NO HL3 or other 3d games

Wraith said:
"well assholes, the games are still technically 2d because computers cannot display depth, thusly go **** off now"

-bribed judge

so true.
[Born][nBk] said:
Yahhooo!!! I Hope They Shut Down Every Gaming Company Ever!!! Then Microsoft Will Crumble!!!! And Bill Gates Will Be Poor As Everyone Else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Stand Rite Behind That Lawfirm!!!!!!!!!!!!! Games Are Worthless They Damage Brain Cells And They Alter Your Thinking Patterns!! It Will Be The Best Thing That Ever Happend Too America! Ban All Video Games Get Kids Out Of The House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems like somebody got brain damage from something anyway..... :rolleyes:
This wont go through. Its just ridiculous someone will try it.
bliink said:
For once, I'm glad giant companies like MS, EA etc can buy their way out of trouble :p

get good ol' billy to throw a sack of moolah at them eh? :thumbs:
I know in my country they cant sue in a patent unless there is no reasonable amount of novelty in the new item.

I would say that there has been alot of development in 3D art, which would mean reasonable novelty - so no suing.
ohh and they specify parallel projection and perspective projection... ie Ray Casting, which isnt really used anymore. Also, you dont really need to hold shift or ctrl to pan or zoom in most games.
i haven't read this whole thread yet, but it bears mentioning that mc. kool smith didn't originally own the patent. they only recently purchased the rights and sued everyone.
southparksam said:
ohh and they specify parallel projection and perspective projection... ie Ray Casting, which isnt really used anymore.

Can't agree with that. The 'rays' you cast out in raycasting are not parrallel (I've written a full working raycaster), and perspective projection is used in all 3d apps. With those terms they sound like they are specifically referring to the 3d to 2d projection (ie divide by z) used in all 3d...

...which btw the people who own this patent did not invent.
This is kinda disturbing. Its USA after all :(
I really hope they try to sue M$. Then they are done for :) And anyway, the next day after the trial those McKool Smith guys would have about... 2 million angry players outside their doors :D No judge could save their asses then.
ok who want to make a terrorist group against the company that make the demand?

*<RJMC> arises hand*
Apparently the patent was put in place years after it was being used in programs and so the patent should never have been passed in the first place. Also it wasn’t defended until years after the breaches happened, which again weakens their case. They don't have a chance in hell of winning.
well its true it took them so long to start this lawsuit...
the court is going to throw it out because the fact that it was like 16 years ago... there is usually a time limit where you can do something about it.....

most places give you a time frame in which you can sue
Pi Mu Rho said:
There's prior art - 3D games have been around since before 1988.

You don't have to have patented an idea before someone else did it, to be the rightful patent owner. If they don't patent it and you do, their loss.

However this patent sue will never go through. The patents are far too vague and cover far too broad an area. Not to mention the fact that this has raised the brows of many of the elite companies, gaming and all. You've got the collective lawyer forces of basically any company that has or still does 3d stuff, and MS in there as well. If you really think some no name asswipe is going to beat these companies and their elite high prices lawyers, you're wrong.

The fact that they waited 16 years to make a claim on it is not surprising, it's an obvious money-grab and that's it, they could care less about the gaming industry, or gamers in general, nor the welfare of the market, and all the jobs that will be lost and companies out of business, if this passes.

No judge will pass this, and I think people can rest easy, we've got the best lawyers and companies in the US working against a single company, greedy, and out for money, which is a point that will be presented before the judge, and that it will be thrown out.

It's like that company a few years ago that tried to patent the jpeg file format, it was thrown out immediately, I expect this to follow the same path.
Im guessing we are going to call the guy (or strange being) who created and founded the concept of a "wheel".

Yep, expect tires and balls to come to an end.

Jokes aside, i think this case will either get bribed away (most logical in this country/planet)
Maybe now would be a good idea to reveal that i hold the patent for chairs, or 'sitting devices' as i prefer to call them. All you bitches owe me $$$. Yawn. Does anyone know of a company that has produced exploding pants yet, so i can sue their asses? I patented them in 1985, along with the automated scrotum scratcher and breathable air. IT'S ALL POO
iamaelephant said:
Mostly I disagree with these crazy court cases most Americans seem to indulge in these days, but if you read that patent it's actually quite obvious that these guys own rights to all 3d applications. Quite sad really :(

No one here in america agrees with them either, I got used to all these poor dumbasses tryin to find ways to get rich. I mean people sue for the dumbest things (not sure if this is dumb havent reead, but I still had to say it.) nowadays.
Why is anyone even worried.. Worst comes to the worst it'll just stop any old joe making third rate 3D games. But it wont even come to that.
Oh my fqing god. Why do sad people, who just want money do this. Its stupid.

On a high point, perhaps gaming industries will try to develop 4D games, not that would be crazy. Impossible but still, makes you wonder eh eh eh :p
ItchyFish said:
Oh my fqing god. Why do sad people, who just want money do this. Its stupid.

On a high point, perhaps gaming industries will try to develop 4D games, not that would be crazy. Impossible but still, makes you wonder eh eh eh :p
I'm sure some unemployed ex tech guy owns the patent to 4D technology somewhere in the depths of Texas ;)
Alot of people here act like people in America agree with all these dumbasses suing for spilt coffee on there lap, so shut up about that crap already, no one here likes it as much as the next guy, ok.
haggie said:
listern you moron you cant just come in here with all that!! and you dont even know what your talking about "CALM DOWN LIVE YOUR LIFE WORK YOUR JOB AND PLAY GAMES DONT WORRY ABOUT COMPANYS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT" what the f*ck is that supposed to mean? what if your job is making games hmm? well genious answer that? and what if you play games? how the f*ck are you gonna play them if the companies go out of business, what are you stupid?

I should slap the **** out of you, you paranoid bastard.
PeeWee said:
Alot of people here act like people in America agree with all these dumbasses suing for spilt coffee on there lap, so shut up about that crap already, no one here likes it as much as the next guy, ok.

I have an honest question!
Are americans retarded? seriously.
They eat junk, they know it is junk, but still they continue eating it.
Then they bitch about it, because they gained 2 tons, as if it was the fault of whatever company they bought the food from..
and then they sue the company...

you gotta be so ****ed up high to do shit like that...
PeeWee said:
Alot of people here act like people in America agree with all these dumbasses suing for spilt coffee on there lap, so shut up about that crap already, no one here likes it as much as the next guy, ok.

Doesn't change the fact that this sort of crap is a shit load more rampant in America than anywhere else in the world, which can be tributed to the attitude that a huge number of Americans have - if you're not rich, you're not successful. Americans have this major focus on money all of the time, as though having loads more money than you will ever need will somehow make you happy. If Americans would just look at the values and morals of other countries, maybe they would see that most people in the world don't have a massive fixation on money.
I seriously hate my country sometimes. The majority is lazy, fat, stupid, and greedy. I feel like moving to the UK so often....
someone email gabez0rz and find out what he thinks of the situation. anyway, that's ridiculous. how the hell did they get a patent to ALL 3d applications. why would they grant a patent for something that vague? :hmph:
i got a friend who worked for epic once, i will ask him what he thinks as soon as he is on.
Why doesn't someone just kill the guy who's sueing. Make a sacrifice for the future generations sake...

iamaelephant said:
Doesn't change the fact that this sort of crap is a shit load more rampant in America than anywhere else in the world, which can be tributed to the attitude that a huge number of Americans have - if you're not rich, you're not successful. Americans have this major focus on money all of the time, as though having loads more money than you will ever need will somehow make you happy. If Americans would just look at the values and morals of other countries, maybe they would see that most people in the world don't have a massive fixation on money.
lol. seriously.
i think everyone one should send the jackasses death threats. there would be like 1000 and those punks would be scared for their lives and then they would drop the case. how greedy is that anyway?! ruin thousands of peoples lives so that you can have a lot of money :angry:
This reminds me somewhat of something that happened earlier this year to the paintball industry. I'm not sure if anyone follows or plays the sport, but for those who don't: a company called 'Smart Parts' took out about half a dozen patents on various little gizmos and gadgets, one of which being:

"A pneumatically operated projectile launching device, comprising: an electro-pneumatic flow distribution device configured to transfer compressed gas through the electro-pneumatic flow distribution device to a pneumatic mechanism to open a bolt"

Which is to say, essentially, that they patented a ramrod operated by a solenoid valve, an integral component of any electro-pneumatic paintball marker ever made. This patent was approved, I believe, sometime around May or June of this year, even though products have been manufactured using this novel component for around 10 years or so. Obviously, the paintball industry hasn't collapsed overnight, and none of the major powerhouses have been shut down, but a great many manufacturers have settled with Smart Parts rather than litigate, and must now obtain a valid license for production if they wish to continue using the electro-pneumatic valve.

Essentially, it's like Mazda going out and patenting some sort of joint in a manual transmission which everyone uses and never thought about patenting. Sure, they're still being produced, but a little bit of that sticker price goes to pay the rented license to produce that one little essential part.

It's worth mentioning that this particular company, Smart Parts, has also tried to patent such splendidly unique components such as a clam-shell style body (which splits down the middle for cleaning and maintenance), a hand grip situated at a precise angle versus the body (say, 48º instead of 45º), and a trigger .

Just food for thought.