinion is that it's a hormone imbalance
Mr Stabby said:
It's wrong to exclude people from history becuase they are gay, but it is wrong to include them for being gay.

And it's stupid for society to allow orientation to be a social attribute, like religion it should be completly seperate from society.

i totally agree, and this is EXACTLY what i was trying to point out.
VirusType2 said:
What about men having nipples?

Men have nipples because the body develops as a female before it develops as a male.

So i've heard. It's why men have breast tissue as well as women, only women have it more developed.
ericms said:
Well alot of people believe in what I do

yes but a lot of people believe the world is 6000 years old ..doesnt make them right ..oh and the people who think the way you do are usually religious extremists're in good company

ericms said:
and like I said I find homosexuality to be a disease personally.

I believe the earth is flat and the universe revolves around it ...doesnt make it true

ericms said:
So you don't agree with this but this is all I want you to answer. Why would someone be homophobic if it wasn't for influence or an abnormal problem as both Stern and Kirovman pointed out that it didn't have to be?

I dont know, why do people hate each other based on colour of skin? or enthic origin, or religious belief, or that they like the colour blue ..your statement proves nothing

ericms said:
I mean homosexuality can have a big affect if it grows large enough

yes because much like the bubonic plague if not held in chack it will destroy us all exactly do you see this getting "large"? ..a worldwide fad that transcends racial devides, huge expanses of ocean, languages, and cultural differences but somehow like wildfire it's going to become a world wide phenomenon that in a single generation will wipe out the entire human race! ..lord have mercy lets shoot them now before it's too late!!!

ericms said:
but more of my case is why would God/Nature

there it is ..after 9 pages you reveal your real reason for hating homosexuals imaginary guy in the sky told you to ..he's also told you to abstain from eating shellfish because they're a tool of the devil ..hey lets stone our neighbours to death because some antiquated book that was rewritten dozens of times tells us to know you should have just saved us a heck of a lot of time by just saying when you first involved yourself in this thread: "I hate gays because GOD told me to" ..end of story, there's no getting to you now, because your god commands you to hate, we just cant compete with god

ericms said:
do this and why is it treated as normal (even though in reality how could it be as it indirectly 'causes a creature to not reproduce or heavily influences that he won't)? Take your time with this question.

you really dont think much of humanity if you think our sole purpose of existance is to breed ..start lining up the sterile people, the handicapped people, the mentally unfit, etc put them into boxcars and send them to the countryside to become kindling to warm our fires
They already have a section on counterculture alongside minority civil rights in my textbook.
I believe in what I do sure but I don't want people to feel uncomfortable about what I say. Sorry if I did that.

By definition homosexuality could be a disease (in my eyes it is) because it is abnormal functioning.

I'm a pretty strict Atheist by the way. I do however believe religion can serve an important purpose and that is hope. I don't go out of my way to tell someone that their religion is wrong or flawed (which most are) just like I shouldn't tell people their way of health is wrong and flawed and that is my mistake (duh!). I only mentioned God so that some of you who do believe in a deity could relate I guess.

I am talking about reproduction because that's what I largely have a problem with when discussing homosexuality...

Oh yeah and Stern you know you don't have to come across as a douche in debates. It's easier not to, trust me.
Raziaar said:
Men have nipples because the body develops as a female before it develops as a male.

So i've heard. It's why men have breast tissue as well as women, only women have it more developed.
It was a rhetorical question. He asks, "why god / nature gave homosexuals reproductive organs if they aren't going to use them?" So I ask a rhetorical question like why did god / nature give men nipples [if they aren't going to use them]? Why are humans born with an appendix [if they aren't going to use them]? The appendix is an organ with no function. Male nipples have no function. Without testicles, a male looses much of it's aggression, so even if it isn't used to reproduce, it still serves a purpose - unlike the others. It was just a random example from many I could have used.

I said this to humor him actually, seeing as how the most obvious response to that is - homosexuals can still reproduce. In fact, many are married with children. There are also alternatives through modern science. I personally do not believe that everyone should reproduce, but I strongly feel that is for themselves to decide - not some outside force like government.

Nature is amazing. Out of 12 creatures born from the same parents, there may be one with strange coloring. Nature loves diversity. This creature may have a disadvantage or an advantage when it comes to survival of the fittest. It may provide better or worse camouflage. It may be a coloring that predators may find intimidating. It is up to evolution and nature to decide if it is a good trait to have.
Actually I remember reading that our appendix does (or did) serve a purpose for digesting raw leafy foods but since not alot of people do that anymore maybe once again we're evolving and thus it is useless.
Being attracted to members of your own sex is a disease only insofar as having thin hair, sensitive skin, or a vagina is a disease. You poor prejudiced shithead.
It's abnormal functioning unlike some of the ones you mentioned. Oh that's right I have to argue like you guys to get my point across here right?



Seriously what's with the attitudes here. It's hurting my feelings for real. That's what you guys sound like to me sometimes.
ericms said:
I believe in what I do sure but I don't want people to feel uncomfortable about what I say. Sorry if I did that.

By definition homosexuality could be a disease

really? Here's a list of known diseases starting with the letter "H" please point out where it says Homosexuality

...there's Homocarnosinase deficiency and Homozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia ...nope no homosexuals ..maybe under "ghey" ..oh look there's gay!!!!!

Gay Feinmesser Cohen syndrome..oh but it's named after someone named Gay but not about gays ... ..ok back to searching for "Ghey"

hmmmm ...there's Ghose Sachdev Kumar syndrome but no Ghey that's odd, it's a conspiracy!

ericms said:
(in my eyes it is) because it is abnormal functioning.

pure opinion, not based on facts

ericms said:
(I am talking about reproduction because that's what I largely have a problem with when discussing homosexuality...

that makes no sense disagree with their choice of lifestyle because they cant reproduce? many many people cant/wont/shouldnt reproduce what does that have to do with anything? why would you care what other people do with their lives? how does what they do affect you in the least

ericms said:
(Oh yeah and Stern you know you don't have to come across as a douche in debates. It's easier not to, trust me.

sorry, I dont take kindly to homophobes/bigots

RakuraiTenjin said:
It's not a disease it's a choice

..then the flipside would be true for heterosexuals wouldnt it? ..I didnt choose to be heterosexual, did you?
Ahh, so people think I'm a homophobe? Yeah, and I was wondering where some of these hateful comments were coming from. Nah, I don't hate them at all. I just don't agree with their lifestyle but hate them for it? No way.

It is my opinion so don't take it like I am trying to force you all to think of the issue just like me. I'm just putting it out there. I <3 all of mankind and you have to realize I'm just trying to get us to work together to save ourselves not trying to purposely piss people off so we can debate and then have most of mankind die of disease (already happening?) so I can say "I told you so ******!"
"I'm not a homophobe, but I think gay is a disease to be cured."
"I hold opinions that go against scientific fact."

Bonus points if you can spot the contradictions!

Really, you'll want to have a good reason for hating TEH GHEY if you plan to hate TEH GHEY at all. "It's a disease" doesn't count because IT ****ING ISN'T.
I believe it is though! That's why I believe that being homophobic is a problem. It's caused from abnormal functioning (if I have to say this one more time I'm going to dropkick myself in the nuts GODDDDDD!1111!!) There is an alternate way to think about things you guys know? Guess not...
..then the flipside would be true for heterosexuals wouldnt it? ..I didnt choose to be heterosexual, did you?

No, nature chose it for you. We're not asexual reproducers,, we were programmed to reproduce with each other as an instinctual urge. We're no different than all the other mammals in that regard.

If you say homosexuals are born that way, because of a lack of proper hormones or something, I wouldn't say they were programmed to be that way... just have a deficiency in what nature gave them, just as any deficiency in a sense.

Did you know breeding bulls get put in front of steers by the manufacturers, which are castrated bulls? The bulls get sexually aroused and then before they can attempt to penetrate, the people wrap a plastic thing around the bull penis to catch the fluid.

That doesn't make the bull gay or bisexual... it just thinks its a female and is attracted to it like any other female, since being castrated it doesn't put out the same Pheromones.

So using similiar logic, I would say homosexuals could be born that way, but it is not a difference in the genes. Just a lack of the proper parts the way nature intended there to be. Just like people who are born with birth defects, physically, or things such as blindness, deafness, muteness, etc.

Not unnatural, but not the way nature wanted the embryo's to develop ideally to propagate the species
Very nice explanation Raziaar. I would argue that while maybe it isn't unnatural as it does occur in nature (now at least as it can only cope so much), that it isn't the way the nature intended it to be and is rather our own error. I just happen to believe that error is our conditioning now.
ericms said:
Very nice explanation Raziaar. I would argue that while maybe it isn't unnatural as it does occur in nature (now at least as it can only cope so much), that it isn't the way the nature intended it to be and is rather our own error. I just happen to believe that error is our conditioning now.

I wouldn't think of it as our error... i'd think of it as nature's error. Though just because it happened, doesn't mean the person is less than. I have a blind friend, and she's awesome. I don't view her by her sight deficiency, I view her as the wonderful person she is.

As the same should be treated anybody else... whether deformed, blind, mute, deaf, sexual preference or any other thing that differentiates people, so long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.
I don't mean to blame individiual person as it's hard to even know that in something like this you'd be doing wrong. It's that we shouldn't be influenced upon to think that those things are normal. That doesen't mean we all have to live in hate or fear of that person but rather acknowledge it so we can fix it (since what's to fix if it's normal). Nature isn't doing anything wrong in this case. It has pretty amazing abilities to deal with someone conditioning themselves like this and that's what it is doing. We'd be dead already if it weren't for that
ericms said:
I don't mean to blame individiual person as it's hard to even know that in something like this you'd be doing wrong. It's that we shouldn't be influenced upon to think that those things are normal. That doesen't mean we all have to live in hate or fear of that person but rather acknowledge it so we can fix it (since what's to fix if it's normal). Nature isn't doing anything wrong in this case. It has pretty amazing abilities to deal with someone conditioning themselves like this and that's what it is doing. We'd be dead already if it weren't for that

The romans did well, and they express alot of homosexuality/bisexuality.
That might be because genetic mutation wasn't as bad as it is now or just different. I'm not too familiar with the Roman's state of health though.
ericms said:
That might be because genetic mutation wasn't as bad as it is now or just different. I'm not too familiar with the Roman's state of health though.

What makes you think so? It's only been two thousand years. And what do you mean bad? It's not like its doing them any inherent harm.
Oh yeah, well did you like, draw that cow yourself? Yeah, uh huh, well.. um.. well IT BLOWS HARD! LEAVE ME ALONE

Yeah, maybe it's more appropriate here!

Anyway, maybe just maybe it could've been a cultural thing among the Romans. I like it so much more when people are debating to figure something out together rather then as an excuse to call each other pollitically/scientifically/factually incorrect. I'm not sure what we are doing but I <3 you.

I'm making this **** up so this debate can be more entertaining just so you know. Don't call me crazy.
Raziaar said:
The romans did well, and they express alot of homosexuality/bisexuality.

The romans also enjoyed death shows:rolling:
Unless of course it was HOMOSEXUAL DEATH SHOWS!

I need sleep.

No really Raziaar did you draw that cow 'cause if you did then you suck so ****ing bad at drawing dude, like seriously.

No like seriously punch me in the face, DO IT! Where am I?
ericms said:
Unless of course it was HOMOSEXUAL DEATH SHOWS!

I need sleep.

No really Raziaar did you draw that cow 'cause if you did then you suck so ****ing bad at drawing dude, like seriously.

No like seriously punch me in the face, DO IT! Where am I?

Everybody loves my cow but you.
You're no fun Raziaar. Wait, what were we talking about? Ohhhh yeah, it was something about gay people and history.

So back to the debate!
I can feel the individual neurons of my brain catching fire. By your logic, one can fill in [x] however he likes:

"I, much to the chagrin of the scientific and reasonable people around me, contend that [x] is an unnatural thing and/or disease which must be cured. Whether [x] actually is an unnatural thing and/or disease does not matter; the fact that I believe it means you all have to listen to me."

ericms said:
I'm making this **** up
Good. Go away.

What was your problem with gays again?

Did you even have one?

We also don't know nearly enough about how homosexuality starts to say anything about that. Most people don't choose, but then again there is precedent for people 'switching' (in Japan, notably, I think) and...we just don't know enough about it so everyone shut up about it. I think it's safe to say that in most cases homosexuality is not a choice, and even if it is, there's nothing immoral about it.

Why do they have reproductive organs if they aren't going to use them? But they are going to use them. They're going to use them for hawt mansechs (or hawt lesbian sex, whatever floats your boat). Is that not legitimate use?

Besides, they can reproduce other ways. They could reproduce through SCIENCE! Or they could wank into a woman-friend. There are many ways. The fact is, it's not true to say 'homosexuals can't reproduce' in our modern world, and even if it was, it would be of no importance. As noted before, lots of people can't reproduce. Oh well.

But is homosexuality a disease? There's only one way to find out: check the definition of 'disease' (which you were apparently too lazy to do).

Note that the '' defintion actually doesn't make any sense, as it basically says 'a disease is a condition of a body part with a cause'. Yeah, useful. Wait, isn't normal health a condition of a body part? Oh wait, a pathalogical condition. Pathalogical: 'to do with diseases'. Oh, so a disease is when a body part has a disease. Thank you Sorry, did I say thank you? I meant **** you.

Anyway. This seems like a much more sensible definition:

Wikipedia said:
A disease is an abnormal condition of the body or mind that causes discomfort, dysfunction, or distress to the person afflicted or those in contact with the person.

You could probably make a case for 'abnormal condition' - is homosexuality abnormal? It happens naturally in many animals, and parts of our culture have come to regard it as normal. But lots of things happen naturally, and it doesn't mean that they are normal. Still, that doesn't matter, because then we come to the next part: "discomfort, dysfunction, or distress." Uh-oh. Because the only way homosexuality could ever cause discomfort, dysfunction or distress in itself would be as a result of the social/cultural trappings and stigma around it. Therefore, homosexuality is not a disease.
