New Video

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Originally posted by YoBeardMaestro
Curiously enough, whilst this thread has gained over 1300 posts in the last two hours, not a single post had been made at, Sierra's official Half-Life 2 site. So I thought I'd give them a 'heads up'.

We're definitely an excitable bunch...
Tread Marks, its a came, and a person named coax is/was an admin to the forums there...
its not gonna get delayed.. if we keep thinking positive, we can change matter with the mind. its just the way of things.. everyone say it with me.. "no delay, no delay"
Originally posted by Letters
We're definitely an excitable bunch...

No, just a bunch of f*cktards (myself included before any of you skanks start flaming)
Originally posted by coax
its not gonna get delayed.. if we keep thinking positive, we can change matter with the mind. its just the way of things.. everyone say it with me.. "no delay, no delay"

yea, and if its delayed?
excitable?!?!? WTF?!? WE ARE SOOO CALM! EXCITABLE?E?!?!? WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

;) :D ;)
oh, no that was my little brother, he's way worse than me, a 2597.
I doubt it will be delayed by more then 1-2 days at this point...
yea think things like.. everything works on the first try... no debugging :D
:eek: :laugh: :eek: :laugh: :eek: :laugh: :eek: :laugh: :eek:

EDIT #1: tooe away 1 extra laugh to make it look better.
EDIT #2: Spelled took worng (toke)
EDIT #3: forgot the period on edit #1
EDIT #4: forgot the period on edit #3
so whats up with that steam client huh :/ i wont be awake when it gets released im sure, then i'll get steamid 294853
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