NO HL3 or other 3d games

WTF but john carmack invented 3D grafixs in games practicaly!
i should put a patent on breathing air. so everyone has to pay me to breath air or i will sue them :D
KNoX said:
WTF but john carmack invented 3D grafixs in games practicaly!
No, no he didn't.. 3D games were around long before he started. They might not have been very good, but they were around for a long time.
KNoX said:
WTF but john carmack invented 3D grafixs in games practicaly!

3D games were around along time before John Carmack :D

Remember Carmack's first 3D game (Wolf3d) was released in 92, whereas there were 3D games on the C64 (Driller, The Sentinel) back in 85/86, same time this patent was issued, and 3D games in the arcades as far back as 1980 (Atari's Battlezone).
This is not bad at all. this wil force the developers and hardware manufacturers to start with real 3d screens. There is no more 3d to 2d processing like in the patent .
he had other 3d games before wolf3d catacomb 3d there was another one but i cant remember

alot of people said carmack was the first to use texture mapping but he got the idea from a game origin was making
I live about 10 miles from tektronics. They are the company that because famous with the ocilliscope. Since the 90's they have gone down hill.

I don't think someone can patent all 3D games, it's too vauge.

My only concern is that it may be a judge that sees video games as harmful to society and rules in favor of the plaintifs.
Well read up to page 8 so heres my 2 cents.

Even if this have to be settled out of court,the major publishing Giants will simply huddle in a corner of the court room open their wallets and offer him an exorberant amount of money,a piece of chewing gum and some lint.

Failing that,how long till we develop something for the 4th dimension?
mrlangenakker said:
yes why cant most steriotypical americans not sue everyone (was going to say some bad about lawyers but i stopped myself there are some good lawyers out there)

Ohhhh OK, so you remembered to refrain from calling ALL lawyers dumb because there are some good ones out there.

No argument there.

But you also just said "steriotypical americans" just sue anyone they want.

This isn't a retarded case like someone proving that M&Ms DO melt in your hand and getting rich, the people represented obviously WORKED to create this technology They've seen everyone get rich off their innovation (akin to a "wheel" for gaming) and would like to see some of the profit.

Out of court settlement is what I would guess happeneing : /
iamaelephant said:
Mostly I disagree with these crazy court cases most Americans seem to indulge in these days, but if you read that patent it's actually quite obvious that these guys own rights to all 3d applications. Quite sad really :(

First off most Americans don't indulge in law suits. Secondly the patent only covers vector displays in a very early state and not all the other advancements in 3D that have come since. And lastly there where many papers published by universities before this patent was filled describing the same process. The case will go nowhere at best the law firm can get an out of court settlement and at worst they will be counter-sued by these companies.

And just to clarify the point most Americans think the patent laws need some serious overhaul. They are outdated and don't cover the theoretical patents very well. They were designed to protect mechanical inventions not algorithms and general ideas.
Um.. Lucasarts (if you consider the fact that this is just one of many George Lucas companies) is richer then all the rest combined.

EA and Lucasarts together will squash this with no problems.

If they dont... I seriously think that members of this law firm will be physically harmed by all the rabid gamers. In all the millions of gamers out there, there has got to be a few crazies.
This is such a stupid case, the main question in this case is why? Why has he waited so long to sue? (Waiting for the gaming industry's assets to pile up). This guy is going to be bashed on his suspicious silence on it.
burnzie said:
I still dont understand...

do they own the rights to the 3rd dimension or something?

you sir, just made me laugh hysterically :LOL:

I thought all 3D processing happens in our brains.

Greed will kill us all eventually. Of this, I am certain.
WTF! How can you have a patent to every game created? That's hardcore if that is possible. The sonova bitch who owns the patent was just waiting to get a fat wad of cash. That slimey bastard is going to go down or I'm gonna be choked!
Dude.. theyre not gonna win.. theres no way they can win that.

Asking for all the money every 3D Game Developer makes?.. You might as well sue to make Gaming illegal... not gonna happen.
Wildboyz said:
I have an honest question!
Are americans retarded? seriously.
They eat junk, they know it is junk, but still they continue eating it.
Then they bitch about it, because they gained 2 tons, as if it was the fault of whatever company they bought the food from..
and then they sue the company...

you gotta be so ****ed up high to do shit like that...

Haaah. Your so f**kin right! Theres lots of stupid people elsewhere too but it seems that the US is the main country of retardedness. Just look at Bush isn't that proof enough?
well I wouldn't worry about it too much. This is another blunder of the great US Patent office. There is a similar case from some small firm that claims it has exclusive rights to the business method of "international trade over the internet" and they are also seuing pretty much every company. What usually ends up with cases like these is that the patents are usually cancelled. I mean this would be like the native americans claiming rights to all of the land in the US (which is just as legitimate claim as this gaming thing) and some judge ruleing that all of the US citizens must pay rent to the native americans. I mean common sense always prevails, they are not gonna shut down a multibillion dollar industry cause of one outdated and stupidly issued patent.
This case won't fly. First, you have to protect your patent whenever it is infringed, or it is basically lost. They haven't done anything in 16 years. Secondly, the patent itself might be thrown out for being too broad. Whoever issued it was a moron. It is like having a patent on clothes.
The Statue of Limitations protects from actions over six months old. Since the actions are concurrent and those companies have not received a "cease and desist" request within a "reasonable period of time", this patent is considered public domain. Therefore, this guy probably won't get any remedies, but laughed at by everyone instead. Of course, with people winning lawsuits against fast-food resturaunts for making themselves fat, anything is possible.
If this was a Mario Puzo novel, the person (or people) suing would conveniently disappear, along with the case. :)

Also, I bet the guy who made the patent has been sitting on this for years, and finally decided to cash in on this 16 years later... Imagine how much this would be worth... 16 years of video games!
I am a lawyer living in the US now. I was going to make a huge speech on the stupidness of this case but I read kouch's post. He sums it up vey nicely. The whole case is ridiculus and will be thrown out. End of Story
If they win it would be on super old vector tech and quite frankly the 3d industry would go on fine without stopping.

The person launching it appears to be trying to get some moolah rather then express concern over his intellectual property.

Now i'm off to the patent office to patent Air (tm).
Hahah, this is funny, like he's ever gonna win... *sigh* white people
There are alot of patents being enforced right now... even one that may change they way the way the internet operates, should microsoft wins thier case(saying that because they have developed numerous protocols that are neccesary for current internet connectivity, like IPv6, and tcp/ip).
All these lawsuits are not surprising, if have been in the industry very long. When, exactly, did this whole franchise explode? When did HOTMAIL start? I expect to see quite a few more lawsuits such as these emerge, as the time runs out. There are quite a few patents that people have been sitting on, just waiting to get thier "fair share".

This lawsuit will probably be won by the plaintiff...the statute of limitations hasn't expired as of yet...this is not a website. i could be wrong tho. best i see is dude getting some small change.

I'm surprised noone is paying attention to ATI's lawsuit last month...centering around insider trading. And people wonder why they can't get a top-of-the-line card...
no, it's just americans that sue because they get fat at mickie d's, that's a fact, so now they come up with this bs trying to bring down a multibillion industry, it's to laugh at!
ok please stop bashing Americans. The system is to blame, if you were in that guys shoes and had a shot at a really fat wad of cash, then you would do it too.

Also US is not the only country with stupid lawsuites. I read about someone suing their parents for giving them bad genes and making them dumb. I think it was in the UK.
Wildboyz said:
I have an honest question!
Are americans retarded? seriously.
They eat junk, they know it is junk, but still they continue eating it.
Then they bitch about it, because they gained 2 tons, as if it was the fault of whatever company they bought the food from..
and then they sue the company...

you gotta be so ****ed up high to do shit like that...

I agree. Yes the ones that do it are retarded. But there are still actually "some" normal people still left.
sure, u can read me like a book can't you silver, just STFU
what i'm getting at, is that is ludacris for this guy to think that he is gonna get a piece of a multibillion pie, i mean, wtf is he thinking
and yes, you're right kouch, im not saying it's only in america or "americans", but it's where it happens more often
Microsoft will just take care of it...
Since longhorn will be using 3D that is.

Also, yeah...if he dosn't take obviously he will die ^_^

For once we can count on microsoft to do something. As no one ever takes there money! Trust me, if this guy wins i swear he will be sued by 50 companies at once and he will have to my court cases to go to n finally just give in.
Hmm... reality is 3-D.
Maybe I should get a patent on that and then sue the world for living inside my invention.
To bad the first and oringal computer was thought of to do everything a modern computer can do today...just think if that dude was alive and had a pantent.

If he wants to try and destory computer gaming well then he can go ahead, but I doubt he will live to long.
He is putting his life at risk and possibly posing a huge depression in the U.S. He will also be pushing companies to go out of the U.S.(Thus supporting bush), and then us in the U.S. will not get 3D games then people still start moving out of the States causing out population to fall causing our economics to fall causing our goverment money to overall fall thus eventually destroying america. Which thus would cause less revenues for other countries thus they loose money thus IT HURTS THE WORLD. Maybe not as much as it will hurt the U.S. but it will hurt the world somewhat.

THE U.S. GOVERMENT USES 3D PROGRAMS(OBVIOUSLY) AND THEY COULD NOT BE EXCUSED FROM ANY OF THIS. THUS I WOULDN'T BE SUPRISED IF HE WAS KILLED. Trust me, the U.S. goverment is secretive...something it was never suppose to be...yet something we need and don't want.
I found a totally unrelated image on the web. Not sure what it's from, but I definately think it is ART. Can't call any infringement or defamation rules on ART.

What do y'all think? Pretty awesome looking donkeys if you ask me, all dressed up like that. Lookin' smart.
also any 3d game made before 1985 can be considered "excused" as here in america lets say.
Someone does something
The next day a law passes that something he did was illegal.
He cannot be convicted of the crime as he did it before it was illegal.
Thus that should go same for patents. Thus If you change the date on to the program to 1984 then technically he has no proof that it was made in 2004, then they are excused from any money going to him.