Wesisapie said:
In a few years, the hl2 beta will become a historic piece of software. If you quash is now, then you'll be to blame for losing a valuable piece of history.
Doom betas and alphas are all playable and legal, but its just for curiousity. HL2 beta will continue regardless of your website, so why do you bother censoring it?
Its not banned because of practical reasons, everyone knows that banning those websites here will do nothing to stop it from spreading. Its the moral and ethical reasons, is making a stand, its a protest against what the site leaders (and most of the community) think is wrong.

It may not actually hurt Valve and you may not be getting arrested for it, but that still doesn't make it right to do, is just trying to convey that message. There are plenty of sites out there where you can discuss it, where you can link to sites that support using it. Just realize that there are also sites that will think its wrong and will want to show that.
Wesisapie said:
In a few years, the hl2 beta will become a historic piece of software. If you quash is now, then you'll be to blame for losing a valuable piece of history.
Doom betas and alphas are all playable and legal, but its just for curiousity. HL2 beta will continue regardless of your website, so why do you bother censoring it?
You're a moron.

It was a product of an illegal act and therefore it is illegal. Besides, I haven't played it, I don't intend to play it and as such I do not wish to be subjected to any spoilers from it. I have a feeling I'm not the only person who feels like this, so I see no reason why others should be inundated with spoilers because some morons couldn't just shut up. If you want to play it, that's your decision but don't inflict it on those who don't.

Half-Life 2 will be a historic piece of software. The leak is, as far as I am aware, not even a tiny bit representative of what the final product promises to be. The leak may be part of gaming history, but not in a good way.
Also - just because something will continue, that doesn't make it alright.
NeonSpyder said:
just so everyone knows, Half-Life2 will be supporting a heck of a lot of languages out of the box, i beleive specifically, Russian, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, German, and British.

Oh shit, I don't speak British.

It would be funny to hear Barneys 1337 cockney speaking skillz.
el Chi said:
You're a moron.

No, you are. people demonise xxx here, yet gabe still provides them directly with more information than he does to don't you think that's a bit strange considering they house information on the leak? Gabe got over it, why cant you?
Wesisapie said:
No, you are. people demonise .... here, yet gabe still provides them directly with more information than he does to don't you think that's a bit strange considering they house information on the leak? Gabe got over it, why cant you?
Did you not read my post? This is a protest, not a form of revenge.
Oh yes, I forgot that every single member and site leader at is morally sound and has never commited an illegal act, anywhere, ever.
Just because it's hl2 you all change your songs. Snoring.
Wesisapie said:
Oh yes, I forgot that every single member and site leader at is morally sound and has never commited an illegal act, anywhere, ever.
Just because it's hl2 you all change your songs. Snoring.
Because I have commited crimes in the past (under age drinking, stealing a few songs, smoking pot) I should never be allowed to protest something? I should never be allowed to defend what I think is right?
you should be able to protest, but why should everyone else have information censored from them, because some guys care way too much about hl2 and feel they have to mother it?
Wesisapie said:
you should be able to protest, but why should everyone else have information censored from them, because some guys care way too much about hl2 and feel they have to mother it?
But they don't feel they have to mother it, they know that no amount of "mothering" will make the situation any better. It is blocked because there are limited options of staging such a protest, simply posting that we don't like what has happened is not enough (who would even take notice?). Besides it isn't exactly blocking the information from anyone, its simply making it more inconvenient to attain.

Plus there is the reasons that el chi pointed out that most members here don't want spoilers, and sites that discuss the beta are rife with them, and most of the time when someone is linking to one of these websites it is asking about something that is a spoiler.
Wesisapie said:
el Chi said:
You're a moron.
No, you are.
But enough of our witty discourse and onto the real matters at hand.
Wesisapie said:
people demonise .com here, yet gabe still provides them directly with more information than he does to don't you think that's a bit strange considering they house information on the leak? Gabe got over it, why cant you?
I wasn't trying to demonise .com - I honestly don't care whther it hosts leak stuff; that's their call. Nor do I care where he provides info directly to - I'll hear about it in the end. What I do care about is having things spoiled for me. I don't want to be exposed to too much and I trust Valve themselves not to release too much, thereofre I trust them.

It's not a matter of "getting over it", I simply don't want to see leaked material and so I try and steer clear of it. If someone shoves it in my face, then my efforts come to nought. That's what I object to.
It's got nothing to do with which site I think's better or high-horses or any of that sort of bollocks. It's got nothing to do with information being witheld (which was stolen info in the first place).

And it's not about people wanting to "mother" the game - how is not wanting to be over-exposed to a surprise "mothering"? Anyway, I think it's ironic to call people who don't want to be exposed to leak info as "motherly" when the people who looked at the leak are just so desperate with waiting that they can't deal with no new media and have to play a shoddy incomplete version of the game. That sounds harsher than I mean it to towards the people who downloaded it. Like I said, it's your choice.
I lot of people dont want spoilers true that... but mass people will be moving to when the game comes out... They are a really funny site.. I like them...
drat, i meant to emply that "British" would be a foreign language. seperate from "English"

woe is me, my joke fizzled. i feel so weak. vision fading...knees weak... Half-life2? is that you floating in front of me? am i in heaven?

/me thumps to the floor
Is it just me, or does the G-Man sound even more bizarre than he did in the original Half-Life. That third .wav was really strange.

I'd almost go as far as saying that third one is a spoiler . . . but then I guess we've all suspected there was something very different about the G-Man. Very different.
Valve obviously released them - they are NOT spoilers. Gabe commented on them, and how else would they get the russian parts?

The third one is strange I'd agree... but I'm sure valve isnt letting us know anything more than they already have.

/me slaps anyone who actually thought the g-man was normal
Wesisapie said:
you should be able to protest, but why should everyone else have information censored from them, because some guys care way too much about hl2 and feel they have to mother it?

If you want to look at beta information there are plenty of beta hosting sites.. but I love this website because I can talk about HL2 without fear of spoilers! Don't ruin it for US just because you can't handle yourself. There are hundreds of beta places, go there if you must have beta talk :[
redrain85 said:
Is it just me, or does the G-Man sound even more bizarre than he did in the original Half-Life.
Agreed - I think he's even changed from the E3 '03 vids to the '04 ones, as well. I'm not sure I like it yet. It's almost too other-worldly. Hmmm...
I would kill to have a voice like that...........I would just love to order a pizza or go through a drive-thru:)
spicoli420 said:
I would kill to have a voice like that...........I would just love to order a pizza or go through a drive-thru:)
No ch-ee-eze, Mr. Freeman.

spicoli420 said:
I would kill to have a voice like that...........I would just love to order a pizza or go through a drive-thru:)

Where the hell can one get drive-thru pizza??? I want!

And I have nothing against HL2 World, but is pretty much the last good spoiler-free HL2 site out there. I might go there once I play the game, but I don't want it spoiled for me. Just like how I won't watch trailers for 'the village'.

The censoring of the URL prevents newbs from linking to stolen content and asking if it's official media or not. It keeps us from stumbling across spoilers and other nonsense. Because, yes, there are people who have no intention of looking at stolen content.
You gotta admit, the second .wav is the best line ever uttered by a video game character . . .

So wake up, Mr. Freeman. Wake up . . . and smell the ashes.

That quote gives me chills every time I hear it.
sounds like he has some flem in the back of his throat in no. 2.
wake up and (suck it back) smell the ashes.

I can see why you would be against DLing the beta of hl2 or against the warez even more so. But how many people are outraged by either of those acts and have downloaded songs or albums offline?

I'm not claiming to have the right idea, but I'm posing the question:
is stealing a small thing like a song/album as bad as stealing a 50+ USD game?
Is it the act, or the degree that makes it bad? Or both, whatever. Interesting thing to muddle over
Why does the G-man have such a rediculous voice? Were they trying to make it creepy and it just came out wrong, or does he have some type of birth defect? He is supposed to be an omnious charactar, but it's hard to take him seriously with such a lame voice.
Face it, a low voice would sound soooo stupid, a high pitch voice adds more drama, he sounds kool.
I was referring more to the way he stutters and jumps around while putting words together.
Why does still censor tralallaa? I know it has the beta info on it and all, but don't you think when Gabe himself starts to post on there that it's time to make it uncensored? Gabe doesn’t seem to have a problem with it or he wouldn’t post there. Just my 2cents :)
dscowboy said:
The russian voice talent sounds surprisingly similar to the english Gman, well done.

Does anyone else think that this clip gets played when the player discovers some kind of easter egg? us_gman03.wav

i didnt think so
oh well
ill be playing it in english anyways :p
Everyone thinks the way G-man voice is done is really strange, personally i think its very suiting. If you had to be a top level man for a top secret goverment system, dealing with aliens worlds, invasions, fear of being replaced and no doubt being killed because of the knowledge you know, pleasing your bosses, and see all the daily horrors that the g man sees, i think his voice is very suiting for it. He is not exactly scared but you can sence a lot of nervouseness in his voice as he talks to you, almost like he has to make sure he monitors what he says as if he is being watched by his boss
i m guessing that he is not human but instead an alien trying to mimic human expression. you know friendly PR'ing.

Iiiiiiiiffffffff yoooouuu tri to Kill me Miisssssster Freeman ... THHHhhhen i would have to Reeegrets to informmmmm you that youuuu are no longer ReQUIred for this taasssskk

BOOOOYA this game better rock.
I want to put a bullet in the G-man's head this time, cool voice or not. He pissed me off everytime in HL1 when I would see him and he would just stare at me. :angry:
AJ Rimmer said:
I'm guessing it may be used when Gordon does something/goes somewhere he's not supposed to.
My guess is that it's something very psychological. First thing that came to my head.
When the G-Man says "your not" in clip 3, it sounds a lot like Christopher Walkin. I know other parts of his dialogue do too, but that was pretty striking
Gojin said:
When the G-Man says "your not" in clip 3, it sounds a lot like Christopher Walkin. I know other parts of his dialogue do too, but that was pretty striking

You know I thought the exact same thing when I heard that :)

I thought the clips were excellent all around. I agree that the third one sounded a bit odd, but then again, these clips were not really meant to be heard by themselves; so I'll wait until I play that particular segment in-game before making judgements as to whether or not the actor delivered it right.

All in all though, great stuff :)
The Mullinator said:
I want to put a bullet in the G-man's head this time, cool voice or not. He pissed me off everytime in HL1 when I would see him and he would just stare at me. :angry:

I wonder if we'll have any opportunities to shoot him. If you do, the game will probably end with a message "subject did not know who he was messing with" (chronicles of riddick)
He was bullet proof in the original. Notice in HL2 when you point your gun at important characters, Gordon faces his gun down? I reckon that'll happen for Gman too.
I like g-mans voice a lot, sounds much like agent smith from the matrix. "So, mr Andersson..."
I don't me it sounds like the g-man is cold or something.l
Kazuki_Fuse said:
He was bullet proof in the original. Notice in HL2 when you point your gun at important characters, Gordon faces his gun down? I reckon that'll happen for Gman too.
That's to avoid shooting them by accident I think, you probably will be able to shoot Alyx, Eli etc. But G-man? No. He will forever hide behind bullet proof glass and doors.
Well, you could shoot the G-Man in HL1 if you wanted to. There was at least one opportunity to do so. But the bullets had no effect. Of course, you could argue this was done in the game engine because the G-Man character needed to appear in future parts of the game . . . and he can't do that if he's dead.

But then, you could kill Barney if you wanted to. And the Scientists. And pretty much everyone else. Hmm. :hmph: