New Legend of Zelda details apparently confirmed

Ugh, can't say I'm particularly liking it. Ugly bright colors aren't mixing together well.
I just think the particle effects are really poor. The dust effect when an enemy dies or a bomb explodes... I hope they improve that.
I was listening to some music from boss battles in earlier games. Damn, I need to replay them all again. Good thing it's Summer.
1:1 swordplay is nice (although I think it's restricted a bit based on this control list), but I love how it effects the game when you're not swinging the sword. Who'd have thunk holding the wiimote directly in front of you like a dweeb would make Link hold his sword out in front of him like a dweeb. :P
Odd. The sword control is right handed but the bow control is left handed.
You guys are crazy. The NPCs in every Zelda I played were "holy **** when will you shut up, how about if I hold this button for 10 minutes, but I only clicked you cuz I thought maybe you give me stuff"?

I don't think that's a good story.
majoras mask had the best stories. helping people fix their shit and stuff was ridiculously involving and well made. i was really disappointed that twilight princess' hyrule town was so dull.
I'll be honest, I never really played any of the polygon Zelda more than a few minutes, maybe a couple of hours. I hate them.

I just like the old Zelda games in 2 dimensions.

This fighting looks pretty good in this new one though.

EDIT: I feel like I'm trolling in a Zelda thread, but it's not that at all. I think I'm actually jealous because people praise certain games that I didn't enjoy and I feel I've missed out or didn't give them enough chance.
I wonder if the 3DS would be capable of playing all Zelda games including the new ones.
Probably not Twilight Princess. Maybe WW.
Am I the only one that thinks the new one looks like SF4?
I wonder if the 3DS would be capable of playing all Zelda games including the new ones.
They could port them, yes. Controls would be different. I don't think we'd see that. The controls are so different ... that's like part of the game. Aiming on screen and everything.

I think they'd probably just make new ones. Like why compete with themselves? You want a Wii game, you'll need to buy a Wii.
I'd love a Wind Waker remake on the 3DS, complete with all the stuff that was cut and minus some of the tiring sailing. WW certainly isn't the best Zelda, but the best bits of WW are highest the series has reached. *picks up a pig and runs away*
tbh a huge factor in my love of Majora's Mask was how young I was when I played it. I was nine when I started playing it, but I spent so long just exploring and doing whatever I could that I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish it until I was as old as eleven or twelve. I just had never before encountered that same sense of richness in a video game environment, nor the kind of emotional involvement I felt with the NPCs. I'm not certain, but I'm somewhat suspicious that if I were to play MM for the first time now, I just wouldn't get the same feeling of wonder and excitement!
Yeah, that's another thing I'm jealous of! I just don't feel the same about video games now that I'm older. It's like having erectile dysfunction or something, you know? ;)

And I understand the sentiment. I was a kid and it took me years before beating Dungeon Master and it remains my favorite game in part because of this.
This thread actually makes me wanna play a Zelda game(I never have.)

Shame I don't own any Nintendo platform other than the GameBoy's.
tbh a huge factor in my love of Majora's Mask was how young I was when I played it. I was nine when I started playing it, but I spent so long just exploring and doing whatever I could that I'm pretty sure I didn't even finish it until I was as old as eleven or twelve. I just had never before encountered that same sense of richness in a video game environment, nor the kind of emotional involvement I felt with the NPCs. I'm not certain, but I'm somewhat suspicious that if I were to play MM for the first time now, I just wouldn't get the same feeling of wonder and excitement!

Majora's Mask is one of the very few games that held up to my Nostalgic standards. I played it a couple months ago, and it is still just fantastic.
I regularly boot it up on an emulator. It is indeed fantastic. But I keep reformatting and forgetting to save my saves... I must have played through the first temple about a dozen times now.
This thread actually makes me wanna play a Zelda game(I never have.)

Shame I don't own any Nintendo platform other than the GameBoy's.

I'd get a dirt cheap Gamecube on Ebay and Zelda: Collectors edition(OOT+MM), WW, and TP. :) You're really missing out on something.

Never finished MM myself, I lost my savegame for some reason I can't remember. Gotta restart playing it soon.
This thread actually makes me wanna play a Zelda game(I never have.)

Shame I don't own any Nintendo platform other than the GameBoy's.

tbh the early GBC and GBA Zeldas are the only ones I really enjoyed. The 3d ones just didn't do it for me.
I must admit, the graphic style has been growing on me the more I look into this game. I just wish they would show some more areas besides the forest in the demo.
Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy 1 were all the motion control I could stand. I just plain hate that stupid shit. I can't even replay those 2 games without getting furious. The Metroid game was "okay" since you just had to point... but even that was worse than the Gamecube controller.

Needless to say, I actually won't be buying a Zelda game that's not on a handheld. Tragic.
Twilight Princess and Mario Galaxy 1 were all the motion control I could stand. I just plain hate that stupid shit. I can't even replay those 2 games without getting furious. The Metroid game was "okay" since you just had to point... but even that was worse than the Gamecube controller.

Needless to say, I actually won't be buying a Zelda game that's not on a handheld. Tragic.

I feel incredibly sorry for you. The Metroid statement alone makes me feel an initial wave of anger which fades into sad pity.
Nintendo's presentation at E3 was tailored to get guys like me to buy a Wii, I know it.
I want a Wii too but I don't have the physical space for a new console damnit.
This thread actually makes me wanna play a Zelda game(I never have.)

I'm now tempted to play the Zeldas again while roleplaying that i'm you playing them for the first time.
Girlfriend's playing through MM again at the moment, heh. She was about halfway through when we got Mario Galaxy 2, now she's like 2 masks away from having everything without having touched Mario. Pretty strong statement for how well it's held up I'd say. :P

As for myself, I actually thought about it just now and I've only ever really played 2D Zelda games. That is to say, I've played most of them, but I usually get bored of the 3D ones a few hours in - I've actually tried Ocarina and Twilight multiple times to no avail. On the other hand, I've finished Link to the Past and both the DS ones and never really grew tired of them, barring a few annoying stylus gimmicks. Not really sure what that says about me...

Nintendo's presentation at E3 was tailored to get guys like me to buy a Wii, I know it.
Who, people who don't own a Wii? ;)
Hmm. I'm not sold on it until I see better examples of the art style, but it does look pretty fun. The rotating-key puzzle really piqued my interest.
The art/game style seems better to me than with the original techdemo they showed. Still, I'm kinda worried about the lack of the dungeon/open world structure(as in the older zeldas). In case anyone didn't know it, from the original announcement:
The On-Stage Dungeon, which is also playable at E3, isn't a Dungeon as we know it from the Zelda series. When entering a Dungeon, you will not notice you are in one. It will be a smooth gradation. There will be Dungeons with no Bosses and Bosses with no Dungeon. The "Dungeon" you are able to play at E3 will be an Ice-Level. It will be the frist "Dungeon" in the Game.
The game is way too bright. Everything sort of melds together.
That might be due in part to the video quality? At least I hope.
I'm liking what I see. The Stalfos is much improved from the previous trailer and is that he Master Sword girl towards the end of the video? I just hope the gameplay isn't too easy. In fact, I wish Nintendo would just add a difficulty setting already!

Edit: Holy shit, Skull Kid! (when Link is launching the beetle).

Edit2: Zelda forums are of course all over this. Some interesting speculation:
The figure near the end doesn't exactly resemble the sword girl from previous art. The hair and outfit is different. On the other hand he/she looks like a member of the same race and his/her outfit resembles the guilded sword from Majora's Mask extremely well. Perhaps a race of sword people?

Link has a sword with different hilt to the normal purple one.

There is a shield meter under the health bar.

There is a harp item visible on the HUD at one point and a cog-like item also.


It's either the Skull Kid, or a spider.


I think I just figured out my problem with the art style - adult Link doesn't belong in it. It's like watching Twilight Princess in marshmallow kiddy land.
Marshmallow kiddy land? Did you see the lava level and the stalfos boss?