new california bill.. this is insane

ericms said:
Ughhhhh! Why the hell can't I get across what I'm trying to say. Ok net approach: What I'm defiantly NOT saying!

1. That sex whether between man or female spreads disease (it can but I'm not talking about this.)
2. Well actually that's all I wanted to get across.

So what I'm trying to say is in how bad of a state we're in, in terms of health. Just forget it though.

Well wtf are you talking about then?
Raziaar said:
I wasn't raped, not really no. But There was a kid my age I lived with back a long time ago, when I was like 5 or 6. And he fooled around with me and got me into it. I was YOUNG, and I don't know how he was even interested in that sex stuff.

But it's had an effect on me in life, even to this day.

are you gay? well then it hasnt had an effect on you ...well not in the sense that it changed your sexuality. you're affected in the sense that you are disturbed/embarrassed/whatever by the incident

children touching each other in the genitalia is almost never sexual but rather exploration and is actually extremely common ..he was no more a gay person than you are
That homosexuals can't have kids themselves. I'm pretty bad at this stuff aren't I?
CptStern said:
alright your joke is starting to get stale ..I really dont appreciate you comparing people who ****ing rape children with homosexuals
A pedophile doesn't rape children anymore than a heterosexual rapes the opposite gender, or a homosexual rapes members of the same sex.

Being a pedophile isn't a crime in itself.

Pedophile: An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.
CptStern said:
are you gay? well then it hasnt had an effect on you ...well not in the sense that it changed your sexuality. you're affected in the sense that you are disturbed/embarrassed/whatever by the incident

children touching each other in the genitalia is almost never sexual but rather exploration and is actually extremely common ..he was no more a gay person than you are

But I have homosexual tendencies to this day from it, and I fight them all the time.

Maybe now you can see why i'm against teaching youngsters about sex. Experiencing that experimentation at such a young age has disturbed me, probably for life.
Mind you that in some countries children may marry as low as 12 years old, and they can marry grown men. Iraq I believe.

Men are permitted to take as many as four wives, although very few do so. By law the minimum age of marriage is 15. However, the law largely is not enforced, and some girls marry as early as age 12.

yes but we were talking about the term pedophilia not pedophile ..and I've already said it wasnt a crime
My bad, I should have read every post before jumping in here.
Raziaar said:
But I have homosexual tendencies to this day from it, and I fight them all the time.

you're either gay or you're not there is no middle of the road (bi-sexuals are gay by definition) ...homosexual tendencies can mean a million different things from finding brad pitt attractive to getting a woody everytime you see your mailman

Raziaar said:
Maybe now you can see why i'm against teaching youngsters about sex. Experiencing that experimentation at such a young age has disturbed me, probably for life.

how would teaching kids about sex be at fault? it wasnt the sex ed class that made him touch you

VirusType2: that isnt correct:

"Marriage is legal for men or women at the age of 18 in Iraq, or at 15 with the consent of their guardian."
ericms said:
That homosexuals can't have kids themselves. I'm pretty bad at this stuff aren't I?
WHAT??!? How does not having kids make you die at 20?!?

Put a rational point forward, or even better just stop talking.
Solaris said:
WHAT??!? How does not having kids make you die at 20?!?

Put a rational point forward, or even better just stop talking.

Either I'm bad at explaining this or you can't read :p

I meant BETWEEN those two problems we're going to be having many problems. The dying at age 20 was exclusively for the diseases besides homosexuality. Get it now, huh huh?
ericms said:
Either I'm bad at explaining this or you can't read :p

I meant BETWEEN those two problems we're going to be having many problems. The dying at age 20 was exclusively for the diseases besides homosexuality. Get it now, huh huh?
No, not at all.

Homosexuality is not a desease.

You fail.
So are the majority of 20 year olds who die these days homosexual?

I'm confused as to what you're saying...

This whole homosexuality being unnatural and a disease arguement doesn't work.

Read this
CptStern said:
VirusType2: that isnt correct:

"Marriage is legal for men or women at the age of 18 in Iraq, or at 15 with the consent of their guardian."

It is true. Read this again. I can provide other sources If you still have doubts, and this is only one country as an example.
Men are permitted to take as many as four wives, although very few do so. By law the minimum age of marriage is 15. However, the law largely is not enforced, and some girls marry as early as age 12.

Anyhow, my point was that thinking about something and acting upon it are two entirely different things.

I might think about murdering someone, but that doesn't make me a murderer.

Anyway about the topic at hand, I don't have a problem with them teaching gay history because it is part of history. You know? Gay marriage becoming legal or not. That is a part of history just as much as anything else.
Solaris said:
No, not at all.

Homosexuality is not a desease.

You fail.

It isn't?

Disease defined:

"An impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning."

Hmm not being able to reproduce as nature intended is certainly abnormal, no? I mean these people saying you're born with it (which I believe is true).

I should say that in my eyes it is a disease. It's abonormal to the way we were meant to function.
You are a doctor?

Tell me doctor, is homosexuality the most urgent disease you need to treat when patients complain about it at your clinic?
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
Mom: so Timmy what did you learn today??

Little Timmy: I learned what a Transgender is mommy

Mom: Is't that sweet time for bed is siad.

Little Timmy: NO MOMMY!! i want to be a transgender NOW!!!!

Mom: Now Timmy wait till your 8 years old and i might let you.

That would suck as a parent.
I heard there starting in kindergarden too .
That's a nice piece of unfounded reactionary hyperspeculation there - well done.
Nature loves diversity. Humans tend to shun it.

Some people are born with both male and female genitalia - for example. This is not a disease anymore than being gay is a disease. They are NOT a disease.
kirovman said:

Because, unlike other traits being homosexual pretty much renders an important part of your body useless. Nature doesen't work like that.

That is a disease virustype2. It's because we've ****ed our health over and just like hereditary can pass our traits I believe it can also pass >altered< abnormal genetic traits.
john121 said:
you don't choose to be black, white, female, male.. well.. i guess you could choose to be male or female, but my point is you choose this lifestyle.
Only repressed homosexuals think you can choose to be gay.
ericms said:
Because, unlike other traits being homosexual pretty much renders an important part of your body useless. Nature doesen't work like that.
What about men having nipples? Isn't that useless? What about people being born blind? Isn't it useless to have eyes or nipples, or in this case reproductive organs? Yes. And therefore nature does work like that. Nature works any way it wants.

Just because humans have the ability to eat meat or vegetation doesn't mean that they must eat both. So just because humans have the ability to reproduce doesn't mean they have to.
VirusType2 said:
What about men having nipples? Isn't that useless? What about people being born blind? Isn't it useless to have eyes or nipples in this case? Yes. And thefore nature does work like that. Nature works any way it wants.

The difference is that we know it has a use. Being born blind is a disease. That's another thing cause by us not nature. Nipples may have a use or they might have been left over physical trait from evolution which may go away down the line.
Plus, saying that "pretty much renders an important part of your body useless" implies that having protected sex for fun is against the laws of nature. Whatever those laws might be, and who wrote them.

Reaktor4 said:
Only repressed homosexuals think you can choose to be gay.
Strongly agreed.
I just really don't like to hear humans pushing the blame on nature when it's our fault to begin with. I guess it doesen't matter 'cause I'm never going to get my point to be even considered plausible here. You people make me so sad ;(
Noone mentioned nature until people started saying it was unnatural.
ericms said:
The difference is that we know it has a use. Being born blind is a disease. That's another thing cause by us not nature. Nipples may have a use or they might have been left over physical trait from evolution which may go away down the line.
I could have used a better example, because blindness can be caused by disease, but this is not always the case.

But lets not forget the point. Being a homosexual is not a disease.

click any of these for a source:

Defenition of Gay. nowhere here does it mention gay as a disease

Doesn't mention anything about disease for the definition of Homosexuality here either.

Thats funny because if you look up actual diseases, it will always say that it is a disease.
Aids is an example of a disease
Main Entry: AIDS
Pronunciation: 'Adz
Function: noun
: a disease of the human immune system [shortened]

The definition of Disease
Disease: A pathological condition of a body part, an organ, or a system resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.

Being gay is not a disease, and I have proven it, so stop arguing that it is please.

I just really don't like to hear humans pushing the blame on nature when it's our fault to begin with. I guess it doesen't matter 'cause I'm never going to get my point to be even considered plausible here. You people make me so sad
I never Blamed nature because there is nothing wrong with it. Blaming Nature would be saying that there is something wrong with being gay, and I don't think that there is.

You think that becuase of our diets or polution or something - that causes children to be born gay? It's our fault people are born gay? It's unnatural? Well, it occurs in nature all the time, and not just in humans - most other species as well, therefore it is by the very definition natural.

Here, learn something:
There are some species that can actually reproduce with no partner.
A-sexual: Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding.
Do you think that is unnatural as well?
Hey kids! Now, we'll look at some gay inventors!
= bad.
Also = not what the bill is intending.
Hey kids! Now we're going to learn about the gay rights movement, and about those artists and writers for whom their sexuality was an issue and was relevant to their work!
= good. What I hope the bill is doing.

It's ridiculous how up in arms people are about something - most conerns are grossly exaggerated.

But the Campaign for Children and Families, a California-based pro-family group, argues that the bill could mean the end of "kings" and "queens" during homecoming and prom week as well as sex-specific sports such as boys and girls basketball. The bill says that "no teacher shall give instruction nor shall a school district sponsor any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their race or ethnicity, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or religion." That part of the bill, CCF says, could result in homosexuals and transsexuals arguing that sex-specific sports, as well as homecoming "kings" and "queens," are "discriminatory."
Boys are boys and girls are girls. Boys sports contains boys, and girls sports contains girls, and surely that has nothing to do with sexuality? Kings and queens? Likewise, although we all voted a guy named Stephen as our prom queen (man, that guy was so cool) although a girl got to be 'prom princess' so the girls didn't feel left out. Now see what happens when nobody takes it so bloody eriously? Everybody has fun, that's what happens.

Raziaar said:
I wasn't raped, not really no. But There was a kid my age I lived with back a long time ago, when I was like 5 or 6. And he fooled around with me and got me into it. I was YOUNG, and I don't know how he was even interested in that sex stuff. But it's had an effect on me in life, even to this day.
Heh, funny, because I just remembered there was this girl who wanted me to have sex with her when I was about 8. She had a really deep voice, too. Like a man's (although most men don't have vaginas, so she was probably just odd)! Anyway, I told her to **** off.

Oh shit! That experience at such an early age turned me heterosexual, no doubt!
ericms said:
Because, unlike other traits being homosexual pretty much renders an important part of your body useless. Nature doesen't work like that.

That is a disease virustype2. It's because we've ****ed our health over and just like hereditary can pass our traits I believe it can also pass >altered< abnormal genetic traits.

it is not a disease can say it till you're blue in face but it is NOT a disease. It is not listed in any respected medical association as a disease. Your belief is steeped in ignorance not in facts because you have none to support your statements. The American Medical Association does not list it as a disease

the distressing part of your statement is the fact that you didnt finish it:

"homosexuality is a disease, aids is the cure"

it is not a disorder:

American Psychiatric Association said:
Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, a mental disorder, or an emotional problem. More than 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems.
Not only is it not a disease, it is also not unnatural. Homosexuality happens in nature all the time.

random quote said:
That is to say, they're gay penguins. This is not unusual. 'There are a lot of animals that have same-sex relations, it's just that people don't know about ...

literally 30,900,000 links to information that speak of animals being gay right here:

You may think homosexuality is gross - and to be honest, I agree. I also think that watching a snake eat a mouse whole is gross, but this is not unnatural any more than being gay is. I'm not saying you have to like it or agree with it, but it is natural.
Hmm, did any of you not see that I said MOST DOCTORS SAY IT IS A TRAIT BUT I DISAGREE? No shit if you go and ask most of those doctors they'll say that. I don't doubt that alot of animals are diseased because of us either (domesticated or they eat it because they know no better). Sure on occasion a wild animal may eat the wrong food and may get sick or two same-sex animals might show interest in each other but may be playing around. It happens just like we happened to start eating shit and somehow got ourselves to where we are now.

Oh, and also I'm starting to doubt less and less that it could not be just cultural influence. I mean I hate the general populus's outlook on many things anyway and it doesen't surprise me that people would be homosexuals.

edit: I say shit alot.

edit2: shit
no, you're wrong. EVERY doctor agrees that it is NOT a disease or they wouldnt carry a license ..if you're so sure, find a doctor who says it's a disease ..oh and that animal eating shit theory proves you are indeed an idiot. Shut up, your ideas are offensive and completely idiotic
john121 said:
you don't choose to be black, white, female, male.. well.. i guess you could choose to be male or female, but my point is you choose this lifestyle.

Dingdingding!! You fail.

john121 said:
and to answer your question, i am not racist at all against women, blacks, yellows, blues, gays, transvestites, or lesbians... all i'm saying is that a person's sexual preferences have nothing to do with a person's accomplishments

The word is prejudiced.
ericms said:
Oh, and also I'm starting to doubt less and less that it could not be just cultural influence. I mean I hate the general populus's outlook on many things anyway and it doesen't surprise me that people would be homosexuals.

They still have homosexuals in countries with oppressive regimes (who are incidentally beaten to death if they are found out).

So the evidence for it being a cultural thing is weak.
Ok Mr. Stern I'm sorry that your child's wife (or husband?) won't be able to have his kids. I'm sorry that at age 47 he'll develop colon cancer and die at 48. I'm sorry that his wife will contract glaucoma and go blind just a few years later.

I sure don't have a good reason for not believing in doctors though and that food would have anything to do with it. So I'm an idiot for believing in something that is foreign to you because apparently you share the same knowledge of a God and know that everything you say is right. I mean just because what I do actually works means nothing at all to you or anyone else.

Virustype2 being asexual has nothing to do with what I'm talking about? I never said asexual species didn't exist among nature.

Kirovman, if it isn't influenced but yet it also isn't a disease then what could it be? I mean you're not going to tell me that nature intended for a creature not to use it's reproductive organs right?
ericms said:
I mean you're not going to tell me that nature intended for a creature not to use it's reproductive organs right?
Nature didn't intend for us to fly, drive cars, or have computers either :/
Although considering this is page 8, that points probably already been made
ericms said:
I sure don't have a good reason for not believing in doctors though and that food would have anything to do with it. So I'm an idiot for believing in something that is foreign to you because apparently you share the same knowledge of a God and know that everything you say is right.
What the hell are you talking about? Doctors for the most part are right, and they only get better as time goes on. And our food isn't evil. Our food does not make people gay.

I mean just because what I do actually works means nothing at all to you or anyone else
If you have some message you are trying to get across, make a thread about it. From reading your posts so far, it seems as if you think the food we eat is the cause of all our problems and doctors are evil.
Raziaar said:
But I have homosexual tendencies to this day from it, and I fight them all the time.

Maybe now you can see why i'm against teaching youngsters about sex. Experiencing that experimentation at such a young age has disturbed me, probably for life.

I feel ye:eek: serioulsy