Nintendo Revolution Fully Unveiled!!!

Well those new pictures look much more realistic and they certainly look good. I also like how it looks as if it was made to resemble one of the NES's original cartridges.
LOL looks pretty neat, but its obious that they was inspired by the PS2 color design..
Nintendo has stated countless times that the Rev will be, for the most part, on par with the other two. If I didn't think Sony and MS are usually full of shit I might be inclined to call their achievments overkill for the next-gen, but since I don't believe a word they say, particularly Sony, I'll take their comments in stride. Nintendo is not run by a bunch of morons...they recognize the need for great games foremost, but they certainly don't disregard the need for powerful hardware....see Nintendo 64. I have no fear that the Revolution will be on par and able to run all the games that appear on the other two consoles.
I too trust Nintendo and I'm sure they have something hidden up their sleeve!
Lt. Drebin said:
Nintendo has stated countless times that the Rev will be, for the most part, on par with the other two. If I didn't think Sony and MS are usually full of shit I might be inclined to call their achievments overkill for the next-gen, but since I don't believe a word they say, particularly Sony, I'll take their comments in stride. Nintendo is not run by a bunch of morons...they recognize the need for great games foremost, but they certainly don't disregard the need for powerful hardware....see Nintendo 64. I have no fear that the Revolution will be on par and able to run all the games that appear on the other two consoles.
I agree. Nintendos measurement of power probably comes as an idea of image improvement, revolution games will look 3-4 times better than game cube games. Meanwhile Sony and Microsoft are claiming pure processing power so they can stretch the truth. fact is though 30 times as powerful will probably only translate to 3-4 times better looking.
The Mullinator said:
I would also call that picture bullshit. It definitaly doesn't look real at all, far too much like a render.
So what if it is a render? Does it make a difference whether it's a 3D model of the console's design (far easier to take a good picture of, IMHO) or a photo??


Anyway, I think that graphics processing is not the most important thing in the world. Obviously, shitty games = shitty console, but we'll see if any of the three fit that bill. My money is on Nintendo's console being/becoming the cheapest, so they can market to the younger crowd as usual.

Is it just me or are the names of these consoles are getting more and more stupid? Sony's got the right idea.
very sleek alright, looks like a black mini mac, i'd lose it behind my couch.
MuToiD_MaN said:
My money is on Nintendo's console being/becoming the cheapest, so they can market to the younger crowd as usual.

I just read an article in the Los Angeles Times this morning that Nintendo will try to target the 16-25 age group. They're also saying that there will be more mature games coming out. :)
Peh. All consoles will be dwarfed by PC's two years from now anyway :thumbs: All I really hope is that Microsoft never buys out one of the two companies (like that would ever happen). If that happens, I'll assassinate Emperor Gates myself.
If I recall correctly the numbers MS and Sony threw around when unveling the last generation were raw processing numbers. They simply measured how many polygons they could render per second, and ONLY that.
No AI, no physics, no textures, no nothing! Obviously those numbers weren't related to real time performance, the only one who gave out realistic figures were Nintendo.
I guess it's the same story again. :)

Anyways, we won't know a thing until we can compare them all fairly. Right now though, if I had to choose between PS3 and X360 I'd probably go for the PS3 ...
MuToiD_MaN said:
Peh. All consoles will be dwarfed by PC's two years from now anyway :thumbs: All I really hope is that Microsoft never buys out one of the two companies (like that would ever happen). If that happens, I'll assassinate Emperor Gates myself.
not in sales anyway.
xlucidx said:
198? - 2005

1889 - 2005. But I doubt this will be the death of Nintenod. It's actually the best looking console of the three. And we haven't seen the true Revolution yet... Bear in mind that the controller could have all the MP3 mumbo jumbo on it.
Have any of you seen footage or screens from Revolutions software... uhh... No, You haven't. Don't count out the N before more news hits. Nintendo is in favor of a simpler design interface for publishers to work with. which means more quality games in less time. what about RE4? That game blows nearly every other title out of the water, it's beautiful. And it plays great. The Gamecube was always capable of that caliber of software, it just took time for developers to figure out how to squeeze that power out of the console. Now that Nintendo is incorporating a more familiar kit for developers to work with, I think we're going to see alot more support for the revolution. We don't know enough about the system to Dismiss it yet. I'm tired of 12 year olds constantly writing Nintendo products off as toys for... 12 year olds. Nintendo are an extremeley capable bunch of people devoted to the quaility of their work. All first party titles for the Gamecube were excellent. There just wasn't enough support from other publishers to give it the push it needed. Broadband support, internal HD? (I don't see any slots for memory cards.) And the system looks awesome if it's the final design. Nintendo is listening to the consumer, and I know when I buy it, I'll be entertained. Just because a console is more powerful than another, by no means does that make the games better.
Takaitokuten said:
Have any of you seen footage or screens from Revolutions software... uhh... No, You haven't.
[*text cut to reduce quote size*]
Just because a console is more powerful than another, by no means does that make the games better.

I agree with every word. And however badly it does, Nintendo will still soldier on and invariably get it right somewhere along the line. Both Wind Waker and RE4 caused the most shipments of console for a particular game than any other console+game purchase ever.
Reginald said:
1889 - 2005. But I doubt this will be the death of Nintenod. It's actually the best looking console of the three. And we haven't seen the true Revolution yet... Bear in mind that the controller could have all the MP3 mumbo jumbo on it.
Actually I thought the PS3 was the best looking.
Bigger pic here

"Revolution will be "two-to-three times more powerful than GameCube," according to Nintendo"

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

"Nintendo also revealed that using Revolution's new Wi-Fi connection, gamers would be able to go online to a free gamer-matching service. Interestingly, in a move similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service, Revolution users will be able to download classic and new Nintendo games over the Internet"

Wow, truely a revolution indeed!

Seriously, have Nintendo been living under a rock on the dark side of the moon for the past 5 years? This is far from a revolution.
Words cannot express how happy I am at the design of this console. I was fully expecting Nintendo to debut some purple child of Satan with touch screens protruding from every corner and a motion sensor that would open up "new gameplay opportunities" through allowing the gamer to shake his/her console back and forth when the eMotion icon pops up on the screen.

But what do you know, this thing looks like it can play games.

One comment, though: notice that on the front it says "Revolution" but I thought that was only supposed to be a code name. Is this just an early concept sketch or something, then?
lePobz said:
Bigger pic here

"Revolution will be "two-to-three times more powerful than GameCube," according to Nintendo"

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

"Nintendo also revealed that using Revolution's new Wi-Fi connection, gamers would be able to go online to a free gamer-matching service. Interestingly, in a move similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service, Revolution users will be able to download classic and new Nintendo games over the Internet"

Wow, truely a revolution indeed!

Seriously, have Nintendo been living under a rock on the dark side of the moon for the past 5 years? This is far from a revolution.
Who ever said that was going to be the revolutionary part? They said the revolutionary part will be in how we play games and that it would be completely different from the other consoles. If that is the revolutionary part I will eat my hat after I drop it in dung.
I don't think Nintendo is shooting for being number two or three this time around. They're gunning for number one, and are laying a whole hell of a lot on the line in order to achieve that. And they're going to do it by making their own category, which will be much different than where Sony and Microsoft are going.

Notice this thing isn't an "entertainment hub." They're not running around claiming how it can accept your flash cards, record movies, or any other such nonsense. They're gonna make this thing for playing games, and they're gonna do it cheaply and effectively.
Direwolf said:
I don't think Nintendo is shooting for being number two or three this time around. They're gunning for number one, and are laying a whole hell of a lot on the line in order to achieve that. And they're going to do it by making their own category, which will be much different than where Sony and Microsoft are going.

Notice this thing isn't an "entertainment hub." They're not running around claiming how it can accept your flash cards, record movies, or any other such nonsense. They're gonna make this thing for playing games, and they're gonna do it cheaply and effectively.
I'll believe that when I see it. What people want and expect these days is device convergence. If it doesnt play games, organise your fridge and do your laundry for you, its not good enough.

I think on its own the revolution would be a success ... but there are much bigger fish in the sea, and the revolution is about to get eaten alive.
They're gonna make this thing for playing games, and they're gonna do it cheaply and effectively.
That's the EXACT same thing they said last time. And look how well the Gamecube turned out! (I actually did love the system and it was my favorite console of the 3, but the average consumer didn't.)
The Mullinator said:
Who ever said that was going to be the revolutionary part? They said the revolutionary part will be in how we play games and that it would be completely different from the other consoles. If that is the revolutionary part I will eat my hat after I drop it in dung.

/me secretly wishes for nintendo to fail at being revolutionary only to see Mullinator eat his own dung stained hat ;)
lePobz said:
Bigger pic here

"Revolution will be "two-to-three times more powerful than GameCube," according to Nintendo"

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

"Nintendo also revealed that using Revolution's new Wi-Fi connection, gamers would be able to go online to a free gamer-matching service. Interestingly, in a move similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service, Revolution users will be able to download classic and new Nintendo games over the Internet"

Wow, truely a revolution indeed!

Seriously, have Nintendo been living under a rock on the dark side of the moon for the past 5 years? This is far from a revolution.

wow 2 times as powerfull, just think how much power that makes

0 power * 2 = 0 power :bounce:
Chav said:
wow 2 times as powerfull, just think how much power that makes

0 power * 2 = 0 power :bounce:
Graphics-wise, the Gamecube beat the PS2 into the ground with a serrated baseball bat.

Gameplay-wise, that's another story. It used something much more painful.
Narcolepsy said:
Graphics-wise, the Gamecube beat the PS2 into the ground with a serrated baseball bat.

Gameplay-wise, that's another story. It used something much more painful.

I totally NOT agree with you exept on the gameplay-wise.
Gamecube was the most awful console out there in my oppinion.
Narcolepsy said:
Graphics-wise, the Gamecube beat the PS2 into the ground with a serrated baseball bat.

Gameplay-wise, that's another story. It used something much more painful.


Chav said:
I totally NOT agree with you exept on the gameplay-wise.
Gamecube was the baddest console out there in my oppinion.

The whole credibility of that statement was taken away by the use of the word baddest...

Narcolepsy said:
Graphics-wise, the Gamecube beat the PS2 into the ground with a serrated baseball bat.

Gameplay-wise, that's another story. It used something much more painful.

I'll agree with that until someone welds closed my agreeing box.
Woah, they were going for sleek, and thats sleek as ****.
Don't like the vertical blackness though, too much like the PS2.
In the back of my mind I was hoping for something like that would spin the gaming world on its head, like Nintendo ON or a floating orb...

*welds Reginalds agreeing box*
SimonomiS said:
Woah, they were going for sleek, and thats sleek as ****.
Don't like the vertical blackness though, too much like the PS2.
In the back of my mind I was hoping for something like that would spin the gaming world on its head, like Nintendo ON or a floating orb...

*welds Reginalds agreeing box*

Good. I don't want to agree with that :p

I want to see the controller though. I can't wait... I'm so excited!
Reginald said:
Good. I don't want to agree with that :p

I want to see the controller though. I can't wait... I'm so excited!

Gah, don't get my hopes up or it'll end up like the PS3 controller. :(
Narcolepsy said:
That's the EXACT same thing they said last time. And look how well the Gamecube turned out!
Thats actually a good thing. Nintendo made a decent amount of money this console generation from that philosophy, and brought us some of the best games they ever have. If it's gonna be another gamecube, then I'm looking forward to it.

And for Chav's accusation that the Gamecube isn't powerful, I've got three words: Resident Evil 4.
Chav said:
PS1 + 2 controller was and is great

I saw that edit. :p
I'm not arguing that, I just really don't like the look of the PS3 one. Perhaps it gives you an instant erection when you hold it simply of how its designed, but I'll wait to check that. ;)
Hell, don't know why I go in these threads, doubt I'll be able to afford any of them. :eek:
lePobz said:
"Revolution will be "two-to-three times more powerful than GameCube," according to Nintendo"

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

What games have you seen on the Revolution??