New screenshot?

Originally posted by aenema
XSI is more then $7,000, its upwards of $11,000.

Nope, there are XSI Essentials and XSI Advanced, ranging from $6,700 to $14,000.
Sorry for the double post.
Lemme see if I can add this:


  • maybe.jpg
    89.3 KB · Views: 581
Wtf is that? - A light

the hood could have been taken off later, same with the lights being added.
Nope, there are XSI Essentials and XSI Advanced, ranging from $6,700 to $14,000
About all the price quotes, those may be what it costs now, but they've been using it for awhile now, and prices were more expensive when they bought it than it would be now.
Originally posted by toast
About all the price quotes, those may be what it costs now, but they've been using it for awhile now, and prices were more expensive when they bought it than it would be now.

If they are hackers though, they most likely pirated it...

Well there goes our price discussion. ;(
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Valve forgot the seat-belt.

It looks as if it has been made from scrapped parts, no time for those fancy seatbealts.
Maybe I'm just gullible, but this shot this fake.jpg looks real to me.

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed, but there are no high res shots/vids of the RPG in action, and that is obviously high res. Also, if someone did have the bink buggy video, it's not a simple cut-and-paste as you would think because there is no hand on the gun. Other than a slightly different view of the RPG, the model is EXACTLY the same as the one in the e3 video.

As for the Buggy being different, that could just be a refined (or older) model. For instance, we've already seen different models for some things in the game. Alyx's model, for instance, is different in a couple screens.

As for the shadows, keep in mind that people have always pointed out problems with the shadows in HL2. Some have been seen going through other objects, and there are shots in which the shadows are cast in different directions.
Whoa, that dosn't look fake.
Where are people getting these screens?
I remember someone photo-shopped a Half-Life 2 pic with something from Rainbow 6.
Anyone else notice the weird aliasing going on in that picture? It looks like the fence and a bit of the buggy's hood area are horribly aliased while most of the rest of the buggy and the weapon are sporting nice AA. I'm not convinced so much that it is real now.
I dont even think there was a Bink video showing the buggy was there ?
the textures and graphics just don't look like anything else we've seen in any of the videos
True but who is to say that isn't becasue the screen shot was taken with a low end graphics card?
There is a bink video for the buggy scene, but it wasn't released to the public like the other bink videos over Steam. The buggy and Strider bink vids were shown at Alcatraz, I think. Correct me if i'm wrong.
There is a bink video for the buggy scene, but it wasn't released to the public like the other bink videos over Steam. The buggy and Strider bink vids were shown at Alcatraz, I think. Correct me if i'm wrong.
They could just have been the same things they showed at E3, not necissarily Bink but still high resolution.
Originally posted by toast
They could just have been the same things they showed at E3, not necissarily Bink but still high resolution.

Nah. I read somewhere that it was the "bink" videos. I guess the person could have just called it that. I believe that it was said by the guy who got into Alcatraz and released that video, he posted his experience on these forums, right?

Whatever, anyways...
Bill Van Buren from Valve showed the Bink! Buggy and Strider videos at the Softimage user group party at SIGGRAPH in August.

I know people were running cameras during the showing, and since SIGGRAPH is basically a CG art/animation/visual effects convention, it wouldn't surprise me if someone there had made a replica based on a video taken then.
Originally posted by draven
Anyone else notice the weird aliasing going on in that picture? It looks like the fence and a bit of the buggy's hood area are horribly aliased while most of the rest of the buggy and the weapon are sporting nice AA. I'm not convinced so much that it is real now.

Maybe because the buggy and the weapon are consisted of more polygons than the background.. Just a guess..
yeah, but that screenshot shows a part of a level that wasnt in the E3 vid, and all the bink videos were straight from the E3 demos, so i doubt thats from the bink

thats the only shot thata ctually looks real the others are fakes.

HL2 uses a form of hdri, you will be able to tell when a ss is real because of the light saturation in not only the shadows but in the colors of the textures that are nearest the light source. And the saturation will either decrease slowly the in your view because the light source is far away. or decrease expotentionally in your view because you are near the light source. Also remember every texture in this game is not static, so all will have some form of diffuse specular gloss reflective/reflective bump deformation map there. In the first screenshot of the buggy the wall textures are bump mapped, but the ground has no bump specular or diffuse map. The dirty sections of the texture are as glossed as the 'clean' partts. Which means its static and not a material shaded texture. Same goes for the wall and everything else. In fact the only thing that looks real in that SS, is the buggy, and the rpg. Everythign else is fake, and btw theres no form of hdri in that ss. In fact that lighting is horrible, its shadoes dont even fade they just cut off, and are in 2 opposite angles. Conmsidering valve used a form of radiosity circling their models and the ss is outside the main lightsource would not cast 2 opposite shadows. And if it did one would be darker than the other, to mark 2 different degree's of lightsource. There can not be 2 equal sun's in the sky.
(all the above was in refrence to the buggy shots)
Now you all might say wow thats picky, but you guys have to realize what your dealing with. This is not hl1 with some crap lightmap and static textures. This game is made with ALL material shaders and real time lighting along with radiosity spheres aroudn each charcter and model, and a form of high definition range imaging.

This SS is the ONLY one that shows all the above.(except the hdri, which could eman it was taken previous to the hdri being put in the engine. i.e. old ss)
As far as the first screen shot of the buggy and other screen shots in this thread goes:

Wow its so real it even has the part of the level where you get in the buggy, drive on a road through a tunnel that ends in a complex clear blue sky to fall to your death. Yeah and everything you see thats different because it was would be too hard to copy and doesnt match the e3 video like the hood, wiring, textures and scale of parts of the rocket luancher is real because they changed it to have less polygons. Theres no way that there are enough screen shots out there to copy that vehicle:
About 10 screens of the buggy from hl2 at halflife2files

And from the high quality screens and videos we all have seen we could definately tell if it was fake or not. Didnt you notice that there was a concrete road? I didnt.
And havent you seen the box they use for a buggy if you run the source on a pentium one? you may think its fake but thats because its scaled down to run on a slower computer, thats definately genuine!

And noone would waste their time making models of hl stuff would they?:
http://www.*******************/screenshots/32/ news2/6790_1.jpg
^halflife2files shows a skin of gordon freeman for ut 2003

I also really love all those leaked images with the never before seen vehicle and weapons, theres no way they could have forged those.

At least there are screen shots with never before seen parts of levels that use none of the same textures or objects that are seen in the movies and screens of it. and they do a great job of keeping the old european look theme throughout the level taking place within huge environments like this:

Oh and theres the other screen that with the shotgun that everyone has seen already, oh cool valve likes the gun so much they use anti aliasing on it but not any other part of the screen. And wow theres a bright flash on the hand from a gun that isnt firing that matches this screen shot:
along with another great level design with 2 railroad tracks going into a black and grey wall, dont all railroad tracks end in black walls?

Top it off with great screenshots taken from a site that says their fake:

Didnt you know that when you run hl2 on a slow computer it uses textures, and the 3d engine from old games and other rendering programs you have on your pc to improve performance! thats exactly how hl2 can run on a slower machine! Source code secrets revealed!!!

And for those that still doubt that the released screenshots are real here are some more never before seen pictures of hl2

for some ppl anyway...

And as far as the compiled source goes:

I cant wait to see how good the screens running off of the real source will look on a fast computer, with all of those homemade, copied from other game, POS textures that really use the hl2's pixel and vertex shaders look. The non textured special effects must be amazing along with the ai of the non existant enemies, that must be so awesome!! From what ive seen so far the screens from the compiled source, they really put pong to shame!!
dxn incorrect it still sues materials on slower computers. The lod just scales the materials down. <- thats your source secret revealed. And btw ona pc with a gf3 the lod would have still left diffuse spec and bump maps. Therefor sorry my friend, unless that guy is running on a gf2 or radeon 7500- its a fake. and yes there is a bink video that shows the buggy just like that i suggest u have a look again.

And also i dotn see why the walls textures would be scalled down while the buggy's main textures remain at full resolution with diffuse bump and spec. It also doesn't explain the crap crap lightsource.


but it is pretty pathetic...this is the lowest of lows that you all have analyzed pointless things...
I'm 5ft8 an have a penis with 7.9 inches an 2inch girth soooooo what ...We willnever get to plaay Halflife2 as it was meant to be

explain to me how the SP experience won't be as good as it would be without the source leak. explain that, and you'll have the first ounce of respect received on this forum.
someone remakes the buggy useing 3dmax or whatever, then puts it on a map... sticks on a modeled rocket and pastes the hl2 gui onto it

wow. :/ even I could fake this with 10 mins on adobe.. theres no proof this is real at all

edit: this one on the other hand.. hmm, I dunno..
Sorry Posey I'm not lookin for your respect I just want to go home......sooooo easy
Originally posted by spitcodfry
I was on the IRC chat room hl2 on LCIRC recently and someone posted a link to a screenshot that he claimed was 'proof' of the beta. Take it for what you will:

Usually if someone wants to prove something that exists that didnt exist before they usually put something new into it that we did not already see.

Seeing the same damn buggy that I saw in the e3 video w/ an extra hole sure doesnt convince me of anything.
*Buggy pic*

If it's fake, it's a really good one no doubt about it. The background is very "consistent" also. At worst, it's a modeler's clone, though it could pass as the real thing. Though, as noted, he would also need some really good software for it too.